Lines Matching full:print

55     print "# Makefile for Microsoft Visual C++ generated by script"
56 print
57 print 'target = %s' % target
58 print 'pythonhome = %s' % vars['prefix']
59 print
60 print 'DEBUG=0 # Set to 1 to use the _d versions of Python.'
61 print '!IF $(DEBUG)'
62 print 'debug_suffix=_d'
63 print 'c_debug=/Zi /Od /DDEBUG /D_DEBUG'
64 print 'l_debug=/DEBUG'
65 print 'temp_dir=Build\\Debug'
66 print '!ELSE'
67 print 'debug_suffix='
68 print 'c_debug=/Ox'
69 print 'l_debug='
70 print 'temp_dir=Build\\Release'
71 print '!ENDIF'
72 print
74 print '# The following line assumes you have built Python using the standard instructions'
75 print '# Otherwise fix the following line to point to the library.'
76 print 'pythonlib = "$(pythonhome)/pcbuild/python%s$(debug_suffix).lib"' % version_suffix
77 print
91 print "# As the target uses Python%s.dll, we must use this compiler option!" % version_suffix
92 print "cdl = /MD"
93 print
94 print "all: $(target)$(debug_suffix)%s" % (target_ext)
95 print
97 print '$(temp_dir):'
98 print ' if not exist $(temp_dir)\. mkdir $(temp_dir)'
99 print
104 print "# Module",
109 print '$(temp_dir)\%s.obj: "%s"' % (base, file)
110 print "\t@$(CC) -c -nologo /Fo$* $(cdl) $(c_debug) /D BUILD_FREEZE",
111 print '"-I$(pythonhome)/Include" "-I$(pythonhome)/PC" \\'
112 print "\t\t$(cflags) $(cdebug) $(cinclude) \\"
115 print "\t\t%s \\" % (' '.join(extra),)
116 print '\t\t"%s"' % file
117 print
124 print "ADDN_LINK_FILES=",
125 for addn in vars['addn_link']: print '"%s"' % (addn),
126 print ; print
128 print "OBJS=",
129 for obj in objects: print '"$(temp_dir)\%s"' % (obj),
130 print ; print
132 print "LIBS=",
133 for lib in libs: print '"%s"' % (lib),
134 print ; print
136 print "$(target)$(debug_suffix)%s: $(temp_dir) $(OBJS)" % (target_ext)
137 print "\tlink -out:$(target)$(debug_suffix)%s %s" % (target_ext, target_link_flags), "@<<"
138 print "\t$(OBJS)"
139 print "\t$(LIBS)"
140 print "\t$(ADDN_LINK_FILES)"
141 print "\t$(pythonlib) $(lcustom) $(l_debug)"
142 print "\t$(resources)"
143 print "<<"
144 print
145 print "clean:"
146 print "\t-del /f *.obj"
147 print "\t-del /f $(target).exe"