Lines Matching refs:__vector

6 __vector char vv_c;
7 __vector signed char vv_sc;
8 __vector unsigned char vv_uc;
9 __vector short vv_s;
10 __vector signed short vv_ss;
11 __vector unsigned short vv_us;
12 __vector short int vv_si;
13 __vector signed short int vv_ssi;
14 __vector unsigned short int vv_usi;
15 __vector int vv_i;
16 __vector signed int vv_sint;
17 __vector unsigned int vv_ui;
18 __vector float vv_f;
19 __vector bool char vv_bc;
20 __vector bool short vv_bs;
21 __vector bool int vv_bi;
22 __vector __bool char vv___bc;
23 __vector __bool short vv___bs;
24 __vector __bool int vv___bi;
25 __vector __pixel vv_p;
26 __vector pixel vv__p;
27 __vector int vf__r();
28 void vf__a(__vector int a);
29 void vf__a2(int b, __vector int a);
59 __vector long vv_l; // expected-warning {{Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecat…
60 __vector signed long vv_sl; // expected-warning {{Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecat…
61 __vector unsigned long vv_ul; // expected-warning {{Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecat…
62 __vector long int vv_li; // expected-warning {{Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecat…
63 __vector signed long int vv_sli; // expected-warning {{Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecat…
64 __vector unsigned long int vv_uli; // expected-warning {{Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecat…
71 __vector long double vv_ld; // expected-error {{cannot use 'long double' with '__vector'}}
75 __vector double vv_d1; // expected-error {{use of 'double' with '__vector' requires V…
77 __vector bool long long v_bll1; // expected-error {{use of 'long long' with '__vector bool' re…
78 __vector __bool long long v_bll2; // expected-error {{use of 'long long' with '__vector bool' re…
81 __vector long double vv_ld3; // expected-error {{cannot use 'long double' with '__vector'}}
103 __vector unsigned int v = {0,0,0,0}; in f()
104 __vector int v__cast = (__vector int)v; in f()
105 __vector int v_cast = (vector int)v; in f()
106 __vector char vb_cast = (vector char)v; in f()
114 __vector unsigned int av = gccv; in f()
115 __vector int avi = (__vector int)gccv; in f()
123 __vector unsigned int tv = gccv; in f()
131 __vector int v;
132 __vector int f__r();
133 void f__a(__vector int a);
134 void f__a2(int b, __vector int a);
168 __vector float xyzw;
181 __vector float xyzw;
191 __vector float xyzw;
192 __vector float abcd;