1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3#   Copyright 2018 - The Android Open Source Project
5#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15#   limitations under the License.
17import os
18import shutil
19import tempfile
21from acts import logger
22from acts.libs.proc import job
24_UICD_JAR_CMD = 'java -jar %s/uicd-commandline.jar'
25_UNZIP_CMD = 'tar -xzf %s -C %s'
28class UicdError(Exception):
29    """Raised for exceptions that occur in UIConductor-related tasks"""
32class UicdCli(object):
33    """Provides an interface for running UIConductor (Uicd) workflows under its
34    CLI.
36    This class does not handle workflow creation, which requires the Uicd
37    frontend.
38    """
39    def __init__(self, uicd_zip, workflow_paths, log_path=None):
40        """Creates a UicdCli object. Extracts the required uicd-cli binaries.
42        Args:
43            uicd_zip: The path to uicd_cli.tar.gz
44            workflow_paths: List of paths to uicd workflows and/or directories
45                containing them.
46            log_path: Directory for storing logs generated by Uicd.
47        """
48        self._uicd_zip = uicd_zip[0] if isinstance(uicd_zip, list) else uicd_zip
49        self._uicd_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='uicd')
50        self._log_path = log_path
51        if self._log_path:
52            os.makedirs(self._log_path, exist_ok=True)
53        self._log = logger.create_tagged_trace_logger(tag='Uicd')
54        self._set_workflows(workflow_paths)
55        self._setup_cli()
57    def _set_workflows(self, workflow_paths):
58        """Set up a dictionary that maps workflow name to its file location.
59        This allows the user to specify workflows to run without having to
60        provide the full path.
62        Args:
63            workflow_paths: List of paths to uicd workflows and/or directories
64                containing them.
66        Raises:
67            UicdError if two or more Uicd workflows share the same file name
68        """
69        if isinstance(workflow_paths, str):
70            workflow_paths = [workflow_paths]
72        # get a list of workflow files from specified paths
73        def _raise(e):
74            raise e
75        workflow_files = []
76        for path in workflow_paths:
77            if os.path.isfile(path):
78                workflow_files.append(path)
79            else:
80                for (root, _, files) in os.walk(path, onerror=_raise):
81                    for file in files:
82                        workflow_files.append(os.path.join(root, file))
84        # populate the dictionary
85        self._workflows = {}
86        for path in workflow_files:
87            workflow_name = os.path.basename(path)
88            if workflow_name in self._workflows.keys():
89                raise UicdError('Uicd workflows may not share the same name.')
90            self._workflows[workflow_name] = path
92    def _setup_cli(self):
93        """Extract tar from uicd_zip and place unzipped files in uicd_path.
95        Raises:
96            Exception if the extraction fails.
97        """
98        self._log.debug('Extracting uicd-cli binaries from %s' % self._uicd_zip)
99        unzip_cmd = _UNZIP_CMD % (self._uicd_zip, self._uicd_path)
100        try:
101            job.run(unzip_cmd.split())
102        except job.Error:
103            self._log.exception('Failed to extract uicd-cli binaries.')
104            raise
106    def run(self, serial, workflows, timeout=120):
107        """Run specified workflows on the UIConductor CLI.
109        Args:
110            serial: Device serial
111            workflows: List or str of workflows to run.
112            timeout: Number seconds to wait for command to finish.
113        """
114        base_cmd = _UICD_JAR_CMD % self._uicd_path
115        if isinstance(workflows, str):
116            workflows = [workflows]
117        for workflow_name in workflows:
118            self._log.info('Running workflow "%s"' % workflow_name)
119            if workflow_name in self._workflows:
120                args = '-d %s -i %s' % (serial, self._workflows[workflow_name])
121            else:
122                self._log.error(
123                    'The workflow "%s" does not exist.' % workflow_name)
124                continue
125            if self._log_path:
126                args = '%s -o %s' % (args, self._log_path)
127            cmd = '%s %s' % (base_cmd, args)
128            try:
129                result = job.run(cmd.split(), timeout=timeout)
130            except job.Error:
131                self._log.exception(
132                    'Failed to run workflow "%s"' % workflow_name)
133                continue
134            if result.stdout:
135                stdout_split = result.stdout.splitlines()
136                if len(stdout_split) > 2:
137                    self._log.debug('Uicd logs stored at %s' % stdout_split[2])
139    def __del__(self):
140        """Delete the temp directory to Uicd CLI binaries upon ACTS exit."""
141        shutil.rmtree(self._uicd_path)