Lines Matching full:08
105 "0x00000: CTRL (Device control register) 0x%08X\n" in igb_dump_regs()
135 "0x00008: STATUS (Device status register) 0x%08X\n" in igb_dump_regs()
161 "0x00100: RCTL (Receive control register) 0x%08X\n" in igb_dump_regs()
202 "0x02808: RDLEN (Receive desc length) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
205 "0x02810: RDH (Receive desc head) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
208 "0x02818: RDT (Receive desc tail) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
214 "0x00400: TCTL (Transmit ctrl register) 0x%08X\n" in igb_dump_regs()
228 "0x03808: TDLEN (Transmit desc length) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
231 "0x03810: TDH (Transmit desc head) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
234 "0x03818: TDT (Transmit desc tail) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
239 "0x00018: CTRL_EXT (Extended device control) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
243 "0x00018: MDIC (MDI control) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
247 "0x00024: SCTL (SERDES ANA) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
251 "0x00034: CONNSW (Copper/Fiber switch control) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
255 "0x00038: VET (VLAN Ether type) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
259 "0x00E00: LEDCTL (LED control) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
263 "0x01000: PBA (Packet buffer allocation) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
267 "0x01008: PBS (Packet buffer size) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
271 "0x01048: FRTIMER (Free running timer) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
275 "0x0104C: TCPTIMER (TCP timer) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
279 "0x00010: EEC (EEPROM/FLASH control) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
283 "0x01580: EICR (Extended interrupt cause) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
287 "0x01520: EICS (Extended interrupt cause set) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
291 "0x01524: EIMS (Extended interrup set/read) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
295 "0x01528: EIMC (Extended interrupt mask clear) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
299 "0x0152C: EIAC (Extended interrupt auto clear) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
303 "0x01530: EIAM (Extended interrupt auto mask) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
307 "0x01500: ICR (Interrupt cause read) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
311 "0x01504: ICS (Interrupt cause set) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
315 "0x01508: IMS (Interrupt mask set/read) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
319 "0x0150C: IMC (Interrupt mask clear) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
323 "0x04100: IAC (Interrupt assertion count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
327 "0x01510: IAM (Interr acknowledge auto-mask) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
331 "0x05AC0: IMIRVP (Immed interr rx VLAN priority) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
335 "0x00028: FCAL (Flow control address low) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
339 "0x0002C: FCAH (Flow control address high) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
343 "0x00170: FCTTV (Flow control tx timer value) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
347 "0x02160: FCRTL (Flow control rx threshold low) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
351 "0x02168: FCRTH (Flow control rx threshold high) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
355 "0x02460: FCRTV (Flow control refresh threshold) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
359 "0x05000: RXCSUM (Receive checksum control) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
363 "0x05004: RLPML (Receive long packet max length) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
367 "0x05008: RFCTL (Receive filter control) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
371 "0x05818: MRQC (Multiple rx queues command) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
375 "0x0581C: VMD_CTL (VMDq control) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
379 "0x00404: TCTL_EXT (Transmit control extended) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
383 "0x00410: TIPG (Transmit IPG) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
387 "0x03590: DTXCTL (DMA tx control) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
391 "0x05800: WUC (Wake up control) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
395 "0x05808: WUFC (Wake up filter control) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
399 "0x05810: WUS (Wake up status) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
403 "0x05838: IPAV (IP address valid) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
407 "0x05900: WUPL (Wake up packet length) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
411 "0x04200: PCS_CFG (PCS configuration 0) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
415 "0x04208: PCS_LCTL (PCS link control) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
419 "0x0420C: PCS_LSTS (PCS link status) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
423 "0x04218: PCS_ANADV (AN advertisement) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
427 "0x0421C: PCS_LPAB (Link partner ability) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
431 "0x04220: PCS_NPTX (Next Page transmit) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
435 "0x04224: PCS_LPABNP (Link partner ability Next Page) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
439 "0x04000: CRCERRS (CRC error count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
443 "0x04004: ALGNERRC (Alignment error count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
447 "0x04008: SYMERRS (Symbol error count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
451 "0x0400C: RXERRC (RX error count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
455 "0x04010: MPC (Missed packets count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
459 "0x04014: SCC (Single collision count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
463 "0x04018: ECOL (Excessive collisions count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
467 "0x0401C: MCC (Multiple collision count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
471 "0x04020: LATECOL (Late collisions count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
475 "0x04028: COLC (Collision count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
479 "0x04030: DC (Defer count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
483 "0x04034: TNCRS (Transmit with no CRS) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
487 "0x04038: SEC (Sequence error count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
491 "0x0403C: HTDPMC (Host tx discrd pkts MAC count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
495 "0x04040: RLEC (Receive length error count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
499 "0x04048: XONRXC (XON received count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
503 "0x0404C: XONTXC (XON transmitted count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
507 "0x04050: XOFFRXC (XOFF received count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
511 "0x04054: XOFFTXC (XOFF transmitted count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
515 "0x04058: FCRUC (FC received unsupported count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
519 "0x0405C: PRC64 (Packets rx (64 B) count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
523 "0x04060: PRC127 (Packets rx (65-127 B) count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
527 "0x04064: PRC255 (Packets rx (128-255 B) count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
531 "0x04068: PRC511 (Packets rx (256-511 B) count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
535 "0x0406C: PRC1023 (Packets rx (512-1023 B) count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
539 "0x04070: PRC1522 (Packets rx (1024-max B) count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
543 "0x04074: GPRC (Good packets received count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
547 "0x04078: BPRC (Broadcast packets rx count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
551 "0x0407C: MPRC (Multicast packets rx count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
555 "0x04080: GPTC (Good packets tx count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
559 "0x04088: GORCL (Good octets rx count lower) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
563 "0x0408C: GORCH (Good octets rx count upper) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
567 "0x04090: GOTCL (Good octets tx count lower) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
571 "0x04094: GOTCH (Good octets tx count upper) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
575 "0x040A0: RNBC (Receive no buffers count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
579 "0x040A4: RUC (Receive undersize count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
583 "0x040A8: RFC (Receive fragment count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
587 "0x040AC: ROC (Receive oversize count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
591 "0x040B0: RJC (Receive jabber count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
595 "0x040B4: MGPRC (Management packets rx count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
599 "0x040B8: MGPDC (Management pkts dropped count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
603 "0x040BC: MGPTC (Management packets tx count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
607 "0x040C0: TORL (Total octets received lower) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
611 "0x040C4: TORH (Total octets received upper) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
615 "0x040C8: TOTL (Total octets transmitted lower) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
619 "0x040CC: TOTH (Total octets transmitted upper) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
623 "0x040D0: TPR (Total packets received) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
627 "0x040D4: TPT (Total packets transmitted) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
631 "0x040D8: PTC64 (Packets tx (64 B) count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
635 "0x040DC: PTC127 (Packets tx (65-127 B) count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
639 "0x040E0: PTC255 (Packets tx (128-255 B) count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
643 "0x040E4: PTC511 (Packets tx (256-511 B) count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
647 "0x040E8: PTC1023 (Packets tx (512-1023 B) count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
651 "0x040EC: PTC1522 (Packets tx (> 1024 B) count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
655 "0x040F0: MPTC (Multicast packets tx count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
659 "0x040F4: BPTC (Broadcast packets tx count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
663 "0x040F8: TSCTC (TCP segment context tx count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
667 "0x04100: IAC (Interrupt assertion count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
671 "0x04104: RPTHC (Rx packets to host count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
675 "0x04118: HGPTC (Host good packets tx count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
679 "0x04128: HGORCL (Host good octets rx cnt lower) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
683 "0x0412C: HGORCH (Host good octets rx cnt upper) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
687 "0x04130: HGOTCL (Host good octets tx cnt lower) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
691 "0x04134: HGOTCH (Host good octets tx cnt upper) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
695 "0x04138: LENNERS (Length error count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
699 "0x04228: SCVPC (SerDes/SGMII code viol pkt cnt) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
703 "0x0A018: HRMPC (Header redir missed pkt count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
708 "0x0%02X: SRRCTL%d (Split and replic rx ctl%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
713 "0x0%02X: PSRTYPE%d (Packet split receive type%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
718 "0x0%02X: RDBAL%d (Rx desc base addr low%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
723 "0x0%02X: RDBAH%d (Rx desc base addr high%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
728 "0x0%02X: RDLEN%d (Rx descriptor length%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
733 "0x0%02X: RDH%d (Rx descriptor head%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
738 "0x0%02X: RDT%d (Rx descriptor tail%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
743 "0x0%02X: RXDCTL%d (Rx descriptor control%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
748 "0x0%02X: EITR%d (Interrupt throttle%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
753 "0x0%02X: IMIR%d (Immediate interrupt Rx%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
758 "0x0%02X: IMIREXT%d (Immediate interr Rx extended%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
763 "0x0%02X: RAL%02d (Receive address low%02d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
768 "0x0%02X: RAH%02d (Receive address high%02d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
773 "0x0%02X: TDBAL%d (Tx desc base address low%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
778 "0x0%02X: TDBAH%d (Tx desc base address high%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
783 "0x0%02X: TDLEN%d (Tx descriptor length%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
788 "0x0%02X: TDH%d (Transmit descriptor head%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
793 "0x0%02X: TDT%d (Transmit descriptor tail%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
798 "0x0%02X: TXDCTL%d (Transmit descriptor control%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
803 "0x0%02X: TDWBAL%d (Tx desc complete wb addr low%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
808 "0x0%02X: TDWBAH%d (Tx desc complete wb addr hi%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
813 "0x0%02X: DCA_TXCTRL%d (Tx DCA control%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
818 "0x0%02X: IP4AT%d (IPv4 address table%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
823 "0x0%02X: IP6AT%d (IPv6 address table%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
828 "0x0%02X: WUPM%02d (Wake up packet memory%02d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
833 "0x0%02X: FFMT%03d (Flexible filter mask table%03d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
838 "0x0%02X: FFVT%03d (Flexible filter value table%03d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
843 "0x0%02X: FFLT%d (Flexible filter length table%d) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
847 "0x03410: TDFH (Tx data FIFO head) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
851 "0x03418: TDFT (Tx data FIFO tail) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
855 "0x03420: TDFHS (Tx data FIFO head saved) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
859 "0x03430: TDFPC (Tx data FIFO packet count) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()
871 "0x05BF4: RR2DCDELAY (Max. DMA read delay) 0x%08X\n", in igb_dump_regs()