// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml sr{ durationUnits{ hm{"h:mm"} hms{"h:mm:ss"} ms{"m:ss"} } units{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"ге сила"} few{"{0} ге сила"} one{"{0} ге сила"} other{"{0} ге сила"} } meter-per-square-second{ dnam{"метри у секунди на квадрат"} few{"{0} метра у секунди на квадрат"} one{"{0} метар у секунди на квадрат"} other{"{0} метара у секунди на квадрат"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"лучни минути"} few{"{0} лучна минута"} one{"{0} лучни минут"} other{"{0} лучних минута"} } arc-second{ dnam{"лучне секунде"} few{"{0} лучне секунде"} one{"{0} лучна секунда"} other{"{0} лучних секунди"} } degree{ dnam{"степени"} few{"{0} степена"} one{"{0} степен"} other{"{0} степени"} } radian{ dnam{"радијани"} few{"{0} радијана"} one{"{0} радијан"} other{"{0} радијана"} } revolution{ dnam{"обртај"} few{"{0} обртаја"} one{"{0} обртај"} other{"{0} 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децилитар"} other{"{0} децилитара"} } dessert-spoon{ dnam{"десертна кашичица"} few{"{0} десертне кашичице"} one{"{0} десертна кашичица"} other{"{0} десертних кашичица"} } dessert-spoon-imperial{ dnam{"империјска десертна кашичица"} few{"{0} империјске десертне кашичице"} one{"{0} империјска десертна кашичица"} other{"{0} империјских десертних кашичица"} } dram{ dnam{"драм течности"} few{"{0} драма течности"} one{"{0} драм течности"} other{"{0} драма течности"} } drop{ dnam{"кап"} few{"{0} капи"} one{"{0} кап"} other{"{0} капи"} } fluid-ounce{ dnam{"унце течности"} few{"{0} унце течности"} one{"{0} унца течности"} other{"{0} унци течности"} } fluid-ounce-imperial{ dnam{"империјске унце течности"} few{"{0} империјске унце течности"} one{"{0} империјска унца течности"} other{"{0} империјских унци течности"} } gallon{ dnam{"галони"} few{"{0} галона"} one{"{0} галон"} other{"{0} галона"} per{"{0} по галону"} } gallon-imperial{ dnam{"империјални галон"} few{"{0} имп. галона"} one{"{0} имп. галон"} other{"{0} имп. галона"} per{"{0} по имп. галону"} } hectoliter{ dnam{"хектолитри"} few{"{0} хектолитра"} one{"{0} хектолитар"} other{"{0} хектолитара"} } jigger{ dnam{"џигер"} few{"{0} џигера"} one{"{0} џигер"} other{"{0} џигера"} } liter{ dnam{"литри"} few{"{0} литра"} one{"{0} литар"} other{"{0} литара"} per{"{0} по литри"} } megaliter{ dnam{"мегалитри"} few{"{0} мегалитра"} one{"{0} мегалитар"} other{"{0} мегалитара"} } milliliter{ dnam{"милилитри"} few{"{0} милилитра"} one{"{0} милилитар"} other{"{0} милилитара"} } pinch{ dnam{"прстохват"} few{"{0} прстохвата"} one{"{0} прстохват"} other{"{0} прстохвата"} } pint{ dnam{"пинте"} few{"{0} пинте"} one{"{0} пинта"} other{"{0} пинти"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"метричке пинте"} few{"{0} метричке пинте"} one{"{0} метричка пинта"} other{"{0} метричких пинти"} } quart{ dnam{"кварти"} few{"{0} кварта"} one{"{0} кварат"} other{"{0} кварата"} } quart-imperial{ dnam{"империјска четвртина"} few{"{0} империјске четвртине"} one{"{0} империјска четвртина"} other{"{0} империјских четвртина"} } tablespoon{ dnam{"кашике"} few{"{0} кашике"} one{"{0} кашика"} other{"{0} кашика"} } teaspoon{ dnam{"кашичице"} few{"{0} кашичице"} one{"{0} кашичица"} other{"{0} кашичица"} } } } unitsNarrow{ acceleration{ g-force{ few{"{0} G"} one{"{0} G"} other{"{0} G"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ few{"{0}′"} one{"{0}′"} other{"{0}′"} } arc-second{ few{"{0}″"} one{"{0}″"} other{"{0}″"} } degree{ few{"{0}°"} one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } } area{ acre{ few{"{0} ac"} one{"{0} ac"} other{"{0} ac"} } hectare{ few{"{0} ha"} one{"{0} ha"} other{"{0} ha"} } square-foot{ few{"{0} ft²"} one{"{0} ft²"} other{"{0} ft²"} } square-kilometer{ few{"{0} km²"} one{"{0} km²"} other{"{0} km²"} } square-meter{ few{"{0} m²"} one{"{0} m²"} other{"{0} m²"} } square-mile{ few{"{0} mi²"} one{"{0} mi²"} other{"{0} mi²"} } } compound{ per{"{0}/{1}"} times{"{0}⋅{1}"} } concentr{ percent{ dnam{"%"} few{"{0}%"} one{"{0}%"} other{"{0}%"} } } consumption{ liter-per-100-kilometer{ dnam{"L/100km"} few{"{0} L/100km"} one{"{0} L/100km"} other{"{0} L/100km"} } } coordinate{ dnam{"правац"} east{"{0}И"} north{"{0}С"} south{"{0}Ј"} west{"{0}З"} } duration{ day{ dnam{"д"} few{"{0} д"} one{"{0} д"} other{"{0} д"} } hour{ dnam{"ч"} few{"{0} ч"} one{"{0} ч"} other{"{0} ч"} } millisecond{ dnam{"ms"} few{"{0} ms"} one{"{0} ms"} other{"{0} ms"} } minute{ dnam{"мин"} few{"{0} м"} one{"{0} м"} other{"{0} м"} } month{ dnam{"м."} few{"{0} м"} one{"{0} м"} other{"{0} м"} } second{ dnam{"с"} few{"{0} с"} one{"{0} с"} other{"{0} с"} } week{ dnam{"н."} few{"{0} н"} one{"{0} н"} other{"{0} н"} } year{ dnam{"г."} few{"{0} г"} one{"{0} г"} other{"{0} г"} } } length{ centimeter{ dnam{"cm"} few{"{0} cm"} one{"{0} cm"} other{"{0} cm"} } foot{ dnam{"ft"} few{"{0} ft"} one{"{0} ft"} other{"{0} ft"} } inch{ few{"{0} инча"} one{"{0} инч"} other{"{0} инча"} } kilometer{ dnam{"km"} few{"{0} km"} one{"{0} km"} other{"{0} km"} } light-year{ few{"{0} сг"} one{"{0} сг"} other{"{0} сг"} } meter{ dnam{"m"} few{"{0} m"} one{"{0} m"} other{"{0} m"} } mile{ few{"{0} миље"} one{"{0} миља"} other{"{0} миља"} } millimeter{ dnam{"mm"} few{"{0} mm"} one{"{0} mm"} other{"{0} mm"} } picometer{ few{"{0} pm"} one{"{0} pm"} other{"{0} pm"} } yard{ few{"{0} јрд"} one{"{0} јрд"} other{"{0} јрд"} } } mass{ gram{ dnam{"g"} few{"{0} g"} one{"{0} g"} other{"{0} g"} } kilogram{ dnam{"kg"} few{"{0} kg"} one{"{0} kg"} other{"{0} kg"} } ounce{ few{"{0} унце"} one{"{0} унца"} other{"{0} унци"} } pound{ few{"{0} lb"} one{"{0} lb"} other{"{0} lb"} } } power{ horsepower{ few{"{0} кс"} one{"{0} кс"} other{"{0} кс"} } kilowatt{ few{"{0} kW"} one{"{0} kW"} other{"{0} kW"} } watt{ few{"{0} W"} one{"{0} W"} other{"{0} W"} } } pressure{ hectopascal{ few{"{0} hPa"} one{"{0} hPa"} other{"{0} hPa"} } inch-ofhg{ few{"{0} inHg"} one{"{0} inHg"} other{"{0} inHg"} } millibar{ few{"{0} mbar"} one{"{0} mbar"} other{"{0} mbar"} } } speed{ kilometer-per-hour{ dnam{"km/h"} few{"{0} km/h"} one{"{0} km/h"} other{"{0} km/h"} } meter-per-second{ few{"{0} m/s"} one{"{0} m/s"} other{"{0} m/s"} } mile-per-hour{ few{"{0} mi/h"} one{"{0} mi/h"} other{"{0} mi/h"} } } temperature{ celsius{ dnam{"°C"} few{"{0}°C"} one{"{0}°C"} other{"{0}°C"} } fahrenheit{ few{"{0}°F"} one{"{0}°F"} other{"{0}°F"} } } volume{ cubic-kilometer{ few{"{0} km³"} one{"{0} km³"} other{"{0} km³"} } cubic-mile{ few{"{0} mi³"} one{"{0} mi³"} other{"{0} mi³"} } liter{ dnam{"l"} few{"{0} l"} one{"{0} l"} other{"{0} l"} } } } unitsShort{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"ге сила"} few{"{0} G"} one{"{0} G"} other{"{0} G"} } meter-per-square-second{ dnam{"m/s²"} few{"{0} m/s²"} one{"{0} m/s²"} other{"{0} m/s²"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"лучни мин"} few{"{0}′"} one{"{0}′"} other{"{0}′"} } arc-second{ dnam{"лучне сек"} few{"{0}″"} one{"{0}″"} other{"{0}″"} } degree{ dnam{"степени"} few{"{0}°"} one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } radian{ dnam{"rad"} few{"{0} rad"} one{"{0} rad"} other{"{0} rad"} } revolution{ dnam{"rev"} few{"{0} rev"} one{"{0} rev"} other{"{0} 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dnam{"ms"} few{"{0} ms"} one{"{0} ms"} other{"{0} ms"} } minute{ dnam{"мин"} few{"{0} мин"} one{"{0} мин"} other{"{0} мин"} per{"{0}/мин"} } month{ dnam{"месеци"} few{"{0} мес."} one{"{0} мес."} other{"{0} мес."} per{"{0}/м"} } nanosecond{ dnam{"ns"} few{"{0} ns"} one{"{0} ns"} other{"{0} ns"} } second{ dnam{"сек"} few{"{0} сек"} one{"{0} сек"} other{"{0} сек"} per{"{0}/с"} } week{ dnam{"нед."} few{"{0} нед."} one{"{0} нед."} other{"{0} нед."} per{"{0}/н"} } year{ dnam{"год."} few{"{0} год."} one{"{0} год"} other{"{0} год."} per{"{0}/год"} } } electric{ ampere{ dnam{"A"} few{"{0} A"} one{"{0} A"} other{"{0} A"} } milliampere{ dnam{"mA"} few{"{0} mA"} one{"{0} mA"} other{"{0} mA"} } ohm{ dnam{"Ω"} few{"{0} Ω"} one{"{0} Ω"} other{"{0} Ω"} } volt{ dnam{"V"} few{"{0} V"} one{"{0} V"} other{"{0} V"} } } energy{ calorie{ dnam{"cal"} few{"{0} cal"} one{"{0} cal"} other{"{0} cal"} } electronvolt{ dnam{"електронволт"} few{"{0} eV"} one{"{0} eV"} other{"{0} eV"} } foodcalorie{ dnam{"Cal"} 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one{"{0} km"} other{"{0} km"} per{"{0}/km"} } light-year{ dnam{"светлосне год."} few{"{0} сг"} one{"{0} сг"} other{"{0} сг"} } meter{ dnam{"m"} few{"{0} m"} one{"{0} m"} other{"{0} m"} per{"{0}/m"} } micrometer{ dnam{"µm"} few{"{0} µm"} one{"{0} µm"} other{"{0} µm"} } mile{ dnam{"миље"} few{"{0} mi"} one{"{0} mi"} other{"{0} mi"} } mile-scandinavian{ dnam{"smi"} few{"{0} smi"} one{"{0} smi"} other{"{0} smi"} } millimeter{ dnam{"mm"} few{"{0} mm"} one{"{0} mm"} other{"{0} mm"} } nanometer{ dnam{"nm"} few{"{0} nm"} one{"{0} nm"} other{"{0} nm"} } nautical-mile{ dnam{"nmi"} few{"{0} nmi"} one{"{0} nmi"} other{"{0} nmi"} } parsec{ dnam{"парсеци"} few{"{0} pc"} one{"{0} pc"} other{"{0} pc"} } picometer{ dnam{"пикометри"} few{"{0} pm"} one{"{0} pm"} other{"{0} pm"} } point{ dnam{"pt"} few{"{0} pt"} one{"{0} pt"} other{"{0} pt"} } yard{ dnam{"јарди"} few{"{0} јрд"} one{"{0} јрд"} other{"{0} јрд"} } } light{ lux{ dnam{"lx"} few{"{0} lx"} one{"{0} lx"} other{"{0} lx"} } } mass{ carat{ 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other{"{0} MW"} } milliwatt{ dnam{"mW"} few{"{0} mW"} one{"{0} mW"} other{"{0} mW"} } watt{ dnam{"W"} few{"{0} W"} one{"{0} W"} other{"{0} W"} } } pressure{ atmosphere{ dnam{"atm"} few{"{0} atm"} one{"{0} atm"} other{"{0} atm"} } bar{ dnam{"bar"} few{"{0} bar"} one{"{0} bar"} other{"{0} bar"} } hectopascal{ dnam{"hPa"} few{"{0} hPa"} one{"{0} hPa"} other{"{0} hPa"} } inch-ofhg{ dnam{"inHg"} few{"{0} inHg"} one{"{0} inHg"} other{"{0} inHg"} } millibar{ dnam{"mbar"} few{"{0} mbar"} one{"{0} mbar"} other{"{0} mbar"} } millimeter-ofhg{ dnam{"mm Hg"} few{"{0} mm Hg"} one{"{0} mm Hg"} other{"{0} mm Hg"} } pascal{ dnam{"Pa"} few{"{0} Pa"} one{"{0} Pa"} other{"{0} Pa"} } pound-force-per-square-inch{ dnam{"psi"} few{"{0} psi"} one{"{0} psi"} other{"{0} psi"} } } speed{ kilometer-per-hour{ dnam{"km/h"} few{"{0} km/h"} one{"{0} km/h"} other{"{0} km/h"} } knot{ dnam{"kn"} few{"{0} kn"} one{"{0} kn"} other{"{0} kn"} } meter-per-second{ dnam{"метри у секунди"} few{"{0} m/s"} one{"{0} m/s"} other{"{0} m/s"} } mile-per-hour{ dnam{"миље на сат"} few{"{0} mi/h"} one{"{0} mi/h"} other{"{0} mi/h"} } } temperature{ celsius{ dnam{"°C"} few{"{0}°C"} one{"{0}°C"} other{"{0}°C"} } fahrenheit{ dnam{"степени Фаренхајта"} few{"{0}°F"} one{"{0}°F"} other{"{0}°F"} } generic{ dnam{"°"} few{"{0}°"} one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } kelvin{ dnam{"K"} few{"{0} K"} one{"{0} K"} other{"{0} K"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ dnam{"ac ft"} few{"{0} ac ft"} one{"{0} ac ft"} other{"{0} ac ft"} } centiliter{ dnam{"cL"} few{"{0} cL"} one{"{0} cL"} other{"{0} cL"} } cubic-centimeter{ dnam{"cm³"} few{"{0} cm³"} one{"{0} cm³"} other{"{0} cm³"} per{"{0}/cm³"} } cubic-foot{ dnam{"ft³"} few{"{0} ft³"} one{"{0} ft³"} other{"{0} ft³"} } cubic-inch{ dnam{"in³"} few{"{0} in³"} one{"{0} in³"} other{"{0} in³"} } cubic-kilometer{ dnam{"km³"} few{"{0} km³"} one{"{0} km³"} other{"{0} km³"} } cubic-meter{ dnam{"m³"} few{"{0} m³"} one{"{0} m³"} other{"{0} m³"} per{"{0}/m³"} } cubic-mile{ dnam{"mi³"} few{"{0} mi³"} one{"{0} mi³"} other{"{0} mi³"} } cubic-yard{ dnam{"yd³"} few{"{0} yd³"} one{"{0} yd³"} other{"{0} yd³"} } cup{ dnam{"шоље"} few{"{0} ш."} one{"{0} ш."} other{"{0} ш."} } cup-metric{ dnam{"mcup"} few{"{0} mc"} one{"{0} mc"} other{"{0} mc"} } deciliter{ dnam{"dL"} few{"{0} dL"} one{"{0} dL"} other{"{0} dL"} } dram{ dnam{"драм течности"} } drop{ dnam{"кап"} few{"{0} капи"} one{"{0} кап"} other{"{0} капи"} } fluid-ounce{ dnam{"fl oz"} few{"{0} fl oz"} one{"{0} fl oz"} other{"{0} fl oz"} } gallon{ dnam{"gal"} few{"{0} gal"} one{"{0} gal"} other{"{0} gal"} per{"{0}/gal"} } gallon-imperial{ dnam{"Imp. gal"} few{"{0} gal Imp."} one{"{0} gal Imp."} other{"{0} gal Imp."} per{"{0}/gal Imp."} } hectoliter{ dnam{"hL"} few{"{0} hL"} one{"{0} hL"} other{"{0} hL"} } jigger{ dnam{"џигер"} } liter{ dnam{"литри"} few{"{0} l"} one{"{0} l"} other{"{0} l"} per{"{0}/l"} } megaliter{ dnam{"ML"} few{"{0} ML"} one{"{0} ML"} other{"{0} ML"} } milliliter{ dnam{"mL"} few{"{0} mL"} one{"{0} mL"} other{"{0} mL"} } pinch{ dnam{"прстохват"} } pint{ dnam{"pt"} few{"{0} pt"} one{"{0} pt"} other{"{0} pt"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"mpt"} few{"{0} mpt"} one{"{0} mpt"} other{"{0} mpt"} } quart{ dnam{"qt"} few{"{0} qt"} one{"{0} qt"} other{"{0} qt"} } tablespoon{ dnam{"каш."} few{"{0} каш."} one{"{0} каш."} other{"{0} каш."} } teaspoon{ dnam{"кашич."} few{"{0} кашич."} one{"{0} кашич."} other{"{0} кашич."} } } } }