// Copyright 2020 Google LLC // // This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the // LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. $assert BATCH_TILE % 4 == 0 $assert BATCH_TILE >= 4 $ABC = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" #include #include #include #include #include void xnn_f32_vsqrt_ukernel__neonfma_nr1rsqrts1fma1adj_x${BATCH_TILE}( size_t n, const float* x, float* y, const union xnn_f32_sqrt_params params[restrict XNN_MIN_ELEMENTS(1)]) XNN_DISABLE_TSAN { assert(n != 0); assert(n % sizeof(float) == 0); $if BATCH_TILE > 4: const float32x4_t vhalf = vmovq_n_f32(0.5f); for (; n >= ${BATCH_TILE} * sizeof(float); n -= ${BATCH_TILE} * sizeof(float)) { $for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 4): const float32x4_t vx${ABC[N:N+4]} = vld1q_f32(x); x += 4; $for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 4): float32x4_t vrsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]} = vrsqrteq_f32(vx${ABC[N:N+4]}); $for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 4): const float32x4_t vrx${ABC[N:N+4]} = vmulq_f32(vrsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}, vrsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}); $for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 4): const float32x4_t vcorrection${ABC[N:N+4]} = vrsqrtsq_f32(vx${ABC[N:N+4]}, vrx${ABC[N:N+4]}); $for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 4): vrsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]} = vmulq_f32(vrsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}, vcorrection${ABC[N:N+4]}); $for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 4): float32x4_t vsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]} = vmulq_f32(vrsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}, vx${ABC[N:N+4]}); float32x4_t vhalfrsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]} = vmulq_f32(vrsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}, vhalf); $for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 4): const float32x4_t vresidual${ABC[N:N+4]} = vfmsq_f32(vhalf, vsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}, vhalfrsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}); $for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 4): vhalfrsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]} = vfmaq_f32(vhalfrsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}, vresidual${ABC[N:N+4]}, vhalfrsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}); vsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]} = vfmaq_f32(vsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}, vresidual${ABC[N:N+4]}, vsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}); $for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 4): const float32x4_t vadjustment${ABC[N:N+4]} = vfmsq_f32(vx${ABC[N:N+4]}, vsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}, vsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}); $for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 4): const float32x4_t vy${ABC[N:N+4]} = vfmaq_f32(vsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}, vhalfrsqrtx${ABC[N:N+4]}, vadjustment${ABC[N:N+4]}); $for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 4): vst1q_f32(y, vy${ABC[N:N+4]}); y += 4; } if XNN_UNLIKELY(n != 0) { do { const float vx = *x++; const float vy = sqrtf(vx); *y++ = vy; n -= sizeof(float); } while (n != 0); } }