1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.android.launcher3.pm;
19 import static com.android.launcher3.Utilities.getPrefs;
21 import android.content.Context;
22 import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
23 import android.content.pm.LauncherApps;
24 import android.content.pm.PackageInstaller;
25 import android.content.pm.PackageInstaller.SessionInfo;
26 import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
27 import android.os.Build;
28 import android.os.Process;
29 import android.os.UserHandle;
30 import android.text.TextUtils;
32 import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
33 import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
35 import com.android.launcher3.LauncherSettings;
36 import com.android.launcher3.SessionCommitReceiver;
37 import com.android.launcher3.Utilities;
38 import com.android.launcher3.config.FeatureFlags;
39 import com.android.launcher3.util.IntArray;
40 import com.android.launcher3.util.IntSet;
41 import com.android.launcher3.util.LooperExecutor;
42 import com.android.launcher3.util.MainThreadInitializedObject;
43 import com.android.launcher3.util.PackageManagerHelper;
44 import com.android.launcher3.util.PackageUserKey;
46 import java.util.ArrayList;
47 import java.util.HashMap;
48 import java.util.Iterator;
49 import java.util.List;
51 /**
52  * Utility class to tracking install sessions
53  */
54 public class InstallSessionHelper {
56     // Set<String> of session ids of promise icons that have been added to the home screen
58     protected static final String PROMISE_ICON_IDS = "promise_icon_ids";
60     private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
62     public static final MainThreadInitializedObject<InstallSessionHelper> INSTANCE =
63             new MainThreadInitializedObject<>(InstallSessionHelper::new);
65     private final LauncherApps mLauncherApps;
66     private final Context mAppContext;
67     private final IntSet mPromiseIconIds;
69     private final PackageInstaller mInstaller;
70     private final HashMap<String, Boolean> mSessionVerifiedMap = new HashMap<>();
InstallSessionHelper(Context context)72     public InstallSessionHelper(Context context) {
73         mInstaller = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInstaller();
74         mAppContext = context.getApplicationContext();
75         mLauncherApps = context.getSystemService(LauncherApps.class);
77         mPromiseIconIds = IntSet.wrap(IntArray.fromConcatString(
78                 getPrefs(context).getString(PROMISE_ICON_IDS, "")));
80         cleanUpPromiseIconIds();
81     }
getUserHandle(SessionInfo info)83     public static UserHandle getUserHandle(SessionInfo info) {
84         return Utilities.ATLEAST_Q ? info.getUser() : Process.myUserHandle();
85     }
cleanUpPromiseIconIds()87     protected void cleanUpPromiseIconIds() {
88         IntArray existingIds = new IntArray();
89         for (SessionInfo info : getActiveSessions().values()) {
90             existingIds.add(info.getSessionId());
91         }
92         IntArray idsToRemove = new IntArray();
94         for (int i = mPromiseIconIds.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
95             if (!existingIds.contains(mPromiseIconIds.getArray().get(i))) {
96                 idsToRemove.add(mPromiseIconIds.getArray().get(i));
97             }
98         }
99         for (int i = idsToRemove.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
100             mPromiseIconIds.getArray().removeValue(idsToRemove.get(i));
101         }
102     }
getActiveSessions()104     public HashMap<PackageUserKey, SessionInfo> getActiveSessions() {
105         HashMap<PackageUserKey, SessionInfo> activePackages = new HashMap<>();
106         for (SessionInfo info : getAllVerifiedSessions()) {
107             activePackages.put(new PackageUserKey(info.getAppPackageName(), getUserHandle(info)),
108                     info);
109         }
110         return activePackages;
111     }
getActiveSessionInfo(UserHandle user, String pkg)113     public SessionInfo getActiveSessionInfo(UserHandle user, String pkg) {
114         for (SessionInfo info : getAllVerifiedSessions()) {
115             boolean match = pkg.equals(info.getAppPackageName());
116             if (Utilities.ATLEAST_Q && !user.equals(getUserHandle(info))) {
117                 match = false;
118             }
119             if (match) {
120                 return info;
121             }
122         }
123         return null;
124     }
updatePromiseIconPrefs()126     private void updatePromiseIconPrefs() {
127         getPrefs(mAppContext).edit()
128                 .putString(PROMISE_ICON_IDS, mPromiseIconIds.getArray().toConcatString())
129                 .apply();
130     }
getVerifiedSessionInfo(int sessionId)132     SessionInfo getVerifiedSessionInfo(int sessionId) {
133         return verify(mInstaller.getSessionInfo(sessionId));
134     }
verify(SessionInfo sessionInfo)136     private SessionInfo verify(SessionInfo sessionInfo) {
137         if (sessionInfo == null
138                 || sessionInfo.getInstallerPackageName() == null
139                 || TextUtils.isEmpty(sessionInfo.getAppPackageName())) {
140             return null;
141         }
142         String pkg = sessionInfo.getInstallerPackageName();
143         synchronized (mSessionVerifiedMap) {
144             if (!mSessionVerifiedMap.containsKey(pkg)) {
145                 boolean hasSystemFlag = new PackageManagerHelper(mAppContext).getApplicationInfo(
146                         pkg, getUserHandle(sessionInfo), ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != null;
147                 mSessionVerifiedMap.put(pkg, DEBUG || hasSystemFlag);
148             }
149         }
150         return mSessionVerifiedMap.get(pkg) ? sessionInfo : null;
151     }
getAllVerifiedSessions()153     public List<SessionInfo> getAllVerifiedSessions() {
154         List<SessionInfo> list = new ArrayList<>(Utilities.ATLEAST_Q
155                 ? mLauncherApps.getAllPackageInstallerSessions()
156                 : mInstaller.getAllSessions());
157         Iterator<SessionInfo> it = list.iterator();
158         while (it.hasNext()) {
159             if (verify(it.next()) == null) {
160                 it.remove();
161             }
162         }
163         return list;
164     }
166     /**
167      * Attempt to restore workspace layout if the session is triggered due to device restore.
168      */
restoreDbIfApplicable(@onNull final SessionInfo info)169     public boolean restoreDbIfApplicable(@NonNull final SessionInfo info) {
170         if (!Utilities.ATLEAST_OREO || !FeatureFlags.ENABLE_DATABASE_RESTORE.get()) {
171             return false;
172         }
173         if (isRestore(info)) {
174             LauncherSettings.Settings.call(mAppContext.getContentResolver(),
175                     LauncherSettings.Settings.METHOD_RESTORE_BACKUP_TABLE);
176             return true;
177         }
178         return false;
179     }
181     @RequiresApi(26)
isRestore(@onNull final SessionInfo info)182     private static boolean isRestore(@NonNull final SessionInfo info) {
183         return info.getInstallReason() == PackageManager.INSTALL_REASON_DEVICE_RESTORE;
184     }
promiseIconAddedForId(int sessionId)186     public boolean promiseIconAddedForId(int sessionId) {
187         return mPromiseIconIds.contains(sessionId);
188     }
removePromiseIconId(int sessionId)190     public void removePromiseIconId(int sessionId) {
191         if (mPromiseIconIds.contains(sessionId)) {
192             mPromiseIconIds.getArray().removeValue(sessionId);
193             updatePromiseIconPrefs();
194         }
195     }
197     /**
198      * Add a promise app icon to the workspace iff:
199      * - The settings for it are enabled
200      * - The user installed the app
201      * - There is an app icon and label (For apps with no launching activity, no icon is provided).
202      * - The app is not already installed
203      * - A promise icon for the session has not already been created
204      */
tryQueuePromiseAppIcon(PackageInstaller.SessionInfo sessionInfo)205     void tryQueuePromiseAppIcon(PackageInstaller.SessionInfo sessionInfo) {
206         if (Utilities.ATLEAST_OREO && FeatureFlags.PROMISE_APPS_NEW_INSTALLS.get()
207                 && SessionCommitReceiver.isEnabled(mAppContext)
208                 && verify(sessionInfo) != null
209                 && sessionInfo.getInstallReason() == PackageManager.INSTALL_REASON_USER
210                 && sessionInfo.getAppIcon() != null
211                 && !TextUtils.isEmpty(sessionInfo.getAppLabel())
212                 && !mPromiseIconIds.contains(sessionInfo.getSessionId())
213                 && new PackageManagerHelper(mAppContext).getApplicationInfo(
214                         sessionInfo.getAppPackageName(), getUserHandle(sessionInfo), 0) == null) {
215             SessionCommitReceiver.queuePromiseAppIconAddition(mAppContext, sessionInfo);
216             mPromiseIconIds.add(sessionInfo.getSessionId());
217             updatePromiseIconPrefs();
218         }
219     }
registerInstallTracker( InstallSessionTracker.Callback callback, LooperExecutor executor)221     public InstallSessionTracker registerInstallTracker(
222             InstallSessionTracker.Callback callback, LooperExecutor executor) {
223         InstallSessionTracker tracker = new InstallSessionTracker(this, callback);
225         if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) {
226             mInstaller.registerSessionCallback(tracker, executor.getHandler());
227         } else {
228             mLauncherApps.registerPackageInstallerSessionCallback(executor, tracker);
229         }
230         return tracker;
231     }
unregister(InstallSessionTracker tracker)233     void unregister(InstallSessionTracker tracker) {
234         if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) {
235             mInstaller.unregisterSessionCallback(tracker);
236         } else {
237             mLauncherApps.unregisterPackageInstallerSessionCallback(tracker);
238         }
239     }
240 }