// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml qu{ Currencies{ AED{ "AED", "Dirham de Emiratos Árabes Unidos", } AFN{ "AFN", "Afgani Afgano", } ALL{ "ALL", "Lek albanés", } AMD{ "AMD", "Dram Armenio", } ANG{ "ANG", "Florín Antillano Neerlandés", } AOA{ "AOA", "Kwanza Angoleño", } ARS{ "ARS", "Peso Argentino", } AUD{ "A$", "Dólar Australiano", } AWG{ "AWG", "Florín Arubeño", } AZN{ "AZN", "Manat Azerbaiyano", } BAM{ "BAM", "Marco Bosnioherzegovino", } BBD{ "BBG", "Dólar de Barbados", } BDT{ "BDT", "Taka Bangladesí", } BGN{ "BGN", "Lev", } BHD{ "BHD", "Dinar Bareiní", } BIF{ "BIF", "Franco Burundés", } BMD{ "DBM", "Dólar Bermudeño", } BND{ "BND", "Dólar de Brunéi", } BOB{ "BOB", "Boliviano", } BRL{ "R$", "Real Brasileño", } BSD{ "BSD", "Dólar Bahameño", } BTN{ "BTN", "Ngultrum Butanés", } BWP{ "BWP", "Pula Botswano", } BYN{ "BYN", "Nuevo Rublo Bielorruso", } BZD{ "DBZ", "Dólar Beliceño", } CAD{ "$CA", "Dólar Canadiense", } CDF{ "CDF", "Franco Congoleño", } CHF{ "CHF", "Franco Suizo", } CLP{ "CLP", "Peso Chileno", } CNH{ "CNH", "Yuan Chino (offshore)", } CNY{ "CN¥", "Yuan Chino", } COP{ "COP", "Peso Colombiano", } CRC{ "CRC", "Colón Costarricense", } CUC{ "CUC", "Peso Cubano Convertible", } CUP{ "CUP", "Peso Cubano", } CVE{ "CVE", "Escudo Caboverdiano", } CZK{ "CZK", "Corona Checa", } DJF{ "DJF", "Franco Yibutiano", } DKK{ "DKK", "Corona Danesa", } DOP{ "DOP", "Peso Dominicano", } DZD{ "DZD", "Dinar Argelino", } EGP{ "EGP", "Libra Egipcia", } ERN{ "ERN", "Nakfa Eritreano", } ETB{ "ETB", "Birr Etíope", } EUR{ "€", "Euro", } FJD{ "FJD", "Dólar Fiyiano", } FKP{ "FKP", "Libra Malvinense", } GBP{ "£", "Libra Esterlina", } GEL{ "GEL", "Lari Georgiano", } GHS{ "GHS", "Cedi Ganés", } GIP{ "GIP", "Libra Gibraltareña", } GMD{ "GMD", "Dalasi", } GNF{ "GNF", "Franco Guineano", } GTQ{ "GTQ", "Quetzal Guatemalteco", } GYD{ "GYD", "Dólar Guyanés", } HKD{ "HK$", "Dólar de Hong Kong", } HNL{ "HNL", "Lempira Hondureño", } HRK{ "HRK", "Kuna Croata", } HTG{ "HTG", "Gourde Haitiano", } HUF{ "HUF", "Florín Húngaro", } IDR{ "IDR", "Rupia Indonesia", } ILS{ "₪", "Nuevo Séquel", } INR{ "₹", "Rupia India", } IQD{ "IQD", "Dinar Iraquí", } IRR{ "IRR", "Rial Iraní", } ISK{ "ISK", "Corona Islandesa", } JMD{ "JMD", "Dólar Jamaiquino", } JOD{ "JOD", "Dinar Jordano", } JPY{ "JP¥", "Yen Japonés", } KES{ "KES", "Chelín Keniano", } KGS{ "KGS", "Som Kirguís", } KHR{ "KHR", "Riel Camboyano", } KMF{ "KMF", "Franco Comorense", } KPW{ "KPW", "Won Norcoreano", } KRW{ "₩", "Won Surcoreano", } KWD{ "KWD", "Dinar Kuwaití", } KYD{ "KYD", "Dólar de las Islas Caimán", } KZT{ "KZT", "Tenge Kazajo", } LAK{ "LAK", "Kip Laosiano", } LBP{ "LBP", "Libra Libanesa", } LKR{ "LKR", "Rupia de Sri Lanka", } LRD{ "LRD", "Dólar Liberiano", } LYD{ "LYD", "Dinar Libio", } MAD{ "MAD", "Dírham Marroquí", } MDL{ "MDL", "Leu Moldavo", } MGA{ "MGA", "Ariary Malgache", } MKD{ "MKD", "Dinar Macedonio", } MMK{ "MMK", "Kyat Birmano", } MNT{ "MNT", "Tugrik Mongol", } MOP{ "MOP", "Pataca Macaense", } MRU{ "MRU", "Uguiya Mauritano", } MUR{ "MUR", "Rupia de Mauricio", } MVR{ "MVR", "Rupia de Maldivas", } MWK{ "MWK", "Kwacha Malauí", } MXN{ "MX$", "Peso Mexicano", } MYR{ "MYR", "Ringgit Malayo", } MZN{ "MZN", "Metical Mozambiqueño", } NAD{ "NAD", "Dólar Namibio", } NGN{ "NGN", "Naira Nigeriano", } NIO{ "NIO", "Córdova Nicaragüense", } NOK{ "NOK", "Corona Noruega", } NPR{ "NPR", "Rupia Nepalí", } NZD{ "NZ$", "Dólar Neozelandés", } OMR{ "OMR", "Rial Omaní", } PAB{ "PAB", "Balboa Panameño", } PEN{ "S/", "Sol Peruano", } PGK{ "PGK", "Kina Papuano", } PHP{ "PHP", "Peso Filipino", } PKR{ "PKR", "Rupia Pakistaní", } PLN{ "PLN", "Zloty", } PYG{ "PYG", "Guaraní Paraguayo", } QAR{ "QAR", "Riyal Catarí", } RON{ "RON", "Leu Rumano", } RSD{ "RSD", "Dinar Serbio", } RUB{ "RUB", "Rublo Ruso", } RWF{ "RWF", "Franco Ruandés", } SAR{ "SAR", "Riyal Saudí", } SBD{ "SBD", "Dólar de las Islas Salomón", } SCR{ "SCR", "Rupia de Seychelles", } SDG{ "SDG", "Libra Sudanesa", } SEK{ "SEK", "Corona Sueca", } SGD{ "SGD", "Dólar de Singapur", } SHP{ "SHP", "Libra de Santa Helena", } SLL{ "SLL", "Leone de Sierra Leona", } SOS{ "SOS", "Chelín Somalí", } SRD{ "SRD", "Dólar Surinamés", } SSP{ "SSP", "Libra Sursudanesa", } STN{ "STN", "Dobra Santotomense", } SYP{ "SYP", "Libra Siria", } SZL{ "SZL", "Lilangeni Swazi", } THB{ "THB", "Baht Tailandés", } TJS{ "TJS", "Somoni Tayiko", } TMT{ "TMT", "Manat Turcomano", } TND{ "TND", "Dinar Tunecino", } TOP{ "TOP", "Paʻanga Tongano", } TRY{ "TRY", "Lira Turca", } TTD{ "TTD", "Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago", } TWD{ "NT$", "Nuevo Dólar Taiwanés", } TZS{ "TZS", "Chelín Tanzano", } UAH{ "UAH", "Grivna", } UGX{ "UGX", "Chelín Ugandés", } USD{ "$US", "Dólar Americano", } UYU{ "UYU", "Peso Uruguayo", } UZS{ "UZS", "Som Ubzeko", } VES{ "VES", "Bolívar Venezolano", } VND{ "₫", "Dong Vietnamita", } VUV{ "VUV", "Vatu Vanuatu", } WST{ "WST", "Tala Samoano", } XAF{ "FCFA", "Franco CFA de África Central", } XCD{ "EC$", "Dólar del Caribe Oriental", } XOF{ "CFA", "Franco CFA de África Occidental", } XPF{ "CFPF", "Franco CFP", } XXX{ "¤", "Mana riqsisqa Qullqi", } YER{ "YER", "Rial Yemení", } ZAR{ "ZAR", "Rand Sudafricano", } ZMW{ "ZMW", "Kwacha Zambiano", } } Currencies%narrow{ GHS{"GHC"} } CurrencyPlurals{ AED{ other{"UAE dirhams"} } AFN{ other{"Afgani afgano"} } ALL{ other{"Lek albanés"} } AMD{ other{"drams Armenios"} } ANG{ other{"Florín antillano neerlandés"} } AOA{ other{"Kwanza angoleño"} } ARS{ other{"Peso argentino"} } AUD{ other{"Dólar Australiano"} } AWG{ other{"Florín arubeño"} } AZN{ other{"manats Azerbaiyanos"} } BAM{ other{"Marco bosnioherzegovino"} } BBD{ other{"Dólar de Barbados"} } BDT{ other{"Taka bangladesí"} } BGN{ other{"Lev"} } BHD{ other{"Dinar bareiní"} } BIF{ other{"Franco burundés"} } BMD{ other{"Dólar bermudeño"} } BND{ other{"Dólar de Brunéi"} } BOB{ other{"Boliviano"} } BRL{ other{"Real brasileño"} } BSD{ other{"Dólar bahameño"} } BTN{ other{"Ngultrum butanés"} } BWP{ other{"Pula Botswano"} } BYN{ other{"Nuevo rublo bielorruso"} } BZD{ other{"Dólar beliceño"} } CAD{ other{"Dólar canadiense"} } CDF{ other{"Franco congoleño"} } CHF{ other{"Franco suizo"} } CLP{ other{"Peso chileno"} } CNH{ other{"Yuan chino (offshore)"} } CNY{ other{"Yuan chino"} } COP{ other{"Peso colombiano"} } CRC{ other{"Colón costarricense"} } CUC{ other{"Peso cubano convertible"} } CUP{ other{"Peso cubano"} } CVE{ other{"Escudo caboverdiano"} } CZK{ other{"Corona checa"} } DJF{ other{"Franco yibutiano"} } DKK{ other{"Corona danesa"} } DOP{ other{"Peso dominicano"} } DZD{ other{"Dinar argelino"} } EGP{ other{"Libra egipcia"} } ERN{ other{"Nakfa Eritreano"} } ETB{ other{"Birr etíope"} } EUR{ other{"euro"} } FKP{ other{"Libra malvinense"} } GBP{ other{"Libra esterlina"} } GEL{ other{"Lari georgiano"} } GHS{ other{"Cedi ganés"} } GIP{ other{"Libra gibraltareña"} } GMD{ other{"Dalasi"} } GNF{ other{"Franco guineano"} } GTQ{ other{"Quetzal guatemalteco"} } GYD{ other{"Dólar guyanés"} } HKD{ other{"Dólar de Hong Kong"} } HNL{ other{"Lempira hondureño"} } HRK{ other{"Kuna croata"} } HTG{ other{"Gourde haitiano"} } HUF{ other{"Florín húngaro"} } IDR{ other{"Rupia indonesia"} } ILS{ other{"Nuevo séquel"} } INR{ other{"Rupia india"} } IQD{ other{"Dinar iraquí"} } IRR{ other{"Rial iraní"} } ISK{ other{"Corona islandesa"} } JMD{ other{"Dólar jamaiquino"} } JOD{ other{"Dinar jordano"} } JPY{ other{"Yen japonés"} } KES{ other{"Chelín keniano"} } KGS{ other{"Som kirguís"} } KHR{ other{"Riel camboyano"} } KMF{ other{"Franco comorense"} } KPW{ other{"Won norcoreano"} } KRW{ other{"Won surcoreano"} } KWD{ other{"Dinar kuwaití"} } KYD{ other{"Dólar de las islas caimán"} } KZT{ other{"Tenge kazajo"} } LAK{ other{"Kip laosiano"} } LBP{ other{"Libra libanesa"} } LKR{ other{"Rupia de Sri Lanka"} } LRD{ other{"Dólar liberiano"} } LYD{ other{"Dinar libio"} } MAD{ other{"Dírham marroquí"} } MDL{ other{"Leu moldavo"} } MGA{ other{"Ariary malgache"} } MKD{ other{"Dinar macedonio"} } MMK{ other{"Kyat birmano"} } MNT{ other{"Tugrik mongol"} } MOP{ other{"Pataca macaense"} } MRU{ other{"Uguiya Mauritano"} } MUR{ other{"Rupia de mauricio"} } MVR{ other{"Rupia de Maldivas"} } MWK{ other{"Kwacha malauí"} } MXN{ other{"Peso mexicano"} } MYR{ other{"Ringgit malayo"} } MZN{ other{"Metical mozambiqueño"} } NAD{ other{"Dólar namibio"} } NGN{ other{"Naira nigeriano"} } NIO{ other{"Córdova nicaragüense"} } NOK{ other{"Corona noruega"} } NPR{ other{"Rupia Nepalí"} } NZD{ other{"Dólar neozelandés"} } OMR{ other{"Rial omaní"} } PAB{ other{"Balboa panameño"} } PEN{ other{"Sol peruano"} } PGK{ other{"Kina papuano"} } PHP{ other{"Peso filipino"} } PKR{ other{"Rupia pakistaní"} } PLN{ other{"Zloty"} } PYG{ other{"Guaraní paraguayo"} } QAR{ other{"Riyal catarí"} } RON{ other{"Leu rumano"} } RSD{ other{"Dinar serbio"} } RUB{ other{"Rublo ruso"} } RWF{ other{"Franco ruandés"} } SAR{ other{"Riyal saudí"} } SBD{ other{"Dólar 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other{"Franco CFA de áfrica central"} } XCD{ other{"Dólar del caribe oriental"} } XOF{ other{"Franco CFA de áfrica occidental"} } XPF{ other{"Franco CFP"} } XXX{ other{"Mana riqsisqa qullqi"} } YER{ other{"Rial yemení"} } ZAR{ other{"Rand sudafricano"} } ZMW{ other{"Kwacha zambiano"} } } CurrencyUnitPatterns{ other{"{0} {1}"} } }