1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "suggest/core/result/suggestion_results.h"
19 #include "utils/jni_data_utils.h"
21 namespace latinime {
outputSuggestions(JNIEnv * env,jintArray outSuggestionCount,jintArray outputCodePointsArray,jintArray outScoresArray,jintArray outSpaceIndicesArray,jintArray outTypesArray,jintArray outAutoCommitFirstWordConfidenceArray,jfloatArray outWeightOfLangModelVsSpatialModel)23 void SuggestionResults::outputSuggestions(JNIEnv *env, jintArray outSuggestionCount,
24         jintArray outputCodePointsArray, jintArray outScoresArray, jintArray outSpaceIndicesArray,
25         jintArray outTypesArray, jintArray outAutoCommitFirstWordConfidenceArray,
26         jfloatArray outWeightOfLangModelVsSpatialModel) {
27     int outputIndex = 0;
28     while (!mSuggestedWords.empty()) {
29         const SuggestedWord &suggestedWord = mSuggestedWords.top();
30         suggestedWord.getCodePointCount();
31         const int start = outputIndex * MAX_WORD_LENGTH;
32         JniDataUtils::outputCodePoints(env, outputCodePointsArray, start,
33                 MAX_WORD_LENGTH /* maxLength */, suggestedWord.getCodePoint(),
34                 suggestedWord.getCodePointCount(), true /* needsNullTermination */);
35         JniDataUtils::putIntToArray(env, outScoresArray, outputIndex, suggestedWord.getScore());
36         JniDataUtils::putIntToArray(env, outSpaceIndicesArray, outputIndex,
37                 suggestedWord.getIndexToPartialCommit());
38         JniDataUtils::putIntToArray(env, outTypesArray, outputIndex, suggestedWord.getType());
39         if (mSuggestedWords.size() == 1) {
40             JniDataUtils::putIntToArray(env, outAutoCommitFirstWordConfidenceArray, 0 /* index */,
41                     suggestedWord.getAutoCommitFirstWordConfidence());
42         }
43         ++outputIndex;
44         mSuggestedWords.pop();
45     }
46     JniDataUtils::putIntToArray(env, outSuggestionCount, 0 /* index */, outputIndex);
47     JniDataUtils::putFloatToArray(env, outWeightOfLangModelVsSpatialModel, 0 /* index */,
48             mWeightOfLangModelVsSpatialModel);
49 }
addPrediction(const int * const codePoints,const int codePointCount,const int probability)51 void SuggestionResults::addPrediction(const int *const codePoints, const int codePointCount,
52         const int probability) {
53     if (probability == NOT_A_PROBABILITY) {
54         // Invalid word.
55         return;
56     }
57     addSuggestion(codePoints, codePointCount, probability, Dictionary::KIND_PREDICTION,
59 }
addSuggestion(const int * const codePoints,const int codePointCount,const int score,const int type,const int indexToPartialCommit,const int autocimmitFirstWordConfindence)61 void SuggestionResults::addSuggestion(const int *const codePoints, const int codePointCount,
62         const int score, const int type, const int indexToPartialCommit,
63         const int autocimmitFirstWordConfindence) {
64     if (codePointCount <= 0 || codePointCount > MAX_WORD_LENGTH) {
65         // Invalid word.
66         AKLOGE("Invalid word is added to the suggestion results. codePointCount: %d",
67                 codePointCount);
68         return;
69     }
70     if (getSuggestionCount() >= mMaxSuggestionCount) {
71         const SuggestedWord &mWorstSuggestion = mSuggestedWords.top();
72         if (score > mWorstSuggestion.getScore() || (score == mWorstSuggestion.getScore()
73                 && codePointCount < mWorstSuggestion.getCodePointCount())) {
74             mSuggestedWords.pop();
75         } else {
76             return;
77         }
78     }
79     mSuggestedWords.push(SuggestedWord(codePoints, codePointCount, score, type,
80             indexToPartialCommit, autocimmitFirstWordConfindence));
81 }
getSortedScores(int * const outScores) const83 void SuggestionResults::getSortedScores(int *const outScores) const {
84     auto copyOfSuggestedWords = mSuggestedWords;
85     while (!copyOfSuggestedWords.empty()) {
86         const SuggestedWord &suggestedWord = copyOfSuggestedWords.top();
87         outScores[copyOfSuggestedWords.size() - 1] = suggestedWord.getScore();
88         copyOfSuggestedWords.pop();
89     }
90 }
dumpSuggestions() const92 void SuggestionResults::dumpSuggestions() const {
93     AKLOGE("weight of language model vs spatial model: %f", mWeightOfLangModelVsSpatialModel);
94     std::vector<SuggestedWord> suggestedWords;
95     auto copyOfSuggestedWords = mSuggestedWords;
96     while (!copyOfSuggestedWords.empty()) {
97         suggestedWords.push_back(copyOfSuggestedWords.top());
98         copyOfSuggestedWords.pop();
99     }
100     int index = 0;
101     for (auto it = suggestedWords.rbegin(); it != suggestedWords.rend(); ++it) {
102         DUMP_SUGGESTION(it->getCodePoint(), it->getCodePointCount(), index, it->getScore());
103         index++;
104     }
105 }
107 } // namespace latinime