Lines Matching full:print

17 		print (s.encode ('utf-8'), end='')
28print ('usage: ./ HBIndicVowelConstraints.txt Scripts.txt', file=sys.stder…
146 print ('/* == Start of generated functions == */')
147 print ('/*')
148 print (' * The following functions are generated by running:')
149 print (' *')
150 print (' * %s use Scripts.txt' % sys.argv[0])
151 print (' *')
152 print (' * on files with these headers:')
153 print (' *')
155 print (' * %s' % line.strip ())
156 print (' *')
158 print (' * %s' % line.strip ())
159 print (' */')
161 print ()
162 print ('#include "hb.hh"')
163 print ()
164 print ('#ifndef HB_NO_OT_SHAPE')
165 print ()
166 print ('#include "hb-ot-shape-complex-vowel-constraints.hh"')
167 print ()
168 print ('static void')
169 print ('_output_dotted_circle (hb_buffer_t *buffer)')
170 print ('{')
171 print (' hb_glyph_info_t &dottedcircle = buffer->output_glyph (0x25CCu);')
172 print (' _hb_glyph_info_reset_continuation (&dottedcircle);')
173 print ('}')
174 print ()
175 print ('static void')
176 print ('_output_with_dotted_circle (hb_buffer_t *buffer)')
177 print ('{')
178 print (' _output_dotted_circle (buffer);')
179 print (' buffer->next_glyph ();')
180 print ('}')
181 print ()
183 print ('void')
184 print ('_hb_preprocess_text_vowel_constraints (const hb_ot_shape_plan_t *plan HB_UNUSED,')
185 print ('\t\t\t\t hb_buffer_t *buffer,')
186 print ('\t\t\t\t hb_font_t *font HB_UNUSED)')
187 print ('{')
189 print (' return;')
190 print ('#endif')
191 print (' if (buffer->flags & HB_BUFFER_FLAG_DO_NOT_INSERT_DOTTED_CIRCLE)')
192 print (' return;')
193 print ()
194 print (' /* UGLY UGLY UGLY business of adding dotted-circle in the middle of')
195 print (' * vowel-sequences that look like another vowel. Data for each script')
196 print (' * collected from the USE script development spec.')
197 print (' *')
198 print (' *')
199 print (' */')
200 print (' bool processed = false;')
201 print (' buffer->clear_output ();')
202 print (' unsigned int count = buffer->len;')
203 print (' switch ((unsigned) buffer->props.script)')
204 print (' {')
207 print (' case HB_SCRIPT_{}:'.format (script.upper ()))
208 print (' for (buffer->idx = 0; buffer->idx + 1 < count && buffer->successful;)')
209 print (' {')
210 print ('\tbool matched = false;')
212 print ('\tbuffer->next_glyph ();')
213 print ('\tif (matched) _output_with_dotted_circle (buffer);')
214 print (' }')
215 print (' processed = true;')
216 print (' break;')
217 print ()
219 print (' default:')
220 print (' break;')
221 print (' }')
222 print (' if (processed)')
223 print (' {')
224 print (' if (buffer->idx < count)')
225 print (' buffer->next_glyph ();')
226 print (' buffer->swap_buffers ();')
227 print (' }')
228 print ('}')
230 print ()
231 print ()
232 print ('#endif')
233 print ('/* == End of generated functions == */')