// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml ca{ durationUnits{ hm{"h:mm"} hms{"h:mm:ss"} ms{"m:ss"} } units{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"força G"} one{"{0} força G"} other{"{0} força G"} } meter-per-square-second{ dnam{"metres per segon al quadrat"} one{"{0} metre per segon al quadrat"} other{"{0} metres per segon al quadrat"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"minuts d’arc"} one{"{0} minut d’arc"} other{"{0} minuts d’arc"} } arc-second{ dnam{"segons d’arc"} one{"{0} segon d’arc"} other{"{0} segons d’arc"} } degree{ dnam{"graus"} one{"{0} grau"} other{"{0} graus"} } radian{ dnam{"radiants"} one{"{0} radiant"} other{"{0} radiants"} } revolution{ dnam{"revolució"} one{"{0} revolució"} other{"{0} revolucions"} } } area{ acre{ dnam{"acres"} one{"{0} acre"} other{"{0} acres"} } dunam{ dnam{"dunams"} one{"{0} dunam"} other{"{0} dunams"} } hectare{ dnam{"hectàrees"} one{"{0} hectàrea"} other{"{0} hectàrees"} } square-centimeter{ dnam{"centímetres quadrats"} one{"{0} centímetre quadrat"} other{"{0} centímetres quadrats"} per{"{0} per centímetre quadrat"} } square-foot{ dnam{"peus quadrats"} one{"{0} peu quadrat"} other{"{0} peus quadrats"} } square-inch{ dnam{"polzades quadrades"} one{"{0} polzada quadrada"} other{"{0} polzades quadrades"} per{"{0} per polzada quadrada"} } square-kilometer{ dnam{"quilòmetres quadrats"} one{"{0} quilòmetre quadrat"} other{"{0} quilòmetres quadrats"} per{"{0} per quilòmetre quadrat"} } square-meter{ dnam{"metres quadrats"} one{"{0} metre quadrat"} other{"{0} metres quadrats"} per{"{0} per metre quadrat"} } square-mile{ dnam{"milles quadrades"} one{"{0} milla quadrada"} other{"{0} milles quadrades"} per{"{0} per milla quadrada"} } square-yard{ dnam{"iardes quadrades"} one{"{0} iarda quadrada"} other{"{0} iardes quadrades"} } } compound{ per{"{0} per {1}"} } concentr{ karat{ dnam{"quirats"} one{"{0} quirat"} other{"{0} quirats"} } milligram-per-deciliter{ dnam{"mil·ligrams per decilitre"} one{"{0} mil·ligram per decilitre"} other{"{0} mil·ligrams per decilitre"} } millimole-per-liter{ dnam{"mil·limols per litre"} one{"{0} mil·limol per litre"} other{"{0} mil·limols per litre"} } mole{ dnam{"mols"} one{"{0} mol"} other{"{0} mols"} } percent{ dnam{"per cent"} one{"{0} per cent"} other{"{0} per cent"} } permille{ dnam{"per mil"} one{"{0} per mil"} other{"{0} per mil"} } permillion{ dnam{"parts per milió"} one{"{0} part per milió"} other{"{0} parts per milió"} } permyriad{ dnam{"per deu mil"} one{"{0} per deu mil"} other{"{0} per deu mil"} } } consumption{ liter-per-100-kilometer{ dnam{"litres per 100 quilòmetres"} one{"{0} litre per 100 quilòmetres"} other{"{0} litres per 100 quilòmetres"} } liter-per-kilometer{ dnam{"litres per quilòmetre"} one{"{0} litre per quilòmetre"} other{"{0} litres per quilòmetre"} } mile-per-gallon{ dnam{"milles per galó"} one{"{0} milla per galó"} other{"{0} milles per galó"} } mile-per-gallon-imperial{ dnam{"milles per galó imperial"} one{"{0} milla per galó imperial"} other{"{0} milles per galó imperial"} } } coordinate{ dnam{"punt cardinal"} east{"{0} est"} north{"{0} nord"} south{"{0} sud"} west{"{0} oest"} } digital{ bit{ dnam{"bits"} one{"{0} bit"} other{"{0} bits"} } byte{ dnam{"bytes"} one{"{0} byte"} other{"{0} bytes"} } gigabit{ dnam{"gigabits"} one{"{0} gigabit"} other{"{0} gigabits"} } gigabyte{ dnam{"gigabytes"} one{"{0} gigabyte"} other{"{0} gigabytes"} } kilobit{ dnam{"quilobits"} one{"{0} quilobit"} other{"{0} quilobits"} } kilobyte{ dnam{"quilobytes"} one{"{0} quilobyte"} other{"{0} quilobytes"} } megabit{ dnam{"megabits"} one{"{0} megabit"} other{"{0} megabits"} } megabyte{ dnam{"megabytes"} one{"{0} megabyte"} other{"{0} megabytes"} } petabyte{ dnam{"petabytes"} one{"{0} petabyte"} other{"{0} petabytes"} } terabit{ dnam{"terabits"} one{"{0} terabit"} other{"{0} terabits"} } terabyte{ dnam{"terabytes"} one{"{0} terabyte"} other{"{0} terabytes"} } } duration{ century{ dnam{"segles"} one{"{0} segle"} other{"{0} segles"} } day{ dnam{"dies"} one{"{0} dia"} other{"{0} dies"} per{"{0} per dia"} } decade{ dnam{"dècades"} one{"{0} dècada"} other{"{0} dècades"} } hour{ dnam{"hores"} one{"{0} hora"} other{"{0} hores"} per{"{0} per hora"} } microsecond{ dnam{"microsegons"} one{"{0} microsegon"} other{"{0} microsegons"} } millisecond{ dnam{"mil·lisegons"} one{"{0} mil·lisegon"} other{"{0} mil·lisegons"} } minute{ dnam{"minuts"} one{"{0} minut"} other{"{0} minuts"} per{"{0} per minut"} } month{ dnam{"mesos"} one{"{0} mes"} other{"{0} mesos"} per{"{0} per mes"} } nanosecond{ dnam{"nanosegons"} one{"{0} nanosegon"} other{"{0} nanosegons"} } second{ dnam{"segons"} one{"{0} segon"} other{"{0} segons"} per{"{0} per segon"} } week{ dnam{"setmanes"} one{"{0} setmana"} other{"{0} setmanes"} per{"{0} per setmana"} } year{ dnam{"anys"} one{"{0} any"} other{"{0} anys"} per{"{0} per any"} } } electric{ ampere{ dnam{"amperes"} one{"{0} ampere"} other{"{0} amperes"} } milliampere{ dnam{"mil·liamperes"} one{"{0} mil·liampere"} other{"{0} mil·liamperes"} } ohm{ dnam{"ohms"} one{"{0} ohm"} other{"{0} ohms"} } volt{ dnam{"volts"} one{"{0} volt"} other{"{0} volts"} } } energy{ british-thermal-unit{ dnam{"unitats tèrmiques britàniques"} one{"{0} unitat tèrmica britànica"} other{"{0} unitats tèrmiques britàniques"} } calorie{ dnam{"calories"} one{"{0} caloria"} other{"{0} calories"} } electronvolt{ dnam{"electrons-volt"} one{"{0} electró-volt"} other{"{0} electrons-volt"} } foodcalorie{ dnam{"quilocalories"} one{"{0} quilocaloria"} other{"{0} quilocalories"} } joule{ dnam{"joules"} one{"{0} joule"} other{"{0} joules"} } kilocalorie{ dnam{"quilocalories"} one{"{0} quilocaloria"} other{"{0} quilocalories"} } kilojoule{ dnam{"quilojoules"} one{"{0} quilojoule"} other{"{0} quilojoules"} } kilowatt-hour{ dnam{"quilowatts hora"} one{"{0} quilowatt hora"} other{"{0} quilowatts hora"} } therm-us{ dnam{"unitats tèrmiques americanes"} one{"{0} unitat tèrmica americana"} other{"{0} unitats tèrmiques americanes"} } } force{ newton{ dnam{"newtons"} one{"{0} newton"} other{"{0} newtons"} } pound-force{ dnam{"lliures de força"} one{"{0} lliura de força"} other{"{0} lliures de força"} } } frequency{ gigahertz{ dnam{"gigahertz"} one{"{0} gigahertz"} other{"{0} gigahertzs"} } hertz{ dnam{"hertz"} one{"{0} hertz"} other{"{0} hertzs"} } kilohertz{ dnam{"quilohertz"} one{"{0} quilohertz"} other{"{0} quilohertzs"} } megahertz{ dnam{"megahertz"} one{"{0} megahertz"} other{"{0} megahertzs"} } } graphics{ dot-per-centimeter{ dnam{"punts per centímetre"} one{"{0} punt per centímetre"} other{"{0} punts per centímetre"} } dot-per-inch{ dnam{"punts per polzada"} one{"{0} punt per polzada"} other{"{0} punts per polzada"} } em{ dnam{"em tipogràfica"} } megapixel{ dnam{"megapíxels"} one{"{0} megapíxel"} other{"{0} megapíxels"} } pixel{ dnam{"píxels"} one{"{0} píxel"} other{"{0} píxels"} } pixel-per-centimeter{ dnam{"píxels per 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dnam{"anys llum"} one{"{0} any llum"} other{"{0} anys llum"} } meter{ dnam{"metres"} one{"{0} metre"} other{"{0} metres"} per{"{0} per metre"} } micrometer{ dnam{"micròmetres"} one{"{0} micròmetre"} other{"{0} micròmetres"} } mile{ dnam{"milles"} one{"{0} milla"} other{"{0} milles"} } mile-scandinavian{ dnam{"milles escandinaves"} one{"{0} milla escandinava"} other{"{0} milles escandinaves"} } millimeter{ dnam{"mil·límetres"} one{"{0} mil·límetre"} other{"{0} mil·límetres"} } nanometer{ dnam{"nanòmetre"} one{"{0} nanòmetre"} other{"{0} nanòmetres"} } nautical-mile{ dnam{"milles nàutiques"} one{"{0} milla nàutica"} other{"{0} milles nàutiques"} } parsec{ dnam{"parsecs"} one{"{0} parsec"} other{"{0} parsecs"} } picometer{ dnam{"picòmetres"} one{"{0} picòmetre"} other{"{0} picòmetres"} } point{ dnam{"punts"} one{"{0} punt tipogràfic"} other{"{0} punts tipogràfics"} } solar-radius{ dnam{"radis solars"} one{"{0} radi solar"} other{"{0} radis solars"} } yard{ dnam{"iardes"} one{"{0} iarda"} other{"{0} iardes"} } } light{ candela{ dnam{"candela"} one{"{0} candela"} other{"{0} candeles"} } lumen{ dnam{"lumen"} one{"{0} lumen"} other{"{0} lumens"} } lux{ dnam{"lux"} one{"{0} lux"} other{"{0} luxs"} } solar-luminosity{ dnam{"lluminositats solars"} one{"{0} lluminositat solar"} other{"{0} lluminositats solars"} } } mass{ carat{ dnam{"quirats"} one{"{0} quirat"} other{"{0} quirats"} } dalton{ dnam{"daltons"} one{"{0} dalton"} other{"{0} daltons"} } earth-mass{ dnam{"masses de la Terra"} one{"{0} massa de la Terra"} other{"{0} masses de la Terra"} } grain{ one{"{0} gra"} other{"{0} grans"} } gram{ dnam{"grams"} one{"{0} gram"} other{"{0} grams"} per{"{0} per gram"} } kilogram{ dnam{"quilograms"} one{"{0} quilogram"} other{"{0} quilograms"} per{"{0} per quilogram"} } metric-ton{ dnam{"tones mètriques"} one{"{0} tona mètrica"} other{"{0} tones mètriques"} } microgram{ dnam{"micrograms"} one{"{0} microgram"} other{"{0} micrograms"} } milligram{ dnam{"mil·ligrams"} one{"{0} mil·ligram"} other{"{0} mil·ligrams"} } ounce{ dnam{"unces"} one{"{0} unça"} other{"{0} unces"} per{"{0} per unça"} } ounce-troy{ dnam{"unces troy"} one{"{0} unça troy"} other{"{0} unces troy"} } pound{ dnam{"lliures"} one{"{0} lliura"} other{"{0} lliures"} per{"{0} per lliura"} } solar-mass{ dnam{"masses solars"} one{"{0} massa solar"} other{"{0} masses solars"} } stone{ dnam{"pedres"} one{"{0} pedra"} other{"{0} pedres"} } ton{ dnam{"tones"} one{"{0} tona"} other{"{0} tones"} } } power{ gigawatt{ dnam{"gigawatts"} one{"{0} gigawatt"} other{"{0} gigawatts"} } horsepower{ dnam{"cavalls de vapor"} one{"{0} cavall de vapor"} other{"{0} cavalls de vapor"} } kilowatt{ dnam{"quilowatts"} one{"{0} quilowatt"} other{"{0} quilowatts"} } megawatt{ dnam{"megawatts"} one{"{0} megawatt"} other{"{0} megawatts"} } milliwatt{ dnam{"mil·liwatts"} one{"{0} mil·liwatt"} other{"{0} mil·liwatts"} } watt{ dnam{"watts"} one{"{0} watt"} other{"{0} watts"} } } pressure{ atmosphere{ dnam{"atmosferes"} one{"{0} atmosfera"} other{"{0} atmosferes"} } bar{ dnam{"bars"} one{"{0} bar"} other{"{0} bars"} } hectopascal{ dnam{"hectopascals"} one{"{0} hectopascal"} other{"{0} hectopascals"} } inch-ofhg{ dnam{"polzades de mercuri"} one{"{0} polzada de mercuri"} other{"{0} polzades de mercuri"} } kilopascal{ dnam{"quilopascals"} one{"{0} quilopascal"} other{"{0} quilopascals"} } megapascal{ dnam{"megapascals"} one{"{0} megapascal"} other{"{0} megapascals"} } millibar{ dnam{"mil·libars"} one{"{0} mil·libar"} other{"{0} mil·libars"} } millimeter-ofhg{ dnam{"mil·límetres de mercuri"} one{"mil·límetre de mercuri"} other{"{0} mil·límetres de mercuri"} } pascal{ dnam{"pascals"} one{"{0} pascal"} other{"{0} pascals"} } pound-force-per-square-inch{ dnam{"lliures per polzada quadrada"} one{"{0} lliura per polzada quadrada"} other{"{0} lliures per polzada quadrada"} } } speed{ kilometer-per-hour{ dnam{"quilòmetres per hora"} one{"{0} quilòmetre per hora"} other{"{0} quilòmetres per hora"} } knot{ dnam{"nusos"} one{"{0} nus"} other{"{0} nusos"} } meter-per-second{ dnam{"metres per segon"} one{"{0} metre per segon"} other{"{0} metres per segon"} } mile-per-hour{ dnam{"milles per hora"} one{"{0} milla per hora"} other{"{0} milles per hora"} } } temperature{ celsius{ dnam{"graus Celsius"} one{"{0} grau Celsius"} other{"{0} graus Celsius"} } fahrenheit{ dnam{"graus Fahrenheit"} one{"{0} grau Fahrenheit"} other{"{0} graus Fahrenheit"} } generic{ dnam{"°"} one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } kelvin{ dnam{"Kelvin"} one{"{0} Kelvin"} other{"{0} Kelvin"} } } torque{ newton-meter{ dnam{"newtons-metre"} one{"{0} newton-metre"} other{"{0} newtons-metre"} } pound-force-foot{ dnam{"lliures-peu"} one{"{0} lliura-peu"} other{"{0} lliures-peu"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ dnam{"acre-peu"} one{"{0} acre-peu"} other{"{0} acres-peus"} } barrel{ dnam{"barrils"} one{"{0} barril"} other{"{0} barrils"} } bushel{ dnam{"bushels"} one{"{0} bushel"} other{"{0} bushels"} } centiliter{ dnam{"centilitres"} one{"{0} centilitre"} other{"{0} centilitres"} } cubic-centimeter{ dnam{"centímetres cúbics"} one{"{0} centímetre cúbic"} other{"{0} centímetres cúbics"} per{"{0} per centímetre cúbic"} } cubic-foot{ dnam{"peus cúbics"} one{"{0} peu cúbic"} other{"{0} peus cúbics"} } cubic-inch{ dnam{"polzades cúbiques"} one{"{0} polzada cúbica"} other{"{0} polzades cúbiques"} } cubic-kilometer{ dnam{"quilòmetres cúbics"} one{"{0} quilòmetre cúbic"} other{"{0} quilòmetres cúbics"} } cubic-meter{ dnam{"metres cúbics"} one{"{0} metre cúbic"} other{"{0} metres cúbics"} per{"{0} per metre cúbic"} } cubic-mile{ dnam{"milles cúbiques"} one{"{0} milla cúbica"} other{"{0} milles cúbiques"} } cubic-yard{ dnam{"iardes cúbiques"} one{"{0} iarda cúbica"} other{"{0} iardes cúbiques"} } cup{ dnam{"tasses"} one{"{0} tassa"} other{"{0} tasses"} } cup-metric{ dnam{"tasses mètriques"} one{"{0} tassa mètrica"} other{"{0} tasses mètriques"} } deciliter{ dnam{"decilitres"} one{"{0} decilitre"} other{"{0} decilitres"} } dessert-spoon{ one{"{0} cullereta de postres"} other{"{0} culleretes de postres"} } dessert-spoon-imperial{ dnam{"cullereta de postres imperial"} one{"{0} cullereta de postres imperial"} other{"{0} culleretes de postres imperials"} } dram{ dnam{"dracma"} one{"{0} dracma"} other{"{0} dracmes"} } drop{ one{"{0} gota"} other{"{0} gotes"} } fluid-ounce{ dnam{"unces líquides"} one{"{0} unça líquida"} other{"{0} unces líquides"} } fluid-ounce-imperial{ dnam{"unces líquides imperials"} one{"{0} unça líquida imperial"} other{"{0} unces líquides imperials"} } gallon{ dnam{"galons"} one{"{0} galó"} other{"{0} galons"} per{"{0} per galó"} } gallon-imperial{ dnam{"galons imperials"} one{"{0} galó imperial"} other{"{0} galons imperials"} per{"{0} per galó imperial"} } hectoliter{ dnam{"hectolitres"} one{"{0} hectolitre"} other{"{0} hectolitres"} } jigger{ dnam{"mesurador de cocteleria"} one{"{0} mesurador de cocteleria"} other{"{0} mesuradors de cocteleria"} } liter{ dnam{"litres"} one{"{0} litre"} other{"{0} litres"} per{"{0} per litre"} } megaliter{ dnam{"megalitres"} one{"{0} megalitre"} other{"{0} megalitres"} } milliliter{ dnam{"mil·lilitres"} one{"{0} mil·lilitre"} other{"{0} mil·lilitres"} } pinch{ one{"{0} pessic"} other{"{0} pessics"} } pint{ dnam{"pintes"} one{"{0} pinta"} other{"{0} pintes"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"pintes mètriques"} one{"{0} pinta mètrica"} other{"{0} pintes mètriques"} } quart{ dnam{"quarts"} one{"{0} quart"} other{"{0} quarts"} } quart-imperial{ one{"{0} quart imperial"} other{"{0} quarts imperials"} } tablespoon{ dnam{"cullerades"} one{"{0} cullerada"} other{"{0} cullerades"} } teaspoon{ dnam{"culleradetes"} one{"{0} culleradeta"} other{"{0} culleradetes"} } } } unitsNarrow{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"G"} one{"{0}G"} other{"{0}G"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ one{"{0}′"} other{"{0}′"} } arc-second{ one{"{0}″"} other{"{0}″"} } degree{ one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } } area{ acre{ one{"{0}ac."} other{"{0}ac."} } hectare{ one{"{0}ha"} other{"{0}ha"} } square-foot{ one{"{0}ft²"} other{"{0}ft²"} } square-kilometer{ one{"{0}km²"} other{"{0}km²"} } square-meter{ one{"{0}m²"} other{"{0}m²"} } square-mile{ one{"{0}mi²"} other{"{0}mi²"} } } compound{ per{"{0}/{1}"} } concentr{ percent{ dnam{"%"} one{"{0} %"} other{"{0} %"} } } consumption{ liter-per-100-kilometer{ dnam{"l/100 km"} one{"{0} l/100 km"} other{"{0} l/100 km"} } } coordinate{ dnam{"punt"} east{"{0}E"} north{"{0}N"} south{"{0}S"} west{"{0}O"} } duration{ century{ dnam{"s."} one{"{0} s."} other{"{0} s."} } day{ dnam{"dia"} one{"{0} d"} other{"{0} d"} } hour{ dnam{"h"} one{"{0} h"} other{"{0} h"} } millisecond{ dnam{"ms"} one{"{0} ms"} other{"{0} ms"} } minute{ dnam{"min"} one{"{0} min"} other{"{0} min"} } month{ dnam{"mes"} one{"{0} m"} other{"{0} m"} } second{ dnam{"s"} one{"{0} s"} other{"{0} s"} } week{ dnam{"setm."} one{"{0} setm."} other{"{0} setm."} per{"{0}/setm."} } year{ dnam{"anys"} one{"{0} any"} other{"{0} anys"} per{"{0}/any"} } } length{ astronomical-unit{ dnam{"ua"} one{"{0} ua"} other{"{0} 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mb"} } } speed{ kilometer-per-hour{ dnam{"km/h"} one{"{0} km/h"} other{"{0} km/h"} } meter-per-second{ one{"{0}m/s"} other{"{0}m/s"} } mile-per-hour{ one{"{0}mi/h"} other{"{0}mi/h"} } } temperature{ celsius{ dnam{"°C"} one{"{0} °C"} other{"{0} °C"} } fahrenheit{ one{"{0}°F"} other{"{0}°F"} } } volume{ cubic-kilometer{ one{"{0}km³"} other{"{0}km³"} } cubic-mile{ one{"{0}mi³"} other{"{0}mi³"} } liter{ dnam{"l"} one{"{0} l"} other{"{0} l"} } } } unitsShort{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"G"} one{"{0} G"} other{"{0} G"} } meter-per-square-second{ dnam{"m/s²"} one{"{0} m/s²"} other{"{0} m/s²"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"arcmin"} one{"{0} arcmin"} other{"{0} arcmin"} } arc-second{ dnam{"arcsec"} one{"{0} arcsec"} other{"{0} arcsec"} } degree{ dnam{"graus"} one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } radian{ dnam{"radiants"} one{"{0} rad"} other{"{0} rad"} } revolution{ dnam{"r"} one{"{0} r"} other{"{0} r"} } } area{ acre{ dnam{"acres"} one{"{0} ac"} other{"{0} ac"} } dunam{ dnam{"dunams"} one{"{0} dunam"} other{"{0} dunams"} } hectare{ dnam{"hectàrees"} one{"{0} ha"} other{"{0} ha"} } square-centimeter{ dnam{"cm²"} one{"{0} cm²"} other{"{0} cm²"} per{"{0}/cm²"} } square-foot{ dnam{"ft²"} one{"{0} ft²"} other{"{0} ft²"} } square-inch{ dnam{"in²"} one{"{0} in²"} other{"{0} in²"} per{"{0}/in²"} } square-kilometer{ dnam{"km²"} one{"{0} km²"} other{"{0} km²"} per{"{0}/km²"} } square-meter{ dnam{"m²"} one{"{0} m²"} other{"{0} m²"} per{"{0}/m²"} } square-mile{ dnam{"mi²"} one{"{0} mi²"} other{"{0} mi²"} per{"{0}/mi²"} } square-yard{ dnam{"yd²"} one{"{0} yd²"} other{"{0} yd²"} } } compound{ per{"{0}/{1}"} times{"{0}⋅{1}"} } concentr{ karat{ dnam{"quirats"} one{"{0} ct"} other{"{0} ct"} } milligram-per-deciliter{ dnam{"mg/dl"} one{"{0} mg/dl"} other{"{0} mg/dl"} } millimole-per-liter{ dnam{"mil·limols/litre"} one{"{0} mM/l"} other{"{0} mM/l"} } percent{ dnam{"per cent"} one{"{0} %"} other{"{0} %"} } permille{ dnam{"per mil"} one{"{0} ‰"} other{"{0} ‰"} } permillion{ dnam{"parts/milió"} one{"{0} ppm"} other{"{0} ppm"} } permyriad{ dnam{"per deu mil"} } } consumption{ liter-per-100-kilometer{ dnam{"l/100 km"} one{"{0} l/100 km"} other{"{0} l/100 km"} } liter-per-kilometer{ dnam{"l/km"} one{"{0} l/km"} other{"{0} l/km"} } mile-per-gallon{ dnam{"mi/gal"} one{"{0} mi/gal"} other{"{0} mi/gal"} } mile-per-gallon-imperial{ dnam{"mi/gal imp."} one{"{0} mi/gal imp."} other{"{0} mi/gal imp."} } } coordinate{ dnam{"punt"} east{"{0}E"} north{"{0}N"} south{"{0}S"} west{"{0}O"} } digital{ bit{ dnam{"bit"} one{"{0} bit"} other{"{0} bits"} } byte{ dnam{"B"} one{"{0} B"} other{"{0} B"} } gigabit{ dnam{"Gb"} one{"{0} Gb"} other{"{0} Gb"} } gigabyte{ dnam{"GB"} one{"{0} GB"} other{"{0} GB"} } kilobit{ dnam{"kb"} one{"{0} kb"} other{"{0} kb"} } kilobyte{ dnam{"kB"} one{"{0} kB"} other{"{0} kB"} } megabit{ dnam{"Mbit"} one{"{0} Mbit"} other{"{0} Mbit"} } megabyte{ dnam{"MB"} one{"{0} MB"} other{"{0} MB"} } petabyte{ dnam{"PB"} one{"{0} PB"} other{"{0} PB"} } terabit{ dnam{"Tb"} one{"{0} Tb"} other{"{0} Tb"} } terabyte{ dnam{"TB"} one{"{0} TB"} other{"{0} TB"} } } duration{ century{ dnam{"segles"} one{"{0} segle"} other{"{0} segles"} } day{ dnam{"dies"} one{"{0} dia"} other{"{0} dies"} per{"{0}/d"} } decade{ dnam{"dèc."} one{"{0} dèc."} other{"{0} dèc."} } hour{ dnam{"hores"} one{"{0} h"} other{"{0} h"} per{"{0}/h"} } microsecond{ dnam{"μs"} one{"{0} μs"} other{"{0} μs"} } millisecond{ dnam{"mil·lisegons"} one{"{0} ms"} other{"{0} ms"} } minute{ dnam{"min"} one{"{0} min"} other{"{0} min"} per{"{0}/min"} } month{ dnam{"mesos"} one{"{0} mes"} other{"{0} mesos"} per{"{0}/m"} } nanosecond{ dnam{"ns"} one{"{0} ns"} other{"{0} ns"} } second{ dnam{"s"} one{"{0} s"} other{"{0} s"} per{"{0}/s"} } week{ dnam{"setm."} one{"{0} setm."} other{"{0} setm."} per{"{0}/setm."} } year{ dnam{"anys"} one{"{0} any"} other{"{0} anys"} per{"{0}/a"} } } electric{ ampere{ dnam{"A"} one{"{0} A"} other{"{0} A"} } milliampere{ dnam{"mA"} one{"{0} mA"} other{"{0} mA"} } ohm{ dnam{"Ω"} one{"{0} Ω"} other{"{0} Ω"} } volt{ dnam{"V"} one{"{0} V"} other{"{0} V"} } } energy{ calorie{ dnam{"cal"} one{"{0} cal"} other{"{0} cal"} } electronvolt{ dnam{"eV"} one{"{0} eV"} other{"{0} eV"} } foodcalorie{ dnam{"kcal"} one{"{0} kcal"} other{"{0} kcal"} } joule{ dnam{"J"} one{"{0} J"} other{"{0} J"} } kilocalorie{ dnam{"kcal"} one{"{0} kcal"} other{"{0} kcal"} } kilojoule{ dnam{"kJ"} one{"{0} kJ"} other{"{0} kJ"} } kilowatt-hour{ dnam{"kWh"} one{"{0} kWh"} other{"{0} kWh"} } therm-us{ dnam{"unitat tèrmica americana"} one{"{0} thm"} other{"{0} thm"} } } force{ newton{ dnam{"newton"} } pound-force{ dnam{"lliures-força"} one{"{0} lbf"} other{"{0} lbf"} } } frequency{ gigahertz{ dnam{"GHz"} one{"{0} GHz"} other{"{0} GHz"} } hertz{ dnam{"Hz"} one{"{0} Hz"} other{"{0} Hz"} } kilohertz{ dnam{"kHz"} one{"{0} kHz"} other{"{0} kHz"} } megahertz{ dnam{"MHz"} one{"{0} MHz"} other{"{0} MHz"} } } graphics{ dot{ dnam{"punt"} one{"{0} punt"} other{"{0} punts"} } dot-per-centimeter{ dnam{"ppcm"} one{"{0} ppcm"} other{"{0} ppcm"} } dot-per-inch{ dnam{"ppp"} one{"{0} ppp"} other{"{0} ppp"} } em{ dnam{"em"} one{"{0} em"} other{"{0} em"} } megapixel{ dnam{"megapíxels"} one{"{0} Mpx"} other{"{0} Mpx"} } pixel{ dnam{"píxels"} one{"{0} px"} other{"{0} px"} } pixel-per-centimeter{ dnam{"píxels per cm"} one{"{0} píxel per cm"} other{"{0} píxels per cm"} } pixel-per-inch{ dnam{"PPI"} one{"{0} PPI"} other{"{0} PPI"} } } length{ astronomical-unit{ dnam{"ua"} one{"{0} ua"} other{"{0} ua"} } centimeter{ dnam{"cm"} one{"{0} cm"} other{"{0} cm"} per{"{0}/cm"} } decimeter{ dnam{"dm"} one{"{0} dm"} other{"{0} dm"} } foot{ dnam{"peus"} one{"{0} ft"} other{"{0} ft"} per{"{0}/ft"} } inch{ dnam{"polzades"} one{"{0} in"} other{"{0} in"} per{"{0}/in"} } kilometer{ dnam{"km"} one{"{0} km"} other{"{0} km"} per{"{0}/km"} } light-year{ dnam{"anys llum"} one{"{0} any ll."} other{"{0} anys ll."} } meter{ dnam{"m"} one{"{0} m"} other{"{0} m"} per{"{0}/m"} } micrometer{ dnam{"µm"} one{"{0} µm"} other{"{0} µm"} } mile{ dnam{"milles"} one{"{0} mi"} other{"{0} mi"} } mile-scandinavian{ dnam{"smi"} one{"{0} smi"} other{"{0} smi"} } millimeter{ dnam{"mm"} one{"{0} mm"} other{"{0} mm"} } nanometer{ dnam{"nm"} one{"{0} nm"} other{"{0} nm"} } nautical-mile{ dnam{"NM"} one{"{0} NM"} other{"{0} NM"} } parsec{ dnam{"parsecs"} one{"{0} pc"} other{"{0} pc"} } picometer{ dnam{"pm"} one{"{0} pm"} other{"{0} pm"} } point{ dnam{"punts"} one{"{0} pt"} other{"{0} pt"} } yard{ dnam{"iardes"} one{"{0} yd"} other{"{0} yd"} } } light{ lumen{ dnam{"lm"} } lux{ dnam{"lux"} one{"{0} lx"} other{"{0} lx"} } solar-luminosity{ dnam{"lluminositats solars"} } } mass{ carat{ dnam{"quirat"} one{"{0} ct"} other{"{0} ct"} } dalton{ one{"{0} Da"} other{"{0} Da"} } earth-mass{ dnam{"M⊕"} one{"{0} M⊕"} other{"{0} M⊕"} } grain{ dnam{"gra"} one{"{0} gra"} other{"{0} grans"} } gram{ dnam{"grams"} one{"{0} g"} other{"{0} g"} per{"{0}/g"} } kilogram{ dnam{"kg"} one{"{0} kg"} other{"{0} kg"} per{"{0}/kg"} } metric-ton{ dnam{"t mètriques"} one{"{0} t mètr."} other{"{0} t mètr."} } microgram{ dnam{"µg"} one{"{0} µg"} other{"{0} µg"} } milligram{ dnam{"mg"} one{"{0} mg"} other{"{0} mg"} } ounce{ dnam{"oz"} one{"{0} oz"} other{"{0} oz"} per{"{0}/oz"} } ounce-troy{ dnam{"ozt"} one{"{0} ozt"} other{"{0} ozt"} } pound{ dnam{"lb"} one{"{0} lb"} other{"{0} lb"} per{"{0}/lb"} } stone{ dnam{"st"} one{"{0} st"} other{"{0} st"} } ton{ dnam{"t"} one{"{0} t"} other{"{0} t"} } } power{ gigawatt{ dnam{"GW"} one{"{0} GW"} other{"{0} GW"} } horsepower{ dnam{"CV"} one{"{0} CV"} other{"{0} CV"} } kilowatt{ dnam{"kW"} one{"{0} kW"} other{"{0} kW"} } megawatt{ dnam{"MW"} one{"{0} MW"} other{"{0} MW"} } milliwatt{ dnam{"mW"} one{"{0} mW"} other{"{0} mW"} } watt{ dnam{"W"} one{"{0} W"} other{"{0} W"} } } pressure{ atmosphere{ dnam{"atm"} one{"{0} atm"} other{"{0} atm"} } bar{ one{"{0} bar"} other{"{0} bars"} } hectopascal{ dnam{"hPa"} one{"{0} hPa"} other{"{0} hPa"} } inch-ofhg{ dnam{"inHg"} one{"{0} inHg"} other{"{0} inHg"} } megapascal{ dnam{"MPa"} } millibar{ dnam{"mbar"} one{"{0} mbar"} other{"{0} mbar"} } millimeter-ofhg{ dnam{"mmHg"} one{"{0} mmHg"} other{"{0} mmHg"} } pascal{ dnam{"Pa"} one{"{0} Pa"} other{"{0} Pa"} } pound-force-per-square-inch{ dnam{"psi"} one{"{0} psi"} other{"{0} psi"} } } speed{ kilometer-per-hour{ dnam{"km/h"} one{"{0} km/h"} other{"{0} km/h"} } knot{ dnam{"kn"} one{"{0} kn"} other{"{0} kn"} } meter-per-second{ dnam{"m/s"} one{"{0} m/s"} other{"{0} m/s"} } mile-per-hour{ dnam{"mi/h"} one{"{0} mi/h"} other{"{0} mi/h"} } } temperature{ celsius{ dnam{"°C"} one{"{0} °C"} other{"{0} °C"} } fahrenheit{ dnam{"°F"} one{"{0} °F"} other{"{0} °F"} } generic{ dnam{"°"} one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } kelvin{ dnam{"K"} one{"{0} K"} other{"{0} K"} } } torque{ newton-meter{ dnam{"N⋅m"} one{"{0} N⋅m"} other{"{0} N⋅m"} } pound-force-foot{ dnam{"lbf⋅ft"} one{"{0} lbf⋅ft"} other{"{0} lbf⋅ft"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ dnam{"ac ft"} one{"{0} ac ft"} other{"{0} ac ft"} } barrel{ dnam{"bbl"} one{"{0} bbl"} other{"{0} bbl"} } bushel{ dnam{"bushels"} one{"{0} bu"} other{"{0} bu"} } centiliter{ dnam{"cl"} one{"{0} cl"} other{"{0} cl"} } cubic-centimeter{ dnam{"cm³"} one{"{0} cm³"} other{"{0} cm³"} per{"{0}/cm³"} } cubic-foot{ dnam{"ft³"} one{"{0} ft³"} other{"{0} ft³"} } cubic-inch{ dnam{"in³"} one{"{0} in³"} other{"{0} in³"} } cubic-kilometer{ dnam{"km³"} one{"{0} km³"} other{"{0} km³"} } cubic-meter{ dnam{"m³"} one{"{0} m³"} other{"{0} m³"} per{"{0}/m³"} } cubic-mile{ dnam{"mi³"} one{"{0} mi³"} other{"{0} mi³"} } cubic-yard{ dnam{"yd³"} one{"{0} yd³"} other{"{0} yd³"} } cup{ dnam{"tassa"} one{"{0} tassa"} other{"{0} tasses"} } cup-metric{ dnam{"mcup"} one{"{0} mc"} other{"{0} mc"} } deciliter{ dnam{"dl"} one{"{0} dl"} other{"{0} dl"} } dessert-spoon{ dnam{"cullereta de postres"} one{"{0} cullereta de postres"} other{"{0} culleretes de postres"} } dessert-spoon-imperial{ dnam{"cull. postres imp."} one{"{0} cull. postres imp."} other{"{0} cull. postres imp."} } dram{ dnam{"dracma fluid"} one{"{0} dracma fluid"} other{"{0} dracmes fluids"} } drop{ dnam{"gota"} one{"{0} gota"} other{"{0} gotes"} } fluid-ounce{ dnam{"fl oz"} one{"{0} fl oz"} other{"{0} fl oz"} } fluid-ounce-imperial{ dnam{"fl oz imp."} one{"{0} fl oz imp."} other{"{0} fl oz imp."} } gallon{ dnam{"gal"} one{"{0} gal"} other{"{0} gal"} per{"{0}/gal"} } gallon-imperial{ dnam{"gal imp."} one{"{0} gal imp."} other{"{0} gal imp."} per{"{0}/gal imp."} } hectoliter{ dnam{"hl"} one{"{0} hl"} other{"{0} hl"} } jigger{ dnam{"mesurador"} one{"{0} mesurador"} other{"{0} mesuradors"} } liter{ dnam{"l"} one{"{0} l"} other{"{0} l"} per{"{0}/l"} } megaliter{ dnam{"Ml"} one{"{0} Ml"} other{"{0} Ml"} } milliliter{ dnam{"ml"} one{"{0} ml"} other{"{0} ml"} } pinch{ dnam{"pessic"} one{"{0} pessic"} other{"{0} pessics"} } pint{ dnam{"pt"} one{"{0} pt"} other{"{0} pt"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"ptm"} one{"{0} ptm"} other{"{0} ptm"} } quart{ dnam{"qt"} one{"{0} qt"} other{"{0} qt"} } quart-imperial{ dnam{"quart imperial"} one{"{0} quart imperial"} other{"{0} quarts imperials"} } tablespoon{ dnam{"cull."} one{"{0} cull."} other{"{0} cull."} } teaspoon{ dnam{"cdta."} one{"{0} cdta."} other{"{0} cdta."} } } } }