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qST?qT?qOT?$qJT?$qLT?q`HT?(qIT @?aT`DTF4M?T'8NT{@{!G{@T"@8@8{;;{"@@$@8@8{; ;{$@@@"@8@8{;D @_(Tm_,Tn _0Tn_4ATn;{"@@@B(J@ E@֜70?R8|S?Tq`T?DqVT<S?qUT?(qlUT? qST?qT?qOT?$qJT?$qLT?q`HT?(qIT @?aT`DTF4M?T'8NT>CPU%x: TestName - %s >> Sanity Check Failed(valPartEnd API) >> Sanity Check Failed(valTestEnd API) >> Sanity Check Failed(valPartStart API) ** TEST PASSED OK (WITH SKIP) ** ** TEST FAILED ** ** TEST SKIPPED ** ** TEST PASSED OK ** >>---------------------- General Sync Call using undefined barrier. >>CPU%x: PART_%d FAIL >>CPU%x: PART_%d PASS >>CPU%x: PART_%d START MSG_PART_STATUS_UPDATE: PartStatus Call :: call_no: 0x%X, result_info: 0x%X >>PF: %d >>PP: %d >>PS: %d MSG_SKIP_PARTS: Skipping Parts :: cpu: %d, from: %d, to_part: %d >>CPU%d >>CPU%x: PART_%d FAIL >> Reason: No Checks Performed >> Ending test with first part failure >>CPU%x: PART_%d SKIP >> Reason: %s >> PartStatus Call No: %x, Result Info : %x >> FAIL Reason: %s >>CPU%x: PARTS %d to %d SKIP >> Skip Reason: %s >> PartStatus Call No: %x, Result Info : %x , SV: %x , >>CPU%d - PP: %d, PF: %d, PS: %dAPI_ASSERT: Invalid PinId in valAssert API_ASSERT: Invalid target_cpu_mask in valAssert API_ASSERT: Invalid PinId in valDeassert API_ASSERT: Invalid target_cpu_mask in valDeassert Value passed : %x Error:ASD is statically located, but programmed address or size is in error API_ASSERT:AccessType too large ( > 63 ) API_ASSERT:NumAccess > 4 API_ASSERT:obsDomain invalid API_ASSERT:eoHandle invalid in valExtObsRelease API_ASSERT:eoHandle invalid in valExtObsReturnInfo API_ASSERT:eoHandle invalid in valExtObsStop API_ASSERT:eoHandle invalid in valExtObsStart API_ASSERT: undefined input in IntrList[] of valGicGlobalIntrControl API API_ASSERT: type param in valGicIntrControl is out of range API_ASSERT: type param in valGicIntrSetParamaccess is out of range API_ASSERT: REI_VALUE[31:1] are reserved as zero API_ASSERT: SEI_VALUE[31:1] are reserved as zero API_ASSERT: PPI_INTR_VALUE[31:16] are reserved as zero API_ASSERT: PPI_INTR_CONFIG[31:16] are reserved as zero API_ASSERT: PPI interrupt id is out of range API_ASSERT: SPI interrupt id is out of range API_ASSERT: Attributes[15:11] in valGicItsSetParam should be zero API_ASSERT: Attributes[7:4] in valGicItsSetParam should be zero API_ASSERT: Attributes[31:26] in valGicItsSetParam should be zero API_ASSERT: Attributes[23:18] in valGicItsSetParam should be zero Vaue of PPIindex, IntrID, IntrConfig & IntrValue are %d %d %d %dSPI register Bit map indicating spi id register %dAPI_ASSERT: valIntrGenSetParam has not been called API_ASSERT: valIntrGenSetParam has not been called API_ASSERT: Invalid target_cpu_mask in valIntrGenSetParam API_ASSERT: Invalid hIntr in valIntrGenStop API_ASSERT: Invalid hIntr in valIntrGenClear API_ASSERT: Invalid hIntr in valIntrGenReadStatus API_ASSERT: Invalid hIntr in valIntrGenWait API_ASSERT: Invalid hIntr in valIntrGenStart API_ASSERT: offset param in val_read_scratch_pad API is out of range API_ASSERT: PinId param in valClearPinStatus is out of range API_ASSERT: PinId param in valReadSysPinStatus is out of range API_ASSERT: Invalid PinId in valAssertReset API_ASSERT: Invalid target_cpu_mask in valAssertReset API_ASSERT: Reset_Constraints[31:3] should be zero in valAssertReset Unknown Secure Appln ID Number!!! Unknown NonSecure Appln ID Number!!! EL1S(64) setup completed Unexpected Exception at EL1HOST EL1HOST(64) setup completed Unexpected Exception at EL1NS EL1NS(64) setup completed Unexpected Exception at EL1S EL1S_HOST(64) setup completed Unexpected SWI Exception at EL2!!! Unknown Guest OS VMID Number!!! Unexpected Exception at EL2 EL2(64) setup completed Unexpected service call at EL2EL2S(64) setup completed Unexpected service call at EL2SUnexpected HVC Exception at EL3!!! Unexpected SWI Exception at EL3!!! Illegal ID passed for boot_support_el3!!! Illegal ID passed for restore_el3_lower_state!!! Unexcepted Secure Monitor Exception!!! Switch b/w Secure Threads Illegal at EL3. Switch b/w NonSecure Threads Illegal at EL3. Unexpected Exception at EL3 EL3(64) setup completed incorrect el_number. This API is support only for test start EL incorrect el_number  #0,BXn(