// // Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include "testBase.h" #include "action_classes.h" extern const char *IGetStatusString( cl_int status ); #define PRINT_OPS 0 int test_waitlist( cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, Action *actionToTest, bool multiple ) { NDRangeKernelAction actions[ 2 ]; clEventWrapper events[ 3 ]; cl_int status[ 3 ]; cl_int error; if (multiple) log_info("\tExecuting reference event 0, then reference event 1 with reference event 0 in its waitlist, then test event 2 with reference events 0 and 1 in its waitlist.\n"); else log_info("\tExecuting reference event 0, then test event 2 with reference event 0 in its waitlist.\n"); // Set up the first base action to wait against error = actions[ 0 ].Setup( device, context, queue ); test_error( error, "Unable to setup base event to wait against" ); if( multiple ) { // Set up a second event to wait against error = actions[ 1 ].Setup( device, context, queue ); test_error( error, "Unable to setup second base event to wait against" ); } // Now set up the actual action to test error = actionToTest->Setup( device, context, queue ); test_error( error, "Unable to set up test event" ); // Execute all events now if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tExecuting action 0...\n"); error = actions[ 0 ].Execute( queue, 0, NULL, &events[ 0 ] ); test_error( error, "Unable to execute first event" ); if( multiple ) { if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tExecuting action 1...\n"); error = actions[ 1 ].Execute( queue, 1, &events[0], &events[ 1 ] ); test_error( error, "Unable to execute second event" ); } // Sanity check if( multiple ) { if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tChecking status of action 1...\n"); error = clGetEventInfo( events[ 1 ], CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof( status[ 1 ] ), &status[ 1 ], NULL ); test_error( error, "Unable to get event status" ); } if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tChecking status of action 0...\n"); error = clGetEventInfo( events[ 0 ], CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof( status[ 0 ] ), &status[ 0 ], NULL ); test_error( error, "Unable to get event status" ); log_info("\t\tEvent status after starting reference events: reference event 0: %s, reference event 1: %s, test event 2: %s.\n", IGetStatusString( status[ 0 ] ), (multiple ? IGetStatusString( status[ 1 ] ) : "N/A"), "N/A"); if( ( status[ 0 ] == CL_COMPLETE ) || ( multiple && status[ 1 ] == CL_COMPLETE ) ) { log_info( "WARNING: Reference event(s) already completed before we could execute test event! Possible that the reference event blocked (implicitly passing)\n" ); return 0; } if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tExecuting action to test...\n"); error = actionToTest->Execute( queue, ( multiple ) ? 2 : 1, &events[ 0 ], &events[ 2 ] ); test_error( error, "Unable to execute test event" ); // Hopefully, the first event is still running if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tChecking status of action to test 2...\n"); error = clGetEventInfo( events[ 2 ], CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof( status[ 2 ] ), &status[ 2 ], NULL ); test_error( error, "Unable to get event status" ); if( multiple ) { if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tChecking status of action 1...\n"); error = clGetEventInfo( events[ 1 ], CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof( status[ 1 ] ), &status[ 1 ], NULL ); test_error( error, "Unable to get event status" ); } if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tChecking status of action 0...\n"); error = clGetEventInfo( events[ 0 ], CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof( status[ 0 ] ), &status[ 0 ], NULL ); test_error( error, "Unable to get event status" ); log_info("\t\tEvent status after starting test event: reference event 0: %s, reference event 1: %s, test event 2: %s.\n", IGetStatusString( status[ 0 ] ), (multiple ? IGetStatusString( status[ 1 ] ) : "N/A"), IGetStatusString( status[ 2 ] )); if( multiple ) { if( status[ 0 ] == CL_COMPLETE && status[ 1 ] == CL_COMPLETE ) { log_info( "WARNING: Both events completed, so unable to test further (implicitly passing).\n" ); clFinish( queue ); return 0; } if(status[1] == CL_COMPLETE && status[0] != CL_COMPLETE) { log_error("ERROR: Test failed because the second wait event is complete and the first is not.(status: 0: %s and 1: %s)\n", IGetStatusString( status[ 0 ] ), IGetStatusString( status[ 1 ] ) ); clFinish( queue ); return -1; } } else { if( status[ 0 ] == CL_COMPLETE ) { log_info( "WARNING: Reference event completed, so unable to test further (implicitly passing).\n" ); clFinish( queue ); return 0; } if( status[ 0 ] != CL_RUNNING && status[ 0 ] != CL_QUEUED && status[ 0 ] != CL_SUBMITTED ) { log_error( "ERROR: Test failed because first wait event is not currently running, queued, or submitted! (status: 0: %s)\n", IGetStatusString( status[ 0 ] ) ); clFinish( queue ); return -1; } } if( status[ 2 ] != CL_QUEUED && status[ 2 ] != CL_SUBMITTED ) { log_error( "ERROR: Test event is not waiting to run! (status: 2: %s)\n", IGetStatusString( status[ 2 ] ) ); clFinish( queue ); return -1; } // Now wait for the first reference event if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tWaiting for action 1 to finish...\n"); error = clWaitForEvents( 1, &events[ 0 ] ); test_error( error, "Unable to wait for reference event" ); // Grab statuses again if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tChecking status of action to test 2...\n"); error = clGetEventInfo( events[ 2 ], CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof( status[ 2 ] ), &status[ 2 ], NULL ); test_error( error, "Unable to get event status" ); if( multiple ) { if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tChecking status of action 1...\n"); error = clGetEventInfo( events[ 1 ], CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof( status[ 1 ] ), &status[ 1 ], NULL ); test_error( error, "Unable to get event status" ); } if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tChecking status of action 0...\n"); error = clGetEventInfo( events[ 0 ], CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof( status[ 0 ] ), &status[ 0 ], NULL ); test_error( error, "Unable to get event status" ); log_info("\t\tEvent status after waiting for reference event 0: reference event 0: %s, reference event 1: %s, test event 2: %s.\n", IGetStatusString( status[ 0 ] ), (multiple ? IGetStatusString( status[ 1 ] ) : "N/A"), IGetStatusString( status[ 2 ] )); // Sanity if( status[ 0 ] != CL_COMPLETE ) { log_error( "ERROR: Waited for first event but it's not complete (status: 0: %s)\n", IGetStatusString( status[ 0 ] ) ); clFinish( queue ); return -1; } // If we're multiple, and the second event isn't complete, then our test event should still be queued if( multiple && status[ 1 ] != CL_COMPLETE ) { if( status[ 1 ] == CL_RUNNING && status[ 2 ] == CL_RUNNING ) { log_error("ERROR: Test event and second event are both running.\n"); clFinish( queue ); return -1; } if( status[ 2 ] != CL_QUEUED && status[ 2 ] != CL_SUBMITTED ) { log_error( "ERROR: Test event did not wait for second event before starting! (status of ref: 1: %s, of test: 2: %s)\n", IGetStatusString( status[ 1 ] ), IGetStatusString( status[ 2 ] ) ); clFinish( queue ); return -1; } // Now wait for second event to complete, too if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tWaiting for action 1 to finish...\n"); error = clWaitForEvents( 1, &events[ 1 ] ); test_error( error, "Unable to wait for second reference event" ); // Grab statuses again if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tChecking status of action to test 2...\n"); error = clGetEventInfo( events[ 2 ], CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof( status[ 2 ] ), &status[ 2 ], NULL ); test_error( error, "Unable to get event status" ); if( multiple ) { if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tChecking status of action 1...\n"); error = clGetEventInfo( events[ 1 ], CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof( status[ 1 ] ), &status[ 1 ], NULL ); test_error( error, "Unable to get event status" ); } if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tChecking status of action 0...\n"); error = clGetEventInfo( events[ 0 ], CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof( status[ 0 ] ), &status[ 0 ], NULL ); test_error( error, "Unable to get event status" ); log_info("\t\tEvent status after waiting for reference event 1: reference event 0: %s, reference event 1: %s, test event 2: %s.\n", IGetStatusString( status[ 0 ] ), (multiple ? IGetStatusString( status[ 1 ] ) : "N/A"), IGetStatusString( status[ 2 ] )); // Sanity if( status[ 1 ] != CL_COMPLETE ) { log_error( "ERROR: Waited for second reference event but it didn't complete (status: 1: %s)\n", IGetStatusString( status[ 1 ] ) ); clFinish( queue ); return -1; } } // At this point, the test event SHOULD be running, but if it completed, we consider it a pass if( status[ 2 ] == CL_COMPLETE ) { log_info( "WARNING: Test event already completed. Assumed valid.\n" ); clFinish( queue ); return 0; } if( status[ 2 ] != CL_RUNNING && status[ 2 ] != CL_SUBMITTED && status[ 2 ] != CL_QUEUED) { log_error( "ERROR: Second event did not start running after reference event(s) completed! (status: 2: %s)\n", IGetStatusString( status[ 2 ] ) ); clFinish( queue ); return -1; } // Wait for the test event, then return if (PRINT_OPS) log_info("\tWaiting for action 2 to test to finish...\n"); error = clWaitForEvents( 1, &events[ 2 ] ); test_error( error, "Unable to wait for test event" ); error |= clGetEventInfo( events[ 2 ], CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof( status[ 2 ] ), &status[ 2 ], NULL ); test_error( error, "Unable to get event status" ); log_info("\t\tEvent status after waiting for test event: reference event 0: %s, reference event 1: %s, test event 2: %s.\n", IGetStatusString( status[ 0 ] ), (multiple ? IGetStatusString( status[ 1 ] ) : "N/A"), IGetStatusString( status[ 2 ] )); // Sanity if( status[ 2 ] != CL_COMPLETE ) { log_error( "ERROR: Test event didn't complete (status: 2: %s)\n", IGetStatusString( status[ 2 ] ) ); clFinish( queue ); return -1; } clFinish(queue); return 0; } #define TEST_ACTION( name ) \ { \ name##Action action; \ log_info( "-- Testing " #name " (waiting on 1 event)...\n" ); \ if( ( error = test_waitlist( deviceID, context, queue, &action, false ) ) != CL_SUCCESS ) \ retVal++; \ clFinish( queue ); \ } \ if( error == CL_SUCCESS ) /* Only run multiples test if single test passed */ \ { \ name##Action action; \ log_info( "-- Testing " #name " (waiting on 2 events)...\n" ); \ if( ( error = test_waitlist( deviceID, context, queue, &action, true ) ) != CL_SUCCESS ) \ retVal++; \ clFinish( queue ); \ } int test_waitlists( cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue oldQueue, int num_elements ) { cl_int error; int retVal = 0; cl_command_queue_properties props = CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE; if( !checkDeviceForQueueSupport( deviceID, props ) ) { log_info( "WARNING: Device does not support out-of-order exec mode; skipping test.\n" ); return 0; } clCommandQueueWrapper queue = clCreateCommandQueue( context, deviceID, props, &error ); test_error(error, "Unable to create out-of-order queue"); log_info( "\n" ); TEST_ACTION( NDRangeKernel ) TEST_ACTION( ReadBuffer ) TEST_ACTION( WriteBuffer ) TEST_ACTION( MapBuffer ) TEST_ACTION( UnmapBuffer ) if( checkForImageSupport( deviceID ) == CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED ) { log_info( "\nNote: device does not support images. Skipping remainder of waitlist tests...\n" ); } else { TEST_ACTION( ReadImage2D ) TEST_ACTION( WriteImage2D ) TEST_ACTION( CopyImage2Dto2D ) TEST_ACTION( Copy2DImageToBuffer ) TEST_ACTION( CopyBufferTo2DImage ) TEST_ACTION( MapImage ) if( checkFor3DImageSupport( deviceID ) == CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED ) log_info("Device does not support 3D images. Skipping remainder of waitlist tests...\n"); else { TEST_ACTION( ReadImage3D ) TEST_ACTION( WriteImage3D ) TEST_ACTION( CopyImage2Dto3D ) TEST_ACTION( CopyImage3Dto2D ) TEST_ACTION( CopyImage3Dto3D ) TEST_ACTION( Copy3DImageToBuffer ) TEST_ACTION( CopyBufferTo3DImage ) } } return retVal; }