Lines Matching refs:cmake
2 set CMAKE_NAME=cmake-3.3.2-win32-x86
4 if not exist "protobuf-%PROTOBUF_VER%\cmake\build\Release\" (
9 …tobufLibs=%cd%\protobuf-%PROTOBUF_VER%\cmake\build\Release -PvcProtobufInclude=%cd%\protobuf-%PROT…
15 where /q cmake
26 pushd protobuf-%PROTOBUF_VER%\cmake
30 @rem cmake does not detect x86_64 from the vcvars64.bat variables.
31 @rem If vcvars64.bat has set PLATFORM to X64, then inform cmake to use the Win64 version of VS
38 cmake -Dprotobuf_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -G "Visual Studio %VisualStudioVersion:~0,2%%CMAKE_VSARCH%" .. || …
47 …"$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'; & { iwr -OutFile c…
48 …pression.FileSystem; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('', '.') }" || e…
49 del