Lines Matching full:usage

33 #define HELP_toybox "usage: toybox [--long | --help | --version | [COMMAND] [ARGUMENTS...]]\n\nWith…
35 #define HELP_setenforce "usage: setenforce [enforcing|permissive|1|0]\n\nSets whether SELinux is en…
37 #define HELP_sendevent "usage: sendevent DEVICE TYPE CODE VALUE\n\nSends a Linux input event."
39 #define HELP_runcon "usage: runcon CONTEXT COMMAND [ARGS...]\n\nRun a command in a specified securi…
41 #define HELP_restorecon "usage: restorecon [-D] [-F] [-R] [-n] [-v] FILE...\n\nRestores the default…
43 #define HELP_log "usage: log [-p PRI] [-t TAG] MESSAGE...\n\nLogs message to logcat.\n\n-p Use the …
45 #define HELP_load_policy "usage: load_policy FILE\n\nLoad the specified SELinux policy file."
47 #define HELP_getenforce "usage: getenforce\n\nShows whether SELinux is disabled, enforcing, or perm…
49 #define HELP_skeleton_alias "usage: skeleton_alias [-dq] [-b NUMBER]\n\nExample of a second command…
51 #define HELP_skeleton "usage: skeleton [-a] [-b STRING] [-c NUMBER] [-d LIST] [-e COUNT] [...]\n\nT…
53 #define HELP_logwrapper "usage: logwrapper ...\n\nAppend command line to $WRAPLOG, then call second…
55 #define HELP_hostid "usage: hostid\n\nPrint the numeric identifier for the current host."
57 #define HELP_hello "usage: hello\n\nA hello world program.\n\nMostly used as a simple template for …
59 #define HELP_demo_utf8towc "usage: demo_utf8towc\n\nPrint differences between toybox's utf8 convers…
61 #define HELP_demo_scankey "usage: demo_scankey\n\nMove a letter around the screen. Hit ESC to exit."
63 #define HELP_demo_number "usage: demo_number [-hsbi] [-D LEN] NUMBER...\n\n-D output field is LEN c…
65 #define HELP_demo_many_options "usage: demo_many_options -[a-zA-Z]\n\nPrint the optflags value of t…
67 #define HELP_umount "usage: umount [-a [-t TYPE[,TYPE...]]] [-vrfD] [DIR...]\n\nUnmount the listed …
69 #define HELP_sync "usage: sync\n\nWrite pending cached data to disk (synchronize), blocking until d…
71 #define HELP_su "usage: su [-lp] [-u UID] [-g GID,...] [-s SHELL] [-c CMD] [USER [COMMAND...]]\n\nS…
73 #define HELP_seq "usage: seq [-w|-f fmt_str] [-s sep_str] [first] [increment] last\n\nCount from fi…
75 #define HELP_pidof "usage: pidof [-s] [-o omitpid[,omitpid...]] [NAME]...\n\nPrint the PIDs of all …
79 #define HELP_passwd "usage: passwd [-a ALGO] [-dlu] [USER]\n\nUpdate user's authentication tokens. …
81 #define HELP_mount "usage: mount [-afFrsvw] [-t TYPE] [-o OPTION,] [[DEVICE] DIR]\n\nMount new file…
83 #define HELP_mktemp "usage: mktemp [-dqu] [-p DIR] [TEMPLATE]\n\nSafely create a new file \"DIR/TEM…
85 #define HELP_mknod_z "usage: mknod [-Z CONTEXT] ...\n\n-Z Set security context to created file"
87 #define HELP_mknod "usage: mknod [-m MODE] NAME TYPE [MAJOR MINOR]\n\nCreate a special file NAME wi…
97 #define HELP_sha1sum "usage: sha?sum [-bcs] [FILE]...\n\nCalculate sha hash for each input file, re…
99 #define HELP_md5sum "usage: md5sum [-bcs] [FILE]...\n\nCalculate md5 hash for each input file, read…
101 #define HELP_killall "usage: killall [-l] [-iqv] [-SIGNAL|-s SIGNAL] PROCESS_NAME...\n\nSend a sign…
103 #define HELP_dnsdomainname "usage: dnsdomainname\n\nShow domain this system belongs to (same as hos…
105 #define HELP_hostname "usage: hostname [-bdsf] [-F FILENAME] [newname]\n\nGet/set the current hostn…
107 #define HELP_zcat "usage: zcat [FILE...]\n\nDecompress files to stdout. Like `gzip -dc`.\n\n-f Forc…
109 #define HELP_gunzip "usage: gunzip [-cfk] [FILE...]\n\nDecompress files. With no files, decompresse…
111 #define HELP_gzip "usage: gzip [-19cdfk] [FILE...]\n\nCompress files. With no files, compresses std…
113 #define HELP_dmesg "usage: dmesg [-Cc] [-r|-t|-T] [-n LEVEL] [-s SIZE] [-w]\n\nPrint or control the…
115 #define HELP_tunctl "usage: tunctl [-dtT] [-u USER] NAME\n\nCreate and delete tun/tap virtual ether…
117 #define HELP_sntp "usage: sntp [-saSdDq] [-r SHIFT] [-mM[ADDRESS]] [-p PORT] [SERVER]\n\nSimple Net…
119 #define HELP_rfkill "usage: rfkill COMMAND [DEVICE]\n\nEnable/disable wireless devices.\n\nCommands…
121 #define HELP_ping "usage: ping [OPTIONS] HOST\n\nCheck network connectivity by sending packets to a…
123 #define HELP_netstat "usage: netstat [-pWrxwutneal]\n\nDisplay networking information. Default is n…
125 #define HELP_netcat "usage: netcat [-46ELUlt] [-u] [-wpq #] [-s addr] {IPADDR PORTNUM|-f FILENAME|C…
127 #define HELP_microcom "usage: microcom [-s SPEED] [-X] DEVICE\n\nSimple serial console.\n\n-s Set b…
129 #define HELP_ifconfig "usage: ifconfig [-aS] [INTERFACE [ACTION...]]\n\nDisplay or configure networ…
133 #define HELP_ftpget "usage: ftpget [-cvgslLmMdD] [-P PORT] [-p PASSWORD] [-u USER] HOST [LOCAL] REM…
135 #define HELP_yes "usage: yes [args...]\n\nRepeatedly output line until killed. If no args, output '…
137 #define HELP_xxd "usage: xxd [-c n] [-g n] [-i] [-l n] [-o n] [-p] [-r] [-s n] [file]\n\nHexdump a …
139 #define HELP_which "usage: which [-a] filename ...\n\nSearch $PATH for executable files matching fi…
141 #define HELP_watchdog "usage: watchdog [-F] [-t UPDATE] [-T DEADLINE] DEV\n\nStart the watchdog tim…
143 #define HELP_watch "usage: watch [-teb] [-n SEC] PROG ARGS\n\nRun PROG every -n seconds, showing ou…
145 #define HELP_w "usage: w\n\nShow who is logged on and since how long they logged in."
147 #define HELP_vmstat "usage: vmstat [-n] [DELAY [COUNT]]\n\nPrint virtual memory statistics, repeati…
149 #define HELP_vconfig "usage: vconfig COMMAND [OPTIONS]\n\nCreate and remove virtual ethernet device…
151 #define HELP_uuidgen "usage: uuidgen\n\nCreate and print a new RFC4122 random UUID."
153 #define HELP_usleep "usage: usleep MICROSECONDS\n\nPause for MICROSECONDS microseconds."
155 #define HELP_uptime "usage: uptime [-ps]\n\nTell the current time, how long the system has been run…
157 #define HELP_truncate "usage: truncate [-c] -s SIZE file...\n\nSet length of file(s), extending spa…
159 #define HELP_timeout "usage: timeout [-k DURATION] [-s SIGNAL] DURATION COMMAND...\n\nRun command l…
161 #define HELP_taskset "usage: taskset [-ap] [mask] [PID | cmd [args...]]\n\nLaunch a new task which …
163 #define HELP_nproc "usage: nproc [--all]\n\nPrint number of processors.\n\n--all Show all processor…
165 #define HELP_tac "usage: tac [FILE...]\n\nOutput lines in reverse order."
167 #define HELP_sysctl "usage: sysctl [-aAeNnqw] [-p [FILE] | KEY[=VALUE]...]\n\nRead/write system con…
169 #define HELP_switch_root "usage: switch_root [-c /dev/console] NEW_ROOT NEW_INIT...\n\nUse from PID…
171 #define HELP_swapon "usage: swapon [-d] [-p priority] filename\n\nEnable swapping on a given device…
173 #define HELP_swapoff "usage: swapoff swapregion\n\nDisable swapping on a given swapregion."
175 #define HELP_stat "usage: stat [-tfL] [-c FORMAT] FILE...\n\nDisplay status of files or filesystems…
177 #define HELP_shred "usage: shred [-fuz] [-n COUNT] [-s SIZE] FILE...\n\nSecurely delete a file by o…
179 #define HELP_sha3sum "usage: sha3sum [-S] [-a BITS] [FILE...]\n\nHash function du jour.\n\n-a Produ…
181 #define HELP_setsid "usage: setsid [-cdw] command [args...]\n\nRun process in a new session.\n\n-d …
183 #define HELP_setfattr "usage: setfattr [-h] [-x|-n NAME] [-v VALUE] FILE...\n\nWrite POSIX extended…
185 #define HELP_rtcwake "usage: rtcwake [-aluv] [-d FILE] [-m MODE] [-s SECS] [-t UNIX]\n\nEnter the g…
187 #define HELP_rmmod "usage: rmmod [-wf] [MODULE]\n\nUnload the module named MODULE from the Linux ke…
189 #define HELP_rev "usage: rev [FILE...]\n\nOutput each line reversed, when no files are given stdin …
191 #define HELP_reset "usage: reset\n\nReset the terminal."
193 #define HELP_reboot "usage: reboot/halt/poweroff [-fn]\n\nRestart, halt or powerdown the system.\n\…
195 #define HELP_realpath "usage: realpath FILE...\n\nDisplay the canonical absolute pathname"
197 #define HELP_readlink "usage: readlink FILE...\n\nWith no options, show what symlink points to, ret…
199 #define HELP_readahead "usage: readahead FILE...\n\nPreload files into disk cache."
201 #define HELP_pwgen "usage: pwgen [-cAn0yrsBhC1v] [LENGTH] [COUNT]\n\nGenerate human-readable random…
203 #define HELP_pwdx "usage: pwdx PID...\n\nPrint working directory of processes listed on command lin…
205 #define HELP_printenv "usage: printenv [-0] [env_var...]\n\nPrint environment variables.\n\n-0 Use …
207 #define HELP_pmap "usage: pmap [-xq] [pids...]\n\nReport the memory map of a process or processes.\…
209 #define HELP_pivot_root "usage: pivot_root OLD NEW\n\nSwap OLD and NEW filesystems (as if by simult…
211 #define HELP_partprobe "usage: partprobe DEVICE...\n\nTell the kernel about partition table changes…
213 #define HELP_oneit "usage: oneit [-prn3] [-c CONSOLE] [COMMAND...]\n\nSimple init program that runs…
215 #define HELP_nsenter "usage: nsenter [-t pid] [-F] [-i] [-m] [-n] [-p] [-u] [-U] COMMAND...\n\nRun …
217 #define HELP_unshare "usage: unshare [-imnpuUr] COMMAND...\n\nCreate new container namespace(s) for…
219 #define HELP_nbd_client "usage: nbd-client [-ns] HOST PORT DEVICE\n\n-n Do not fork into background…
221 #define HELP_mountpoint "usage: mountpoint [-qd] DIR\n mountpoint [-qx] DEVICE\n\nCheck wheth…
223 #define HELP_modinfo "usage: modinfo [-0] [-b basedir] [-k kernel] [-F field] [module|file...]\n\nD…
225 #define HELP_mkswap "usage: mkswap [-L LABEL] DEVICE\n\nSet up a Linux swap area on a device or fil…
227 #define HELP_mkpasswd "usage: mkpasswd [-P FD] [-m TYPE] [-S SALT] [PASSWORD] [SALT]\n\nCrypt PASSW…
229 #define HELP_mix "usage: mix [-d DEV] [-c CHANNEL] [-l VOL] [-r RIGHT]\n\nList OSS sound channels (…
231 #define HELP_mcookie "usage: mcookie [-vV]\n\nGenerate a 128-bit strong random number.\n\n-v show …
233 #define HELP_makedevs "usage: makedevs [-d device_table] rootdir\n\nCreate a range of special files…
235 #define HELP_lsusb "usage: lsusb\n\nList USB hosts/devices."
237 #define HELP_lspci_text "usage: lspci [-n] [-i FILE ]\n\n-n Numeric output (repeat for readable and…
239 #define HELP_lspci "usage: lspci [-ekm]\n\nList PCI devices.\n\n-e Print all 6 digits in class\n-k …
241 #define HELP_lsmod "usage: lsmod\n\nDisplay the currently loaded modules, their sizes and their dep…
243 #define HELP_chattr "usage: chattr [-R] [-+=AacDdijsStTu] [-p PROJID] [-v VERSION] [FILE...]\n\nCha…
245 #define HELP_lsattr "usage: lsattr [-Radlpv] [FILE...]\n\nList file attributes on a Linux file syst…
247 #define HELP_losetup "usage: losetup [-cdrs] [-o OFFSET] [-S SIZE] {-d DEVICE...|-j FILE|-af|{DEVIC…
249 #define HELP_login "usage: login [-p] [-h host] [-f USERNAME] [USERNAME]\n\nLog in as a user, promp…
251 #define HELP_iorenice "usage: iorenice PID [CLASS] [PRIORITY]\n\nDisplay or change I/O priority of …
253 #define HELP_ionice "usage: ionice [-t] [-c CLASS] [-n LEVEL] [COMMAND...|-p PID]\n\nChange the I/O…
255 #define HELP_insmod "usage: insmod MODULE [MODULE_OPTIONS]\n\nLoad the module named MODULE passing …
257 #define HELP_inotifyd "usage: inotifyd PROG FILE[:MASK] ...\n\nWhen a filesystem event matching MAS…
259 #define HELP_i2cset "usage: i2cset [-fy] BUS CHIP ADDR VALUE... MODE\n\nWrite an i2c register. MODE…
261 #define HELP_i2cget "usage: i2cget [-fy] BUS CHIP ADDR\n\nRead an i2c register.\n\n-f Force access …
263 #define HELP_i2cdump "usage: i2cdump [-fy] BUS CHIP\n\nDump i2c registers.\n\n-f Force access to bu…
265 #define HELP_i2cdetect "usage: i2cdetect [-ary] BUS [FIRST LAST]\nusage: i2cdetect -F BUS\nusage: i…
267 #define HELP_hwclock "usage: hwclock [-rswtluf]\n\nGet/set the hardware clock.\n\n-f FILE Use speci…
269 #define HELP_hexedit "usage: hexedit FILE\n\nHexadecimal file editor/viewer. All changes are writte…
271 #define HELP_help "usage: help [-ahu] [COMMAND]\n\n-a All commands\n-u Usage only\n-h HTML output\n…
273 #define HELP_fsync "usage: fsync [-d] [FILE...]\n\nSynchronize a file's in-core state with storage …
275 #define HELP_fsfreeze "usage: fsfreeze {-f | -u} MOUNTPOINT\n\nFreeze or unfreeze a filesystem.\n\n…
277 #define HELP_freeramdisk "usage: freeramdisk [RAM device]\n\nFree all memory allocated to specified…
279 #define HELP_free "usage: free [-bkmgt]\n\nDisplay the total, free and used amount of physical memo…
281 #define HELP_fmt "usage: fmt [-w WIDTH] [FILE...]\n\nReformat input to wordwrap at a given line len…
283 #define HELP_flock "usage: flock [-sxun] fd\n\nManage advisory file locks.\n\n-s Shared lock\n-x Ex…
285 #define HELP_fallocate "usage: fallocate [-l size] [-o offset] file\n\nTell the filesystem to alloc…
287 #define HELP_factor "usage: factor NUMBER...\n\nFactor integers."
289 #define HELP_eject "usage: eject [-stT] [DEVICE]\n\nEject DEVICE or default /dev/cdrom\n\n-s SCSI d…
291 #define HELP_unix2dos "usage: unix2dos [FILE...]\n\nConvert newline format from unix \"\\n\" to dos…
293 #define HELP_dos2unix "usage: dos2unix [FILE...]\n\nConvert newline format from dos \"\\r\\n\" to u…
295 #define HELP_devmem "usage: devmem ADDR [WIDTH [DATA]]\n\nRead/write physical address. WIDTH is 1, …
297 #define HELP_count "usage: count\n\nCopy stdin to stdout, displaying simple progress indicator to s…
301 #define HELP_chvt "usage: chvt N\n\nChange to virtual terminal number N. (This only works in text m…
303 #define HELP_chrt "usage: chrt [-Rmofrbi] {-p PID [PRIORITY] | [PRIORITY COMMAND...]}\n\nGet/set a …
305 #define HELP_chroot "usage: chroot NEWROOT [COMMAND [ARG...]]\n\nRun command within a new root dire…
307 #define HELP_chcon "usage: chcon [-hRv] CONTEXT FILE...\n\nChange the SELinux security context of l…
309 #define HELP_bzcat "usage: bzcat [FILE...]\n\nDecompress listed files to stdout. Use stdin if no fi…
311 #define HELP_bunzip2 "usage: bunzip2 [-cftkv] [FILE...]\n\nDecompress listed files ( becomes…
313 #define HELP_blockdev "usage: blockdev --OPTION... BLOCKDEV...\n\nCall ioctl(s) on each listed bloc…
315 #define HELP_fstype "usage: fstype DEV...\n\nPrint type of filesystem on a block device or image."
317 #define HELP_blkid "usage: blkid [-s TAG] [-UL] DEV...\n\nPrint type, label and UUID of filesystem …
319 #define HELP_blkdiscard "usage: blkdiscard [-olszf] DEVICE\n\nDiscard device sectors.\n\n-o, --offs…
321 #define HELP_base32 "usage: base32 [-di] [-w COLUMNS] [FILE...]\n\nEncode or decode in base32.\n\n-…
323 #define HELP_base64 "usage: base64 [-di] [-w COLUMNS] [FILE...]\n\nEncode or decode in base64.\n\n-…
325 #define HELP_ascii "usage: ascii\n\nDisplay ascii character set."
327 #define HELP_acpi "usage: acpi [-abctV]\n\nShow status of power sources and thermal devices.\n\n-a …
329 #define HELP_xzcat "usage: xzcat [filename...]\n\nDecompress listed files to stdout. Use stdin if n…
331 #define HELP_wget "usage: wget -O filename URL\n-O filename: specify output filename\nURL: uniform …
333 #define HELP_vi "usage: vi [-s script] FILE\n-s script: run script file\nVisual text editor. Predat…
335 #define HELP_userdel "usage: userdel [-r] USER\nusage: deluser [-r] USER\n\nDelete USER from the SY…
337 #define HELP_useradd "usage: useradd [-SDH] [-h DIR] [-s SHELL] [-G GRP] [-g NAME] [-u UID] USER [G…
339 #define HELP_unicode "usage: unicode [[min]-max]\n\nConvert between Unicode code points and UTF-8, …
341 #define HELP_traceroute "usage: traceroute [-46FUIldnvr] [-f 1ST_TTL] [-m MAXTTL] [-p PORT] [-q PRO…
343 #define HELP_tr "usage: tr [-cds] SET1 [SET2]\n\nTranslate, squeeze, or delete characters from stdi…
345 #define HELP_tftpd "usage: tftpd [-cr] [-u USER] [DIR]\n\nTransfer file from/to tftp server.\n\n-r …
347 #define HELP_tftp "usage: tftp [OPTIONS] HOST [PORT]\n\nTransfer file from/to tftp server.\n\n-l FI…
351 #define HELP_telnet "usage: telnet HOST [PORT]\n\nConnect to telnet server."
353 #define HELP_tcpsvd "usage: tcpsvd [-hEv] [-c N] [-C N[:MSG]] [-b N] [-u User] [-l Name] IP Port Pr…
355 #define HELP_syslogd "usage: syslogd [-a socket] [-O logfile] [-f config file] [-m interval]\n …
357 #define HELP_sulogin "usage: sulogin [-t time] [tty]\n\nSingle User Login.\n-t Default Time for Sin…
359 #define HELP_stty "usage: stty [-ag] [-F device] SETTING...\n\nGet/set terminal configuration.\n\n-…
361 #define HELP_wait "usage: wait [-n] [ID...]\n\nWait for background processes to exit, returning its…
363 #define HELP_source "usage: source FILE [ARGS...]\n\nRead FILE and execute commands. Any ARGS becom…
365 #define HELP_shift "usage: shift [N]\n\nSkip N (default 1) positional parameters, moving $1 and fri…
367 #define HELP_local "usage: local [NAME[=VALUE]...]\n\nCreate a local variable that lasts until retu…
369 #define HELP_jobs "usage: jobs [-lnprs] [%JOB | -x COMMAND...]\n\nList running/stopped background j…
371 #define HELP_export "usage: export [-n] [NAME[=VALUE]...]\n\nMake variables available to child proc…
373 #define HELP_exec "usage: exec [-cl] [-a NAME] COMMAND...\n\n-a set argv[0] to NAME\n-c clear envir…
375 #define HELP_eval "usage: eval COMMAND...\n\nExecute (combined) arguments as a shell command."
377 #define HELP_unset "usage: unset [-fvn] NAME...\n\n-f NAME is a function\n-v NAME is a variable\n-n…
379 #define HELP_set "usage: set [+a] [+o OPTION] [VAR...]\n\nSet variables and shell attributes. Use +…
381 #define HELP_exit "usage: exit [status]\n\nExit shell. If no return value supplied on command line…
383 #define HELP_cd "usage: cd [-PL] [path]\n\nChange current directory. With no arguments, go $HOME.\…
385 #define HELP_sh "usage: sh [-c command] [script]\n\nCommand shell. Runs a shell script, or reads i…
387 #define HELP_route "usage: route [-ne] [-A [inet|inet6]] [add|del TARGET [OPTIONS]]\n\nDisplay, add…
389 #define HELP_readelf "usage: readelf [-adehlnSs] [-p SECTION] [-x SECTION] [file...]\n\nDisplays in…
391 #define HELP_deallocvt "usage: deallocvt [NUM]\n\nDeallocate unused virtual terminals, either a spe…
393 #define HELP_openvt "usage: openvt [-c NUM] [-sw] [COMMAND...]\n\nStart a program on a new virtual …
395 #define HELP_more "usage: more [FILE...]\n\nView FILE(s) (or stdin) one screenfull at a time."
397 #define HELP_modprobe "usage: modprobe [-alrqvsDb] [-d DIR] MODULE [symbol=value][...]\n\nmodprobe …
399 #define HELP_mke2fs_extended "usage: mke2fs [-E stride=###] [-O option[,option]]\n\n-E stride= Set …
401 #define HELP_mke2fs_label "usage: mke2fs [-L label] [-M path] [-o string]\n\n-L Volume labe…
403 #define HELP_mke2fs_gen "usage: gene2fs [options] device filename\n\nThe [options] are the same as …
405 #define HELP_mke2fs_journal "usage: mke2fs [-j] [-J size=###,device=XXX]\n\n-j Create journ…
407 #define HELP_mke2fs "usage: mke2fs [-Fnq] [-b ###] [-N|i ###] [-m ###] device\n\nCreate an ext2 fil…
411 #define HELP_mdev "usage: mdev [-s]\n\nCreate devices in /dev using information from /sys.\n\n-s Sc…
413 #define HELP_man "usage: man [-M PATH] [-k STRING] | [SECTION] COMMAND\n\nRead manual page for syst…
415 #define HELP_lsof "usage: lsof [-lt] [-p PID1,PID2,...] [FILE...]\n\nList all open files belonging …
417 #define HELP_last "usage: last [-W] [-f FILE]\n\nShow listing of last logged in users.\n\n-W D…
419 #define HELP_klogd "usage: klogd [-n] [-c N]\n\n-c N Print to console messages more urgent than …
421 #define HELP_ipcs "usage: ipcs [[-smq] -i shmid] | [[-asmq] [-tcplu]]\n\n-i Show specific resource\…
423 #define HELP_ipcrm "usage: ipcrm [ [-q msqid] [-m shmid] [-s semid]\n [-Q msgkey] [-M shmk…
425 #define HELP_ip "usage: ip [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND }\n\nShow / manipulate routing, devices, po…
427 #define HELP_init "usage: init\n\nSystem V style init.\n\nFirst program to run (as PID 1) when the …
429 #define HELP_host "usage: host [-av] [-t TYPE] NAME [SERVER]\n\nPerform DNS lookup on NAME, which c…
431 #define HELP_groupdel "usage: groupdel [USER] GROUP\n\nDelete a group or remove a user from a group"
433 #define HELP_groupadd "usage: groupadd [-S] [-g GID] [USER] GROUP\n\nAdd a group or add a user to a…
435 #define HELP_getty "usage: getty [OPTIONS] BAUD_RATE[,BAUD_RATE]... TTY [TERMTYPE]\n\nWait for a mo…
437 #define HELP_getopt "usage: getopt [OPTIONS] [--] ARG...\n\nParse command-line options for use in s…
439 #define HELP_getfattr "usage: getfattr [-d] [-h] [-n NAME] FILE...\n\nRead POSIX extended attribute…
441 #define HELP_fsck "usage: fsck [-ANPRTV] [-C FD] [-t FSTYPE] [FS_OPTS] [BLOCKDEV]...\n\nCheck and r…
443 #define HELP_fold "usage: fold [-bsu] [-w WIDTH] [FILE...]\n\nFolds (wraps) or unfolds ascii text b…
445 #define HELP_fdisk "usage: fdisk [-lu] [-C CYLINDERS] [-H HEADS] [-S SECTORS] [-b SECTSZ] DISK\n\nC…
447 #define HELP_expr "usage: expr ARG1 OPERATOR ARG2...\n\nEvaluate expression and print result. For e…
449 #define HELP_dumpleases "usage: dumpleases [-r|-a] [-f LEASEFILE]\n\nDisplay DHCP leases granted by…
451 #define HELP_diff "usage: diff [-abBdiNqrTstw] [-L LABEL] [-S FILE] [-U LINES] FILE1 FILE2\n\n-a Tr…
453 #define HELP_dhcpd "usage: dhcpd [-46fS] [-i IFACE] [-P N] [CONFFILE]\n\n -f Run in foreground\n…
455 #define HELP_dhcp6 "usage: dhcp6 [-fbnqvR] [-i IFACE] [-r IP] [-s PROG] [-p PIDFILE]\n\n Confi…
457 #define HELP_dhcp "usage: dhcp [-fbnqvoCRB] [-i IFACE] [-r IP] [-s PROG] [-p PIDFILE]\n …
459 #define HELP_dd "usage: dd [if=FILE] [of=FILE] [ibs=N] [obs=N] [iflag=FLAGS] [oflag=FLAGS]\n …
461 #define HELP_crontab "usage: crontab [-u user] FILE\n [-u user] [-e | -l | -r]\n …
463 #define HELP_crond "usage: crond [-fbS] [-l N] [-d N] [-L LOGFILE] [-c DIR]\n\nA daemon to execute …
465 #define HELP_chsh "usage: chsh [-s SHELL] [USER]\n\nChange user's login shell.\n\n-s Use SHELL inst…
467 #define HELP_brctl "usage: brctl COMMAND [BRIDGE [INTERFACE]]\n\nManage ethernet bridges\n\nCommand…
469 #define HELP_bootchartd "usage: bootchartd {start [PROG ARGS]}|stop|init\n\nCreate /var/log/bootlog…
471 #define HELP_bc "usage: bc [-ilqsw] [file ...]\n\nbc is a command-line calculator with a Turing-com…
473 #define HELP_arping "usage: arping [-fqbDUA] [-c CNT] [-w TIMEOUT] [-I IFACE] [-s SRC_IP] DST_IP\n\…
475 #define HELP_arp "usage: arp\n[-vn] [-H HWTYPE] [-i IF] -a [HOSTNAME]\n[-v] [-i IF] -d…
477 #define HELP_xargs "usage: xargs [-0prt] [-snE STR] COMMAND...\n\nRun command line one or more time…
479 #define HELP_who "usage: who\n\nPrint information about logged in users."
481 #define HELP_wc "usage: wc -lwcm [FILE...]\n\nCount lines, words, and characters in input.\n\n-l Sh…
483 #define HELP_uuencode "usage: uuencode [-m] [INFILE] ENCODE_FILENAME\n\nUuencode stdin (or INFILE) …
485 #define HELP_uudecode "usage: uudecode [-o OUTFILE] [INFILE]\n\nDecode file from stdin (or INFILE).…
487 #define HELP_unlink "usage: unlink FILE\n\nDelete one file."
489 #define HELP_uniq "usage: uniq [-cduiz] [-w MAXCHARS] [-f FIELDS] [-s CHAR] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]\n\nR…
491 #define HELP_uname "usage: uname [-asnrvm]\n\nPrint system information.\n\n-s System name\n-n Netwo…
493 #define HELP_arch "usage: arch\n\nPrint machine (hardware) name, same as uname -m."
495 #define HELP_ulimit "usage: ulimit [-P PID] [-SHRacdefilmnpqrstuv] [LIMIT]\n\nPrint or set resource…
497 #define HELP_tty "usage: tty [-s]\n\nShow filename of terminal connected to stdin.\n\nPrints \"not …
499 #define HELP_true "usage: true\n\nReturn zero."
501 #define HELP_touch "usage: touch [-amch] [-d DATE] [-t TIME] [-r FILE] FILE...\n\nUpdate the access…
503 #define HELP_time "usage: time [-pv] COMMAND...\n\nRun command line and report real, user, and syst…
505 #define HELP_test "usage: test [-bcdefghLPrSsuwx PATH] [-nz STRING] [-t FD] [X ?? Y]\n\nReturn true…
507 #define HELP_tee "usage: tee [-ai] [FILE...]\n\nCopy stdin to each listed file, and also to stdout.…
509 #define HELP_tar "usage: tar [-cxt] [-fvohmjkOS] [-XTCf NAME] [FILE...]\n\nCreate, extract, or list…
511 #define HELP_tail "usage: tail [-n|c NUMBER] [-f] [FILE...]\n\nCopy last lines from files to stdout…
513 #define HELP_strings "usage: strings [-fo] [-t oxd] [-n LEN] [FILE...]\n\nDisplay printable strings…
515 #define HELP_split "usage: split [-a SUFFIX_LEN] [-b BYTES] [-l LINES] [INPUT [OUTPUT]]\n\nCopy INP…
517 #define HELP_sort "usage: sort [-Mbcdfginrsuz] [FILE...] [-k#[,#[x]] [-t X]] [-o FILE]\n\nSort all …
519 #define HELP_sleep "usage: sleep DURATION\n\nWait before exiting.\n\nDURATION can be a decimal frac…
521 #define HELP_sed "usage: sed [-inrszE] [-e SCRIPT]...|SCRIPT [-f SCRIPT_FILE]... [FILE...]\n\nStrea…
523 #define HELP_rmdir "usage: rmdir [-p] [DIR...]\n\nRemove one or more directories.\n\n-p Remove path…
525 #define HELP_rm "usage: rm [-fiRrv] FILE...\n\nRemove each argument from the filesystem.\n\n-f Forc…
527 #define HELP_renice "usage: renice [-gpu] -n INCREMENT ID..."
529 #define HELP_pwd "usage: pwd [-L|-P]\n\nPrint working (current) directory.\n\n-L Use shell's path f…
531 #define HELP_pkill "usage: pkill [-fnovx] [-SIGNAL|-l SIGNAL] [PATTERN] [-G GID,] [-g PGRP,] [-P PP…
533 #define HELP_pgrep "usage: pgrep [-clfnovx] [-d DELIM] [-L SIGNAL] [PATTERN] [-G GID,] [-g PGRP,] […
535 #define HELP_iotop "usage: iotop [-AaKObq] [-n NUMBER] [-d SECONDS] [-p PID,] [-u USER,]\n\nRank pr…
537 #define HELP_top "usage: top [-Hbq] [-k FIELD,] [-o FIELD,] [-s SORT] [-n NUMBER] [-m LINES] [-d SE…
539 #define HELP_ps "usage: ps [-AadefLlnwZ] [-gG GROUP,] [-k FIELD,] [-o FIELD,] [-p PID,] [-t TTY,] […
541 #define HELP_printf "usage: printf FORMAT [ARGUMENT...]\n\nFormat and print ARGUMENT(s) according t…
543 #define HELP_patch "usage: patch [-d DIR] [-i PATCH] [-p DEPTH] [-F FUZZ] [-Rlsu] [--dry-run] [FILE…
545 #define HELP_paste "usage: paste [-s] [-d DELIMITERS] [FILE...]\n\nMerge corresponding lines from e…
547 #define HELP_od "usage: od [-bcdosxv] [-j #] [-N #] [-w #] [-A doxn] [-t acdfoux[#]]\n\nDump data i…
549 #define HELP_nohup "usage: nohup COMMAND...\n\nRun a command that survives the end of its terminal.…
551 #define HELP_nl "usage: nl [-E] [-l #] [-b MODE] [-n STYLE] [-s SEPARATOR] [-v #] [-w WIDTH] [FILE.…
553 #define HELP_nice "usage: nice [-n PRIORITY] COMMAND...\n\nRun a command line at an increased or de…
555 #define HELP_mkfifo "usage: mkfifo [-Z CONTEXT] [NAME...]\n\nCreate FIFOs (named pipes).\n\n-Z Secu…
557 #define HELP_mkdir_z "usage: [-Z context]\n\n-Z Set security context"
559 #define HELP_mkdir "usage: mkdir [-vp] [-m MODE] [DIR...]\n\nCreate one or more directories.\n\n-m …
561 #define HELP_ls "usage: ls [-ACFHLRSZacdfhiklmnpqrstuwx1] [--color[=auto]] [FILE...]\n\nList files.…
563 #define HELP_logger "usage: logger [-s] [-t TAG] [-p [FACILITY.]PRIORITY] [MESSAGE...]\n\nLog messa…
565 #define HELP_ln "usage: ln [-sfnv] [-t DIR] [FROM...] TO\n\nCreate a link between FROM and TO.\nOne…
567 #define HELP_link "usage: link FILE NEWLINK\n\nCreate hardlink to a file."
569 #define HELP_killall5 "usage: killall5 [-l [SIGNAL]] [-SIGNAL|-s SIGNAL] [-o PID]...\n\nSend a sign…
571 #define HELP_kill "usage: kill [-l [SIGNAL] | -s SIGNAL | -SIGNAL] PID...\n\nSend signal to process…
573 #define HELP_whoami "usage: whoami\n\nPrint the current user name."
575 #define HELP_logname "usage: logname\n\nPrint the current user name."
577 #define HELP_groups "usage: groups [user]\n\nPrint the groups a user is in."
579 #define HELP_id "usage: id [-GZgnru] [USER...]\n\nPrint user and group ID.\n-G Show all group IDs\n…
581 #define HELP_iconv "usage: iconv [-f FROM] [-t TO] [FILE...]\n\nConvert character encoding of files…
583 #define HELP_head "usage: head [-n NUM] [FILE...]\n\nCopy first lines from files to stdout. If no f…
585 #define HELP_grep "usage: grep [-EFrivwcloqsHbhn] [-ABC NUM] [-m MAX] [-e REGEX]... [-MS PATTERN]..…
587 #define HELP_getconf "usage: getconf -a [PATH] | -l | NAME [PATH]\n\nGet system configuration value…
589 #define HELP_find "usage: find [-HL] [DIR...] [<options>]\n\nSearch directories for matching files.…
591 #define HELP_file "usage: file [-bhLs] [FILE...]\n\nExamine the given files and describe their cont…
593 #define HELP_false "usage: false\n\nReturn nonzero."
595 #define HELP_expand "usage: expand [-t TABLIST] [FILE...]\n\nExpand tabs to spaces according to tab…
597 #define HELP_env "usage: env [-i] [-u NAME] [NAME=VALUE...] [COMMAND...]\n\nSet the environment for…
599 #define HELP_echo "usage: echo [-neE] [ARG...]\n\nWrite each argument to stdout, with one space bet…
601 #define HELP_du "usage: du [-d N] [-askxHLlmc] [FILE...]\n\nShow disk usage, space consumed by file…
603 #define HELP_dirname "usage: dirname PATH...\n\nShow directory portion of path."
605 #define HELP_df "usage: df [-HPkhi] [-t type] [FILE...]\n\nThe \"disk free\" command shows total/us…
607 #define HELP_date "usage: date [-u] [-I RES] [-r FILE] [-d DATE] [+DISPLAY_FORMAT] [-D SET_FORMAT] …
609 #define HELP_cut "usage: cut [-Ds] [-bcfF LIST] [-dO DELIM] [FILE...]\n\nPrint selected parts of li…
611 #define HELP_cpio "usage: cpio -{o|t|i|p DEST} [-v] [--verbose] [-F FILE] [--no-preserve-owner]\n …
613 #define HELP_install "usage: install [-dDpsv] [-o USER] [-g GROUP] [-m MODE] [-t TARGET] [SOURCE...…
615 #define HELP_mv "usage: mv [-finTv] [-t TARGET] SOURCE... [DEST]\n\n-f Force copy by deleting desti…
617 #define HELP_cp "usage: cp [-adfHiLlnPpRrsTv] [--preserve=motcxa] [-t TARGET] SOURCE... [DEST]\n\nC…
619 #define HELP_comm "usage: comm [-123] FILE1 FILE2\n\nRead FILE1 and FILE2, which should be ordered,…
621 #define HELP_cmp "usage: cmp [-l] [-s] FILE1 [FILE2 [SKIP1 [SKIP2]]]\n\nCompare the contents of two…
623 #define HELP_crc32 "usage: crc32 [file...]\n\nOutput crc32 checksum for each file."
625 #define HELP_cksum "usage: cksum [-IPLN] [FILE...]\n\nFor each file, output crc32 checksum value, l…
627 #define HELP_chmod "usage: chmod [-R] MODE FILE...\n\nChange mode of listed file[s] (recursively wi…
631 #define HELP_chgrp "usage: chgrp/chown [-RHLP] [-fvh] GROUP FILE...\n\nChange group of one or more …
633 #define HELP_catv "usage: catv [-evt] [FILE...]\n\nDisplay nonprinting characters as escape sequenc…
635 #define HELP_cat "usage: cat [-etuv] [FILE...]\n\nCopy (concatenate) files to stdout. If no files …
637 #define HELP_cal "usage: cal [[MONTH] YEAR]\n\nPrint a calendar.\n\nWith one argument, prints all m…
639 #define HELP_basename "usage: basename [-a] [-s SUFFIX] NAME... | NAME [SUFFIX]\n\nReturn non-direc…