#!/usr/bin/python2 """ Further display the tests in a matrix of the form tests X machines to help understand the results selected from the previous form. """ print "Content-type: text/html\n" import cgi, cgitb, os, sys, re sys.stdout.flush() cgitb.enable() import common from autotest_lib.tko import db, display, frontend db = db.db() def main(): display.print_main_header() form = cgi.FieldStorage() if form.has_key('sql'): sql = form['sql'].value if form.has_key('values'): values = [val for val in form['values'].value.split(',')] if not sql: return if not values: return tests = frontend.test.select_sql(db, sql, values) # get the list of tests/machines to populate the row and column header. testname = [test.testname for test in tests] machine_idx = [test.machine_idx for test in tests] # We dont want repetitions in the table row/column headers, # so eliminate the dups. uniq_test = list(set(testname)) uniq_machine_idx = list(set(machine_idx)) header_row = [ display.box('', header = True) ] for test_name in uniq_test: header_row.append(display.box(test_name, header=True)) matrix = [header_row] for machine in uniq_machine_idx: mach_name = db.select_sql('hostname', 'machines', ' where machine_idx=%s', [str(machine)]) row = [display.box(mach_name[0][0])] for test_name in uniq_test: testlist = [test for test in tests if test.machine_idx == machine and test.testname == test_name] # url link to the first test. # TODO: provide another level to show the different # test results. link = None if testlist and testlist[0]: link = testlist[0].url box = display.status_count_box(db, testlist, link=link) row.append(box) matrix.append(row) display.print_table(matrix) main()