// // Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include "harness/compat.h" #include "harness/rounding_mode.h" #include "harness/ThreadPool.h" #include "harness/testHarness.h" #include "harness/kernelHelpers.h" #include "harness/parseParameters.h" #if defined(__APPLE__) #include <sys/sysctl.h> #endif #if defined( __linux__ ) #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <linux/sysctl.h> #endif #if defined(__linux__) #include <sys/param.h> #include <libgen.h> #endif #include "mingw_compat.h" #if defined(__MINGW32__) #include <sys/param.h> #endif #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #if !defined(_WIN32) #include <libgen.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #endif #include <time.h> #include "Sleep.h" #include "basic_test_conversions.h" #if (defined(_WIN32) && defined (_MSC_VER)) // need for _controlfp_s and rouinding modes in RoundingMode #include "harness/testHarness.h" #endif #pragma mark - #pragma mark globals #define BUFFER_SIZE (1024*1024) #define kPageSize 4096 #define EMBEDDED_REDUCTION_FACTOR 16 #define PERF_LOOP_COUNT 100 #define kCallStyleCount (kVectorSizeCount + 1 /* for implicit scalar */) #if (defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__)) && defined(__GNUC__) #include "fplib.h" extern bool qcom_sat; extern roundingMode qcom_rm; #endif const char ** argList = NULL; int argCount = 0; cl_context gContext = NULL; cl_command_queue gQueue = NULL; char appName[64] = "ctest"; int gStartTestNumber = -1; int gEndTestNumber = 0; #if defined( __APPLE__ ) int gTimeResults = 1; #else int gTimeResults = 0; #endif int gReportAverageTimes = 0; void *gIn = NULL; void *gRef = NULL; void *gAllowZ = NULL; void *gOut[ kCallStyleCount ] = { NULL }; cl_mem gInBuffer; cl_mem gOutBuffers[ kCallStyleCount ]; size_t gComputeDevices = 0; uint32_t gDeviceFrequency = 0; int gWimpyMode = 0; int gWimpyReductionFactor = 128; int gSkipTesting = 0; int gForceFTZ = 0; int gMultithread = 1; int gIsRTZ = 0; uint32_t gSimdSize = 1; int gHasDouble = 0; int gTestDouble = 1; const char * sizeNames[] = { "", "", "2", "3", "4", "8", "16" }; const int vectorSizes[] = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16 }; int gMinVectorSize = 0; int gMaxVectorSize = sizeof(vectorSizes) / sizeof( vectorSizes[0] ); static MTdata gMTdata; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Declarations static int ParseArgs( int argc, const char **argv ); static void PrintUsage( void ); test_status InitCL( cl_device_id device ); static int GetTestCase( const char *name, Type *outType, Type *inType, SaturationMode *sat, RoundingMode *round ); static int DoTest( cl_device_id device, Type outType, Type inType, SaturationMode sat, RoundingMode round, MTdata d ); static cl_program MakeProgram( Type outType, Type inType, SaturationMode sat, RoundingMode round, int vectorSize, cl_kernel *outKernel ); static int RunKernel( cl_kernel kernel, void *inBuf, void *outBuf, size_t blockCount ); void *FlushToZero( void ); void UnFlushToZero( void *); static cl_program CreateImplicitConvertProgram( Type outType, Type inType, SaturationMode sat, RoundingMode round, int vectorSize, char testName[256], cl_int *error ); static cl_program CreateStandardProgram( Type outType, Type inType, SaturationMode sat, RoundingMode round, int vectorSize, char testName[256], cl_int *error ); // Windows (since long double got deprecated) sets the x87 to 53-bit precision // (that's x87 default state). This causes problems with the tests that // convert long and ulong to float and double or otherwise deal with values // that need more precision than 53-bit. So, set the x87 to 64-bit precision. static inline void Force64BitFPUPrecision(void) { #if __MINGW32__ // The usual method is to use _controlfp as follows: // #include <float.h> // _controlfp(_PC_64, _MCW_PC); // // _controlfp is available on MinGW32 but not on MinGW64. Instead of having // divergent code just use inline assembly which works for both. unsigned short int orig_cw = 0; unsigned short int new_cw = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ("fstcw %0":"=m" (orig_cw)); new_cw = orig_cw | 0x0300; // set precision to 64-bit __asm__ __volatile__ ("fldcw %0"::"m" (new_cw)); #else /* Implement for other platforms if needed */ #endif } int test_conversions( cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements ) { int error, i, testNumber = -1; int startMinVectorSize = gMinVectorSize; Type inType, outType; RoundingMode round; SaturationMode sat; if( argCount ) { for( i = 0; i < argCount; i++ ) { if( GetTestCase( argList[i], &outType, &inType, &sat, &round ) ) { vlog_error( "\n\t\t**** ERROR: Unable to parse function name %s. Skipping.... *****\n\n", argList[i] ); continue; } // skip double if we don't have it if( !gTestDouble && (inType == kdouble || outType == kdouble ) ) { if( gHasDouble ) { vlog_error( "\t *** convert_%sn%s%s( %sn ) FAILED ** \n", gTypeNames[ outType ], gSaturationNames[ sat ], gRoundingModeNames[round], gTypeNames[inType] ); vlog( "\t\tcl_khr_fp64 enabled, but double testing turned off.\n" ); } continue; } // skip longs on embedded if( !gHasLong && (inType == klong || outType == klong || inType == kulong || outType == kulong) ) { continue; } // Skip the implicit converts if the rounding mode is not default or test is saturated if( 0 == startMinVectorSize ) { if( sat || round != kDefaultRoundingMode ) gMinVectorSize = 1; else gMinVectorSize = 0; } if( ( error = DoTest( device, outType, inType, sat, round, gMTdata ) ) ) { vlog_error( "\t *** convert_%sn%s%s( %sn ) FAILED ** \n", gTypeNames[outType], gSaturationNames[sat], gRoundingModeNames[round], gTypeNames[inType] ); } } } else { for( outType = (Type)0; outType < kTypeCount; outType = (Type)(outType+1) ) { for( inType = (Type)0; inType < kTypeCount; inType = (Type)(inType+1) ) { // skip longs on embedded if( !gHasLong && (inType == klong || outType == klong || inType == kulong || outType == kulong) ) { continue; } for( sat = (SaturationMode)0; sat < kSaturationModeCount; sat = (SaturationMode)(sat+1) ) { //skip illegal saturated conversions to float type if( kSaturated == sat && ( outType == kfloat || outType == kdouble ) ) { continue; } for( round = (RoundingMode)0; round < kRoundingModeCount; round = (RoundingMode)(round+1) ) { if( ++testNumber < gStartTestNumber ) { // vlog( "%d) skipping convert_%sn%s%s( %sn )\n", testNumber, gTypeNames[ outType ], gSaturationNames[ sat ], gRoundingModeNames[round], gTypeNames[inType] ); continue; } else { if( gEndTestNumber > 0 && testNumber >= gEndTestNumber ) { goto exit; } } vlog( "%d) Testing convert_%sn%s%s( %sn ):\n", testNumber, gTypeNames[ outType ], gSaturationNames[ sat ], gRoundingModeNames[round], gTypeNames[inType] ); // skip double if we don't have it if( ! gTestDouble && (inType == kdouble || outType == kdouble ) ) { if( gHasDouble ) { vlog_error( "\t *** %d) convert_%sn%s%s( %sn ) FAILED ** \n", testNumber, gTypeNames[ outType ], gSaturationNames[ sat ], gRoundingModeNames[round], gTypeNames[inType] ); vlog( "\t\tcl_khr_fp64 enabled, but double testing turned off.\n" ); } continue; } // Skip the implicit converts if the rounding mode is not default or test is saturated if( 0 == startMinVectorSize ) { if( sat || round != kDefaultRoundingMode ) gMinVectorSize = 1; else gMinVectorSize = 0; } if( ( error = DoTest( device, outType, inType, sat, round, gMTdata ) ) ) { vlog_error( "\t *** %d) convert_%sn%s%s( %sn ) FAILED ** \n", testNumber, gTypeNames[outType], gSaturationNames[sat], gRoundingModeNames[round], gTypeNames[inType] ); } } } } } } exit: return gFailCount; } test_definition test_list[] = { ADD_TEST( conversions ), }; const int test_num = ARRAY_SIZE( test_list ); #pragma mark - int main (int argc, const char **argv ) { int error; cl_uint seed = (cl_uint) time( NULL ); argc = parseCustomParam(argc, argv); if (argc == -1) { return 1; } if( (error = ParseArgs( argc, argv )) ) return error; //Turn off sleep so our tests run to completion PreventSleep(); atexit( ResumeSleep ); if(!gMultithread) SetThreadCount(1); #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_IX86) // VS2005 (and probably others, since long double got deprecated) sets // the x87 to 53-bit precision. This causes problems with the tests // that convert long and ulong to float and double, since they deal // with values that need more precision than that. So, set the x87 // to 64-bit precision. unsigned int ignored; _controlfp_s(&ignored, _PC_64, _MCW_PC); #endif vlog( "===========================================================\n" ); vlog( "Random seed: %u\n", seed ); gMTdata = init_genrand( seed ); const char* arg[] = {argv[0]}; int ret = runTestHarnessWithCheck( 1, arg, test_num, test_list, true, 0, InitCL ); free_mtdata( gMTdata ); if (gQueue) { error = clFinish(gQueue); if (error) vlog_error("clFinish failed: %d\n", error); } clReleaseMemObject(gInBuffer); for( int i = 0; i < kCallStyleCount; i++ ) { clReleaseMemObject(gOutBuffers[i]); } clReleaseCommandQueue(gQueue); clReleaseContext(gContext); return ret; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark setup static int ParseArgs( int argc, const char **argv ) { int i; argList = (const char **)calloc( argc - 1, sizeof( char*) ); argCount = 0; if( NULL == argList && argc > 1 ) return -1; #if (defined( __APPLE__ ) || defined(__linux__) || defined (__MINGW32__)) { // Extract the app name char baseName[ MAXPATHLEN ]; strncpy( baseName, argv[0], MAXPATHLEN ); char *base = basename( baseName ); if( NULL != base ) { strncpy( appName, base, sizeof( appName ) ); appName[ sizeof( appName ) -1 ] = '\0'; } } #elif defined (_WIN32) { char fname[_MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT + 1]; char ext[_MAX_EXT]; errno_t err = _splitpath_s( argv[0], NULL, 0, NULL, 0, fname, _MAX_FNAME, ext, _MAX_EXT ); if (err == 0) { // no error strcat (fname, ext); //just cat them, size of frame can keep both strncpy (appName, fname, sizeof(appName)); appName[ sizeof( appName ) -1 ] = '\0'; } } #endif vlog( "\n%s", appName ); for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { const char *arg = argv[i]; if( NULL == arg ) break; vlog( "\t%s", arg ); if( arg[0] == '-' ) { arg++; while( *arg != '\0' ) { switch( *arg ) { case 'd': gTestDouble ^= 1; break; case 'l': gSkipTesting ^= 1; break; case 'm': gMultithread ^= 1; break; case 'w': gWimpyMode ^= 1; break; case '[': parseWimpyReductionFactor(arg, gWimpyReductionFactor); break; case 'z': gForceFTZ ^= 1; break; case 't': gTimeResults ^= 1; break; case 'a': gReportAverageTimes ^= 1; break; case '1': if( arg[1] == '6' ) { gMinVectorSize = 6; gMaxVectorSize = 7; arg++; } else { gMinVectorSize = 0; gMaxVectorSize = 2; } break; case '2': gMinVectorSize = 2; gMaxVectorSize = 3; break; case '3': gMinVectorSize = 3; gMaxVectorSize = 4; break; case '4': gMinVectorSize = 4; gMaxVectorSize = 5; break; case '8': gMinVectorSize = 5; gMaxVectorSize = 6; break; default: vlog( " <-- unknown flag: %c (0x%2.2x)\n)", *arg, *arg ); PrintUsage(); return -1; } arg++; } } else { char *t = NULL; long number = strtol( arg, &t, 0 ); if( t != arg ) { if( gStartTestNumber != -1 ) gEndTestNumber = gStartTestNumber + (int) number; else gStartTestNumber = (int) number; } else { argList[ argCount ] = arg; argCount++; } } } // Check for the wimpy mode environment variable if (getenv("CL_WIMPY_MODE")) { vlog( "\n" ); vlog( "*** Detected CL_WIMPY_MODE env ***\n" ); gWimpyMode = 1; } vlog( "\n" ); vlog( "Test binary built %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__ ); PrintArch(); if( gWimpyMode ) { vlog( "\n" ); vlog( "*** WARNING: Testing in Wimpy mode! ***\n" ); vlog( "*** Wimpy mode is not sufficient to verify correctness. ***\n" ); vlog( "*** It gives warm fuzzy feelings and then nevers calls. ***\n\n" ); vlog("*** Wimpy Reduction Factor: %-27u ***\n\n", gWimpyReductionFactor); } return 0; } static void PrintUsage( void ) { int i; vlog( "%s [-wz#]: <optional: test names>\n", appName ); vlog( "\ttest names:\n" ); vlog( "\t\tdestFormat<_sat><_round>_sourceFormat\n" ); vlog( "\t\t\tPossible format types are:\n\t\t\t\t" ); for( i = 0; i < kTypeCount; i++ ) vlog( "%s, ", gTypeNames[i] ); vlog( "\n\n\t\t\tPossible saturation values are: (empty) and _sat\n" ); vlog( "\t\t\tPossible rounding values are:\n\t\t\t\t(empty), " ); for( i = 1; i < kRoundingModeCount; i++ ) vlog( "%s, ", gRoundingModeNames[i] ); vlog( "\n\t\t\tExamples:\n" ); vlog( "\t\t\t\tulong_short converts short to ulong\n" ); vlog( "\t\t\t\tchar_sat_rte_float converts float to char with saturated clipping in round to nearest rounding mode\n\n" ); vlog( "\toptions:\n" ); vlog( "\t\t-d\tToggle testing of double precision. On by default if cl_khr_fp64 is enabled, ignored otherwise.\n" ); vlog( "\t\t-l\tToggle link check mode. When on, testing is skipped, and we just check to see that the kernels build. (Off by default.)\n" ); vlog( "\t\t-m\tToggle Multithreading. (On by default.)\n" ); vlog( "\t\t-w\tToggle wimpy mode. When wimpy mode is on, we run a very small subset of the tests for each fn. NOT A VALID TEST! (Off by default.)\n" ); vlog(" \t\t-[2^n]\tSet wimpy reduction factor, recommended range of n is 1-12, default factor(%u)\n", gWimpyReductionFactor); vlog( "\t\t-z\tToggle flush to zero mode (Default: per device)\n" ); vlog( "\t\t-#\tTest just vector size given by #, where # is an element of the set {1,2,3,4,8,16}\n" ); vlog( "\n" ); vlog( "You may also pass the number of the test on which to start.\nA second number can be then passed to indicate how many tests to run\n\n" ); } static int GetTestCase( const char *name, Type *outType, Type *inType, SaturationMode *sat, RoundingMode *round ) { int i; //Find the return type for( i = 0; i < kTypeCount; i++ ) if( name == strstr( name, gTypeNames[i] ) ) { *outType = (Type)i; name += strlen( gTypeNames[i] ); break; } if( i == kTypeCount ) return -1; // Check to see if _sat appears next *sat = (SaturationMode)0; for( i = 1; i < kSaturationModeCount; i++ ) if( name == strstr( name, gSaturationNames[i] ) ) { *sat = (SaturationMode)i; name += strlen( gSaturationNames[i] ); break; } *round = (RoundingMode)0; for( i = 1; i < kRoundingModeCount; i++ ) if( name == strstr( name, gRoundingModeNames[i] ) ) { *round = (RoundingMode)i; name += strlen( gRoundingModeNames[i] ); break; } if( *name != '_' ) return -2; name++; for( i = 0; i < kTypeCount; i++ ) if( name == strstr( name, gTypeNames[i] ) ) { *inType = (Type)i; name += strlen( gTypeNames[i] ); break; } if( i == kTypeCount ) return -3; if( *name != '\0' ) return -4; return 0; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark OpenCL test_status InitCL( cl_device_id device ) { int error, i; size_t configSize = sizeof( gComputeDevices ); if( (error = clGetDeviceInfo( device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS, configSize, &gComputeDevices, NULL )) ) gComputeDevices = 1; configSize = sizeof( gDeviceFrequency ); if( (error = clGetDeviceInfo( device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY, configSize, &gDeviceFrequency, NULL )) ) gDeviceFrequency = 0; cl_device_fp_config floatCapabilities = 0; if( (error = clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL_DEVICE_SINGLE_FP_CONFIG, sizeof(floatCapabilities), &floatCapabilities, NULL))) floatCapabilities = 0; if(0 == (CL_FP_DENORM & floatCapabilities) ) gForceFTZ ^= 1; if( 0 == (floatCapabilities & CL_FP_ROUND_TO_NEAREST ) ) { char profileStr[128] = ""; // Verify that we are an embedded profile device if( (error = clGetDeviceInfo( device, CL_DEVICE_PROFILE, sizeof( profileStr ), profileStr, NULL ) ) ) { vlog_error( "FAILURE: Could not get device profile: error %d\n", error ); return TEST_FAIL; } if( strcmp( profileStr, "EMBEDDED_PROFILE" ) ) { vlog_error( "FAILURE: non-embedded profile device does not support CL_FP_ROUND_TO_NEAREST\n" ); return TEST_FAIL; } if( 0 == (floatCapabilities & CL_FP_ROUND_TO_ZERO ) ) { vlog_error( "FAILURE: embedded profile device supports neither CL_FP_ROUND_TO_NEAREST or CL_FP_ROUND_TO_ZERO\n" ); return TEST_FAIL; } gIsRTZ = 1; } else if(is_extension_available(device, "cl_khr_fp64")) { gHasDouble = 1; } gTestDouble &= gHasDouble; //detect whether profile of the device is embedded char profile[1024] = ""; if( (error = clGetDeviceInfo( device, CL_DEVICE_PROFILE, sizeof(profile), profile, NULL ) ) ){} else if( strstr(profile, "EMBEDDED_PROFILE" ) ) { gIsEmbedded = 1; if( !is_extension_available(device, "cles_khr_int64" ) ) gHasLong = 0; } gContext = clCreateContext( NULL, 1, &device, notify_callback, NULL, &error ); if( NULL == gContext || error ) { vlog_error( "clCreateContext failed. (%d)\n", error ); return TEST_FAIL; } gQueue = clCreateCommandQueue(gContext, device, 0, &error); if( NULL == gQueue || error ) { vlog_error( "clCreateCommandQueue failed. (%d)\n", error ); return TEST_FAIL; } //Allocate buffers //FIXME: use clProtectedArray for guarded allocations? gIn = malloc( BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * kPageSize ); gAllowZ = malloc( BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * kPageSize ); gRef = malloc( BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * kPageSize ); for( i = 0; i < kCallStyleCount; i++ ) { gOut[i] = malloc( BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * kPageSize ); if( NULL == gOut[i] ) return TEST_FAIL; } // setup input buffers gInBuffer = clCreateBuffer(gContext, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR, BUFFER_SIZE, NULL, &error); if( gInBuffer == NULL || error) { vlog_error( "clCreateBuffer failed for input (%d)\n", error ); return TEST_FAIL; } // setup output buffers for( i = 0; i < kCallStyleCount; i++ ) { gOutBuffers[i] = clCreateBuffer( gContext, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR, BUFFER_SIZE, NULL, &error ); if( gOutBuffers[i] == NULL || error ) { vlog_error( "clCreateArray failed for output (%d)\n", error ); return TEST_FAIL; } } gMTdata = init_genrand( gRandomSeed ); char c[1024]; static const char *no_yes[] = { "NO", "YES" }; vlog( "\nCompute Device info:\n" ); clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(c), c, NULL); vlog( "\tDevice Name: %s\n", c ); clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL_DEVICE_VENDOR, sizeof(c), c, NULL); vlog( "\tVendor: %s\n", c ); clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL_DEVICE_VERSION, sizeof(c), c, NULL); vlog( "\tDevice Version: %s\n", c ); clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION, sizeof(c), &c, NULL); vlog( "\tCL C Version: %s\n", c ); clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL_DRIVER_VERSION, sizeof(c), c, NULL); vlog( "\tDriver Version: %s\n", c ); vlog( "\tProcessing with %ld devices\n", gComputeDevices ); vlog( "\tDevice Frequency: %d MHz\n", gDeviceFrequency ); vlog( "\tSubnormal values supported for floats? %s\n", no_yes[0 != (CL_FP_DENORM & floatCapabilities)] ); vlog( "\tTesting with FTZ mode ON for floats? %s\n", no_yes[0 != gForceFTZ] ); vlog( "\tTesting with default RTZ mode for floats? %s\n", no_yes[0 != gIsRTZ] ); vlog( "\tHas Double? %s\n", no_yes[0 != gHasDouble] ); if( gHasDouble ) vlog( "\tTest Double? %s\n", no_yes[0 != gTestDouble] ); vlog( "\tHas Long? %s\n", no_yes[0 != gHasLong] ); vlog( "\tTesting vector sizes: " ); for( i = gMinVectorSize; i < gMaxVectorSize; i++ ) vlog("\t%d", vectorSizes[i]); vlog( "\n" ); return TEST_PASS; } static int RunKernel( cl_kernel kernel, void *inBuf, void *outBuf, size_t blockCount ) { // The global dimensions are just the blockCount to execute since we haven't set up multiple queues for multiple devices. int error; error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof( inBuf ), &inBuf); error |= clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(outBuf), &outBuf); if( error ) { vlog_error( "FAILED -- could not set kernel args (%d)\n", error ); return error; } if( (error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(gQueue, kernel, 1, NULL, &blockCount, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL))) { vlog_error( "FAILED -- could not execute kernel (%d)\n", error ); return error; } return 0; } #if ! defined( __APPLE__ ) void memset_pattern4(void *dest, const void *src_pattern, size_t bytes ); #endif #if defined( __APPLE__ ) #include <mach/mach_time.h> #endif uint64_t GetTime( void ); uint64_t GetTime( void ) { #if defined( __APPLE__ ) return mach_absolute_time(); #elif defined(_MSC_VER) return ReadTime(); #else //mach_absolute_time is a high precision timer with precision < 1 microsecond. #warning need accurate clock here. Times are invalid. return 0; #endif } #if defined (_MSC_VER) /* function is defined in "compat.h" */ #else double SubtractTime( uint64_t endTime, uint64_t startTime ); double SubtractTime( uint64_t endTime, uint64_t startTime ) { uint64_t diff = endTime - startTime; static double conversion = 0.0; if( 0.0 == conversion ) { #if defined( __APPLE__ ) mach_timebase_info_data_t info = {0,0}; kern_return_t err = mach_timebase_info( &info ); if( 0 == err ) conversion = 1e-9 * (double) info.numer / (double) info.denom; #else // This function consumes output from GetTime() above, and converts the time to secionds. #warning need accurate ticks to seconds conversion factor here. Times are invalid. #endif } // strictly speaking we should also be subtracting out timer latency here return conversion * (double) diff; } #endif typedef struct CalcReferenceValuesInfo { struct WriteInputBufferInfo *parent; // pointer back to the parent WriteInputBufferInfo struct cl_kernel kernel; // the kernel for this vector size cl_program program; // the program for this vector size cl_uint vectorSize; // the vector size for this callback chain void *p; // the pointer to mapped result data for this vector size cl_int result; }CalcReferenceValuesInfo; typedef struct WriteInputBufferInfo { volatile cl_event calcReferenceValues; // user event which signals when main thread is done calculating reference values volatile cl_event doneBarrier; // user event which signals when worker threads are done cl_uint count; // the number of elements in the array Type outType; // the data type of the conversion result Type inType; // the data type of the conversion input volatile int barrierCount; CalcReferenceValuesInfo calcInfo[kCallStyleCount]; }WriteInputBufferInfo; cl_uint RoundUpToNextPowerOfTwo( cl_uint x ); cl_uint RoundUpToNextPowerOfTwo( cl_uint x ) { if( 0 == (x & (x-1))) return x; while( x & (x-1) ) x &= x-1; return x + x; } void CL_CALLBACK WriteInputBufferComplete( cl_event, cl_int, void * ); typedef struct DataInitInfo { cl_ulong start; cl_uint size; Type outType; Type inType; SaturationMode sat; RoundingMode round; MTdata *d; }DataInitInfo; cl_int InitData( cl_uint job_id, cl_uint thread_id, void *p ); cl_int InitData( cl_uint job_id, cl_uint thread_id, void *p ) { DataInitInfo *info = (DataInitInfo*) p; gInitFunctions[ info->inType ]( (char*)gIn + job_id * info->size * gTypeSizes[info->inType], info->sat, info->round, info->outType, info->start + job_id * info->size, info->size, info->d[thread_id] ); return CL_SUCCESS; } static void setAllowZ(uint8_t *allow, uint32_t *x, cl_uint count) { cl_uint i; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) allow[i] |= (uint8_t)((x[i] & 0x7f800000U) == 0); } cl_int PrepareReference( cl_uint job_id, cl_uint thread_id, void *p ); cl_int PrepareReference( cl_uint job_id, cl_uint thread_id, void *p ) { DataInitInfo *info = (DataInitInfo*) p; cl_uint count = info->size; Type inType = info->inType; Type outType = info->outType; RoundingMode round = info->round; size_t j; Force64BitFPUPrecision(); void *s = (cl_uchar*) gIn + job_id * count * gTypeSizes[info->inType]; void *a = (cl_uchar*) gAllowZ + job_id * count; void *d = (cl_uchar*) gRef + job_id * count * gTypeSizes[info->outType]; if (outType != inType) { //create the reference while we wait Convert f = gConversions[ outType ][ inType ]; if( info->sat ) f = gSaturatedConversions[ outType ][ inType ]; #if (defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__)) && defined(__GNUC__) /* ARM VFP doesn't have hardware instruction for converting from 64-bit * integer to float types, hence GCC ARM uses the floating-point * emulation code despite which -mfloat-abi setting it is. But the * emulation code in libgcc.a has only one rounding mode (round to * nearest even in this case) and ignores the user rounding mode setting * in hardware. As a result setting rounding modes in hardware won't * give correct rounding results for type covert from 64-bit integer to * float using GCC for ARM compiler so for testing different rounding * modes, we need to use alternative reference function. ARM64 does have * an instruction, however we cannot guarantee the compiler will use it. * On all ARM architechures use emulation to calculate reference.*/ switch (round) { /* conversions to floating-point type use the current rounding mode. * The only default floating-point rounding mode supported is round to nearest even * i.e the current rounding mode will be _rte for floating-point types. */ case kDefaultRoundingMode: qcom_rm = qcomRTE; break; case kRoundToNearestEven: qcom_rm = qcomRTE; break; case kRoundUp: qcom_rm = qcomRTP; break; case kRoundDown: qcom_rm = qcomRTN; break; case kRoundTowardZero: qcom_rm = qcomRTZ; break; default: vlog_error("ERROR: undefined rounding mode %d\n", round); break; } qcom_sat = info->sat; #endif RoundingMode oldRound = set_round( round, outType ); f( d, s, count ); set_round( oldRound, outType ); // Decide if we allow a zero result in addition to the correctly rounded one memset(a, 0, count); if (gForceFTZ) { if (inType == kfloat) setAllowZ((uint8_t*)a, (uint32_t*)s, count); if (outType == kfloat) setAllowZ((uint8_t*)a, (uint32_t*)d, count); } } else { // Copy the input to the reference memcpy(d, s, info->size * gTypeSizes[inType]); } //Patch up NaNs conversions to integer to zero -- these can be converted to any integer if( info->outType != kfloat && info->outType != kdouble ) { if( inType == kfloat ) { float *inp = (float*) s; for( j = 0; j < count; j++ ) { if( isnan( inp[j] ) ) memset( (char*) d + j * gTypeSizes[ outType ], 0, gTypeSizes[ outType ] ); } } if( inType == kdouble ) { double *inp = (double*) s; for( j = 0; j < count; j++ ) { if( isnan( inp[j] ) ) memset( (char*) d + j * gTypeSizes[ outType ], 0, gTypeSizes[ outType ] ); } } } else if( inType == kfloat || inType == kdouble ) { // outtype and intype is float or double. NaN conversions for float <-> double can be any NaN if( inType == kfloat && outType == kdouble ) { float *inp = (float*) s; for( j = 0; j < count; j++ ) { if( isnan( inp[j] ) ) ((double*) d)[j] = NAN; } } if( inType == kdouble && outType == kfloat ) { double *inp = (double*) s; for( j = 0; j < count; j++ ) { if( isnan( inp[j] ) ) ((float*) d)[j] = NAN; } } } return CL_SUCCESS; } static int DoTest( cl_device_id device, Type outType, Type inType, SaturationMode sat, RoundingMode round, MTdata d ) { #ifdef __APPLE__ cl_ulong wall_start = mach_absolute_time(); #endif DataInitInfo init_info = { 0, 0, outType, inType, sat, round, NULL }; WriteInputBufferInfo writeInputBufferInfo; int vectorSize; int error = 0; cl_uint threads = GetThreadCount(); uint64_t i; gTestCount++; size_t blockCount = BUFFER_SIZE / MAX( gTypeSizes[ inType ], gTypeSizes[ outType ] ); size_t step = blockCount; uint64_t lastCase = 1ULL << (8*gTypeSizes[ inType ]); cl_event writeInputBuffer = NULL; memset( &writeInputBufferInfo, 0, sizeof( writeInputBufferInfo ) ); init_info.d = (MTdata*)malloc( threads * sizeof( MTdata ) ); if( NULL == init_info.d ) { vlog_error( "ERROR: Unable to allocate storage for random number generator!\n" ); return -1; } for( i = 0; i < threads; i++ ) { init_info.d[i] = init_genrand( genrand_int32( d ) ); if( NULL == init_info.d[i] ) { vlog_error( "ERROR: Unable to allocate storage for random number generator!\n" ); return -1; } } writeInputBufferInfo.outType = outType; writeInputBufferInfo.inType = inType; for( vectorSize = gMinVectorSize; vectorSize < gMaxVectorSize; vectorSize++) { writeInputBufferInfo.calcInfo[vectorSize].program = MakeProgram( outType, inType, sat, round, vectorSize, &writeInputBufferInfo.calcInfo[vectorSize].kernel ); if( NULL == writeInputBufferInfo.calcInfo[vectorSize].program ) { gFailCount++; return -1; } if( NULL == writeInputBufferInfo.calcInfo[vectorSize].kernel ) { gFailCount++; vlog_error( "\t\tFAILED -- Failed to create kernel.\n" ); return -2; } writeInputBufferInfo.calcInfo[vectorSize].parent = &writeInputBufferInfo; writeInputBufferInfo.calcInfo[vectorSize].vectorSize = vectorSize; writeInputBufferInfo.calcInfo[vectorSize].result = -1; } if( gSkipTesting ) goto exit; // Patch up rounding mode if default is RTZ // We leave the part above in default rounding mode so that the right kernel is compiled. if( round == kDefaultRoundingMode && gIsRTZ && (outType == kfloat) ) init_info.round = round = kRoundTowardZero; // Figure out how many elements are in a work block // we handle 64-bit types a bit differently. if( 8*gTypeSizes[ inType ] > 32 ) lastCase = 0x100000000ULL; if ( !gWimpyMode && gIsEmbedded ) step = blockCount * EMBEDDED_REDUCTION_FACTOR; if ( gWimpyMode ) step = (size_t)blockCount * (size_t)gWimpyReductionFactor; vlog( "Testing... " ); fflush(stdout); for( i = 0; i < (uint64_t)lastCase; i += step ) { if( 0 == ( i & ((lastCase >> 3) -1))) { vlog("."); fflush(stdout); } cl_uint count = (uint32_t) MIN( blockCount, lastCase - i ); writeInputBufferInfo.count = count; // Crate a user event to represent the status of the reference value computation completion writeInputBufferInfo.calcReferenceValues = clCreateUserEvent( gContext, &error); if( error || NULL == writeInputBufferInfo.calcReferenceValues ) { vlog_error( "ERROR: Unable to create user event. (%d)\n", error ); gFailCount++; goto exit; } // retain for consumption by MapOutputBufferComplete for( vectorSize = gMinVectorSize; vectorSize < gMaxVectorSize; vectorSize++) { if( (error = clRetainEvent(writeInputBufferInfo.calcReferenceValues) )) { vlog_error( "ERROR: Unable to retain user event. (%d)\n", error ); gFailCount++; goto exit; } } // Crate a user event to represent when the callbacks are done verifying correctness writeInputBufferInfo.doneBarrier = clCreateUserEvent( gContext, &error); if( error || NULL == writeInputBufferInfo.calcReferenceValues ) { vlog_error( "ERROR: Unable to create user event for barrier. (%d)\n", error ); gFailCount++; goto exit; } // retain for use by the callback that calls this if( (error = clRetainEvent(writeInputBufferInfo.doneBarrier) )) { vlog_error( "ERROR: Unable to retain user event doneBarrier. (%d)\n", error ); gFailCount++; goto exit; } // Call this in a multithreaded manner // gInitFunctions[ inType ]( gIn, sat, round, outType, i, count, d ); cl_uint chunks = RoundUpToNextPowerOfTwo(threads) * 2; init_info.start = i; init_info.size = count / chunks; if( init_info.size < 16384 ) { chunks = RoundUpToNextPowerOfTwo(threads); init_info.size = count / chunks; if( init_info.size < 16384 ) { init_info.size = count; chunks = 1; } } ThreadPool_Do(InitData, chunks, &init_info); // Copy the results to the device writeInputBuffer = NULL; if( (error = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(gQueue, gInBuffer, CL_FALSE, 0, count * gTypeSizes[inType], gIn, 0, NULL, &writeInputBuffer ))) { vlog_error( "ERROR: clEnqueueWriteBuffer failed. (%d)\n", error ); gFailCount++; goto exit; } // Setup completion callback for the write, which will enqueue the rest of the work // This is somewhat gratuitous. Because this is an in order queue, we didn't really need to // do this work in a callback. We could have done it from the main thread. Here we are // verifying that the implementation can enqueue work from a callback, while at the same time // also checking to make sure that the conversions work. // // Because the verification code is also moved to a callback, it is hoped that implementations will // achieve a test performance improvement because they can verify the results in parallel. If the // implementation serializes callbacks however, that won't happen. Consider it some motivation // to do the right thing! :-) if( (error = clSetEventCallback( writeInputBuffer, CL_COMPLETE, WriteInputBufferComplete, &writeInputBufferInfo)) ) { vlog_error( "ERROR: clSetEventCallback failed. (%d)\n", error ); gFailCount++; goto exit; } // The event can't be destroyed until the callback is called, so we can release it now. if( (error = clReleaseEvent(writeInputBuffer) )) { vlog_error( "ERROR: clReleaseEvent failed. (%d)\n", error ); gFailCount++; goto exit; } // Make sure the work is actually running, so we don't deadlock if( (error = clFlush( gQueue ) ) ) { vlog_error( "clFlush failed with error %d\n", error ); gFailCount++; goto exit; } ThreadPool_Do(PrepareReference, chunks, &init_info); // signal we are done calculating the reference results if( (error = clSetUserEventStatus( writeInputBufferInfo.calcReferenceValues, CL_COMPLETE ) ) ) { vlog_error( "Error: Failed to set user event status to CL_COMPLETE: %d\n", error ); gFailCount++; goto exit; } // Wait for the event callbacks to finish verifying correctness. if( (error = clWaitForEvents( 1, (cl_event*) &writeInputBufferInfo.doneBarrier ) )) { vlog_error( "Error: Failed to wait for barrier: %d\n", error ); gFailCount++; goto exit; } if( (error = clReleaseEvent(writeInputBufferInfo.calcReferenceValues ) )) { vlog_error( "Error: Failed to release calcReferenceValues: %d\n", error ); gFailCount++; goto exit; } if( (error = clReleaseEvent(writeInputBufferInfo.doneBarrier ) )) { vlog_error( "Error: Failed to release done barrier: %d\n", error ); gFailCount++; goto exit; } for( vectorSize = gMinVectorSize; vectorSize < gMaxVectorSize; vectorSize++) { if( ( error = writeInputBufferInfo.calcInfo[ vectorSize ].result )) { switch( inType ) { case kuchar: case kchar: vlog( "Input value: 0x%2.2x ", ((unsigned char*)gIn)[error - 1] ); break; case kushort: case kshort: vlog( "Input value: 0x%4.4x ", ((unsigned short*)gIn)[error - 1] ); break; case kuint: case kint: vlog( "Input value: 0x%8.8x ", ((unsigned int*)gIn)[error - 1] ); break; case kfloat: vlog( "Input value: %a ", ((float*)gIn)[error - 1] ); break; break; case kulong: case klong: vlog( "Input value: 0x%16.16llx ", ((unsigned long long*)gIn)[error - 1] ); break; case kdouble: vlog( "Input value: %a ", ((double*)gIn)[error - 1]); break; default: vlog_error( "Internal error at %s: %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); abort(); break; } // tell the user which conversion it was. if( 0 == vectorSize ) vlog( " (implicit scalar conversion from %s to %s)\n", gTypeNames[ inType ], gTypeNames[ outType ] ); else vlog( " (convert_%s%s%s%s( %s%s ))\n", gTypeNames[outType], sizeNames[vectorSize], gSaturationNames[ sat ], gRoundingModeNames[ round ], gTypeNames[inType], sizeNames[vectorSize] ); gFailCount++; goto exit; } } } log_info( "done.\n" ); if( gTimeResults ) { //Kick off tests for the various vector lengths for( vectorSize = gMinVectorSize; vectorSize < gMaxVectorSize; vectorSize++) { size_t workItemCount = blockCount / vectorSizes[vectorSize]; if( vectorSizes[vectorSize] * gTypeSizes[outType] < 4 ) workItemCount /= 4 / (vectorSizes[vectorSize] * gTypeSizes[outType]); double sum = 0.0; double bestTime = INFINITY; cl_uint k; for( k = 0; k < PERF_LOOP_COUNT; k++ ) { uint64_t startTime = GetTime(); if( (error = RunKernel( writeInputBufferInfo.calcInfo[vectorSize].kernel, gInBuffer, gOutBuffers[ vectorSize ], workItemCount )) ) { gFailCount++; goto exit; } // Make sure OpenCL is done if( (error = clFinish(gQueue) ) ) { vlog_error( "Error %d at clFinish\n", error ); goto exit; } uint64_t endTime = GetTime(); double time = SubtractTime( endTime, startTime ); sum += time; if( time < bestTime ) bestTime = time; } if( gReportAverageTimes ) bestTime = sum / PERF_LOOP_COUNT; double clocksPerOp = bestTime * (double) gDeviceFrequency * gComputeDevices * gSimdSize * 1e6 / (workItemCount * vectorSizes[vectorSize]); if( 0 == vectorSize ) vlog_perf( clocksPerOp, LOWER_IS_BETTER, "clocks / element", "implicit convert %s -> %s", gTypeNames[ inType ], gTypeNames[ outType ] ); else vlog_perf( clocksPerOp, LOWER_IS_BETTER, "clocks / element", "convert_%s%s%s%s( %s%s )", gTypeNames[ outType ], sizeNames[vectorSize], gSaturationNames[ sat ], gRoundingModeNames[round], gTypeNames[inType], sizeNames[vectorSize] ); } } if( gWimpyMode ) vlog( "\tWimp pass" ); else vlog( "\tpassed" ); #ifdef __APPLE__ // record the run time vlog( "\t(%f s)", 1e-9 * ( mach_absolute_time() - wall_start ) ); #endif vlog( "\n\n" ); fflush( stdout ); exit: //clean up for( vectorSize = gMinVectorSize; vectorSize < gMaxVectorSize; vectorSize++) { clReleaseProgram( writeInputBufferInfo.calcInfo[vectorSize].program ); clReleaseKernel( writeInputBufferInfo.calcInfo[vectorSize].kernel ); } if( init_info.d ) { for( i = 0; i < threads; i++ ) free_mtdata(init_info.d[i]); free(init_info.d); } return error; } void CL_CALLBACK MapResultValuesComplete( cl_event e, cl_int status, void *data ); // Note: not called reentrantly void CL_CALLBACK WriteInputBufferComplete( cl_event e, cl_int status, void *data ) { WriteInputBufferInfo *info = (WriteInputBufferInfo*) data; cl_uint count = info->count; int vectorSize; if( CL_SUCCESS != status ) { vlog_error( "ERROR: WriteInputBufferComplete calback failed with status: %d\n", status ); gFailCount++; return; } info->barrierCount = gMaxVectorSize - gMinVectorSize; // now that we know that the write buffer is complete, enqueue callbacks to wait for the main thread to // finish calculating the reference results. for( vectorSize = gMinVectorSize; vectorSize < gMaxVectorSize; vectorSize++) { size_t workItemCount = (count + vectorSizes[vectorSize] - 1) / ( vectorSizes[vectorSize]); cl_event mapComplete = NULL; if( (status = RunKernel( info->calcInfo[ vectorSize ].kernel, gInBuffer, gOutBuffers[ vectorSize ], workItemCount )) ) { gFailCount++; return; } info->calcInfo[vectorSize].p = clEnqueueMapBuffer( gQueue, gOutBuffers[ vectorSize ], CL_FALSE, CL_MAP_READ | CL_MAP_WRITE, 0, count * gTypeSizes[ info->outType ], 0, NULL, &mapComplete, &status); { if( status ) { vlog_error( "ERROR: WriteInputBufferComplete calback failed with status: %d\n", status ); gFailCount++; return; } } if( (status = clSetEventCallback( mapComplete, CL_COMPLETE, MapResultValuesComplete, info->calcInfo + vectorSize))) { vlog_error( "ERROR: WriteInputBufferComplete calback failed with status: %d\n", status ); gFailCount++; return; } if( (status = clReleaseEvent(mapComplete))) { vlog_error( "ERROR: clReleaseEvent calback failed in WriteInputBufferComplete for vector size %d with status: %d\n", vectorSize, status ); gFailCount++; return; } } // Make sure the work starts moving -- otherwise we may deadlock if( (status = clFlush(gQueue))) { vlog_error( "ERROR: WriteInputBufferComplete calback failed with status: %d\n", status ); gFailCount++; return; } // e was already released by the main thread. It should be destroyed automatically soon after we exit. } void CL_CALLBACK CalcReferenceValuesComplete( cl_event e, cl_int status, void *data ); // Note: May be called reentrantly void CL_CALLBACK MapResultValuesComplete( cl_event e, cl_int status, void *data ) { CalcReferenceValuesInfo *info = (CalcReferenceValuesInfo*) data; cl_event calcReferenceValues = info->parent->calcReferenceValues; if( CL_SUCCESS != status ) { vlog_error( "ERROR: MapResultValuesComplete calback failed with status: %d\n", status ); gFailCount++; // not thread safe -- being lazy here clReleaseEvent(calcReferenceValues); return; } // we know that the map is done, wait for the main thread to finish calculating the reference values if( (status = clSetEventCallback( calcReferenceValues, CL_COMPLETE, CalcReferenceValuesComplete, data ))) { vlog_error( "ERROR: clSetEventCallback failed in MapResultValuesComplete with status: %d\n", status ); gFailCount++; // not thread safe -- being lazy here } // this thread no longer needs its reference to info->calcReferenceValues, so release it if( (status = clReleaseEvent(calcReferenceValues) )) { vlog_error( "ERROR: clReleaseEvent(info->calcReferenceValues) failed with status: %d\n", status ); gFailCount++; // not thread safe -- being lazy here } // no need to flush since we didn't enqueue anything // e was already released by WriteInputBufferComplete. It should be destroyed automatically soon after we exit. } void CL_CALLBACK CalcReferenceValuesComplete( cl_event e, cl_int status, void *data ) { CalcReferenceValuesInfo *info = (CalcReferenceValuesInfo*) data; cl_uint vectorSize = info->vectorSize; cl_uint count = info->parent->count; Type outType = info->parent->outType; // the data type of the conversion result Type inType = info->parent->inType; // the data type of the conversion input size_t j; cl_int error; cl_event doneBarrier = info->parent->doneBarrier; // report spurious error condition if( CL_SUCCESS != status ) { vlog_error( "ERROR: CalcReferenceValuesComplete did not succeed! (%d)\n", status ); gFailCount++; // lazy about thread safety here return; } // Now we know that both results have been mapped back from the device, and the // main thread is done calculating the reference results. It is now time to check // the results. // verify results void *mapped = info->p; //Patch up NaNs conversions to integer to zero -- these can be converted to any integer if( outType != kfloat && outType != kdouble ) { if( inType == kfloat ) { float *inp = (float*) gIn; for( j = 0; j < count; j++ ) { if( isnan( inp[j] ) ) memset( (char*) mapped + j * gTypeSizes[ outType ], 0, gTypeSizes[ outType ] ); } } if( inType == kdouble ) { double *inp = (double*) gIn; for( j = 0; j < count; j++ ) { if( isnan( inp[j] ) ) memset( (char*) mapped + j * gTypeSizes[ outType ], 0, gTypeSizes[ outType ] ); } } } else if( inType == kfloat || inType == kdouble ) { // outtype and intype is float or double. NaN conversions for float <-> double can be any NaN if( inType == kfloat && outType == kdouble ) { float *inp = (float*) gIn; double *outp = (double*) mapped; for( j = 0; j < count; j++ ) { if( isnan( inp[j] ) && isnan(outp[j]) ) outp[j] = NAN; } } if( inType == kdouble && outType == kfloat ) { double *inp = (double*) gIn; float *outp = (float*) mapped; for( j = 0; j < count; j++ ) { if( isnan( inp[j] ) && isnan(outp[j]) ) outp[j] = NAN; } } } if( memcmp( mapped, gRef, count * gTypeSizes[ outType ] ) ) info->result = gCheckResults[outType]( mapped, gRef, gAllowZ, count, vectorSizes[vectorSize] ); else info->result = 0; // Fill the output buffer with junk and release it { cl_uint pattern = 0xffffdead; memset_pattern4(mapped, &pattern, count * gTypeSizes[outType]); if((error = clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(gQueue, gOutBuffers[ vectorSize ], mapped, 0, NULL, NULL))) { vlog_error( "ERROR: clEnqueueUnmapMemObject failed in CalcReferenceValuesComplete (%d)\n", error ); gFailCount++; } } if( 1 == ThreadPool_AtomicAdd( &info->parent->barrierCount, -1) ) { if( (status = clSetUserEventStatus( doneBarrier, CL_COMPLETE) )) { vlog_error( "ERROR: clSetUserEventStatus failed in CalcReferenceValuesComplete (err: %d). We're probably going to deadlock.\n", status ); gFailCount++; return; } if( (status = clReleaseEvent( doneBarrier ) ) ) { vlog_error( "ERROR: clReleaseEvent failed in CalcReferenceValuesComplete (err: %d).\n", status ); gFailCount++; return; } } // e was already released by WriteInputBufferComplete. It should be destroyed automatically soon after // all the calls to CalcReferenceValuesComplete exit. } static cl_program MakeProgram( Type outType, Type inType, SaturationMode sat, RoundingMode round, int vectorSize, cl_kernel *outKernel ) { cl_program program; char testName[256]; int error = 0; const char **strings; size_t stringCount = 0; // Create the program. This is a bit complicated because we are trying to avoid byte and short stores. if (0 == vectorSize) { char inName[32]; char outName[32]; const char *programSource[] = { "", // optional pragma "__kernel void ", testName, "( __global ", inName, " *src, __global ", outName, " *dest )\n" "{\n" " size_t i = get_global_id(0);\n" " dest[i] = src[i];\n" "}\n" }; stringCount = sizeof(programSource) / sizeof(programSource[0]); strings = programSource; if (outType == kdouble || inType == kdouble) programSource[0] = "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable\n"; //create the type name strncpy(inName, gTypeNames[inType], sizeof(inName)); strncpy(outName, gTypeNames[outType], sizeof(outName)); sprintf(testName, "test_implicit_%s_%s", outName, inName); vlog("Building implicit %s -> %s conversion test\n", gTypeNames[inType], gTypeNames[outType]); fflush(stdout); } else { int vectorSizetmp = vectorSizes[vectorSize]; char convertString[128]; char inName[32]; char outName[32]; const char *programSource[] = { "", // optional pragma "__kernel void ", testName, "( __global ", inName, " *src, __global ", outName, " *dest )\n" "{\n" " size_t i = get_global_id(0);\n" " dest[i] = ", convertString, "( src[i] );\n" "}\n" }; const char *programSourceV3[] = { "", // optional pragma "__kernel void ", testName, "( __global ", inName, " *src, __global ", outName, " *dest )\n" "{\n" " size_t i = get_global_id(0);\n" " if( i + 1 < get_global_size(0))\n" " vstore3( ", convertString, "( vload3( i, src)), i, dest );\n" " else\n" " {\n" " ", inName, "3 in;\n" " ", outName, "3 out;\n" " if( 0 == (i & 1) )\n" " in.y = src[3*i+1];\n" " in.x = src[3*i];\n" " out = ", convertString, "( in ); \n" " dest[3*i] = out.x;\n" " if( 0 == (i & 1) )\n" " dest[3*i+1] = out.y;\n" " }\n" "}\n" }; stringCount = 3 == vectorSizetmp ? sizeof(programSourceV3) / sizeof(programSourceV3[0]) : sizeof(programSource) / sizeof(programSource[0]); strings = 3 == vectorSizetmp ? programSourceV3 : programSource; if (outType == kdouble || inType == kdouble) { programSource[0] = "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable\n"; programSourceV3[0] = "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable\n"; } //create the type name switch (vectorSizetmp) { case 1: strncpy(inName, gTypeNames[inType], sizeof(inName)); strncpy(outName, gTypeNames[outType], sizeof(outName)); snprintf(convertString, sizeof(convertString), "convert_%s%s%s", outName, gSaturationNames[sat], gRoundingModeNames[round]); snprintf(testName, 256, "test_%s_%s", convertString, inName); vlog("Building %s( %s ) test\n", convertString, inName); break; case 3: strncpy(inName, gTypeNames[inType], sizeof(inName)); strncpy(outName, gTypeNames[outType], sizeof(outName)); snprintf(convertString, sizeof(convertString), "convert_%s3%s%s", outName, gSaturationNames[sat], gRoundingModeNames[round]); snprintf(testName, 256, "test_%s_%s3", convertString, inName); vlog("Building %s( %s3 ) test\n", convertString, inName); break; default: snprintf(inName, sizeof(inName), "%s%d", gTypeNames[inType], vectorSizetmp); snprintf(outName, sizeof(outName), "%s%d", gTypeNames[outType], vectorSizetmp); snprintf(convertString, sizeof(convertString), "convert_%s%s%s", outName, gSaturationNames[sat], gRoundingModeNames[round]); snprintf(testName, 256, "test_%s_%s", convertString, inName); vlog("Building %s( %s ) test\n", convertString, inName); break; } fflush(stdout); } *outKernel = NULL; const char *flags = NULL; if( gForceFTZ ) flags = "-cl-denorms-are-zero"; // build it error = create_single_kernel_helper(gContext, &program, outKernel, (cl_uint)stringCount, strings, testName, flags); if (error) { char buffer[2048] = ""; vlog_error("Failed to build kernel/program.\n", error); clReleaseProgram(program); return NULL; } return program; }