Lines Matching refs:E12

342 1F6D5         ; Emoji                # E12.0  [1] (��)       hindu temple
352 1F6FA ; Emoji # E12.0 [1] (��) auto rickshaw
354 1F7E0..1F7EB ; Emoji # E12.0 [12] (��..��) orange circle..brown square
356 1F90D..1F90F ; Emoji # E12.0 [3] (��..��) white heart..pinching hand
366 1F93F ; Emoji # E12.0 [1] (��) diving mask
374 1F971 ; Emoji # E12.0 [1] (��) yawning face
379 1F97B ; Emoji # E12.0 [1] (��) sari
386 1F9A5..1F9AA ; Emoji # E12.0 [6] (��..��) sloth..oyster
388 1F9AE..1F9AF ; Emoji # E12.0 [2] (��..��) guide dog..white cane
390 1F9BA..1F9BF ; Emoji # E12.0 [6] (��..��) safety vest..mechanical leg
393 1F9C3..1F9CA ; Emoji # E12.0 [8] (��..��) beverage
395 1F9CD..1F9CF ; Emoji # E12.0 [3] (��..��) person standing..deaf person
398 1FA70..1FA73 ; Emoji # E12.0 [4] (��..��) ballet shoes..shorts
400 1FA78..1FA7A ; Emoji # E12.0 [3] (��..��) drop of blood..stethoscope
401 1FA80..1FA82 ; Emoji # E12.0 [3] (��..��) yo-yo..parachute
403 1FA90..1FA95 ; Emoji # E12.0 [6] (��..��) ringed planet..banjo
615 1F6D5 ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [1] (��) hindu temple
621 1F6FA ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [1] (��) auto rickshaw
623 1F7E0..1F7EB ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [12] (��..��) orange circle..brown square
625 1F90D..1F90F ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [3] (��..��) white heart..pinching hand
635 1F93F ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [1] (��) diving mask
643 1F971 ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [1] (��) yawning face
648 1F97B ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [1] (��) sari
655 1F9A5..1F9AA ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [6] (��..��) sloth..oyster
657 1F9AE..1F9AF ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [2] (��..��) guide dog..white cane
659 1F9BA..1F9BF ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [6] (��..��) safety vest..mechanical leg
662 1F9C3..1F9CA ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [8] (��..��) beverage
664 1F9CD..1F9CF ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [3] (��..��) person standing..deaf person
667 1FA70..1FA73 ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [4] (��..��) ballet shoes..shorts
669 1FA78..1FA7A ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [3] (��..��) drop of blood..stethoscope
670 1FA80..1FA82 ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [3] (��..��) yo-yo..parachute
672 1FA90..1FA95 ; Emoji_Presentation # E12.0 [6] (��..��) ringed planet..banjo
726 1F90F ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # E12.0 [1] (��) pinching hand
738 1F9BB ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # E12.0 [1] (��) ear with hearing aid
739 1F9CD..1F9CF ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # E12.0 [3] (��..��) person standing..deaf person
1167 1F6D5 ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [1] (��) hindu temple
1182 1F6FA ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [1] (��) auto rickshaw
1187 1F7E0..1F7EB ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [12] (��..��) orange circle..brown square
1195 1F90D..1F90F ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [3] (��..��) white heart..pinching hand
1205 1F93F ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [1] (��) diving mask
1213 1F971 ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [1] (��) yawning face
1219 1F97B ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [1] (��) sari
1226 1F9A5..1F9AA ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [6] (��..��) sloth..oyster
1228 1F9AE..1F9AF ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [2] (��..��) guide dog..white cane
1230 1F9BA..1F9BF ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [6] (��..��) safety vest..mechanical leg
1233 1F9C3..1F9CA ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [8] (��..��) beverage
1236 1F9CD..1F9CF ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [3] (��..��) person standing..deaf person
1240 1FA70..1FA73 ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [4] (��..��) ballet shoes..shorts
1243 1FA78..1FA7A ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [3] (��..��) drop of blood..stethoscope
1245 1FA80..1FA82 ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [3] (��..��) yo-yo..parachute
1248 1FA90..1FA95 ; Extended_Pictographic# E12.0 [6] (��..��) ringed planet..banjo