# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. AUTHOR = "vsuley@google.com" NAME = "video_AVAnalysis.vp9.720" PURPOSE = "Play bar-coded video on ChromeOS DUT so it can be recorded for analysis." CRITERIA = """ This test does not verify anything yet. Just plays a video so it can be recorded. """ ATTRIBUTES = "suite:cros-av-analysis" TIME = "LONG" TEST_CATEGORY = "General" TEST_CLASS = "video" TEST_TYPE = "client" JOB_RETRIES = 0 DOC = """ This test plays a bar-coded video file on DUT so it can be recorded. """ video = ('http://crosvideo2.appspot.com/ava.html?' 'codec=avas_vp9_720_60&cycle=true&mute=true') job.run_test('video_AVAnalysis', video=video, tag='vp9.720')