This package helps creating accounts with DPM.ACCOUNT_FEATURE_DEVICE_OR_PROFILE_OWNER_ALLOWED / DISALLOWED. Note: AccountCheckHostSideTest should pass even with a pre-existing ALLOWED account. Meaning, even after you followed the below steps to add an ALLOWED account, AccountCheckHostSideTest should still pass. - Build $ mmma -j cts/hostsidetests/devicepolicy/app/AccountCheck/Tester/ - Install $ adb install -r -g ${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}/data/app/CtsAccountCheckAuthAppTester/CtsAccountCheckAuthAppTester.apk - Add an account with DEVICE_OR_PROFILE_OWNER_ALLOWED. adb shell am startservice -a add_account \ --esa features android.account.DEVICE_OR_PROFILE_OWNER_ALLOWED \ - Add an account with DEVICE_OR_PROFILE_OWNER_DISALLOWED. adb shell am startservice -a add_account \ --esa features android.account.DEVICE_OR_PROFILE_OWNER_DISALLOWED \ - Verify $ dumpsys-account User UserInfo{0:Owner:13}: Accounts: 1 Account {name=8894956487610:android.account.DEVICE_OR_PROFILE_OWNER_ALLOWED,}