ࡱ> ~}%` ]8bjbj"x"x.~@@]0XXXXXXXl000040l0D1:1111222CCCCCCC$&EhGCX22222CXX11C@@@2X1X1C@2C@@XX@11 PUah0K;@;AtD00D@,H9?T,H@,HX@22@22222CC@2220D2222lll'-lll-lllXXXXXX ANTLR3 Description Invokes the  HYPERLINK "http://www.antlr.org/v3/index.html" \t "_top" ANTLR3 Translator generator on a grammar file. Prerequisites Apache ant version 1.7.0 and later is required, but ant version 1.6.5 should support antlibs, too. Installation The recommended procedure is to copy the antlr3.jar in your $ANT_HOME/lib directory, but it suffices to have it in your classpath. Parameters AttributeDescriptionRequiredtargetThe grammar file to process.YesoutputdirectoryThe directory to write the generated files to. If not set, the files are written to the directory containing the grammar file. NolibdirectoryThe directory where to find token files.NodependWhen set to true, ANTLRs depend option is used to resolve dependencies and to decide whether to invoke ANTLR for compilation. When set to false, try to figure out if an ANTLR generated file is out of date without invoking ANTLR with its depend option. Default setting is false to keep backwards compatibility.NoreportWhen set to "true", prints out a report about the grammar processed. Default is false.NoprintWhen set to "true", print out the grammar without actions. Default is false.NodebugWhen set to "true", the generated parser emits debugging events. Default is falseNoprofileWhen set to "true", generates a parser that computes profiling information. Default is false.NonfaWhen set to "true", generate an NFA for each rule. Default is false.NodfaWhen set to "true", generate an DFA for each rule. Default is false.NomessageFormatWhen set to a message format the specified output style for messages is used. Default is false.NomultithreadedWhen set to "true", run the analysis in 2 threads. Default is false.NodirThe directory to invoke the VM in.NodbgSTWhen set to true, put tags at start/stop of all templates in output. Default is false.NonopruneTest lookahead against EBNF block exit branches. Default is false.Nonocollapsecollapse incident edges into DFA states Default is false.NoconversiontimeoutSet the NFA conversion timeout for each decisition to the supplied number of milliseconds. Default is 100 as per ANTLR3NoAs nearly everywhere in ant true respectively false can be used instead of yes and no to activate or deactivate an attribute. Nested Elements ANTLR3 supports a nested element, that represents a  HYPERLINK "http://ant.apache.org/manual/using.html" \l "path" PATH like structure. It is given as a convenience if you have to specify the original ANTLR directory. In most cases, having the antlr-3.x.jar, the antlr-2.7.7.jar and the stringtemplate-3.x.jar referenced in the classpath or via the ANTLR_HOME environment variable will be enough. jvmarg Additional parameters may be passed to the new VM via nested attributes, for example: ... would set the maximum Java heap size to 512 Megabyte when running ANTLR3. allows all attributes described in  HYPERLINK "http://ant.apache.org/manual/using.html" \l "arg" Command line arguments. Example This invokes ANTLR3 on grammar file etc/java.g, writing the generated files to build/src. The analysis is being done in two threads. A complete build file showing the usage of the ANTLR3 task might look like this: More than a DOS to UNIX conversion of line ends. The same build file assuming antlr-3.1.jar, stringtemplate-3.2.jar and antlr-2.7.7.jar are part of the java classpath. Have a look at the antlr and compile targets which dont reference antlr.path any more. More than a DOS to UNIX conversion of line ends. . . . How does the ant task for Antlr3 finds the Antlr3 libraries The ant task for Antlr3 inspects the environment variable ANTLR_HOME. It looks in the ANTLR_HOME/lib directory and adds the libraries which fit the patterns antlr-*.jar and stringtemplate-*.jar to the classpath. Then it checkes if ANTLRGrammarParseBehavior.class, ANTLRParser.class and StringTemplate.class can be resolved via the classpath. Warning: If the Anltr3 libraries have already been listed in the classpath make sure they point to the same version ANTLR_HOME refers to, else you might get unexpected results. Either use ANTLR_HOME to resolve the ANTLR3 libraries or add them to the CLASSPATH environment variable, but do not use both ways at the same time. Trouble-Shooting First check if the antlr3.jar can be resolved by ant. The command ant diagnostics should list antlr3.jar in the ANT_HOME/lib jar listing section, if the installation recommendation had been adhered to. Second try the ant verbose option -v: ant v This will output some information of the internal processings of the ANTLR3 task. Third make sure that the jar-archives of the actual antlr distribution are contained in your classpath. At the moment this would refer to antlr-3.x.jar, antlr-2.7.7.jar and stringtemplate-3.x.jar. As a consequence the definition of the antlr.path property , as shown in the example, is not required and the build file has no dependency on the antlr version. The advantage of this approach is that updates of antlr and possibly linked changes in the naming of the before mentioned antlr jar-archives result in no changes of existing ant build-files. Solely the modification of the classpath variable enables you to switch to a different version of antlr.  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