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dn{"saa"} relative{ "0"{"leegi"} } relativeTime{ future{ other{"fileek {0} saa"} } past{ other{"{0} saa ci ginaaw"} } } } second-narrow{ dn{"saa."} relativeTime{ future{ other{"fileek {0} saa"} } past{ other{"{0} saa ci ginaaw"} } } } second-short{ dn{"saa."} relativeTime{ future{ other{"fileek {0} saa"} } past{ other{"{0} saa ci ginaaw"} } } } sun{ relative{ "-1"{"dibéer bi weesu"} "0"{"tay ci dibéer bi"} "1"{"dibéer biy ñëw"} } relativeTime{ future{ other{"fileek {0} dibéer"} } past{ other{"{0} dibéer ci ginaaw"} } } } sun-narrow{ relative{ "-1"{"dib. bi weesu"} "0"{"tay ci dib. bi"} "1"{"dib. biy ñëw"} } relativeTime{ future{ other{"fileek {0} dib."} } past{ other{"{0} dib. ci ginaaw"} } } } sun-short{ relative{ "-1"{"dib. bi weesu"} "0"{"tay ci dib. bi"} "1"{"dib. biy ñëw"} } relativeTime{ future{ other{"fileek {0} dib."} } past{ other{"{0} dib. ci ginaaw"} } } } thu{ relative{ "-1"{"alxamis ji weesu"} "0"{"tay ci alxamis ji"} "1"{"alxamis jiy ñëw"} } relativeTime{ future{ 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