Lines Matching +refs:llvm +refs:mode +refs:prog +refs:mode
631 if test -n "`"$found_gcc" --version | grep llvm-gcc`"
633 AC_MSG_NOTICE([Detected llvm-gcc, falling back to clang])
1068 ac_prog=`$CC -print-prog-name=ld`
1335 # Make llvm-relatec checks work on systems where llvm tools are not installed with their
1337 # non-suffixed name in their versioned llvm directory.
1345 # which is where the related llvm tools are located.
1372 AC_PATH_TOOL(LLVM_AR, llvm-ar, '', ${llvm_path})
1382 found_llvm_ar=`/usr/bin/xcrun -find llvm-ar 2>/dev/null`
1385 LLVM_AR='/usr/bin/xcrun llvm-ar'
1387 AC_MSG_NOTICE([llvm-ar found via xcrun: ${LLVM_AR}])
1393 … AC_MSG_ERROR([llvm-ar is required for a --with-lto build with clang but could not be found.])
1438 AC_PATH_TOOL(LLVM_PROFDATA, llvm-profdata, '', ${llvm_path})
1448 found_llvm_profdata=`/usr/bin/xcrun -find llvm-profdata 2>/dev/null`
1451 # llvm-profdata isn't directly in $PATH in some cases.
1453 LLVM_PROFDATA='/usr/bin/xcrun llvm-profdata'
1455 AC_MSG_NOTICE([llvm-profdata found via xcrun: ${LLVM_PROFDATA}])
1471 …AC_MSG_ERROR([llvm-profdata is required for a --enable-optimizations build but could not be found.…
1487 …AC_MSG_ERROR([llvm-profdata is required for a --enable-optimizations build but could not be found.…
1764 # Don't enable unreachable code warning in debug mode, since it usually
2383 to add some flags for configuration and compilation to enable this mode.
3707 # Force lchmod off for Linux. Linux disallows changing the mode of symbolic
4549 # mode is round-to-nearest and double rounding issues are present, and
4782 [Alternative SOABI used in debug build to load C extensions built in release mode])