Lines Matching full:by
11 (reported by gmkll@github)
13 (reported by Mike G; fix contributed by Ville K)
18 (requested by Patrick J)
23 (reported by Incara@github)
25 (requested by leonshaw@github)
27 (reported by Nate B)
30 (reported by Xiang Z)
32 (requested by David N, implementation contributed by Tiago M)
34 (reported by Yona A)
36 (reported by rost5000@github)
40 #2707: Improve description included in by `DeserializationContext.handleUnexpectedToken()`
43 (reported, fix contributed by David B)
45 (contributed by Jendrik J)
50 (contributed by Swayam R)
55 (reported by mjustin@github)
65 (reported, fix contributed by Joshua S)
67 (reported by isaki@github)
69 (reported by Daniel H)
74 (reported by Ville K)
77 (reported by Michael C)
80 (reported by tjwilson90@github)
83 (reported by Frank S)
85 (reported by Johannes K)
88 (reported by Oleg C)
91 (reported by Johannes K)
94 (reported by abomb4@github)
97 (reported by João G)
102 (reported by Máté R)
104 (reported by David B)
107 (reported by soundvibe@github, fix contributed by Oleksandr P)
109 (reported by Antonio P)
111 (contributed by Robert D)
114 (reported by Tynakuh@github)
117 (contributed by Ville K)
120 (contributed by Joongsoo P)
123 (contributed by Joseph K)
131 (reported by Haowei W)
136 (reported by Bartosz B)
138 (reported by Oleksii K)
141 (reported by cadrake@github)
143 (reported by robotmrv@github)
145 (reported by Simone D)
147 (reported by João G)
149 (contributed by Robin R)
155 (requested by Rafal K)
157 (reported by nbruno@github)
165 (reported by Denis K)
170 (reported by Endre S)
176 (reported by Kamal A, fixed by Ivo S)
179 (reported by Tobias P)
182 (reported by Eduard T)
184 (reported by uewle@github)
186 (reported, fix suggested by Alexander S)
191 (reported by raderio@github)
196 (reported by Andrey K)
199 (reported by João G)
202 (reported by Ryan B)
204 (contributed by Marc M)
206 (reported by Johan H)
208 (reported by Richard W)
210 (reported by Mark S)
219 (reported by hoomanv@github)
222 (requested by matthew-pwnieexpress@github)
226 (requested by Thibaut R)
229 (reported by Sadayuki F)
232 (requested by Christopher S)
234 (requested by Édouard M)
237 (suggested by renzihui@github)
240 (contributed by Semyon L)
242 (suggested by Craig P)
246 (reported by Yiqiu H)
249 (reported by Alexander S)
250 #2195: Add abstraction `PolymorphicTypeValidator`, for limiting subtypes allowed by
253 (suggested by nguyenfilip@github)
257 (reported by Christoph B)
261 (reported by RightHandedMonkey@github)
263 (reported by Pavel C)
265 (reported by C-B-B@github)
269 (contributed by
274 (reported by Deblock T)
276 (reported, fix suggested by Ben A)
278 (suggested by Manuel H)
280 (reported by sunchezz89@github)
282 (reported by Robert G)
284 (reported by Victor N)
286 (reported by Victor N)
288 (requested by ebundy@github)
291 (suggested by TheEin@github)
293 (reported by David H)
295 (reported by Chris M)
297 (reported by andreasbaus@github)
299 (reported by RabbidDog@github)
301 (reported by Sam S)
304 (proposed by Vladimir T, follow up to #822)
307 (reported by dejanlokar1@github)
312 (contributed by Marcos P)
314 (suggested by David B)
317 (reported, fix contributed by Hesham M)
319 (reported by David C)
323 (reported by XakepSDK@github)
325 (reported by KevynBct@github)
328 (contributed by Martin C)
340 (reported by xiexq)
343 (contributed by Joe B)
345 (reported by iSafeBlue@github /
347 (reported by
349 (reported by kingkk)
351 (reported by Fei Lu)
358 (reported by Thomas K)
361 (reported by MeyerNils@github)
364 (reported by Joffrey B)
366 (contributed by Christoph F)
368 (reported by Cyril M)
378 (reported by j-baker@github)
380 (reported by frankfiedler@github)
383 (suggested by Pavel N)
385 (reported by ViToni@github)
388 (reported by Guixiong Wu)
391 (reported by René K)
393 (reported by sushobhitrajan@github)
399 (reported by Petar T)
401 (reported by Brandon K)
403 (reported by WorldSEnder@github)
407 (reported, fix contributed by 6bangs@github)
409 (reported by tangiel@github)
413 (reported by svarzee@github)
415 (contributed by Semyon L)
422 (contributed by mikeldpl@github)
428 (reported by ptirador@github)
430 (reported by Freddy B)
432 (reported by dletin@github)
435 (reported by SBKila@github)
437 (reported by Ondrej Z)
440 (reported, fix contributed by Jakub S)
443 (reported by ndori@github)
445 (reported by Carter K)
447 (reported by asger82@github)
452 (reported by franboragina@github)
454 (reported by Guixiong Wu)
456 (reported by Reinhard P)
459 (reported by Chetan N)
463 (reported by Guixiong Wu)
465 (reported by Guixiong Wu)
471 (suggested by cen1@github)
474 (contributed by Deblock T)
476 (reported by
480 (reported by Aniruddha M)
483 (reported by ayushgp@github)
485 (reported by Timur S)
487 (reported by ssivanand@github)
489 (reported by roeltje25@github)
494 (reported by hexfaker@github)
497 (reported by Pier-Luc W)
499 (reported by Kevin G)
501 (reported by Alexander S)
503 (reported by rue-jw@github)
506 (reported by remya11@github)
508 (reported by Rob W)
510 overriding by subclasses
511 (requested by Ville K)
513 (reported by reda-alaoui@github)
515 (reported by mcortella@github)
517 (reported by OneSourceCat@github)
519 (reported by Joe S)
521 (reported by Joe S)
527 (reported by dsingley@github)
532 (reported by lexas2509@github)
534 (reported by Peter J)
537 (reported by basmastr@github)
539 (repoted by kinigitbyday@github)
541 (reported by ZeleniJure@github)
543 (suggested by andreh7@github)
545 (reported by alinakovalenko@github)
550 (reported by Daniel N)
552 (reported by Tim B)
555 (reported by nhtzr@github)
558 (suggested by Luís C)
560 (reported by Nils B)
564 (reported by Vincent D)
569 (reported by ctytgat@github)
571 (reported by zigzago@github)
573 (contributed by Bertrand R)
575 (suggested by Bertrand R)
577 (contributed by Bertrand R)
578 #1759: Reuse `Calendar` instance during parsing by `StdDateFormat`
579 (contributed by Bertrand R)
587 (reported by BrentDouglas@github)
591 (reported by Starkom@github)
593 (reported by Florian S)
595 (reported by tdavis@github)
597 (reported by Harleen S)
600 (suggested by Mark W)
608 (reported by Michael F)
613 (proposed by Jan L)
615 (contributed by Connor K)
618 (suggested by Nick B)
620 by passing `MappingConfig`
624 (suggested by brentryan@github)
628 (reported by Fabrizio C)
630 (reported by sangpire@github)
634 (contributed by Emiliano C)
637 (contributed by jdmichal@github)
640 (reported by Patrick G)
644 (suggested by PawelJagus@github)
648 (suggested by jwilmoth@github)
650 (contributed by Ana-Eliza B)
652 (contributed by Carsten W)
654 (reported by Lyor G)
658 (reported by acm073@github)
660 (reported by nmatt@github)
663 (suggested by syncer@github)
668 (requested by Jared J)
670 #1619: By-pass annotation introspection for array types
672 (reported by Chris P)
675 (reported by georgeflugq@github)
680 (reported by Christian B)
683 (requested by magdel@github)
691 (reported by xiexq)
696 (contributed by MaximilianTews@github)
702 (reported by ayushgp@github)
704 (reported by Guixiong Wu)
706 (reported by Guixiong Wu)
708 (reported by Guixiong Wu)
714 (reported by Rob W)
716 (reported by OneSourceCat@github)
724 (reported by nhtzr@github)
728 (reported by henryptung@github)
730 (reported by lexas2509@github)
737 (reported by Bertrand R)
741 (reported by Kevin G)
746 (reported by Lukas Euler)
752 (reported by Javy L)
754 (contributed by Marco C)
757 (reported by Andrew J)
759 (contributed by Joe L)
761 (reported by Slobodan P)
763 (reported by Bertrand R)
765 (reported by Bertrand R)
771 (contributed by Ivo S)
773 (reported by ayound@github)
775 (reported by vboulaye@github)
782 (reported by Raniz85@github)
785 (reported by Alex P)
787 (reported by SolaKun@github)
790 (reported by Joshua J)
792 (reported by anujkumar04@github)
803 (reported by hdave@github)
806 (reported by moodysalem@github)
808 (reported by binoternary@github)
821 #1432: Off by 1 bug in PropertyValueBuffer
822 (reported by Kevin D)
824 (reported by Jayson M)
827 (reported by Nathanial O)
829 (reported by alfonsobonso@github)
837 (reported by pavankumar-parankusam@github)
841 (reported by Oleg Z)
843 (reported by TomMarkuske@github)
845 (fix contributed by Pavel P)
847 (reported by Rob W)
849 (reported by UghZan3@github)
851 (reported by Josh G)
853 (reported by Jörn H)
858 (reported by Gili T)
865 (reported by Andrew S)
867 (reported by elruwen@github)
869 (contributed by Chris J-Y)
875 (reported by libetl@github)
878 with two static factory methods fail by default
880 (reported by Arek G)
891 (reported by Artur J)
894 (contributed by mkokho@github)
896 (reported by Aleksandr O)
898 (suggested by natnan@github)
900 (reported by Vladimir K, lightoze@github)
903 (contributed by Lokesh K)
906 (contributed by Alejandro R)
908 (suggested by Gregoire C, gcxRun@github)
910 (reported, contributed fix by Ross G)
912 (suggested by Matt V, mveitas@github)
914 (suggested by Maarten B)
920 (reported by Lokesh K)
925 (reported by, fix contributed by Benson M)
927 (reported by, fix contributed by Ari F)
929 (reported by Benson M)
931 (requested by Andriy P)
937 (reported by Guixiong Wu)
939 (reported by svarzee@github)
942 (reported by Guixiong Wu)
948 (suggested by Stephan S)
951 (reported by Sovietaced@github)
960 (reported by wastevenson@github)
962 (reported by Stuart D)
965 (reported, suggesed fix by Josh C)
971 (reported by MichaelChambers@github)
972 #1332: Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException for enum by index deser
973 (reported by Max D)
976 (reported by Jim M)
981 (reported by brentryan@github)
985 (reported by liyuj@github)
987 (reported by Brian P)
989 (reported by vfries@github)
995 (reported by szaccaria@github)
998 (reported by William H)
1000 (reported by Nick B)
1011 (contributed by Eric S)
1013 (reported by Mark W)
1015 (reported by Andrew J, apjoseph@github)
1018 (reported by Eric S)
1025 (reported by tobiash@github)
1027 (reported by carrino@github)
1031 (reported by mjustin@github)
1036 (reported by Tom M)
1043 (reported by Xavi T)
1045 (reported by Yoann R)
1048 (reported by asa-git@github)
1055 (reported by Jiri M)
1057 (reported by Roleek@github)
1060 (reported by Kazuki S, kazuki43zoo@github)
1062 (reported by Timur S, saladinkzn@github)
1074 (reported by Julian H)
1077 (reported by yzmyyff@github)
1079 (reported by Thibault K)
1080 #1109: @JsonFormat is ignored by the DateSerializer unless either a custom pattern
1082 (contributed by Aleks S)
1087 (reported by Aram K)
1089 (reported by Florian S)
1091 (reported by Miles K)
1094 (suggested by raj-ghodke@github)
1097 (suggested by Thomas M)
1100 (requested by Jonas K)
1103 (suggested by marcottedan@github)
1105 (suggested by Infrag@github)
1107 (contributed by David H)
1109 (suggested by Jiri-Kremser@github(
1113 (reported by adamjoeldavis@github)
1115 (contributed by Jesse W)
1121 (requested by Daniel M)
1123 (reported by Shumpei A)
1127 (suggesed by natnan@github)
1129 (contributed by Hugo W)
1131 (suggested by David B)
1133 (reported by fabiolaa@github)
1135 (suggested by clydebarrow@github)
1148 (reported by Laird N)
1150 (contributed by Daniel N)
1152 (reported by jefferyyuan@github)
1154 (contributed by Benson M)
1156 (reported by Benson M)
1158 (reported by hookumsnivy@github)
1163 (reported by philipa@github)
1166 (suggested by claudemt@github)
1168 (reported by ajonkisz@github)
1173 (reported by Antibrumm@github)
1175 (reported by Ievgen P)
1177 (reported by alexwen@github)
1179 (reported by Jayson M)
1181 (reported by David B)
1183 (repoted by Dmitry R)
1189 (reported by scubasau@github)
1191 (reported by jloisel@github)
1193 (reported by Andreas P, anpieber@github)
1195 (contributed by Sergio M)
1197 (reported by Sadayuki F)
1199 (reported by Warren B, stormboy@github)
1201 (reported by Benson M)
1203 (contributed by Benson M)
1205 (contributed by Jesse W)
1207 (reported by gmjabs@github)
1213 (reported by lufe66@github)
1216 (reported, fixed by Daniel W)
1224 (reported by dharaburda@github)
1226 (reported by alterGauner@github)
1228 (reported by Andy W, wilkinsona@github)
1230 (reported by gmjabs@github)
1237 (reported by Rob E, thatsnotright@github)
1240 (suggested by Michal L)
1243 (reported by Chris P, pimlottc@github)
1245 (suggested by Jeff S)
1250 (requested by wenzis@github)
1252 (requested by Allen C, allenchen1154@github)
1255 (requested by Laird N)
1257 (requested by derknorton@github)
1259 (reported by Charles A)
1262 (reported by wealdtech@github)
1267 (suggested by Guillaume S, gsmet@github)
1273 (reported by nickwongdev@github)
1279 (suggested by galdosd@github)
1282 (suggested by rgoldberg@githin)
1288 (reported by myrosia@github)
1297 (contributed by Jerry Y, islanderman@github)
1301 (contributed by Lars P)
1303 (reported by mjr6140@gitgub)
1305 (contributed by Steve G, thezerobit@github)
1316 (reported by Ian B)
1319 (reported by Chi K, chikim79@github)
1325 (reported by lunaticare@github)
1327 (reported by Andrew D)
1329 (reported by mrowkow@github)
1331 (contributed by Charles A)
1334 (reported by gracefulgopher@github)
1336 (contributed by Kamil B)
1339 (contributed by Andrew G)
1345 (reported, debugged by Dmitry S)
1348 (reported by migel@github)
1350 (contributed by John M)
1352 (contributed by Alexey G)
1354 (contributed by Alain G)
1359 (repoted by Hal H)
1361 (reported by Antibrumm@github)
1363 (reported by flexfrank@github)
1365 (reported by natnan@github)
1368 (reported by jkochaniak@github)
1370 (reported by Lorrin N, lorrin@github)
1372 (reported by Dylan S, dylanscott@github)
1381 (reported by ericali78@github)
1383 (contributed by Alexandre S-C)
1385 (reported by Zoltan F)
1387 (reported by Ludevik@github)
1389 (reported by kllp@github)
1391 (reported by Charles A)
1405 (reported by Lovro P, lpandzic@github)
1408 (reported by tea-dragon@github)
1411 (reported by heapifyman@github; implemented by fleebytes@github)
1414 (reported by Fabien R, fabienrenaud@github)
1417 (requested by Fabien R, fabienrenaud@github)
1419 (reported by ahgittin@github)
1422 (contributed by Jerome G, geronimo-iia@github)
1425 (requested by gisupp@github)
1428 (contributed by Michael R)
1431 (requested by herau@github)
1433 (contributed by Adam S, adstro@github)
1435 (reported by chrylis@github)
1439 (contributed by Aurelien L)
1451 (suggested by Antibrumm@github)
1453 (requested by Antibrumm@github)
1456 (contributed by mspiegel@github)
1460 (reported by Konstantin L)
1475 (reported by blackfyre512@github) (regression due to #604)
1484 (reported by @navidqar)
1497 (reported by tsquared2763@github)
1498 #245: Calls to ObjectMapper.addMixInAnnotations() on an instance returned by ObjectMapper.copy()
1500 (reported by Erik D)
1502 (reported by Ian B, tea-dragon@github)
1504 (reported by Jerbell@github)
1506 (reported by Eugene L)
1508 (reported by Benson M)
1511 (contributed by zeito@github)
1512 #619: Off by one error in AnnotatedWithParams
1513 (reported by stevetodd@github)
1520 (reported by Ivar R, ivarru@github)
1522 (reported by sbelikov@github)
1524 (reported by Ian B, tea-dragon@github)
1526 (reported by pkokorev@github)
1528 (reported by fabienrenaud@github)
1531 (requested by pfconrey@github)
1538 (reported by 'stevebread@github')
1546 (reported by fjtc@github)
1555 (reported by Fabrice D, fabdouglas@github)
1561 (reported by huxi@github)
1563 (suggested by Steve S, sanbeg@github)
1565 (reported by sftwrengnr@github)
1572 (constributed by Ben F, UnquietCode@github)
1574 (reported by electricmonk@github)
1576 (requested by chenboxiang@github)
1578 (implemented by Pascal G)
1580 (reported by Stuart J, sgjohnston@github)
1582 (reported by metanet@github)
1586 (contributed by pgelinas)
1589 (reported by cemo@github)
1591 (reported by Florian S [fschopp@github])
1596 (contributed by yinzara@github)
1599 (requested by zAlbee@github)
1602 (contributed by Will P)
1605 (reported by turskip@github)
1607 (reported by Sean D, sdonovanuk@github)
1609 (contributed by Francis G)
1611 (reported by sdonovanuk@github)
1614 (suggested by Ben F)
1616 (suggested by alias@github)
1619 (suggested by Chris C)
1621 (contributed by Andy C (q3aiml@github))
1624 (reported by Benson M)
1632 (reported by Ivar R, ivarru@github)
1640 (reported by aarondav@github)
1645 (requested by Ghoughpteighbteau@github)
1649 (reported by sergeymetallic@github)
1651 (reported by Francis G)
1657 (reported by BokoEnos@github)
1660 (reported by Chris P, cpilsworth@github)
1662 (reported by pgieser@github)
1664 (reported by Martin T)
1666 (reported by clarkbreyman@github)
1668 (repoted by jhalterman@github)
1669 - Added `BeanSerializerBase._serializeObjectId()` needed by modules that
1676 (reported by gaff78@github)
1678 (reported by Florian S)
1679 #361: Reduce sync overhead for SerializerCache by using volatile, double-locking
1680 (contributed by stuartwdouglas@github)
1682 (reported by jknack@github)
1684 (suggested by Ben F)
1686 (reported by jh3141@github)
1693 (contributed by Nick T)
1695 (suggested by fge@github)
1697 (requested by David P)
1702 (reported by Andrei P)
1707 (suggested by mckamey@github)
1710 (requested by thierryhenrio@github)
1712 (reported by bfelaco@github)
1720 (requested by beku8@github)
1724 (suggested by Miguel C)
1729 #308: Improve serialization and deserialization speed of `java.util.UUID` by 4x
1730 (suggested by David P)
1737 (contributed by Seth P)
1743 (reported by beverku@github)
1747 (reported by askvortsov@github)
1751 (requested by Ruslan M)
1753 - Add 'BeanPropertyWriter.isUnwrapping()' for future needs (by Afterburner)
1768 (reported by fge@github)
1770 (reported by Lior L)
1772 (reported by Drecth@github)
1775 (reported by antubis@github)
1777 (reported by cemo@github)
1783 (reported by karldmoore@github)
1785 (reported by Pascal G)
1787 (reported by lukegh@github)
1790 (reported by ikvia@github)
1792 (reported by celkings@github)
1795 (suggested by Tomdz@github)
1800 (reported by thierryd@github)
1811 (reported by 'fge@github')
1813 (contributed by Christoper C)
1820 (contributed by Christoper C)
1822 (requested by fge@github)
1827 (requested by msteiger@github)
1829 (requested by electrum@github)
1831 (requested by noter@github)
1833 (contributed by msteiger@github)
1843 (suggested by phedny@github)
1849 (suggested by Tom D)
1852 (requested by Eric T)
1855 (requested by Dain S)
1858 (suggested by 'beamerblvd@github')
1872 to allow programmatic overrides (needed by JAXB annotation module)
1877 (reported by Alexander M)
1881 (submitted by fge@github)
1883 (reported by Eric T)
1885 (reported by Eric T)
1887 (reported by Eric T)
1889 (reported by bramp@github)
1896 (reported by kidavis4@github)
1902 (reported by Alexander B)
1904 (reported by Adva11@github)
1906 (reported by Adva11@github)
1908 (reported by rzlo@github)
1915 (reported by Laurent P)
1918 (reported by Francis G)
1921 (reported by Sean B)
1923 (reported by Adva11@github)
1941 (reported by Duncan A)
1949 (suggested by G-T Chen)
1953 (suggested by Razvan D)
1957 (suggested by HolySamosa@github)
1963 (suggested by Jeff S on mailing list)
1966 (contributed by Sean B)
1968 (contributed by Dmitry K)
1971 (reported by fge@github)
1979 (suggested by fge@Github)
1983 (suggested by rveloso@github)
1987 by using `@JsonFormat(shape=Shape.ARRAY)`
1990 (suggested by 'rveloso@github')
1993 (suggested by 'mpfau@github')
1995 (suggested by Mark W)
1997 (contributed by Pascal G)
2006 (suggested by 'electricmonk')
2030 (reported by "thebluemountain")
2033 (reported by Lóránt Pintér)
2035 (reported by Scott S)
2037 (reported by Sebastien R)
2047 (reported by @guillaup)
2050 (reported by Nir S)
2063 (reported by Pascal g)
2066 (reported by James R)
2072 (contributed by Ryan G)
2081 (reported by Casey L)
2088 * [JACKSON-664]: Reduce overhead of type resolution by adding caching
2101 (requested by James R)
2117 (suggested by James R)
2124 * [JACKSON-437]: Allow injecting of type id as POJO property, by setting
2131 (suggested by Joern H)
2133 (requested by Aner P)
2154 (suggested by Raymond R)