Copyright (c) 2013-2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
---- Exceptions to the Apache 2.0 License: ----
As an exception, if you use this Software to generate code and portions of
this Software are embedded into the generated code as a result, you may
redistribute such product without providing attribution as would otherwise
be required by Sections 4(a), 4(b) and 4(d) of the License.
In addition, if you combine or link code generated by this Software with
software that is licensed under the GPLv2 or the LGPL v2.0 or 2.1
("`Combined Software`") and if a court of competent jurisdiction determines
that the patent provision (Section 3), the indemnity provision (Section 9)
or other Section of the License conflicts with the conditions of the
applicable GPL or LGPL license, you may retroactively and prospectively
choose to deem waived or otherwise exclude such Section(s) of the License,
but only in their entirety and only with respect to the Combined Software.
This file, cl.xml, is the OpenCL API Registry. It is a critically important
and normative part of the OpenCL API Specification, including a canonical
machine-readable definition of the API, parameter and member validation
language incorporated into the Specification and reference pages, and other
material which is registered by Khronos.
The authoritative public version of cl.xml is maintained in the master
branch of the Khronos OpenCL-API GitHub repository. The authoritative
private version is maintained in the master branch of the member gitlab
server's OpenCL/api-docs repository.
These are dependencies CL types require to be declared legally
#include <stdint.h>
Windows headers and types
#include <d3d10.h>
#include <d3d11.h>
#include <d3d9.h>
#include <d3d9types.h>
#include <dxvahd.h>
#include <wtypes.h>
Non-CL headers and types
#include <va/va.h>
CL headers and types
#include <CL/cl.h>
#include <CL/cl_platform.h>
#include <CL/cl_gl.h>
#include <CL/cl_version.h>
Basic C types, pulled in via platform header in some cases
Scalar types
typedef double cl_double __attribute__((aligned(8)));
typedef float cl_float __attribute__((aligned(4)));
typedef int16_t cl_short __attribute__((aligned(2)));
typedef int32_t cl_int __attribute__((aligned(4)));
typedef int64_t cl_long __attribute__((aligned(8)));
typedef int8_t cl_char;
typedef uint8_t cl_uchar;
typedef uint16_t cl_half __attribute__((aligned(2)));
typedef uint16_t cl_ushort __attribute__((aligned(2)));
typedef uint32_t cl_uint __attribute__((aligned(4)));
typedef uint64_t cl_ulong __attribute__((aligned(8)));
typedef int cl_GLint;
typedef unsigned int cl_GLenum;
typedef unsigned int cl_GLuint;
typedef cl_uint cl_d3d11_device_source_khr;
typedef cl_uint cl_d3d11_device_set_khr;
typedef cl_uint cl_dx9_media_adapter_type_khr;
typedef cl_uint cl_dx9_media_adapter_set_khr;
typedef cl_uint cl_d3d10_device_source_khr;
typedef cl_uint cl_d3d10_device_set_khr;
typedef cl_uint cl_dx9_device_source_intel;
typedef cl_uint cl_dx9_device_set_intel;
typedef struct _cl_accelerator_intel* cl_accelerator_intel;
typedef cl_uint cl_accelerator_type_intel;
typedef cl_uint cl_accelerator_info_intel;
typedef cl_uint cl_diagnostics_verbose_level;
typedef cl_uint cl_va_api_device_source_intel;
typedef cl_uint cl_va_api_device_set_intel;
typedef struct __GLsync * cl_GLsync;
typedef void* CLeglImageKHR;
typedef void* CLeglDisplayKHR;
typedef void* CLeglSyncKHR;
typedef intptr_t cl_egl_image_properties_khr;
typedef cl_ulong cl_device_partition_property_ext;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_mem_migration_flags_ext;
typedef cl_uint cl_image_pitch_info_qcom;
typedef cl_uint cl_queue_priority_khr;
typedef cl_uint cl_queue_throttle_khr;
typedef intptr_t cl_import_properties_arm;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_svm_mem_flags_arm;
typedef cl_uint cl_kernel_exec_info_arm;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_device_svm_capabilities_arm;
typedef cl_uint cl_gl_context_info;
typedef cl_uint cl_gl_object_type;
typedef cl_uint cl_gl_texture_info;
typedef cl_uint cl_gl_platform_info;
typedef struct _cl_platform_id * cl_platform_id;
typedef struct _cl_device_id * cl_device_id;
typedef struct _cl_context * cl_context;
typedef struct _cl_command_queue * cl_command_queue;
typedef struct _cl_mem * cl_mem;
typedef struct _cl_program * cl_program;
typedef struct _cl_kernel * cl_kernel;
typedef struct _cl_event * cl_event;
typedef struct _cl_sampler * cl_sampler;
typedef cl_uint cl_bool;
typedef cl_ulong cl_bitfield;
typedef cl_ulong cl_properties;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_device_type;
typedef cl_uint cl_platform_info;
typedef cl_uint cl_device_info;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_device_fp_config;
typedef cl_uint cl_device_mem_cache_type;
typedef cl_uint cl_device_local_mem_type;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_device_exec_capabilities;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_device_svm_capabilities;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_command_queue_properties;
typedef intptr_t cl_device_partition_property;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_device_affinity_domain;
typedef intptr_t cl_context_properties;
typedef cl_uint cl_context_info;
typedef cl_properties cl_queue_properties;
typedef cl_properties cl_queue_properties_khr;
typedef cl_uint cl_command_queue_info;
typedef cl_uint cl_channel_order;
typedef cl_uint cl_channel_type;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_mem_flags;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_svm_mem_flags;
typedef cl_uint cl_mem_object_type;
typedef cl_uint cl_mem_info;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_mem_migration_flags;
typedef cl_properties cl_mem_properties;
typedef cl_uint cl_image_info;
typedef cl_uint cl_buffer_create_type;
typedef cl_uint cl_addressing_mode;
typedef cl_uint cl_filter_mode;
typedef cl_uint cl_sampler_info;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_map_flags;
typedef intptr_t cl_pipe_properties;
typedef cl_uint cl_pipe_info;
typedef cl_uint cl_program_info;
typedef cl_uint cl_program_build_info;
typedef cl_uint cl_program_binary_type;
typedef cl_int cl_build_status;
typedef cl_uint cl_kernel_info;
typedef cl_uint cl_kernel_arg_info;
typedef cl_uint cl_kernel_arg_address_qualifier;
typedef cl_uint cl_kernel_arg_access_qualifier;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_kernel_arg_type_qualifier;
typedef cl_uint cl_kernel_work_group_info;
typedef cl_uint cl_kernel_sub_group_info;
typedef cl_uint cl_event_info;
typedef cl_uint cl_command_type;
typedef cl_uint cl_profiling_info;
typedef cl_properties cl_sampler_properties;
typedef cl_uint cl_kernel_exec_info;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_device_unified_shared_memory_capabilities_intel;
typedef cl_properties cl_mem_properties_intel;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_mem_alloc_flags_intel;
typedef cl_uint cl_mem_info_intel;
typedef cl_uint cl_unified_shared_memory_type_intel;
typedef cl_uint cl_mem_advice_intel;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_device_atomic_capabilities;
typedef cl_uint cl_khronos_vendor_id;
typedef cl_uint cl_version;
typedef cl_uint cl_version_khr;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_device_device_enqueue_capabilities;
typedef cl_uint cl_mipmap_filter_mode_img;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_mem_alloc_flags_img;
typedef cl_uint cl_layer_info;
typedef cl_uint cl_layer_api_version;
typedef struct _cl_icd_dispatch cl_icd_dispatch;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_device_scheduling_controls_capabilities_arm;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_device_controlled_termination_capabilities_arm;
typedef cl_bitfield cl_command_queue_capabilities_intel;
Structure types
IDirect3DSurface9* resource
HANDLE shared_handle
cl_uint mb_block_type
cl_uint subpixel_mode
cl_uint sad_adjust_mode
cl_uint search_path_type
cl_uint allocation_type
cl_uint host_cache_policy
cl_mem_ext_host_ptr ext_host_ptr
int ion_filedesc
void* ion_hostptr
cl_mem_ext_host_ptr ext_host_ptr
void* anb_ptr
cl_channel_order image_channel_order
cl_channel_type image_channel_data_type
cl_mem_object_type image_type
size_t image_width
size_t image_height
size_t image_depth
size_t image_array_size
size_t image_row_pitch
size_t image_slice_pitch
cl_uint num_mip_levels
cl_uint num_samples
union {
cl_mem buffer;
cl_mem mem_object;
size_t origin
size_t size
cl_version version
cl_version_khr version
cl_command_queue_properties properties
cl_command_queue_capabilities_intel capabilities
cl_uint count
These values are defined differently along the
#if (defined (_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER))
compilation path, as follows:
<enum value="179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.0" name="CL_DBL_MAX"/>
#if defined( __GNUC__ )
#define CL_HUGE_VALF __builtin_huge_valf()
#define CL_HUGE_VAL __builtin_huge_val()
#define CL_NAN __builtin_nanf( "" )
#define CL_HUGE_VALF ((cl_float) 1e50)
#define CL_HUGE_VAL ((cl_double) 1e500)
float nanf( const char * );
#define CL_NAN nanf( "" )
In order to synchronize vendor IDs across Khronos APIs, Vulkan's vk.xml
is used as the central Khronos vendor ID registry. To obtain a vendor
ID for use in OpenCL, first follow the process defined Vulkan's "Procedures and Conventions"
document under the section "Registering a Vendor ID with Khronos".
Only once the ID has been reserved should a new enum entry be added here.
cl_int clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D10KHR
cl_platform_id platform
cl_d3d10_device_source_khr d3d_device_source
void* d3d_object
cl_d3d10_device_set_khr d3d_device_set
cl_uint num_entries
cl_device_id* devices
cl_uint* num_devices
cl_mem clCreateFromD3D10BufferKHR
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
ID3D10Buffer* resource
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_mem clCreateFromD3D10Texture2DKHR
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
ID3D10Texture2D* resource
UINT subresource
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_mem clCreateFromD3D10Texture3DKHR
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
ID3D10Texture3D* resource
UINT subresource
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clEnqueueAcquireD3D10ObjectsKHR
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueReleaseD3D10ObjectsKHR
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR
cl_platform_id platform
cl_d3d11_device_source_khr d3d_device_source
void* d3d_object
cl_d3d11_device_set_khr d3d_device_set
cl_uint num_entries
cl_device_id* devices
cl_uint* num_devices
cl_mem clCreateFromD3D11BufferKHR
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
ID3D11Buffer* resource
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_mem clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DKHR
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
ID3D11Texture2D* resource
UINT subresource
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_mem clCreateFromD3D11Texture3DKHR
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
ID3D11Texture3D* resource
UINT subresource
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsKHR
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsKHR
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clGetDeviceIDsFromDX9MediaAdapterKHR
cl_platform_id platform
cl_uint num_media_adapters
cl_dx9_media_adapter_type_khr* media_adapter_type
void* media_adapters
cl_dx9_media_adapter_set_khr media_adapter_set
cl_uint num_entries
cl_device_id* devices
cl_uint* num_devices
cl_mem clCreateFromDX9MediaSurfaceKHR
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
cl_dx9_media_adapter_type_khr adapter_type
void* surface_info
cl_uint plane
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clEnqueueAcquireDX9MediaSurfacesKHR
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueReleaseDX9MediaSurfacesKHR
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clGetDeviceIDsFromDX9INTEL
cl_platform_id platform
cl_dx9_device_source_intel dx9_device_source
void* dx9_object
cl_dx9_device_set_intel dx9_device_set
cl_uint num_entries
cl_device_id* devices
cl_uint* num_devices
cl_mem clCreateFromDX9MediaSurfaceINTEL
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
IDirect3DSurface9* resource
HANDLE sharedHandle
UINT plane
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clEnqueueAcquireDX9ObjectsINTEL
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueReleaseDX9ObjectsINTEL
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_event clCreateEventFromEGLSyncKHR
cl_context context
CLeglSyncKHR sync
CLeglDisplayKHR display
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_mem clCreateFromEGLImageKHR
cl_context context
CLeglDisplayKHR egldisplay
CLeglImageKHR eglimage
cl_mem_flags flags
const cl_egl_image_properties_khr* properties
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clEnqueueAcquireEGLObjectsKHR
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueReleaseEGLObjectsKHR
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
void clLogMessagesToSystemLogAPPLE
const char* errstr
const void* private_info
size_t cb
void* user_data
void clLogMessagesToStdoutAPPLE
const char* errstr
const void* private_info
size_t cb
void* user_data
void clLogMessagesToStderrAPPLE
const char* errstr
const void* private_info
size_t cb
void* user_data
cl_int clIcdGetPlatformIDsKHR
cl_uint num_entries
cl_platform_id* platforms
cl_uint* num_platforms
cl_program clCreateProgramWithILKHR
cl_context context
const void* il
size_t length
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clTerminateContextKHR
cl_context context
cl_command_queue clCreateCommandQueueWithPropertiesKHR
cl_context context
cl_device_id device
const cl_queue_properties_khr* properties
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clReleaseDeviceEXT
cl_device_id device
cl_int clRetainDeviceEXT
cl_device_id device
cl_int clCreateSubDevicesEXT
cl_device_id in_device
const cl_device_partition_property_ext* properties
cl_uint num_entries
cl_device_id* out_devices
cl_uint* num_devices
cl_int clEnqueueMigrateMemObjectEXT
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_mem_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_mem_migration_flags_ext flags
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clGetDeviceImageInfoQCOM
cl_device_id device
size_t image_width
size_t image_height
const cl_image_format* image_format
cl_image_pitch_info_qcom param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clEnqueueAcquireGrallocObjectsIMG
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueGenerateMipmapIMG
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem src_image
cl_mem dst_image
cl_mipmap_filter_mode_img mipmap_filter_mode
const size_t* array_region
const size_t* mip_region
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueReleaseGrallocObjectsIMG
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clGetKernelSubGroupInfoKHR
cl_kernel in_kernel
cl_device_id in_device
cl_kernel_sub_group_info param_name
size_t input_value_size
const void* input_value
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_mem clImportMemoryARM
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
const cl_import_properties_arm* properties
void* memory
size_t size
cl_int* errcode_ret
void* clSVMAllocARM
cl_context context
cl_svm_mem_flags_arm flags
size_t size
cl_uint alignment
void clSVMFreeARM
cl_context context
void* svm_pointer
cl_int clEnqueueSVMFreeARM
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_svm_pointers
void* svm_pointers[]
void (CL_CALLBACK* pfn_free_func)(cl_command_queue queue, cl_uint num_svm_pointers, void * svm_pointers[], void *user_data)
void* user_data
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueSVMMemcpyARM
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_bool blocking_copy
void* dst_ptr
const void* src_ptr
size_t size
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueSVMMemFillARM
cl_command_queue command_queue
void* svm_ptr
const void* pattern
size_t pattern_size
size_t size
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueSVMMapARM
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_bool blocking_map
cl_map_flags flags
void* svm_ptr
size_t size
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueSVMUnmapARM
cl_command_queue command_queue
void* svm_ptr
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clSetKernelArgSVMPointerARM
cl_kernel kernel
cl_uint arg_index
const void* arg_value
cl_int clSetKernelExecInfoARM
cl_kernel kernel
cl_kernel_exec_info_arm param_name
size_t param_value_size
const void* param_value
cl_accelerator_intel clCreateAcceleratorINTEL
cl_context context
cl_accelerator_type_intel accelerator_type
size_t descriptor_size
const void* descriptor
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clGetAcceleratorInfoINTEL
cl_accelerator_intel accelerator
cl_accelerator_info_intel param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clRetainAcceleratorINTEL
cl_accelerator_intel accelerator
cl_int clReleaseAcceleratorINTEL
cl_accelerator_intel accelerator
cl_event clCreateEventFromGLsyncKHR
cl_context context
cl_GLsync sync
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clGetGLContextInfoKHR
const cl_context_properties* properties
cl_gl_context_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_mem clCreateFromGLBuffer
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
cl_GLuint bufobj
int* errcode_ret
cl_mem clCreateFromGLTexture
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
cl_GLenum target
cl_GLint miplevel
cl_GLuint texture
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_mem clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
cl_GLuint renderbuffer
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clGetGLObjectInfo
cl_mem memobj
cl_gl_object_type* gl_object_type
cl_GLuint* gl_object_name
cl_int clGetGLTextureInfo
cl_mem memobj
cl_gl_texture_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_mem clCreateFromGLTexture2D
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
cl_GLenum target
cl_GLint miplevel
cl_GLuint texture
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_mem clCreateFromGLTexture3D
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
cl_GLenum target
cl_GLint miplevel
cl_GLuint texture
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clGetDeviceIDsFromVA_APIMediaAdapterINTEL
cl_platform_id platform
cl_va_api_device_source_intel media_adapter_type
void* media_adapter
cl_va_api_device_set_intel media_adapter_set
cl_uint num_entries
cl_device_id* devices
cl_uint* num_devices
cl_mem clCreateFromVA_APIMediaSurfaceINTEL
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
VASurfaceID* surface
cl_uint plane
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clEnqueueAcquireVA_APIMediaSurfacesINTEL
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueReleaseVA_APIMediaSurfacesINTEL
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
void* clHostMemAllocINTEL
cl_context context
const cl_mem_properties_intel* properties
size_t size
cl_uint alignment
cl_int* errcode_ret
void* clDeviceMemAllocINTEL
cl_context context
cl_device_id device
const cl_mem_properties_intel* properties
size_t size
cl_uint alignment
cl_int* errcode_ret
void* clSharedMemAllocINTEL
cl_context context
cl_device_id device
const cl_mem_properties_intel* properties
size_t size
cl_uint alignment
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clMemFreeINTEL
cl_context context
void* ptr
cl_int clGetMemAllocInfoINTEL
cl_context context
const void* ptr
cl_mem_info_intel param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL
cl_kernel kernel
cl_uint arg_index
const void* arg_value
cl_int clEnqueueMemsetINTEL
cl_command_queue command_queue
void* dst_ptr
cl_int value
size_t size
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueMemFillINTEL
cl_command_queue command_queue
void* dst_ptr
const void* pattern
size_t pattern_size
size_t size
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueMemcpyINTEL
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_bool blocking
void* dst_ptr
const void* src_ptr
size_t size
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueMigrateMemINTEL
cl_command_queue command_queue
const void* ptr
size_t size
cl_mem_migration_flags flags
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueMemAdviseINTEL
cl_command_queue command_queue
const void* ptr
size_t size
cl_mem_advice_intel advice
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_mem clCreateBufferWithPropertiesINTEL
cl_context context
const cl_mem_properties_intel* properties
cl_mem_flags flags
size_t size
void* host_ptr
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clGetPlatformIDs
cl_uint num_entries
cl_platform_id* platforms
cl_uint* num_platforms
cl_int clGetPlatformInfo
cl_platform_id platform
cl_platform_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clGetDeviceIDs
cl_platform_id platform
cl_device_type device_type
cl_uint num_entries
cl_device_id* devices
cl_uint* num_devices
cl_int clGetDeviceInfo
cl_device_id device
cl_device_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clCreateSubDevices
cl_device_id in_device
const cl_device_partition_property* properties
cl_uint num_devices
cl_device_id* out_devices
cl_uint* num_devices_ret
cl_int clRetainDevice
cl_device_id device
cl_int clReleaseDevice
cl_device_id device
cl_int clSetDefaultDeviceCommandQueue
cl_context context
cl_device_id device
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_int clGetDeviceAndHostTimer
cl_device_id device
cl_ulong* device_timestamp
cl_ulong* host_timestamp
cl_int clGetHostTimer
cl_device_id device
cl_ulong* host_timestamp
cl_context clCreateContext
const cl_context_properties* properties
cl_uint num_devices
const cl_device_id* devices
void (CL_CALLBACK* pfn_notify)(const char* errinfo, const void* private_info, size_t cb, void* user_data)
void* user_data
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_context clCreateContextFromType
const cl_context_properties* properties
cl_device_type device_type
void (CL_CALLBACK* pfn_notify)(const char* errinfo, const void* private_info, size_t cb, void* user_data)
void* user_data
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clRetainContext
cl_context context
cl_int clReleaseContext
cl_context context
cl_int clGetContextInfo
cl_context context
cl_context_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clSetContextDestructorCallback
cl_context context
void (CL_CALLBACK* pfn_notify)(cl_context context, void* user_data)
void* user_data
cl_command_queue clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties
cl_context context
cl_device_id device
const cl_queue_properties* properties
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clRetainCommandQueue
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_int clReleaseCommandQueue
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_int clGetCommandQueueInfo
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_command_queue_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_mem clCreateBuffer
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
size_t size
void* host_ptr
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_mem clCreateBufferWithProperties
cl_context context
const cl_mem_properties* properties
cl_mem_flags flags
size_t size
void* host_ptr
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_mem clCreateSubBuffer
cl_mem buffer
cl_mem_flags flags
cl_buffer_create_type buffer_create_type
const void* buffer_create_info
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_mem clCreateImage
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
const cl_image_format* image_format
const cl_image_desc* image_desc
void* host_ptr
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_mem clCreateImageWithProperties
cl_context context
const cl_mem_properties* properties
cl_mem_flags flags
const cl_image_format* image_format
const cl_image_desc* image_desc
void* host_ptr
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_mem clCreatePipe
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
cl_uint pipe_packet_size
cl_uint pipe_max_packets
const cl_pipe_properties* properties
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clRetainMemObject
cl_mem memobj
cl_int clReleaseMemObject
cl_mem memobj
cl_int clGetSupportedImageFormats
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
cl_mem_object_type image_type
cl_uint num_entries
cl_image_format* image_formats
cl_uint* num_image_formats
cl_int clGetMemObjectInfo
cl_mem memobj
cl_mem_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clGetImageInfo
cl_mem image
cl_image_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clGetPipeInfo
cl_mem pipe
cl_pipe_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback
cl_mem memobj
void (CL_CALLBACK* pfn_notify)(cl_mem memobj, void* user_data)
void* user_data
cl_int clSetMemObjectDestructorAPPLE
cl_mem memobj
void (CL_CALLBACK* pfn_notify)(cl_mem memobj, void* user_data)
void* user_data
void* clSVMAlloc
cl_context context
cl_svm_mem_flags flags
size_t size
cl_uint alignment
void clSVMFree
cl_context context
void* svm_pointer
cl_sampler clCreateSamplerWithProperties
cl_context context
const cl_sampler_properties* sampler_properties
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clRetainSampler
cl_sampler sampler
cl_int clReleaseSampler
cl_sampler sampler
cl_int clGetSamplerInfo
cl_sampler sampler
cl_sampler_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_program clCreateProgramWithSource
cl_context context
cl_uint count
const char** strings
const size_t* lengths
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_program clCreateProgramWithBinary
cl_context context
cl_uint num_devices
const cl_device_id* device_list
const size_t* lengths
const unsigned char** binaries
cl_int* binary_status
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_program clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels
cl_context context
cl_uint num_devices
const cl_device_id* device_list
const char* kernel_names
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_program clCreateProgramWithIL
cl_context context
const void* il
size_t length
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clRetainProgram
cl_program program
cl_int clReleaseProgram
cl_program program
cl_int clBuildProgram
cl_program program
cl_uint num_devices
const cl_device_id* device_list
const char* options
void (CL_CALLBACK* pfn_notify)(cl_program program, void* user_data)
void* user_data
cl_int clCompileProgram
cl_program program
cl_uint num_devices
const cl_device_id* device_list
const char* options
cl_uint num_input_headers
const cl_program* input_headers
const char** header_include_names
void (CL_CALLBACK* pfn_notify)(cl_program program, void* user_data)
void* user_data
cl_program clLinkProgram
cl_context context
cl_uint num_devices
const cl_device_id* device_list
const char* options
cl_uint num_input_programs
const cl_program* input_programs
void (CL_CALLBACK* pfn_notify)(cl_program program, void* user_data)
void* user_data
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clSetProgramReleaseCallback
cl_program program
void (CL_CALLBACK* pfn_notify)(cl_program program, void* user_data)
void* user_data
cl_int clSetProgramSpecializationConstant
cl_program program
cl_uint spec_id
size_t spec_size
const void* spec_value
cl_int clUnloadPlatformCompiler
cl_platform_id platform
cl_int clGetProgramInfo
cl_program program
cl_program_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clGetProgramBuildInfo
cl_program program
cl_device_id device
cl_program_build_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_kernel clCreateKernel
cl_program program
const char* kernel_name
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clCreateKernelsInProgram
cl_program program
cl_uint num_kernels
cl_kernel* kernels
cl_uint* num_kernels_ret
cl_kernel clCloneKernel
cl_kernel source_kernel
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clRetainKernel
cl_kernel kernel
cl_int clReleaseKernel
cl_kernel kernel
cl_int clSetKernelArg
cl_kernel kernel
cl_uint arg_index
size_t arg_size
const void* arg_value
cl_int clSetKernelArgSVMPointer
cl_kernel kernel
cl_uint arg_index
const void* arg_value
cl_int clSetKernelExecInfo
cl_kernel kernel
cl_kernel_exec_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
const void* param_value
cl_int clGetKernelInfo
cl_kernel kernel
cl_kernel_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clGetKernelArgInfo
cl_kernel kernel
cl_uint arg_index
cl_kernel_arg_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo
cl_kernel kernel
cl_device_id device
cl_kernel_work_group_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clGetKernelSubGroupInfo
cl_kernel kernel
cl_device_id device
cl_kernel_sub_group_info param_name
size_t input_value_size
const void* input_value
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clWaitForEvents
cl_uint num_events
const cl_event* event_list
cl_int clGetEventInfo
cl_event event
cl_event_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_event clCreateUserEvent
cl_context context
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clRetainEvent
cl_event event
cl_int clReleaseEvent
cl_event event
cl_int clSetUserEventStatus
cl_event event
cl_int execution_status
cl_int clSetEventCallback
cl_event event
cl_int command_exec_callback_type
void (CL_CALLBACK* pfn_notify)(cl_event event, cl_int event_command_status, void *user_data)
void* user_data
cl_int clGetEventProfilingInfo
cl_event event
cl_profiling_info param_name
size_t param_value_size
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clFlush
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_int clFinish
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_int clEnqueueReadBuffer
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem buffer
cl_bool blocking_read
size_t offset
size_t size
void* ptr
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueReadBufferRect
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem buffer
cl_bool blocking_read
const size_t* buffer_origin
const size_t* host_origin
const size_t* region
size_t buffer_row_pitch
size_t buffer_slice_pitch
size_t host_row_pitch
size_t host_slice_pitch
void* ptr
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueWriteBuffer
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem buffer
cl_bool blocking_write
size_t offset
size_t size
const void* ptr
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueWriteBufferRect
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem buffer
cl_bool blocking_write
const size_t* buffer_origin
const size_t* host_origin
const size_t* region
size_t buffer_row_pitch
size_t buffer_slice_pitch
size_t host_row_pitch
size_t host_slice_pitch
const void* ptr
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueFillBuffer
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem buffer
const void* pattern
size_t pattern_size
size_t offset
size_t size
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueCopyBuffer
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem src_buffer
cl_mem dst_buffer
size_t src_offset
size_t dst_offset
size_t size
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueCopyBufferRect
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem src_buffer
cl_mem dst_buffer
const size_t* src_origin
const size_t* dst_origin
const size_t* region
size_t src_row_pitch
size_t src_slice_pitch
size_t dst_row_pitch
size_t dst_slice_pitch
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueReadImage
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem image
cl_bool blocking_read
const size_t* origin
const size_t* region
size_t row_pitch
size_t slice_pitch
void* ptr
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueWriteImage
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem image
cl_bool blocking_write
const size_t* origin
const size_t* region
size_t input_row_pitch
size_t input_slice_pitch
const void* ptr
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueFillImage
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem image
const void* fill_color
const size_t* origin
const size_t* region
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueCopyImage
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem src_image
cl_mem dst_image
const size_t* src_origin
const size_t* dst_origin
const size_t* region
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem src_image
cl_mem dst_buffer
const size_t* src_origin
const size_t* region
size_t dst_offset
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem src_buffer
cl_mem dst_image
size_t src_offset
const size_t* dst_origin
const size_t* region
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
void* clEnqueueMapBuffer
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem buffer
cl_bool blocking_map
cl_map_flags map_flags
size_t offset
size_t size
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int* errcode_ret
void* clEnqueueMapImage
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem image
cl_bool blocking_map
cl_map_flags map_flags
const size_t* origin
const size_t* region
size_t* image_row_pitch
size_t* image_slice_pitch
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clEnqueueUnmapMemObject
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_mem memobj
void* mapped_ptr
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_mem_objects
const cl_mem* mem_objects
cl_mem_migration_flags flags
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_kernel kernel
cl_uint work_dim
const size_t* global_work_offset
const size_t* global_work_size
const size_t* local_work_size
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueNativeKernel
cl_command_queue command_queue
void (CL_CALLBACK* user_func)(void*)
void* args
size_t cb_args
cl_uint num_mem_objects
const cl_mem* mem_list
const void** args_mem_loc
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueSVMFree
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_svm_pointers
void* svm_pointers[]
void (CL_CALLBACK* pfn_free_func)(cl_command_queue queue, cl_uint num_svm_pointers, void* svm_pointers[], void* user_data)
void* user_data
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueSVMMemcpy
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_bool blocking_copy
void* dst_ptr
const void* src_ptr
size_t size
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueSVMMemFill
cl_command_queue command_queue
void* svm_ptr
const void* pattern
size_t pattern_size
size_t size
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueSVMMap
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_bool blocking_map
cl_map_flags flags
void* svm_ptr
size_t size
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueSVMUnmap
cl_command_queue command_queue
void* svm_ptr
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueSVMMigrateMem
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_svm_pointers
const void** svm_pointers
const size_t* sizes
cl_mem_migration_flags flags
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
void* clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform
cl_platform_id platform
const char* func_name
cl_int clSetCommandQueueProperty
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_command_queue_properties properties
cl_bool enable
cl_command_queue_properties* old_properties
cl_mem clCreateImage2D
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
const cl_image_format* image_format
size_t image_width
size_t image_height
size_t image_row_pitch
void* host_ptr
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_mem clCreateImage3D
cl_context context
cl_mem_flags flags
const cl_image_format* image_format
size_t image_width
size_t image_height
size_t image_depth
size_t image_row_pitch
size_t image_slice_pitch
void* host_ptr
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clEnqueueMarker
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_event* event
cl_int clEnqueueWaitForEvents
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_uint num_events
const cl_event* event_list
cl_int clEnqueueBarrier
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_int clUnloadCompiler
void* clGetExtensionFunctionAddress
const char* func_name
cl_command_queue clCreateCommandQueue
cl_context context
cl_device_id device
cl_command_queue_properties properties
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_sampler clCreateSampler
cl_context context
cl_bool normalized_coords
cl_addressing_mode addressing_mode
cl_filter_mode filter_mode
cl_int* errcode_ret
cl_int clEnqueueTask
cl_command_queue command_queue
cl_kernel kernel
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list
const cl_event* event_wait_list
cl_event* event
cl_int clGetLayerInfo
size_t param_value_size
cl_layer_info param_name
void* param_value
size_t* param_value_size_ret
cl_int clInitLayer
cl_uint num_entries
const cl_icd_dispatch* target_dispatch
cl_uint* num_entries_ret
const cl_icd_dispatch** layer_dispatch
* This API introduces mutable state into the OpenCL implementation. It has been REMOVED
* to better facilitate thread safety. The 1.0 API is not thread safe. It is not tested by the
* OpenCL 1.1 conformance test, and consequently may not work or may not work dependably.
* It is likely to be non-performant. Use of this API is not advised. Use at your own risk.
* Software developers previously relying on this API are instructed to set the command queue
* properties when creating the queue, instead.
Allows for direct memory import into OpenCL via the clImportMemoryARM function.
Memory imported through this interface will be mapped into the device's page
tables directly, providing zero copy access. It will never fall back to copy
operations and aliased buffers.
Types of memory supported for import are specified as additional extension
This extension produces cl_mem allocations which are compatible with all other
users of cl_mem in the standard API.
This extension maps pages with the same properties as the normal buffer creation
function clCreateBuffer.