Lines Matching refs:should

18     context.instance_variables.should be_empty
27 vars.should include( '@a' )
28 vars.should include( '@b' )
30 context.instance_variable_get( '@a' ).should == 1
31 context.instance_variable_get( '@b' ).should == 2
39 context[ :a ].should == 1
40 context[ 'a' ].should == 1
41 context[ :b ].should == 2
42 context[ 'b' ].should == 2
50 context.instance_variable_get( '@a' ).should == 1
51 context.instance_variable_get( '@b' ).should == 2
59 context.instance_variable_get( '@a' ).should == 1
60 context.instance_variable_get( '@b' ).should == 2
66 context.a.should == 1
67 context.b.should == 2
79 templates.should equal @group::TEMPLATES
83 names.should have(3).things
85 names.should include template_name
87 template_class.should be_a_kind_of Class
88 template_class.superclass.should equal Template::Context
89 template_class.should be < @group # it should include the group module
95 @group.template_defined?( name ).should be_true
96 @group.template_defined?( name.to_s ).should be_true
99 @group.template_defined?( :something_else ).should be_false
104 @group.should respond_to( name )
105 @group.should respond_to( "#{ name }!" )
107 @group.private_instance_methods.should include name.to_sym
108 @group.private_instance_methods.should include :"#{ name }!"
110 @group.private_instance_methods.should include name.to_s
111 @group.private_instance_methods.should include "#{ name }!"
118 value.should be_a_kind_of Template::Context
121 value.should be_a_kind_of String
124 value.should be_a_kind_of Template::Context
190 vegetable.to_s.should == tidy( <<-END.chomp )
234 vegetable.to_s.should == tidy( <<-END.chomp )