Lines Matching full:bf
16 %bf.set3 = phi i72 [ %bf.set, %while.cond ], [ %.promoted, %entry ]
17 %bf.lshr = lshr i72 %bf.set3, 40
18 = trunc i72 %bf.lshr to i32
19 %bf.cast = and i32, 65535
20 %dec = add nsw i32, 65535
22 %bf.value = shl nuw i72 %0, 40
23 %bf.shl = and i72 %bf.value, 72056494526300160
24 %bf.clear2 = and i72 %bf.set3, -72056494526300161
25 %bf.set = or i72 %bf.shl, %bf.clear2
26 %tobool = icmp eq i32 %bf.cast, 0
30 %bf.set.lcssa = phi i72 [ %bf.set, %while.cond ]
31 store i72 %bf.set.lcssa, i72* inttoptr (i32 1 to i72*), align 4