Lines Matching refs:NSString

15 @interface NSString : NSObject <NSCopying>  interface
18 @interface NSMutableString : NSString
38 @interface NSStringArray : NSArray<NSString *>
98 NSSet<NSString *> *stringSet,
99 NSMutableSet<NSString *> *mutStringSet,
102 MutableSetOfArrays<NSString *> *mutStringArraySet,
106 NSArray<NSString *> *stringArray,
109 ip = [stringSet firstObject]; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSString *'}}
110 ip = [mutStringSet firstObject]; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSString *'}}
113 …ip = [mutStringArraySet firstObject]; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString
119 ip = [stringSet findObject:@"blah"]; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSString *'}}
122 ip = [NSSet<NSString *> alloc]; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSSet<NSString *> *'}}
124 …ip = [MutableSetOfArrays<NSString *> alloc]; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'MutableSet…
126 …ip = [NSArray<NSString *> array]; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *…
127 …ip = [NSArray<NSString *><NSCopying> array]; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSArray<NS…
129 …ip = [[NSMutableArray<NSString *> alloc] init]; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSMuta…
132 [[NSMutableArray<NSString *> alloc] initWithArray: stringArray]; // okay
133 …d-error{{parameter of type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' with an lvalue of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *'}}
137 NSMutableSet<NSString *> *mutStringSet,
140 MutableSetOfArrays<NSString *> *mutStringArraySet,
146 [mutStringSet addObject: window]; // expected-error{{parameter of type 'NSString *'}}
149 …[mutStringArraySet addObject: window]; // expected-error{{parameter of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *…
159 NSSet<NSString *> *stringSet,
160 NSMutableSet<NSString *> *mutStringSet,
163 MutableSetOfArrays<NSString *> *mutStringArraySet,
169 ip = stringSet.allObjects; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *'}}
170 ip = mutStringSet.allObjects; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *'}}
173 …ArraySet.allObjects; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSArray<NSArray<NSString *> *> *'}}
182 NSMutableSet<NSString *> *mutStringSet,
185 MutableSetOfArrays<NSString *> *mutStringArraySet,
191 mutStringSet.allObjects = ip; // expected-error{{to 'NSArray<NSString *> *'}}
194 mutStringArraySet.allObjects = ip; // expected-error{{to 'NSArray<NSArray<NSString *> *> *'}}
205 NSArray<NSString *> *stringArray,
206 NSMutableArray<NSString *> *mutStringArray,
209 NSDictionary<NSString *, Widget *> *stringWidgetDict,
210 NSMutableDictionary<NSString *, Widget *> *mutStringWidgetDict,
214 NSString *string;
218 ip = stringArray[0]; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSString *'}}
220 ip = mutStringArray[0]; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSString *'}}
221 mutStringArray[0] = ip; // expected-error{{parameter of type 'NSString *'}}
229 widget = stringWidgetDict[widget]; // expected-error{{parameter of type 'NSString *'}}
232 widget = mutStringWidgetDict[widget]; // expected-error{{parameter of type 'NSString *'}}
234 mutStringWidgetDict[widget] = widget; // expected-error{{parameter of type 'NSString *'}}
248 void test_instance_variable(NSArray<NSString *> *stringArray,
252 ip = stringArray->data; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSString **'}}
267 void test_implicit_conversions(NSArray<NSString *> *stringArray,
269 NSMutableArray<NSString *> *mutStringArray,
279 …stringArray = numberArray; // expected-error{{assigning to 'NSArray<NSString *> *' from incompatib…
285 …error{{assigning to 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' from incompatible type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *'}}
300 void test_variance(NSCovariant1<NSString *> *covariant1,
302 NSCovariant1<NSString *(^)(void)> *covariant3,
306 NSContravariant1<NSString *> *contravariant1,
309 … pointer types assigning to 'NSCovariant1<NSMutableString *> *' from 'NSCovariant1<NSString *> *'}}
312 …ypes assigning to 'NSCovariant1<NSMutableString *(^)()> *' from 'NSCovariant1<NSString *(^)()> *'}}
320 …cted-warning{{incompatible pointer types assigning to 'NSContravariant1<NSString *> *' from 'NSCon…
327 void test_ternary_operator(NSArray<NSString *> *stringArray,
329 NSMutableArray<NSString *> *mutStringArray,
337 …? stringArray : mutStringArray; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *'}}
338 …? mutStringArray : stringArray; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *'}}
340 … stringArray2 : mutStringArray; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *'}}
341 … mutStringArray : stringArray2; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *'}}
351 … numberArray; // expected-warning{{incompatible operand types ('NSArray<NSString *> *' and 'NSArra…
360 ip = super.lastObject; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSString *'}}
361 ip = [super objectAtIndexedSubscript:0]; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSString *'}}
366 ip = super.array; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *'}}
367 ip = [super array]; // expected-error{{from incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *'}}
389 typedef NSMutableDictionaryOf<NSString *, NSObject *>::type Dict1;
390 …{cannot initialize a variable of type 'Dict1' (aka 'NSMutableDictionary<NSString *,NSObject *> *')…
392 …typedef NSMutableDictionaryOf<NSObject *, NSString *>::type Dict2; // expected-note{{in instantiat…
398 typedef VariadicNSMutableDictionaryOf<NSString *, NSObject *>::type Dict1;
399 …{cannot initialize a variable of type 'Dict1' (aka 'NSMutableDictionary<NSString *,NSObject *> *')…
401 …typedef VariadicNSMutableDictionaryOf<NSObject *, NSString *>::type Dict2; // expected-note{{in in…
403 …typedef VariadicNSMutableDictionaryOf<NSString *, NSObject *, NSObject *>::type Dict3; // expected…
405 …typedef VariadicNSMutableDictionaryOf<NSString *>::type Dict3; // expected-note{{in instantiation …
418 …typedef typename T::template apply<NSString *, NSObject *> type; // expected-error{{'apply' follow…
429 …typedef NSMutableDictionaryBuilder::template apply<NSString *, NSObject *> type; // expected-error…