Lines Matching +full:test +full:- +full:cython

12 dummy-variables-rgx=^ignored_|^unused_
17 # be what works for us at the moment (excepting the dead-code-walking Beta
19 max-args=6
30 extension-pkg-whitelist=grpc._cython.cygrpc
38 # Eventually, the hope is to eliminate the .pylintrc-tests
40 pointless-statement,
41 no-member,
42 no-self-use,
43 attribute-defined-outside-init,
44 unused-argument,
45 unused-variable,
46 unused-import,
47 redefined-builtin,
48 too-many-public-methods,
49 too-many-locals,
50 redefined-variable-type,
51 redefined-outer-name,
52 ungrouped-imports,
53 too-many-branches,
54 too-many-arguments,
55 too-many-format-args,
56 too-many-return-statements,
57 too-many-statements,
58 line-too-long,
59 wrong-import-position,
60 wrong-import-order,
64 # TODO(
65 # Enable cyclic-import after a 1.7-or-later pylint release that
66 # recognizes our disable=cyclic-import suppressions.
67 cyclic-import,
70 duplicate-code,
74 import-error,
77 invalid-name,
80 locally-disabled,
83 locally-enabled,
86 missing-docstring,
88 # lesser (or lesser-or-equal-to) quantity on the left when the
91 misplaced-comparison-constant,
94 no-init,
96 # nicely with some of our code being implemented in Cython. Maybe in a
98 no-name-in-module,
102 protected-access,
104 too-few-public-methods,
107 too-many-instance-attributes,
110 # lines-of-code-based we would use it.
111 too-many-lines,
114 too-many-nested-blocks,
116 # super-init requirement for abstract class implementations for now.
117 super-init-not-called,
123 useless-else-on-loop,
124 no-else-return,
126 useless-object-inheritance,