# Lint as: python2, python3 # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """A Python library to interact with TPM module for testing. Background - TPM stands for Trusted Platform Module, a piece of security device - TPM specification is the work of Trusted Computing Group - As of September 2011, the current TPM specification is version 1.2 Dependency - This library depends on a C shared library called "libtspi.so", which contains a set of APIs for interacting with TPM module Notes: - An exception is raised if it doesn't make logical sense to continue program flow (e.g. I/O error prevents test case from executing) - An exception is caught and then converted to an error code if the caller expects to check for error code per API definition """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import datetime, logging from six.moves import range from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import smogcheck_ttci # Use explicit import to make code more readable from ctypes import c_uint, c_uint32, cdll, c_bool, Structure, POINTER, \ c_ubyte, c_byte, byref, c_uint16, cast, create_string_buffer, c_uint64, \ c_char_p, addressof, c_char, pointer # TPM flags # TODO(tgao): possible to import from trousers/src/include/tss/tss_defines.h? TSS_KEY_AUTHORIZATION = c_uint32(0x00000001) TSS_KEY_TSP_SRK = c_uint32(0x04000000) TSS_POLICY_USAGE = c_uint32(0x00000001) TSS_OBJECT_TYPE_RSAKEY = c_uint(0x02) TSS_SECRET_MODE_SHA1 = c_uint32(0x00001000) TSS_SECRET_MODE_PLAIN = c_uint32(0x00001800) TSS_TPMCAP_PROP_MANUFACTURER = c_uint(0x12) TSS_TPMCAP_PROPERTY = c_uint(0x13) TSS_TPMCAP_VERSION = c_uint(0x14) TSS_TPMCAP_VERSION_VAL = c_uint32(0x15) TSS_TPMSTATUS_DISABLEOWNERCLEAR = c_uint32(0x00000001) TSS_TPMSTATUS_DISABLEFORCECLEAR = c_uint32(0x00000002) TSS_TPMSTATUS_PHYSICALSETDEACTIVATED = c_uint32(0x00000010) TSS_TPMSTATUS_SETTEMPDEACTIVATED = c_uint32(0x00000011) # TODO(tgao): possible to import from trousers/src/include/tss/tpm.h? TPM_SHA1_160_HASH_LEN = c_uint(0x14) # Path to TSPI shared library. TSPI_C_LIB = "/usr/lib/libtspi.so.1" # Valid operation of tpmSetActive(). Equivalent CLI commands: # 'status' = tpm_setactive --well-known --status # 'activate' = tpm_setactive --well-known --active # 'deactivate' = tpm_setactive --well-known --inactive # 'temp' = tpm_setactive --well-known --temp TPM_SETACTIVE_OP = ['status', 'activate', 'deactivate', 'temp'] # Valid operation of tpmSetClearable(). Equivalent CLI commands: # 'status' = tpm_setclearable --well-known --status # 'owner' = tpm_setclearable --well-known --owner # 'force' = tpm_setclearable --well-known --force TPM_SETCLEARABLE_OP = ['status', 'owner', 'force'] # Secret mode for setPolicySecret() TSS_SECRET_MODE = dict(sha1=TSS_SECRET_MODE_SHA1, plain=TSS_SECRET_MODE_PLAIN) class SmogcheckError(Exception): """Base class for all smogcheck API errors.""" class TpmVersion(Structure): """Defines TPM version string struct. Declared in tss/tpm.h and named TPM_VERSION. """ _fields_ = [('major', c_ubyte), ('minor', c_ubyte), ('revMajor', c_ubyte), ('revMinor', c_ubyte)] class TpmCapVersionInfo(Structure): """Defines TPM version info struct. Declared in tss/tpm.h and named TPM_CAP_VERSION_INFO. """ _fields_ = [('tag', c_uint16), ('version', TpmVersion), ('specLevel', c_uint16), ('errataRev', c_ubyte), ('tpmVendorID', c_char*4), ('vendorSpecific', POINTER(c_ubyte))] def InitVersionInfo(vi): """Utility method to allocate memory for TPM version info. Args: vi: a TpmCapVerisonInfo object, just created. """ vi.tpmVendorId = create_string_buffer(4) # Allocate 4 bytes vendorDetail = create_string_buffer(64) # Allocate 64 bytes vi.vendorSpecific = cast(pointer(vendorDetail), POINTER(c_ubyte)) def PrintVersionInfo(vi): """Utility method to print TPM version info. Args: vi: a TpmCapVerisonInfo object. """ logging.info(' TPM 1.2 Version Info:\n') logging.info(' Chip Version: %d.%d.%d.%d.', vi.version.major, vi.version.minor, vi.version.revMajor, vi.version.revMinor) logging.info(' Spec Level: %d', vi.specLevel) logging.info(' Errata Revision: %d', vi.errataRev) vendorId = [i for i in vi.tpmVendorID if i] logging.info(' TPM Vendor ID: %s', ''.join(vendorId)) # TODO(tgao): handle the case when there's no vendor specific data. logging.info(' Vendor Specific data (first 4 bytes in Hex): ' '%.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x', vi.vendorSpecific[0], vi.vendorSpecific[1], vi.vendorSpecific[2], vi.vendorSpecific[3]) def PrintSelfTestResult(str_len, pResult): """Utility method to print TPM self test result. Args: str_len: an integer, length of string pointed to by pResult. pResult: a c_char_p, pointer to result. """ out = [] for i in range(str_len): if i and not i % 32: out.append('\t') if not i % 4: out.append(' ') b = pResult.value[i] out.append('%02x' % ord(b)) logging.info(' TPM Test Results: %s', ''.join(out)) class TpmController(object): """Object to interact with TPM module for testing.""" def __init__(self): """Constructor. Mandatory params: hContext: a c_uint32, context object handle. _contextSet: a boolean, True if TPM context is set. hTpm: a c_uint32, TPM object handle. hTpmPolicy: a c_uint32, TPM policy object handle. tspi_lib: a shared library object (libtspi.so). Raises: SmogcheckError: if error initializing TpmController. """ self.hContext = c_uint32(0) self._contextSet = False self.hTpm = c_uint32(0) self.hTpmPolicy = c_uint32(0) logging.info('Attempt to load shared library %s', TSPI_C_LIB) try: self.tspi_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(TSPI_C_LIB) except OSError as e: raise SmogcheckError('Error loading C library %s: %r' % (TSPI_C_LIB, e)) logging.info('Successfully loaded shared library %s', TSPI_C_LIB) def closeContext(self): """Closes TPM context and cleans up. Returns: an integer, 0 for success and -1 for error. """ if not self._contextSet: logging.debug('TPM context NOT set.') return 0 ret = -1 # Calling the pointer type without an argument creates a NULL pointer if self.tspi_lib.Tspi_Context_FreeMemory(self.hContext, POINTER(c_byte)()) != 0: logging.error('Error freeing memory when closing TPM context') else: logging.debug('Tspi_Context_FreeMemory() success') if self.tspi_lib.Tspi_Context_Close(self.hContext) != 0: logging.error('Error closing TPM context') else: logging.debug('Tspi_Context_Close() success') ret = 0 self._contextSet = False return ret def _closeContextObject(self, hObject): """Closes TPM context object. Args: hObject: an integer, basic object handle. Raises: SmogcheckError: if an error is encountered. """ if self.tspi_lib.Tspi_Context_CloseObject(self.hContext, hObject) != 0: raise SmogcheckError('Error closing TPM context object') logging.debug('Tspi_Context_CloseObject() success') def setupContext(self): """Sets up tspi context for TPM access. TPM context cannot be reused. Therefore, each new Tspi_* command would require a new context to be set up before execution and closing that context after execution (or error). Raises: SmogcheckError: if an error is encountered. """ if self._contextSet: logging.debug('TPM context already set.') return if self.tspi_lib.Tspi_Context_Create(byref(self.hContext)) != 0: raise SmogcheckError('Error creating tspi context') logging.info('Created tspi context = 0x%x', self.hContext.value) if self.tspi_lib.Tspi_Context_Connect(self.hContext, POINTER(c_uint16)()) != 0: raise SmogcheckError('Error connecting to tspi context') logging.info('Connected to tspi context') if self.tspi_lib.Tspi_Context_GetTpmObject(self.hContext, byref(self.hTpm)) != 0: raise SmogcheckError('Error getting TPM object from tspi context') logging.info('Got tpm object from tspi context = 0x%x', self.hTpm.value) self._contextSet = True def _getTpmStatus(self, flag, bValue): """Wrapper function to call Tspi_TPM_GetStatus(). Args: flag: a c_uint, TPM status info flag, values defined in C header file "tss/tss_defines.h". bValue: a c_bool, place holder for specific TPM flag bit value (0/1). Raises: SmogcheckError: if an error is encountered. """ result = self.tspi_lib.Tspi_TPM_GetStatus(self.hTpm, flag, byref(bValue)) if result != 0: msg = ('Error (0x%x) getting status for flag 0x%x' % (result, flag.value)) raise SmogcheckError(msg) logging.info('Tspi_TPM_GetStatus(): success for flag 0x%x', flag.value) def _setTpmStatus(self, flag, bValue): """Wrapper function to call Tspi_TPM_GetStatus(). Args: flag: a c_uint, TPM status info flag. bValue: a c_bool, place holder for specific TPM flag bit value (0/1). Raises: SmogcheckError: if an error is encountered. """ result = self.tspi_lib.Tspi_TPM_SetStatus(self.hTpm, flag, bValue) if result != 0: msg = ('Error (0x%x) setting status for flag 0x%x' % (result, flag.value)) raise SmogcheckError(msg) logging.info('Tspi_TPM_SetStatus(): success for flag 0x%x', flag.value) def getPolicyObject(self, hTpm=None, hPolicy=None): """Get TPM policy object. Args: hTpm: a c_uint, TPM object handle. hPolicy: a c_uint, TPM policy object handle. Raises: SmogcheckError: if an error is encountered. """ if hTpm is None: hTpm = self.hTpm if hPolicy is None: hPolicy = self.hTpmPolicy logging.debug('Tspi_GetPolicyObject(): hTpm = 0x%x, hPolicy = 0x%x', hTpm.value, hPolicy.value) result = self.tspi_lib.Tspi_GetPolicyObject(hTpm, TSS_POLICY_USAGE, byref(hPolicy)) if result != 0: msg = 'Error (0x%x) getting TPM policy object' % result raise SmogcheckError(msg) logging.debug('Tspi_GetPolicyObject() success hTpm = 0x%x, ' 'hPolicy = 0x%x', hTpm.value, hPolicy.value) def setPolicySecret(self, hPolicy=None, pSecret=None, secret_mode=None): """Sets TPM policy secret. Args: hPolicy: a c_uint, TPM policy object handle. pSecret: a pointer to a byte array, which holds the TSS secret. secret_mode: a string, valid values are keys of TSS_SECRET_MODE. Raises: SmogcheckError: if an error is encountered. """ if hPolicy is None: hPolicy = self.hTpmPolicy if pSecret is None: raise SmogcheckError('setPolicySecret(): pSecret cannot be None') if secret_mode is None or secret_mode not in TSS_SECRET_MODE: raise SmogcheckError('setPolicySecret(): invalid secret_mode') logging.debug('Tspi_Policy_SetSecret(): hPolicy = 0x%x, secret_mode ' '(%r) = %r', hPolicy.value, secret_mode, TSS_SECRET_MODE[secret_mode]) result = self.tspi_lib.Tspi_Policy_SetSecret( hPolicy, TSS_SECRET_MODE[secret_mode], TPM_SHA1_160_HASH_LEN, pSecret) if result != 0: msg = 'Error (0x%x) setting TPM policy secret' % result raise SmogcheckError(msg) logging.debug('Tspi_Policy_SetSecret() success, hPolicy = 0x%x', hPolicy.value) def getTpmVersion(self): """Gets TPM version info. Implementation based on tpm-tools-1.3.4/src/tpm_mgmt/tpm_version.c Downloaded from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/trousers/files/tpm-tools/1.3.4/\ tpm-tools-1.3.4.tar.gz Raises: SmogcheckError: if an error is encountered. """ uiResultLen = c_uint32(0) pResult = c_char_p() offset = c_uint64(0) versionInfo = TpmCapVersionInfo() InitVersionInfo(versionInfo) logging.debug('Successfully set up tspi context: hTpm = %r', self.hTpm) result = self.tspi_lib.Tspi_TPM_GetCapability( self.hTpm, TSS_TPMCAP_VERSION_VAL, 0, POINTER(c_byte)(), byref(uiResultLen), byref(pResult)) if result != 0: msg = 'Error (0x%x) getting TPM capability, pResult = %r' % ( result, pResult.value) raise SmogcheckError(msg) logging.info('Successfully received TPM capability: ' 'uiResultLen = %d, pResult=%r', uiResultLen.value, pResult.value) result = self.tspi_lib.Trspi_UnloadBlob_CAP_VERSION_INFO( byref(offset), pResult, cast(byref(versionInfo), POINTER(c_byte))) if result != 0: msg = 'Error (0x%x) unloading TPM CAP version info' % result raise SmogcheckError(msg) PrintVersionInfo(versionInfo) def runTpmSelfTest(self): """Executes TPM self test. Implementation based on tpm-tools-1.3.4/src/tpm_mgmt/tpm_selftest.c Raises: SmogcheckError: if an error is encountered. """ uiResultLen = c_uint32(0) pResult = c_char_p() self.setupContext() logging.debug('Successfully set up tspi context: hTpm = 0x%x', self.hTpm.value) result = self.tspi_lib.Tspi_TPM_SelfTestFull(self.hTpm) if result != 0: self.closeContext() raise SmogcheckError('Error (0x%x) with TPM self test' % result) logging.info('Successfully executed TPM self test: hTpm = 0x%x', self.hTpm.value) result = self.tspi_lib.Tspi_TPM_GetTestResult( self.hTpm, byref(uiResultLen), byref(pResult)) if result != 0: self.closeContext() raise SmogcheckError('Error (0x%x) getting test results' % result) logging.info('TPM self test results: uiResultLen = %d, pResult=%r', uiResultLen.value, pResult.value) PrintSelfTestResult(uiResultLen.value, pResult) self.closeContext() def takeTpmOwnership(self): """Take TPM ownership. Implementation based on tpm-tools-1.3.4/src/tpm_mgmt/tpm_takeownership.c Raises: SmogcheckError: if an error is encountered. """ hSrk = c_uint32(0) # TPM Storage Root Key hSrkPolicy = c_uint32(0) # Defaults each byte value to 0x00 well_known_secret = create_string_buffer(20) pSecret = c_char_p(addressof(well_known_secret)) self.setupContext() logging.debug('Successfully set up tspi context: hTpm = 0x%x', self.hTpm.value) try: self.getPolicyObject() self.setPolicySecret(pSecret=pSecret, secret_mode='sha1') except SmogcheckError: if hSrk != 0: self._closeContextObject(hSrk) self.closeContext() raise # re-raise flag = TSS_KEY_TSP_SRK.value | TSS_KEY_AUTHORIZATION.value result = self.tspi_lib.Tspi_Context_CreateObject( self.hContext, TSS_OBJECT_TYPE_RSAKEY, flag, byref(hSrk)) if result != 0: raise SmogcheckError('Error (0x%x) creating context object' % result) logging.debug('hTpm = 0x%x, flag = 0x%x, hSrk = 0x%x', self.hTpm.value, flag, hSrk.value) # DEBUG try: self.getPolicyObject(hTpm=hSrk, hPolicy=hSrkPolicy) self.setPolicySecret(hPolicy=hSrkPolicy, pSecret=pSecret, secret_mode='sha1') except SmogcheckError: if hSrk != 0: self._closeContextObject(hSrk) self.closeContext() raise # re-raise logging.debug('Successfully set up SRK policy: secret = %r, ' 'hSrk = 0x%x, hSrkPolicy = 0x%x', well_known_secret.value, hSrk.value, hSrkPolicy.value) start_time = datetime.datetime.now() result = self.tspi_lib.Tspi_TPM_TakeOwnership(self.hTpm, hSrk, c_uint(0)) end_time = datetime.datetime.now() if result != 0: logging.info('Tspi_TPM_TakeOwnership error') self._closeContextObject(hSrk) self.closeContext() raise SmogcheckError('Error (0x%x) taking TPM ownership' % result) logging.info('Successfully took TPM ownership') self._closeContextObject(hSrk) self.closeContext() return smogcheck_ttci.computeTimeElapsed(end_time, start_time) def clearTpm(self): """Return TPM to default state. Implementation based on tpm-tools-1.3.4/src/tpm_mgmt/tpm_clear.c Raises: SmogcheckError: if an error is encountered. """ logging.debug('Successfully set up tspi context: hTpm = %r', self.hTpm) result = self.tspi_lib.Tspi_TPM_ClearOwner(self.hTpm, True) if result != 0: raise SmogcheckError('Error (0x%x) clearing TPM' % result) logging.info('Successfully cleared TPM') def setTpmActive(self, op): """Change TPM active state. Implementation based on tpm-tools-1.3.4/src/tpm_mgmt/tpm_activate.c Args: op: a string, desired operation. Valid values are defined in TPM_SETACTIVE_OP. Raises: SmogcheckError: if an error is encountered. """ bValue = c_bool() # Defaults each byte value to 0x00 well_known_secret = create_string_buffer(20) pSecret = c_char_p(addressof(well_known_secret)) if op not in TPM_SETACTIVE_OP: msg = ('Invalid op (%s) for tpmSetActive(). Valid values are %r' % (op, TPM_SETACTIVE_OP)) raise SmogcheckError(msg) logging.debug('Successfully set up tspi context: hTpm = %r', self.hTpm) if op == 'status': self.getPolicyObject() self.setPolicySecret(pSecret=pSecret, secret_mode='sha1') self._getTpmStatus( TSS_TPMSTATUS_PHYSICALSETDEACTIVATED, bValue) logging.info('Persistent Deactivated Status: %s', bValue.value) self._getTpmStatus( TSS_TPMSTATUS_SETTEMPDEACTIVATED, bValue) logging.info('Volatile Deactivated Status: %s', bValue.value) elif op == 'activate': self._setTpmStatus( TSS_TPMSTATUS_PHYSICALSETDEACTIVATED, False) logging.info('Successfully activated TPM') elif op == 'deactivate': self._setTpmStatus( TSS_TPMSTATUS_PHYSICALSETDEACTIVATED, True) logging.info('Successfully deactivated TPM') elif op == 'temp': self._setTpmStatus( TSS_TPMSTATUS_SETTEMPDEACTIVATED, True) logging.info('Successfully deactivated TPM for current boot') def setTpmClearable(self, op): """Disable TPM clear operations. Implementation based on tpm-tools-1.3.4/src/tpm_mgmt/tpm_clearable.c Args: op: a string, desired operation. Valid values are defined in TPM_SETCLEARABLE_OP. Raises: SmogcheckError: if an error is encountered. """ bValue = c_bool() # Defaults each byte value to 0x00 well_known_secret = create_string_buffer(20) pSecret = c_char_p(addressof(well_known_secret)) if op not in TPM_SETCLEARABLE_OP: msg = ('Invalid op (%s) for tpmSetClearable(). Valid values are %r' % (op, TPM_SETCLEARABLE_OP)) raise SmogcheckError(msg) logging.debug('Successfully set up tspi context: hTpm = %r', self.hTpm) if op == 'status': self.getPolicyObject() self.setPolicySecret(pSecret=pSecret, secret_mode='sha1') self._getTpmStatus( TSS_TPMSTATUS_DISABLEOWNERCLEAR, bValue) logging.info('Owner Clear Disabled: %s', bValue.value) self._getTpmStatus( TSS_TPMSTATUS_DISABLEFORCECLEAR, bValue) logging.info('Force Clear Disabled: %s', bValue.value) elif op == 'owner': self.getPolicyObject() self.setPolicySecret(pSecret=pSecret, secret_mode='sha1') self._setTpmStatus( TSS_TPMSTATUS_DISABLEOWNERCLEAR, False) logging.info('Successfully disabled Owner Clear') elif op == 'force': self._setTpmStatus( TSS_TPMSTATUS_DISABLEFORCECLEAR, True) logging.info('Successfully disabled Force Clear')