// // Copyright 2002 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // #include "compiler/translator/OutputGLSLBase.h" #include "angle_gl.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "common/mathutil.h" #include "compiler/translator/Compiler.h" #include "compiler/translator/util.h" #include namespace sh { namespace { bool isSingleStatement(TIntermNode *node) { if (node->getAsFunctionDefinition()) { return false; } else if (node->getAsBlock()) { return false; } else if (node->getAsIfElseNode()) { return false; } else if (node->getAsLoopNode()) { return false; } else if (node->getAsSwitchNode()) { return false; } else if (node->getAsCaseNode()) { return false; } else if (node->getAsPreprocessorDirective()) { return false; } return true; } class CommaSeparatedListItemPrefixGenerator { public: CommaSeparatedListItemPrefixGenerator() : mFirst(true) {} private: bool mFirst; template friend Stream &operator<<(Stream &out, CommaSeparatedListItemPrefixGenerator &gen); }; template Stream &operator<<(Stream &out, CommaSeparatedListItemPrefixGenerator &gen) { if (gen.mFirst) { gen.mFirst = false; } else { out << ", "; } return out; } } // namespace TOutputGLSLBase::TOutputGLSLBase(TInfoSinkBase &objSink, ShHashFunction64 hashFunction, NameMap &nameMap, TSymbolTable *symbolTable, sh::GLenum shaderType, int shaderVersion, ShShaderOutput output, ShCompileOptions compileOptions) : TIntermTraverser(true, true, true, symbolTable), mObjSink(objSink), mDeclaringVariable(false), mHashFunction(hashFunction), mNameMap(nameMap), mShaderType(shaderType), mShaderVersion(shaderVersion), mOutput(output), mCompileOptions(compileOptions) {} void TOutputGLSLBase::writeInvariantQualifier(const TType &type) { if (!sh::RemoveInvariant(mShaderType, mShaderVersion, mOutput, mCompileOptions)) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << "invariant "; } } void TOutputGLSLBase::writePreciseQualifier(const TType &type) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << "precise "; } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeFloat(TInfoSinkBase &out, float f) { if ((gl::isInf(f) || gl::isNaN(f)) && mShaderVersion >= 300) { out << "uintBitsToFloat(" << gl::bitCast(f) << "u)"; } else { out << std::min(FLT_MAX, std::max(-FLT_MAX, f)); } } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeTriplet(Visit visit, const char *preStr, const char *inStr, const char *postStr) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); if (visit == PreVisit && preStr) out << preStr; else if (visit == InVisit && inStr) out << inStr; else if (visit == PostVisit && postStr) out << postStr; } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeFunctionTriplet(Visit visit, const ImmutableString &functionName, bool useEmulatedFunction) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); if (visit == PreVisit) { if (useEmulatedFunction) { BuiltInFunctionEmulator::WriteEmulatedFunctionName(out, functionName.data()); } else { out << functionName; } out << "("; } else { writeTriplet(visit, nullptr, ", ", ")"); } } // Outputs what goes inside layout(), except for location and binding qualifiers, as they are // handled differently between GL GLSL and Vulkan GLSL. std::string TOutputGLSLBase::getCommonLayoutQualifiers(TIntermSymbol *variable) { std::ostringstream out; CommaSeparatedListItemPrefixGenerator listItemPrefix; const TType &type = variable->getType(); const TLayoutQualifier &layoutQualifier = type.getLayoutQualifier(); if (type.getQualifier() == EvqFragmentOut || type.getQualifier() == EvqVertexIn || IsVarying(type.getQualifier())) { if (type.getQualifier() == EvqFragmentOut && layoutQualifier.index >= 0) { out << listItemPrefix << "index = " << layoutQualifier.index; } } if (type.getQualifier() == EvqFragmentOut) { if (layoutQualifier.yuv == true) { out << listItemPrefix << "yuv"; } } if (IsImage(type.getBasicType())) { if (layoutQualifier.imageInternalFormat != EiifUnspecified) { ASSERT(type.getQualifier() == EvqTemporary || type.getQualifier() == EvqUniform); out << listItemPrefix << getImageInternalFormatString(layoutQualifier.imageInternalFormat); } } if (IsAtomicCounter(type.getBasicType())) { out << listItemPrefix << "offset = " << layoutQualifier.offset; } return out.str(); } // Outputs memory qualifiers applied to images, buffers and its fields, as well as image function // arguments. std::string TOutputGLSLBase::getMemoryQualifiers(const TType &type) { std::ostringstream out; const TMemoryQualifier &memoryQualifier = type.getMemoryQualifier(); if (memoryQualifier.readonly) { out << "readonly "; } if (memoryQualifier.writeonly) { out << "writeonly "; } if (memoryQualifier.coherent) { out << "coherent "; } if (memoryQualifier.restrictQualifier) { out << "restrict "; } if (memoryQualifier.volatileQualifier) { out << "volatile "; } return out.str(); } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeLayoutQualifier(TIntermSymbol *variable) { const TType &type = variable->getType(); if (!NeedsToWriteLayoutQualifier(type)) { return; } if (type.getBasicType() == EbtInterfaceBlock) { declareInterfaceBlockLayout(type); return; } TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); const TLayoutQualifier &layoutQualifier = type.getLayoutQualifier(); out << "layout("; CommaSeparatedListItemPrefixGenerator listItemPrefix; if (type.getQualifier() == EvqFragmentOut || type.getQualifier() == EvqVertexIn || IsVarying(type.getQualifier())) { if (layoutQualifier.location >= 0) { out << listItemPrefix << "location = " << layoutQualifier.location; } } if (IsOpaqueType(type.getBasicType())) { if (layoutQualifier.binding >= 0) { out << listItemPrefix << "binding = " << layoutQualifier.binding; } } std::string otherQualifiers = getCommonLayoutQualifiers(variable); if (!otherQualifiers.empty()) { out << listItemPrefix << otherQualifiers; } out << ") "; } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeFieldLayoutQualifier(const TField *field) { if (!field->type()->isMatrix() && !field->type()->isStructureContainingMatrices()) { return; } TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << "layout("; switch (field->type()->getLayoutQualifier().matrixPacking) { case EmpUnspecified: case EmpColumnMajor: // Default matrix packing is column major. out << "column_major"; break; case EmpRowMajor: out << "row_major"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } out << ") "; } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeQualifier(TQualifier qualifier, const TType &type, const TSymbol *symbol) { const char *result = mapQualifierToString(qualifier); if (result && result[0] != '\0') { objSink() << result << " "; } objSink() << getMemoryQualifiers(type); } const char *TOutputGLSLBase::mapQualifierToString(TQualifier qualifier) { if (sh::IsGLSL410OrOlder(mOutput) && mShaderVersion >= 300 && (mCompileOptions & SH_REMOVE_INVARIANT_AND_CENTROID_FOR_ESSL3) != 0) { switch (qualifier) { // The return string is consistent with sh::getQualifierString() from // BaseTypes.h minus the "centroid" keyword. case EvqCentroid: return ""; case EvqCentroidIn: return "smooth in"; case EvqCentroidOut: return "smooth out"; default: break; } } if (sh::IsGLSL130OrNewer(mOutput)) { switch (qualifier) { case EvqAttribute: return "in"; case EvqVaryingIn: return "in"; case EvqVaryingOut: return "out"; default: break; } } return sh::getQualifierString(qualifier); } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeVariableType(const TType &type, const TSymbol *symbol, bool isFunctionArgument) { TQualifier qualifier = type.getQualifier(); TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); if (type.isInvariant()) { writeInvariantQualifier(type); } if (type.isPrecise()) { writePreciseQualifier(type); } if (qualifier != EvqTemporary && qualifier != EvqGlobal) { writeQualifier(qualifier, type, symbol); } if (isFunctionArgument) { // Function arguments are the only place (other than image/SSBO/field declaration) where // memory qualifiers can appear. out << getMemoryQualifiers(type); } // Declare the struct. if (type.isStructSpecifier()) { const TStructure *structure = type.getStruct(); declareStruct(structure); } else if (type.getBasicType() == EbtInterfaceBlock) { declareInterfaceBlock(type); } else { if (writeVariablePrecision(type.getPrecision())) out << " "; out << getTypeName(type); } } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeFunctionParameters(const TFunction *func) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); size_t paramCount = func->getParamCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < paramCount; ++i) { const TVariable *param = func->getParam(i); const TType &type = param->getType(); writeVariableType(type, param, true); if (param->symbolType() != SymbolType::Empty) out << " " << hashName(param); if (type.isArray()) out << ArrayString(type); // Put a comma if this is not the last argument. if (i != paramCount - 1) out << ", "; } } const TConstantUnion *TOutputGLSLBase::writeConstantUnion(const TType &type, const TConstantUnion *pConstUnion) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct) { const TStructure *structure = type.getStruct(); out << hashName(structure) << "("; const TFieldList &fields = structure->fields(); for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) { const TType *fieldType = fields[i]->type(); ASSERT(fieldType != nullptr); pConstUnion = writeConstantUnion(*fieldType, pConstUnion); if (i != fields.size() - 1) out << ", "; } out << ")"; } else { size_t size = type.getObjectSize(); bool writeType = size > 1; if (writeType) out << getTypeName(type) << "("; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i, ++pConstUnion) { switch (pConstUnion->getType()) { case EbtFloat: writeFloat(out, pConstUnion->getFConst()); break; case EbtInt: out << pConstUnion->getIConst(); break; case EbtUInt: out << pConstUnion->getUConst() << "u"; break; case EbtBool: out << pConstUnion->getBConst(); break; case EbtYuvCscStandardEXT: out << getYuvCscStandardEXTString(pConstUnion->getYuvCscStandardEXTConst()); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } if (i != size - 1) out << ", "; } if (writeType) out << ")"; } return pConstUnion; } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeConstructorTriplet(Visit visit, const TType &type) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); if (visit == PreVisit) { if (type.isArray()) { out << getTypeName(type); out << ArrayString(type); out << "("; } else { out << getTypeName(type) << "("; } } else { writeTriplet(visit, nullptr, ", ", ")"); } } void TOutputGLSLBase::visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << hashName(&node->variable()); if (mDeclaringVariable && node->getType().isArray()) out << ArrayString(node->getType()); } void TOutputGLSLBase::visitConstantUnion(TIntermConstantUnion *node) { writeConstantUnion(node->getType(), node->getConstantValue()); } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitSwizzle(Visit visit, TIntermSwizzle *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); if (visit == PostVisit) { out << "."; node->writeOffsetsAsXYZW(&out); } return true; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitBinary(Visit visit, TIntermBinary *node) { bool visitChildren = true; TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); switch (node->getOp()) { case EOpComma: writeTriplet(visit, "(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpInitialize: if (visit == InVisit) { out << " = "; // RHS of initialize is not being declared. mDeclaringVariable = false; } break; case EOpAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " = ", ")"); break; case EOpAddAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " += ", ")"); break; case EOpSubAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " -= ", ")"); break; case EOpDivAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " /= ", ")"); break; case EOpIModAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " %= ", ")"); break; // Notice the fall-through. case EOpMulAssign: case EOpVectorTimesMatrixAssign: case EOpVectorTimesScalarAssign: case EOpMatrixTimesScalarAssign: case EOpMatrixTimesMatrixAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " *= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitShiftLeftAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " <<= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitShiftRightAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " >>= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseAndAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " &= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseXorAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " ^= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseOrAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " |= ", ")"); break; case EOpIndexDirect: case EOpIndexIndirect: writeTriplet(visit, nullptr, "[", "]"); break; case EOpIndexDirectStruct: if (visit == InVisit) { // Here we are writing out "foo.bar", where "foo" is struct // and "bar" is field. In AST, it is represented as a binary // node, where left child represents "foo" and right child "bar". // The node itself represents ".". The struct field "bar" is // actually stored as an index into TStructure::fields. out << "."; const TStructure *structure = node->getLeft()->getType().getStruct(); const TIntermConstantUnion *index = node->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion(); const TField *field = structure->fields()[index->getIConst(0)]; out << hashFieldName(field); visitChildren = false; } break; case EOpIndexDirectInterfaceBlock: if (visit == InVisit) { out << "."; const TInterfaceBlock *interfaceBlock = node->getLeft()->getType().getInterfaceBlock(); const TIntermConstantUnion *index = node->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion(); const TField *field = interfaceBlock->fields()[index->getIConst(0)]; out << hashFieldName(field); visitChildren = false; } break; case EOpAdd: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " + ", ")"); break; case EOpSub: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " - ", ")"); break; case EOpMul: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " * ", ")"); break; case EOpDiv: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " / ", ")"); break; case EOpIMod: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " % ", ")"); break; case EOpBitShiftLeft: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " << ", ")"); break; case EOpBitShiftRight: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " >> ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseAnd: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " & ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseXor: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " ^ ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseOr: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " | ", ")"); break; case EOpEqual: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " == ", ")"); break; case EOpNotEqual: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " != ", ")"); break; case EOpLessThan: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " < ", ")"); break; case EOpGreaterThan: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " > ", ")"); break; case EOpLessThanEqual: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " <= ", ")"); break; case EOpGreaterThanEqual: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " >= ", ")"); break; // Notice the fall-through. case EOpVectorTimesScalar: case EOpVectorTimesMatrix: case EOpMatrixTimesVector: case EOpMatrixTimesScalar: case EOpMatrixTimesMatrix: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " * ", ")"); break; case EOpLogicalOr: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " || ", ")"); break; case EOpLogicalXor: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " ^^ ", ")"); break; case EOpLogicalAnd: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " && ", ")"); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return visitChildren; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitUnary(Visit visit, TIntermUnary *node) { const char *preString = ""; const char *postString = ")"; switch (node->getOp()) { case EOpNegative: preString = "(-"; break; case EOpPositive: preString = "(+"; break; case EOpLogicalNot: preString = "(!"; break; case EOpBitwiseNot: preString = "(~"; break; case EOpPostIncrement: preString = "("; postString = "++)"; break; case EOpPostDecrement: preString = "("; postString = "--)"; break; case EOpPreIncrement: preString = "(++"; break; case EOpPreDecrement: preString = "(--"; break; case EOpArrayLength: preString = "(("; postString = ").length())"; break; default: writeFunctionTriplet(visit, node->getFunction()->name(), node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); return true; } writeTriplet(visit, preString, nullptr, postString); return true; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitTernary(Visit visit, TIntermTernary *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); // Notice two brackets at the beginning and end. The outer ones // encapsulate the whole ternary expression. This preserves the // order of precedence when ternary expressions are used in a // compound expression, i.e., c = 2 * (a < b ? 1 : 2). out << "(("; node->getCondition()->traverse(this); out << ") ? ("; node->getTrueExpression()->traverse(this); out << ") : ("; node->getFalseExpression()->traverse(this); out << "))"; return false; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitIfElse(Visit visit, TIntermIfElse *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << "if ("; node->getCondition()->traverse(this); out << ")\n"; visitCodeBlock(node->getTrueBlock()); if (node->getFalseBlock()) { out << "else\n"; visitCodeBlock(node->getFalseBlock()); } return false; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitSwitch(Visit visit, TIntermSwitch *node) { ASSERT(node->getStatementList()); writeTriplet(visit, "switch (", ") ", nullptr); // The curly braces get written when visiting the statementList aggregate return true; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitCase(Visit visit, TIntermCase *node) { if (node->hasCondition()) { writeTriplet(visit, "case (", nullptr, "):\n"); return true; } else { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << "default:\n"; return false; } } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitBlock(Visit visit, TIntermBlock *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); // Scope the blocks except when at the global scope. if (getCurrentTraversalDepth() > 0) { out << "{\n"; } for (TIntermSequence::const_iterator iter = node->getSequence()->begin(); iter != node->getSequence()->end(); ++iter) { TIntermNode *curNode = *iter; ASSERT(curNode != nullptr); curNode->traverse(this); if (isSingleStatement(curNode)) out << ";\n"; } // Scope the blocks except when at the global scope. if (getCurrentTraversalDepth() > 0) { out << "}\n"; } return false; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitFunctionDefinition(Visit visit, TIntermFunctionDefinition *node) { TIntermFunctionPrototype *prototype = node->getFunctionPrototype(); prototype->traverse(this); visitCodeBlock(node->getBody()); // Fully processed; no need to visit children. return false; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitGlobalQualifierDeclaration(Visit visit, TIntermGlobalQualifierDeclaration *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); ASSERT(visit == PreVisit); const TIntermSymbol *symbol = node->getSymbol(); out << (node->isPrecise() ? "precise " : "invariant ") << hashName(&symbol->variable()); return false; } void TOutputGLSLBase::visitFunctionPrototype(TIntermFunctionPrototype *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); const TType &type = node->getType(); writeVariableType(type, node->getFunction(), false); if (type.isArray()) out << ArrayString(type); out << " " << hashFunctionNameIfNeeded(node->getFunction()); out << "("; writeFunctionParameters(node->getFunction()); out << ")"; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node) { bool visitChildren = true; if (node->getOp() == EOpConstruct) { writeConstructorTriplet(visit, node->getType()); } else { // Function call. ImmutableString functionName = node->getFunction()->name(); if (visit == PreVisit) { if (node->getOp() == EOpCallFunctionInAST || node->getOp() == EOpCallInternalRawFunction) { functionName = hashFunctionNameIfNeeded(node->getFunction()); } else { functionName = translateTextureFunction(node->getFunction()->name(), mCompileOptions); } } writeFunctionTriplet(visit, functionName, node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); } return visitChildren; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitDeclaration(Visit visit, TIntermDeclaration *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); // Variable declaration. if (visit == PreVisit) { const TIntermSequence &sequence = *(node->getSequence()); TIntermTyped *variable = sequence.front()->getAsTyped(); TIntermSymbol *symbolNode = variable->getAsSymbolNode(); if (symbolNode == nullptr) { ASSERT(variable->getAsBinaryNode() && variable->getAsBinaryNode()->getOp() == EOpInitialize); symbolNode = variable->getAsBinaryNode()->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode(); } ASSERT(symbolNode); if (symbolNode->getName() != "gl_ClipDistance" && symbolNode->getName() != "gl_CullDistance") { // gl_Clip/CullDistance re-declaration doesn't need layout. writeLayoutQualifier(symbolNode); } // Note: the TIntermDeclaration type is used for variable declaration instead of the // TIntermSymbol one. The TIntermDeclaration type includes precision promotions from the // right hand side that the symbol may be missing. This is an inconsistency in the tree // that is too ingrained. writeVariableType(variable->getType(), &symbolNode->variable(), false); if (symbolNode->variable().symbolType() != SymbolType::Empty) { out << " "; } mDeclaringVariable = true; } else if (visit == InVisit) { UNREACHABLE(); } else { mDeclaringVariable = false; } return true; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitLoop(Visit visit, TIntermLoop *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); TLoopType loopType = node->getType(); if (loopType == ELoopFor) // for loop { out << "for ("; if (node->getInit()) node->getInit()->traverse(this); out << "; "; if (node->getCondition()) node->getCondition()->traverse(this); out << "; "; if (node->getExpression()) node->getExpression()->traverse(this); out << ")\n"; visitCodeBlock(node->getBody()); } else if (loopType == ELoopWhile) // while loop { out << "while ("; ASSERT(node->getCondition() != nullptr); node->getCondition()->traverse(this); out << ")\n"; visitCodeBlock(node->getBody()); } else // do-while loop { ASSERT(loopType == ELoopDoWhile); out << "do\n"; visitCodeBlock(node->getBody()); out << "while ("; ASSERT(node->getCondition() != nullptr); node->getCondition()->traverse(this); out << ");\n"; } // No need to visit children. They have been already processed in // this function. return false; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitBranch(Visit visit, TIntermBranch *node) { switch (node->getFlowOp()) { case EOpKill: writeTriplet(visit, "discard", nullptr, nullptr); break; case EOpBreak: writeTriplet(visit, "break", nullptr, nullptr); break; case EOpContinue: writeTriplet(visit, "continue", nullptr, nullptr); break; case EOpReturn: writeTriplet(visit, "return ", nullptr, nullptr); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return true; } void TOutputGLSLBase::visitCodeBlock(TIntermBlock *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); if (node != nullptr) { node->traverse(this); // Single statements not part of a sequence need to be terminated // with semi-colon. if (isSingleStatement(node)) out << ";\n"; } else { out << "{\n}\n"; // Empty code block. } } void TOutputGLSLBase::visitPreprocessorDirective(TIntermPreprocessorDirective *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << "\n"; switch (node->getDirective()) { case PreprocessorDirective::Define: out << "#define"; break; case PreprocessorDirective::Endif: out << "#endif"; break; case PreprocessorDirective::If: out << "#if"; break; case PreprocessorDirective::Ifdef: out << "#ifdef"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } if (!node->getCommand().empty()) { out << " " << node->getCommand(); } out << "\n"; } ImmutableString TOutputGLSLBase::getTypeName(const TType &type) { if (type.getBasicType() == EbtSamplerVideoWEBGL) { // TODO(http://anglebug.com/3889): translate SamplerVideoWEBGL into different token // when necessary (e.g. on Android devices) return ImmutableString("sampler2D"); } return GetTypeName(type, mHashFunction, &mNameMap); } ImmutableString TOutputGLSLBase::hashName(const TSymbol *symbol) { return HashName(symbol, mHashFunction, &mNameMap); } ImmutableString TOutputGLSLBase::hashFieldName(const TField *field) { ASSERT(field->symbolType() != SymbolType::Empty); if (field->symbolType() == SymbolType::UserDefined) { return HashName(field->name(), mHashFunction, &mNameMap); } return field->name(); } ImmutableString TOutputGLSLBase::hashFunctionNameIfNeeded(const TFunction *func) { if (func->isMain()) { return func->name(); } else { return hashName(func); } } void TOutputGLSLBase::declareStruct(const TStructure *structure) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << "struct "; if (structure->symbolType() != SymbolType::Empty) { out << hashName(structure) << " "; } out << "{\n"; const TFieldList &fields = structure->fields(); for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) { const TField *field = fields[i]; if (writeVariablePrecision(field->type()->getPrecision())) out << " "; out << getTypeName(*field->type()) << " " << hashFieldName(field); if (field->type()->isArray()) out << ArrayString(*field->type()); out << ";\n"; } out << "}"; } void TOutputGLSLBase::declareInterfaceBlockLayout(const TType &type) { // 4.4.5 Uniform and Shader Storage Block Layout Qualifiers in GLSL 4.5 spec. // Layout qualifiers can be used for uniform and shader storage blocks, // but not for non-block uniform declarations. if (IsShaderIoBlock(type.getQualifier())) { return; } const TInterfaceBlock *interfaceBlock = type.getInterfaceBlock(); TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << "layout("; switch (interfaceBlock->blockStorage()) { case EbsUnspecified: case EbsShared: // Default block storage is shared. out << "shared"; break; case EbsPacked: out << "packed"; break; case EbsStd140: out << "std140"; break; case EbsStd430: out << "std430"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } if (interfaceBlock->blockBinding() >= 0) { out << ", "; out << "binding = " << interfaceBlock->blockBinding(); } out << ") "; } const char *getVariableInterpolation(TQualifier qualifier) { switch (qualifier) { case EvqSmoothOut: return "smooth out "; case EvqFlatOut: return "flat out "; case EvqNoPerspectiveOut: return "noperspective out "; case EvqCentroidOut: return "centroid out "; case EvqSmoothIn: return "smooth in "; case EvqFlatIn: return "flat in "; case EvqNoPerspectiveIn: return "noperspective in "; case EvqCentroidIn: return "centroid in "; default: break; } return nullptr; } void TOutputGLSLBase::declareInterfaceBlock(const TType &type) { const TInterfaceBlock *interfaceBlock = type.getInterfaceBlock(); TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << hashName(interfaceBlock) << "{\n"; const TFieldList &fields = interfaceBlock->fields(); for (const TField *field : fields) { if (!IsShaderIoBlock(type.getQualifier()) && type.getQualifier() != EvqPatchIn && type.getQualifier() != EvqPatchOut) { writeFieldLayoutQualifier(field); } const TType &fieldType = *field->type(); out << getMemoryQualifiers(fieldType); if (writeVariablePrecision(fieldType.getPrecision())) out << " "; if (fieldType.isInvariant()) { writeInvariantQualifier(fieldType); } const char *qualifier = getVariableInterpolation(fieldType.getQualifier()); if (qualifier != nullptr) out << qualifier; out << getTypeName(fieldType) << " " << hashFieldName(field); if (fieldType.isArray()) out << ArrayString(fieldType); out << ";\n"; } out << "}"; } void WritePragma(TInfoSinkBase &out, ShCompileOptions compileOptions, const TPragma &pragma) { if ((compileOptions & SH_FLATTEN_PRAGMA_STDGL_INVARIANT_ALL) == 0) { if (pragma.stdgl.invariantAll) out << "#pragma STDGL invariant(all)\n"; } } void WriteGeometryShaderLayoutQualifiers(TInfoSinkBase &out, sh::TLayoutPrimitiveType inputPrimitive, int invocations, sh::TLayoutPrimitiveType outputPrimitive, int maxVertices) { // Omit 'invocations = 1' if (inputPrimitive != EptUndefined || invocations > 1) { out << "layout ("; if (inputPrimitive != EptUndefined) { out << getGeometryShaderPrimitiveTypeString(inputPrimitive); } if (invocations > 1) { if (inputPrimitive != EptUndefined) { out << ", "; } out << "invocations = " << invocations; } out << ") in;\n"; } if (outputPrimitive != EptUndefined || maxVertices != -1) { out << "layout ("; if (outputPrimitive != EptUndefined) { out << getGeometryShaderPrimitiveTypeString(outputPrimitive); } if (maxVertices != -1) { if (outputPrimitive != EptUndefined) { out << ", "; } out << "max_vertices = " << maxVertices; } out << ") out;\n"; } } void WriteTessControlShaderLayoutQualifiers(TInfoSinkBase &out, int inputVertices) { if (inputVertices != 0) { out << "layout (vertices = " << inputVertices << ") out;\n"; } } void WriteTessEvaluationShaderLayoutQualifiers(TInfoSinkBase &out, sh::TLayoutTessEvaluationType inputPrimitive, sh::TLayoutTessEvaluationType inputVertexSpacing, sh::TLayoutTessEvaluationType inputOrdering, sh::TLayoutTessEvaluationType inputPoint) { if (inputPrimitive != EtetUndefined) { out << "layout ("; out << getTessEvaluationShaderTypeString(inputPrimitive); if (inputVertexSpacing != EtetUndefined) { out << ", " << getTessEvaluationShaderTypeString(inputVertexSpacing); } if (inputOrdering != EtetUndefined) { out << ", " << getTessEvaluationShaderTypeString(inputOrdering); } if (inputPoint != EtetUndefined) { out << ", " << getTessEvaluationShaderTypeString(inputPoint); } out << ") in;\n"; } } // If SH_SCALARIZE_VEC_AND_MAT_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS is enabled, layout qualifiers are spilled whenever // variables with specified layout qualifiers are copied. Additional checks are needed against the // type and storage qualifier of the variable to verify that layout qualifiers have to be outputted. // TODO (mradev): Fix layout qualifier spilling in ScalarizeVecAndMatConstructorArgs and remove // NeedsToWriteLayoutQualifier. bool NeedsToWriteLayoutQualifier(const TType &type) { if (type.getBasicType() == EbtInterfaceBlock) { return true; } const TLayoutQualifier &layoutQualifier = type.getLayoutQualifier(); if ((type.getQualifier() == EvqFragmentOut || type.getQualifier() == EvqVertexIn || IsVarying(type.getQualifier())) && layoutQualifier.location >= 0) { return true; } if (type.getQualifier() == EvqFragmentOut && layoutQualifier.yuv == true) { return true; } if (IsOpaqueType(type.getBasicType()) && layoutQualifier.binding != -1) { return true; } if (IsImage(type.getBasicType()) && layoutQualifier.imageInternalFormat != EiifUnspecified) { return true; } return false; } void EmitEarlyFragmentTestsGLSL(const TCompiler &compiler, TInfoSinkBase &sink) { if (compiler.isEarlyFragmentTestsSpecified() || compiler.isEarlyFragmentTestsOptimized()) { sink << "layout (early_fragment_tests) in;\n"; } } void EmitWorkGroupSizeGLSL(const TCompiler &compiler, TInfoSinkBase &sink) { if (compiler.isComputeShaderLocalSizeDeclared()) { const sh::WorkGroupSize &localSize = compiler.getComputeShaderLocalSize(); sink << "layout (local_size_x=" << localSize[0] << ", local_size_y=" << localSize[1] << ", local_size_z=" << localSize[2] << ") in;\n"; } } void EmitMultiviewGLSL(const TCompiler &compiler, const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions, const TExtension extension, const TBehavior behavior, TInfoSinkBase &sink) { ASSERT(behavior != EBhUndefined); if (behavior == EBhDisable) return; const bool isVertexShader = (compiler.getShaderType() == GL_VERTEX_SHADER); if ((compileOptions & SH_INITIALIZE_BUILTINS_FOR_INSTANCED_MULTIVIEW) != 0) { // Emit ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array/NV_viewport_array2 in a vertex shader if the // SH_SELECT_VIEW_IN_NV_GLSL_VERTEX_SHADER option is set and the // OVR_multiview(2) extension is requested. if (isVertexShader && (compileOptions & SH_SELECT_VIEW_IN_NV_GLSL_VERTEX_SHADER) != 0) { sink << "#if defined(GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array)\n" << "#extension GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array : require\n" << "#elif defined(GL_NV_viewport_array2)\n" << "#extension GL_NV_viewport_array2 : require\n" << "#endif\n"; } } else { sink << "#extension GL_OVR_multiview"; if (extension == TExtension::OVR_multiview2) { sink << "2"; } sink << " : " << GetBehaviorString(behavior) << "\n"; const auto &numViews = compiler.getNumViews(); if (isVertexShader && numViews != -1) { sink << "layout(num_views=" << numViews << ") in;\n"; } } } } // namespace sh