Lines Matching +full:bare +full:- +full:cross +full:- +full:build

15 avoid avoiding away axes axis axis-aligned
17 back back-end backed background backing balance balancing banding bare base based baseline
19 beneath best better between bevel beveled beyond binary bit bit-field bits black bleed bleeding
21 bottom bottom-left bottom-right boundaries bounded bounding bounds box brace-delimited
22 breaking brightened brighter brightness brush buffer bug bugs build builder building builds
49 create created creates creating creator criteria critical cross cull culled culling
65 document-based documentation documenting does done dot dotted double down downgrading
73 equivalent equivalents erases erroneously error evaluated even even-numbered even-odd
92 good gradient gradients graphics gray gray-level greater greatest green grid grows guarantee
95 had hairline hairlines half half-precision halved hand handle handling hands happens hard hardware
102 ignore ignored ignores ignoring illegal image-generator images immediate immediately
123 keep keeping key-value known
126 leaving left left-aligned left-bottom left-top leftmost legacy legal length lengthens
130 lost low lower lower-case lower-left lowest luminosity
141 moves moving multiple multiple-pass multiplied multiplier multipliers multiplies multiply
145 need needed needs negative nested never new newly next nibble nine no non-homogeneous
146 non-monochrome non-rectangular
147 non-square non-volatile non-zero none nor normal normalize normalized normally not
148 note nothing noticeable notifies now null null-terminated number numbers numeric numerically
151 on-demand once one only onto opacity opaque opaqueness open opened operand operate operates
164 perpendicular perspective perspective-scale
165 perspective-x perspective-y physical piece pieces pin pinned pins pipeline pivot
166 pixel-based pixels place placeholder placement places plane planes platform platform-specific
178 race radii radius range ranges ranging rarely raster rather ratio raw read read-only
194 reused reveals reverse reversed reverses revert rewinds right right-bottom right-top rightmost root
195 rotate rotate-x rotate-y rotated rotates rotating rotation roughly round rounded
199 saturation savable save saved saves scale scale-x scale-y scaled scales scaling scan
200 scene scope screen second second-order section sections see seek seeks segment segments select
206 simplify simply since single single-pass singly
214 straight-line streams strength stretched strictly strikeout strings stripe stripes
225 there therefore these they thick thickness thin thinner thinnest third third-order this
226 those though thought thread threads three three-dimensional through thus tight tile
228 to together toggled too top top-left top-right total totaling touches towards tracked tracks
234 two-dimensional type types typically typographic
239 untouched unused up update updates upload uploaded upper upper-case upper-left upright upward
247 wait waited waiting warning warnings was way ways wedge weight weighted well well-defined
249 wide-open widens wider width widths will wind winding windows winds with within without
253 x-axis x-coordinate x-position x-positions x-radii
255 y-axis y-coordinate y-radii yellow
257 z-axis zero zeroed zeroes zoom