#!/usr/bin/python3 # Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This is an ADB proxy for Winscope. # # Requirements: python3.5 and ADB installed and in system PATH. # # Usage: # run: python3 winscope_proxy.py # import json import logging import os import re import secrets import signal import subprocess import sys import threading import time from abc import abstractmethod from enum import Enum from http import HTTPStatus from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import base64 # CONFIG # LOG_LEVEL = logging.WARNING PORT = 5544 # Keep in sync with WINSCOPE_PROXY_VERSION in Winscope DataAdb.vue VERSION = '0.8' WINSCOPE_VERSION_HEADER = "Winscope-Proxy-Version" WINSCOPE_TOKEN_HEADER = "Winscope-Token" # Location to save the proxy security token WINSCOPE_TOKEN_LOCATION = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/winscope/.token') # Max interval between the client keep-alive requests in seconds KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL_S = 5 logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=LOG_LEVEL, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') log = logging.getLogger("ADBProxy") class File: def __init__(self, file, filetype) -> None: self.file = file self.type = filetype def get_filepaths(self, device_id): return [self.file] def get_filetype(self): return self.type class FileMatcher: def __init__(self, path, matcher, filetype) -> None: self.path = path self.matcher = matcher self.type = filetype def get_filepaths(self, device_id): matchingFiles = call_adb( f"shell su root find {self.path} -name {self.matcher}", device_id) return matchingFiles.split('\n')[:-1] def get_filetype(self): return self.type class TraceTarget: """Defines a single parameter to trace. Attributes: file_matchers: the matchers used to identify the paths on the device the trace results are saved to. trace_start: command to start the trace from adb shell, must not block. trace_stop: command to stop the trace, should block until the trace is stopped. """ def __init__(self, files, trace_start: str, trace_stop: str) -> None: if type(files) is not list: files = [files] self.files = files self.trace_start = trace_start self.trace_stop = trace_stop # Order of files matters as they will be expected in that order and decoded in that order TRACE_TARGETS = { "window_trace": TraceTarget( File("/data/misc/wmtrace/wm_trace.pb", "window_trace"), 'su root cmd window tracing start\necho "WM trace started."', 'su root cmd window tracing stop >/dev/null 2>&1' ), "layers_trace": TraceTarget( File("/data/misc/wmtrace/layers_trace.pb", "layers_trace"), 'su root service call SurfaceFlinger 1025 i32 1\necho "SF trace started."', 'su root service call SurfaceFlinger 1025 i32 0 >/dev/null 2>&1' ), "screen_recording": TraceTarget( File("/data/local/tmp/screen.winscope.mp4", "screen_recording"), 'screenrecord --bit-rate 8M /data/local/tmp/screen.winscope.mp4 >/dev/null 2>&1 &\necho "ScreenRecorder started."', 'pkill -l SIGINT screenrecord >/dev/null 2>&1' ), "transaction": TraceTarget( [ File("/data/misc/wmtrace/transaction_trace.pb", "transactions"), FileMatcher("/data/misc/wmtrace/", "transaction_merges_*.pb", "transaction_merges"), ], 'su root service call SurfaceFlinger 1020 i32 1\necho "SF transactions recording started."', 'su root service call SurfaceFlinger 1020 i32 0 >/dev/null 2>&1' ), "proto_log": TraceTarget( File("/data/misc/wmtrace/wm_log.pb", "proto_log"), 'su root cmd window logging start\necho "WM logging started."', 'su root cmd window logging stop >/dev/null 2>&1' ), "ime_trace_clients": TraceTarget( File("/data/misc/wmtrace/ime_trace_clients.pb", "ime_trace_clients"), 'su root ime tracing start\necho "Clients IME trace started."', 'su root ime tracing stop >/dev/null 2>&1' ), "ime_trace_service": TraceTarget( File("/data/misc/wmtrace/ime_trace_service.pb", "ime_trace_service"), 'su root ime tracing start\necho "Service IME trace started."', 'su root ime tracing stop >/dev/null 2>&1' ), "ime_trace_managerservice": TraceTarget( File("/data/misc/wmtrace/ime_trace_managerservice.pb", "ime_trace_managerservice"), 'su root ime tracing start\necho "ManagerService IME trace started."', 'su root ime tracing stop >/dev/null 2>&1' ), } class SurfaceFlingerTraceConfig: """Handles optional configuration for surfaceflinger traces. """ def __init__(self) -> None: # default config flags CRITICAL | INPUT | SYNC self.flags = 1 << 0 | 1 << 1 | 1 << 6 def add(self, config: str) -> None: self.flags |= CONFIG_FLAG[config] def is_valid(self, config: str) -> bool: return config in CONFIG_FLAG def command(self) -> str: return f'su root service call SurfaceFlinger 1033 i32 {self.flags}' CONFIG_FLAG = { "composition": 1 << 2, "metadata": 1 << 3, "hwc": 1 << 4 } class DumpTarget: """Defines a single parameter to trace. Attributes: file: the path on the device the dump results are saved to. dump_command: command to dump state to file. """ def __init__(self, files, dump_command: str) -> None: if type(files) is not list: files = [files] self.files = files self.dump_command = dump_command DUMP_TARGETS = { "window_dump": DumpTarget( File("/data/local/tmp/wm_dump.pb", "window_dump"), 'su root dumpsys window --proto > /data/local/tmp/wm_dump.pb' ), "layers_dump": DumpTarget( File("/data/local/tmp/sf_dump.pb", "layers_dump"), 'su root dumpsys SurfaceFlinger --proto > /data/local/tmp/sf_dump.pb' ) } # END OF CONFIG # def get_token() -> str: """Returns saved proxy security token or creates new one""" try: with open(WINSCOPE_TOKEN_LOCATION, 'r') as token_file: token = token_file.readline() log.debug("Loaded token {} from {}".format( token, WINSCOPE_TOKEN_LOCATION)) return token except IOError: token = secrets.token_hex(32) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(WINSCOPE_TOKEN_LOCATION), exist_ok=True) try: with open(WINSCOPE_TOKEN_LOCATION, 'w') as token_file: log.debug("Created and saved token {} to {}".format( token, WINSCOPE_TOKEN_LOCATION)) token_file.write(token) os.chmod(WINSCOPE_TOKEN_LOCATION, 0o600) except IOError: log.error("Unable to save persistent token {} to {}".format( token, WINSCOPE_TOKEN_LOCATION)) return token secret_token = get_token() class RequestType(Enum): GET = 1 POST = 2 HEAD = 3 def add_standard_headers(server): server.send_header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') server.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') server.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'POST, GET, OPTIONS') server.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', WINSCOPE_TOKEN_HEADER + ', Content-Type, Content-Length') server.send_header('Access-Control-Expose-Headers', 'Winscope-Proxy-Version') server.send_header(WINSCOPE_VERSION_HEADER, VERSION) server.end_headers() class RequestEndpoint: """Request endpoint to use with the RequestRouter.""" @abstractmethod def process(self, server, path): pass class AdbError(Exception): """Unsuccessful ADB operation""" pass class BadRequest(Exception): """Invalid client request""" pass class RequestRouter: """Handles HTTP request authentication and routing""" def __init__(self, handler): self.request = handler self.endpoints = {} def register_endpoint(self, method: RequestType, name: str, endpoint: RequestEndpoint): self.endpoints[(method, name)] = endpoint def __bad_request(self, error: str): log.warning("Bad request: " + error) self.request.respond(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, b"Bad request!\nThis is Winscope ADB proxy.\n\n" + error.encode("utf-8"), 'text/txt') def __internal_error(self, error: str): log.error("Internal error: " + error) self.request.respond(HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error.encode("utf-8"), 'text/txt') def __bad_token(self): log.info("Bad token") self.request.respond(HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, b"Bad Winscope authorisation token!\nThis is Winscope ADB proxy.\n", 'text/txt') def process(self, method: RequestType): token = self.request.headers[WINSCOPE_TOKEN_HEADER] if not token or token != secret_token: return self.__bad_token() path = self.request.path.strip('/').split('/') if path and len(path) > 0: endpoint_name = path[0] try: return self.endpoints[(method, endpoint_name)].process(self.request, path[1:]) except KeyError: return self.__bad_request("Unknown endpoint /{}/".format(endpoint_name)) except AdbError as ex: return self.__internal_error(str(ex)) except BadRequest as ex: return self.__bad_request(str(ex)) except Exception as ex: return self.__internal_error(repr(ex)) self.__bad_request("No endpoint specified") def call_adb(params: str, device: str = None, stdin: bytes = None): command = ['adb'] + (['-s', device] if device else []) + params.split(' ') try: log.debug("Call: " + ' '.join(command)) return subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, input=stdin).decode('utf-8') except OSError as ex: log.debug('Error executing adb command: {}\n{}'.format( ' '.join(command), repr(ex))) raise AdbError('Error executing adb command: {}\n{}'.format( ' '.join(command), repr(ex))) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: log.debug('Error executing adb command: {}\n{}'.format( ' '.join(command), ex.output.decode("utf-8"))) raise AdbError('Error executing adb command: adb {}\n{}'.format( params, ex.output.decode("utf-8"))) def call_adb_outfile(params: str, outfile, device: str = None, stdin: bytes = None): try: process = subprocess.Popen(['adb'] + (['-s', device] if device else []) + params.split(' '), stdout=outfile, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) _, err = process.communicate(stdin) outfile.seek(0) if process.returncode != 0: log.debug('Error executing adb command: adb {}\n'.format(params) + err.decode( 'utf-8') + '\n' + outfile.read().decode('utf-8')) raise AdbError('Error executing adb command: adb {}\n'.format(params) + err.decode( 'utf-8') + '\n' + outfile.read().decode('utf-8')) except OSError as ex: log.debug('Error executing adb command: adb {}\n{}'.format( params, repr(ex))) raise AdbError( 'Error executing adb command: adb {}\n{}'.format(params, repr(ex))) class ListDevicesEndpoint(RequestEndpoint): ADB_INFO_RE = re.compile("^([A-Za-z0-9.:\\-]+)\\s+(\\w+)(.*model:(\\w+))?") def process(self, server, path): lines = list(filter(None, call_adb('devices -l').split('\n'))) devices = {m.group(1): { 'authorised': str(m.group(2)) != 'unauthorized', 'model': m.group(4).replace('_', ' ') if m.group(4) else '' } for m in [ListDevicesEndpoint.ADB_INFO_RE.match(d) for d in lines[1:]] if m} j = json.dumps(devices) log.debug("Detected devices: " + j) server.respond(HTTPStatus.OK, j.encode("utf-8"), "text/json") class DeviceRequestEndpoint(RequestEndpoint): def process(self, server, path): if len(path) > 0 and re.fullmatch("[A-Za-z0-9.:\\-]+", path[0]): self.process_with_device(server, path[1:], path[0]) else: raise BadRequest("Device id not specified") @abstractmethod def process_with_device(self, server, path, device_id): pass def get_request(self, server) -> str: try: length = int(server.headers["Content-Length"]) except KeyError as err: raise BadRequest("Missing Content-Length header\n" + str(err)) except ValueError as err: raise BadRequest("Content length unreadable\n" + str(err)) return json.loads(server.rfile.read(length).decode("utf-8")) class FetchFilesEndpoint(DeviceRequestEndpoint): def process_with_device(self, server, path, device_id): if len(path) != 1: raise BadRequest("File not specified") if path[0] in TRACE_TARGETS: files = TRACE_TARGETS[path[0]].files elif path[0] in DUMP_TARGETS: files = DUMP_TARGETS[path[0]].files else: raise BadRequest("Unknown file specified") file_buffers = dict() for f in files: file_type = f.get_filetype() file_paths = f.get_filepaths(device_id) for file_path in file_paths: with NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: log.debug( f"Fetching file {file_path} from device to {tmp.name}") call_adb_outfile('exec-out su root cat ' + file_path, tmp, device_id) log.debug(f"Deleting file {file_path} from device") call_adb('shell su root rm ' + file_path, device_id) log.debug(f"Uploading file {tmp.name}") if file_type not in file_buffers: file_buffers[file_type] = [] buf = base64.encodebytes(tmp.read()).decode("utf-8") file_buffers[file_type].append(buf) # server.send_header('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff') # add_standard_headers(server) j = json.dumps(file_buffers) server.respond(HTTPStatus.OK, j.encode("utf-8"), "text/json") def check_root(device_id): log.debug("Checking root access on {}".format(device_id)) return call_adb('shell su root id -u', device_id) == "0\n" TRACE_THREADS = {} class TraceThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, device_id, command): self._keep_alive_timer = None self.trace_command = command self._device_id = device_id self.out = None, self.err = None, self._success = False try: shell = ['adb', '-s', self._device_id, 'shell'] log.debug("Starting trace shell {}".format(' '.join(shell))) self.process = subprocess.Popen(shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, start_new_session=True) except OSError as ex: raise AdbError( 'Error executing adb command: adb shell\n{}'.format(repr(ex))) super().__init__() def timeout(self): if self.is_alive(): log.warning( "Keep-alive timeout for trace on {}".format(self._device_id)) self.end_trace() if self._device_id in TRACE_THREADS: TRACE_THREADS.pop(self._device_id) def reset_timer(self): log.debug( "Resetting keep-alive clock for trace on {}".format(self._device_id)) if self._keep_alive_timer: self._keep_alive_timer.cancel() self._keep_alive_timer = threading.Timer( KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL_S, self.timeout) self._keep_alive_timer.start() def end_trace(self): if self._keep_alive_timer: self._keep_alive_timer.cancel() log.debug("Sending SIGINT to the trace process on {}".format( self._device_id)) self.process.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) try: log.debug("Waiting for trace shell to exit for {}".format( self._device_id)) self.process.wait(timeout=5) except TimeoutError: log.debug( "TIMEOUT - sending SIGKILL to the trace process on {}".format(self._device_id)) self.process.kill() self.join() def run(self): log.debug("Trace started on {}".format(self._device_id)) self.reset_timer() self.out, self.err = self.process.communicate(self.trace_command) log.debug("Trace ended on {}, waiting for cleanup".format(self._device_id)) time.sleep(0.2) for i in range(10): if call_adb("shell su root cat /data/local/tmp/winscope_status", device=self._device_id) == 'TRACE_OK\n': call_adb( "shell su root rm /data/local/tmp/winscope_status", device=self._device_id) log.debug("Trace finished successfully on {}".format( self._device_id)) self._success = True break log.debug("Still waiting for cleanup on {}".format(self._device_id)) time.sleep(0.1) def success(self): return self._success class StartTrace(DeviceRequestEndpoint): TRACE_COMMAND = """ set -e echo "Starting trace..." echo "TRACE_START" > /data/local/tmp/winscope_status # Do not print anything to stdout/stderr in the handler function stop_trace() {{ trap - EXIT HUP INT {} echo "TRACE_OK" > /data/local/tmp/winscope_status }} trap stop_trace EXIT HUP INT echo "Signal handler registered." {} # ADB shell does not handle hung up well and does not call HUP handler when a child is active in foreground, # as a workaround we sleep for short intervals in a loop so the handler is called after a sleep interval. while true; do sleep 0.1; done """ def process_with_device(self, server, path, device_id): try: requested_types = self.get_request(server) requested_traces = [TRACE_TARGETS[t] for t in requested_types] except KeyError as err: raise BadRequest("Unsupported trace target\n" + str(err)) if device_id in TRACE_THREADS: log.warning("Trace already in progress for {}", device_id) server.respond(HTTPStatus.OK, b'', "text/plain") if not check_root(device_id): raise AdbError( "Unable to acquire root privileges on the device - check the output of 'adb -s {} shell su root id'".format( device_id)) command = StartTrace.TRACE_COMMAND.format( '\n'.join([t.trace_stop for t in requested_traces]), '\n'.join([t.trace_start for t in requested_traces])) log.debug("Trace requested for {} with targets {}".format( device_id, ','.join(requested_types))) TRACE_THREADS[device_id] = TraceThread( device_id, command.encode('utf-8')) TRACE_THREADS[device_id].start() server.respond(HTTPStatus.OK, b'', "text/plain") class EndTrace(DeviceRequestEndpoint): def process_with_device(self, server, path, device_id): if device_id not in TRACE_THREADS: raise BadRequest("No trace in progress for {}".format(device_id)) if TRACE_THREADS[device_id].is_alive(): TRACE_THREADS[device_id].end_trace() success = TRACE_THREADS[device_id].success() out = TRACE_THREADS[device_id].out + \ b"\n" + TRACE_THREADS[device_id].err command = TRACE_THREADS[device_id].trace_command TRACE_THREADS.pop(device_id) if success: server.respond(HTTPStatus.OK, out, "text/plain") else: raise AdbError( "Error tracing the device\n### Output ###\n" + out.decode( "utf-8") + "\n### Command: adb -s {} shell ###\n### Input ###\n".format(device_id) + command.decode( "utf-8")) class ConfigTrace(DeviceRequestEndpoint): def process_with_device(self, server, path, device_id): try: requested_configs = self.get_request(server) config = SurfaceFlingerTraceConfig() for requested_config in requested_configs: if not config.is_valid(requested_config): raise BadRequest( f"Unsupported config {requested_config}\n") config.add(requested_config) except KeyError as err: raise BadRequest("Unsupported trace target\n" + str(err)) if device_id in TRACE_THREADS: BadRequest(f"Trace in progress for {device_id}") if not check_root(device_id): raise AdbError( f"Unable to acquire root privileges on the device - check the output of 'adb -s {device_id} shell su root id'") command = config.command() shell = ['adb', '-s', device_id, 'shell'] log.debug(f"Starting shell {' '.join(shell)}") process = subprocess.Popen(shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, start_new_session=True) log.debug(f"Changing trace config on device {device_id} cmd:{command}") out, err = process.communicate(command.encode('utf-8')) if process.returncode != 0: raise AdbError( f"Error executing command:\n {command}\n\n### OUTPUT ###{out.decode('utf-8')}\n{err.decode('utf-8')}") log.debug(f"Changing trace config finished on device {device_id}") server.respond(HTTPStatus.OK, b'', "text/plain") class StatusEndpoint(DeviceRequestEndpoint): def process_with_device(self, server, path, device_id): if device_id not in TRACE_THREADS: raise BadRequest("No trace in progress for {}".format(device_id)) TRACE_THREADS[device_id].reset_timer() server.respond(HTTPStatus.OK, str( TRACE_THREADS[device_id].is_alive()).encode("utf-8"), "text/plain") class DumpEndpoint(DeviceRequestEndpoint): def process_with_device(self, server, path, device_id): try: requested_types = self.get_request(server) requested_traces = [DUMP_TARGETS[t] for t in requested_types] except KeyError as err: raise BadRequest("Unsupported trace target\n" + str(err)) if device_id in TRACE_THREADS: BadRequest("Trace in progress for {}".format(device_id)) if not check_root(device_id): raise AdbError( "Unable to acquire root privileges on the device - check the output of 'adb -s {} shell su root id'" .format(device_id)) command = '\n'.join(t.dump_command for t in requested_traces) shell = ['adb', '-s', device_id, 'shell'] log.debug("Starting dump shell {}".format(' '.join(shell))) process = subprocess.Popen(shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, start_new_session=True) log.debug("Starting dump on device {}".format(device_id)) out, err = process.communicate(command.encode('utf-8')) if process.returncode != 0: raise AdbError("Error executing command:\n" + command + "\n\n### OUTPUT ###" + out.decode('utf-8') + "\n" + err.decode('utf-8')) log.debug("Dump finished on device {}".format(device_id)) server.respond(HTTPStatus.OK, b'', "text/plain") class ADBWinscopeProxy(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def __init__(self, request, client_address, server): self.router = RequestRouter(self) self.router.register_endpoint( RequestType.GET, "devices", ListDevicesEndpoint()) self.router.register_endpoint( RequestType.GET, "status", StatusEndpoint()) self.router.register_endpoint( RequestType.GET, "fetch", FetchFilesEndpoint()) self.router.register_endpoint(RequestType.POST, "start", StartTrace()) self.router.register_endpoint(RequestType.POST, "end", EndTrace()) self.router.register_endpoint(RequestType.POST, "dump", DumpEndpoint()) self.router.register_endpoint( RequestType.POST, "configtrace", ConfigTrace()) super().__init__(request, client_address, server) def respond(self, code: int, data: bytes, mime: str) -> None: self.send_response(code) self.send_header('Content-type', mime) add_standard_headers(self) self.wfile.write(data) def do_GET(self): self.router.process(RequestType.GET) def do_POST(self): self.router.process(RequestType.POST) def do_OPTIONS(self): self.send_response(HTTPStatus.OK) self.send_header('Allow', 'GET,POST') add_standard_headers(self) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(b'GET,POST') def log_request(self, code='-', size='-'): log.info('{} {} {}'.format(self.requestline, str(code), str(size))) if __name__ == '__main__': print("Winscope ADB Connect proxy version: " + VERSION) print('Winscope token: ' + secret_token) httpd = HTTPServer(('localhost', PORT), ADBWinscopeProxy) try: httpd.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: log.info("Shutting down")