// // Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // TestSuite: // Basic implementation of a test harness in ANGLE. #ifndef ANGLE_TESTS_TEST_UTILS_TEST_SUITE_H_ #define ANGLE_TESTS_TEST_UTILS_TEST_SUITE_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "HistogramWriter.h" #include "tests/test_expectations/GPUTestExpectationsParser.h" #include "util/test_utils.h" namespace angle { struct TestIdentifier { TestIdentifier(); TestIdentifier(const std::string &suiteNameIn, const std::string &nameIn); TestIdentifier(const TestIdentifier &other); ~TestIdentifier(); TestIdentifier &operator=(const TestIdentifier &other); static bool ParseFromString(const std::string &str, TestIdentifier *idOut); bool valid() const { return !testName.empty(); } void sprintfName(char *outBuffer) const; std::string testSuiteName; std::string testName; }; inline bool operator<(const TestIdentifier &a, const TestIdentifier &b) { return std::tie(a.testSuiteName, a.testName) < std::tie(b.testSuiteName, b.testName); } inline bool operator==(const TestIdentifier &a, const TestIdentifier &b) { return std::tie(a.testSuiteName, a.testName) == std::tie(b.testSuiteName, b.testName); } inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TestIdentifier &id) { return os << id.testSuiteName << "." << id.testName; } enum class TestResultType { Crash, Fail, NoResult, Pass, Skip, Timeout, Unknown, }; const char *TestResultTypeToString(TestResultType type); struct TestResult { TestResultType type = TestResultType::NoResult; double elapsedTimeSeconds = 0.0; uint32_t flakyFailures = 0; }; inline bool operator==(const TestResult &a, const TestResult &b) { return a.type == b.type; } inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TestResult &result) { return os << TestResultTypeToString(result.type); } struct TestResults { TestResults(); ~TestResults(); std::map results; std::mutex currentTestMutex; TestIdentifier currentTest; Timer currentTestTimer; double currentTestTimeout = 0.0; bool allDone = false; std::string testArtifactsFakeTestName; std::vector testArtifactPaths; }; struct FileLine { const char *file; int line; }; struct ProcessInfo : angle::NonCopyable { ProcessInfo(); ~ProcessInfo(); ProcessInfo(ProcessInfo &&other); ProcessInfo &operator=(ProcessInfo &&rhs); ProcessHandle process; std::vector testsInBatch; std::string resultsFileName; std::string filterFileName; std::string commandLine; std::string filterString; }; using TestQueue = std::queue>; class TestSuite { public: TestSuite(int *argc, char **argv); ~TestSuite(); int run(); void onCrashOrTimeout(TestResultType crashOrTimeout); void addHistogramSample(const std::string &measurement, const std::string &story, double value, const std::string &units); void registerSlowTests(const char *slowTests[], size_t numSlowTests); static TestSuite *GetInstance() { return mInstance; } // Returns the path to the artifact in the output directory. std::string addTestArtifact(const std::string &artifactName); int getShardIndex() const { return mShardIndex; } int getBatchId() const { return mBatchId; } // Test expectation processing. bool loadTestExpectationsFromFileWithConfig(const GPUTestConfig &config, const std::string &fileName); bool loadAllTestExpectationsFromFile(const std::string &fileName); int32_t getTestExpectation(const std::string &testName); int32_t getTestExpectationWithConfig(const GPUTestConfig &config, const std::string &testName); bool logAnyUnusedTestExpectations(); void setTestExpectationsAllowMask(uint32_t mask) { mTestExpectationsParser.setTestExpectationsAllowMask(mask); } private: bool parseSingleArg(const char *argument); bool launchChildTestProcess(uint32_t batchId, const std::vector &testsInBatch); bool finishProcess(ProcessInfo *processInfo); int printFailuresAndReturnCount() const; void startWatchdog(); void dumpTestExpectationsErrorMessages(); static TestSuite *mInstance; std::string mTestExecutableName; std::string mTestSuiteName; TestQueue mTestQueue; std::string mFilterString; std::string mFilterFile; std::string mResultsDirectory; std::string mResultsFile; std::string mHistogramJsonFile; int mShardCount; int mShardIndex; angle::CrashCallback mCrashCallback; TestResults mTestResults; bool mBotMode; bool mDebugTestGroups; bool mGTestListTests; bool mListTests; bool mPrintTestStdout; bool mDisableCrashHandler; int mBatchSize; int mCurrentResultCount; int mTotalResultCount; int mMaxProcesses; int mTestTimeout; int mBatchTimeout; int mBatchId; int mFlakyRetries; int mMaxFailures; int mFailureCount; std::vector mChildProcessArgs; std::map mTestFileLines; std::vector mCurrentProcesses; std::thread mWatchdogThread; HistogramWriter mHistogramWriter; std::vector mSlowTests; std::string mTestArtifactDirectory; GPUTestExpectationsParser mTestExpectationsParser; }; bool GetTestResultsFromFile(const char *fileName, TestResults *resultsOut); } // namespace angle #endif // ANGLE_TESTS_TEST_UTILS_TEST_SUITE_H_