/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, * modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include <libavb/avb_crypto.h> #include <libavb/avb_rsa.h> #include <libavb/avb_sha.h> #include <libavb/avb_util.h> #include "avb_aftl_types.h" #include "avb_aftl_util.h" #include "avb_aftl_validate.h" /* Performs a SHA256 hash operation on data. */ bool avb_aftl_sha256(uint8_t* data, uint64_t length, uint8_t hash[AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE]) { AvbSHA256Ctx context; uint8_t* tmp; if ((data == NULL) && (length != 0)) return false; avb_sha256_init(&context); avb_sha256_update(&context, data, length); tmp = avb_sha256_final(&context); avb_memcpy(hash, tmp, AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE); return true; } /* Computes a leaf hash as detailed by https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962. */ bool avb_aftl_rfc6962_hash_leaf(uint8_t* leaf, uint64_t leaf_size, uint8_t* hash) { uint8_t* buffer; bool retval; avb_assert(leaf != NULL && hash != NULL); avb_assert(leaf_size != AVB_AFTL_UINT64_MAX); buffer = (uint8_t*)avb_malloc(leaf_size + 1); if (buffer == NULL) { avb_error("Allocation failure in avb_aftl_rfc6962_hash_leaf.\n"); return false; } /* Prefix the data with a '0' for 2nd preimage attack resistance. */ buffer[0] = 0; if (leaf_size > 0) avb_memcpy(buffer + 1, leaf, leaf_size); retval = avb_aftl_sha256(buffer, leaf_size + 1, hash); avb_free(buffer); return retval; } /* Computes an inner hash as detailed by https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962. */ bool avb_aftl_rfc6962_hash_children(uint8_t* left_child, uint64_t left_child_size, uint8_t* right_child, uint64_t right_child_size, uint8_t* hash) { uint8_t* buffer; uint64_t data_size; bool retval; avb_assert(left_child != NULL && right_child != NULL && hash != NULL); /* Check for integer overflow. */ avb_assert(left_child_size < AVB_AFTL_UINT64_MAX - right_child_size); data_size = left_child_size + right_child_size + 1; buffer = (uint8_t*)avb_malloc(data_size); if (buffer == NULL) { avb_error("Allocation failure in avb_aftl_rfc6962_hash_children.\n"); return false; } /* Prefix the data with '1' for 2nd preimage attack resistance. */ buffer[0] = 1; /* Copy the left child data, if it exists. */ if (left_child_size > 0) avb_memcpy(buffer + 1, left_child, left_child_size); /* Copy the right child data, if it exists. */ if (right_child_size > 0) avb_memcpy(buffer + 1 + left_child_size, right_child, right_child_size); /* Hash the concatenated data and clean up. */ retval = avb_aftl_sha256(buffer, data_size, hash); avb_free(buffer); return retval; } /* Computes a subtree hash along tree's right border. */ bool avb_aftl_chain_border_right(uint8_t* seed, uint64_t seed_size, uint8_t* proof, uint32_t proof_entry_count, uint8_t* hash) { size_t i; uint8_t* tmp_hash; uint8_t* tmp = seed; bool retval = true; avb_assert(seed_size == AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE); avb_assert(seed != NULL && proof != NULL && hash != NULL); tmp_hash = (uint8_t*)avb_malloc(AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE); if (tmp_hash == NULL) { avb_error("Allocation failure in avb_aftl_chain_border_right.\n"); return false; } for (i = 0; i < proof_entry_count; i++) { retval = avb_aftl_rfc6962_hash_children(proof + (i * AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE), AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE, tmp, AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE, tmp_hash); if (!retval) { avb_error("Failed to hash Merkle tree children.\n"); break; } tmp = tmp_hash; } if (retval) avb_memcpy(hash, tmp, AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE); avb_free(tmp_hash); return retval; } /* Computes a subtree hash on or below the tree's right border. */ bool avb_aftl_chain_inner(uint8_t* seed, uint64_t seed_size, uint8_t* proof, uint32_t proof_entry_count, uint64_t leaf_index, uint8_t* hash) { size_t i; uint8_t* tmp_hash; uint8_t* tmp = seed; bool retval = true; avb_assert(seed_size == AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE); avb_assert(seed != NULL && proof != NULL && hash != NULL); tmp_hash = (uint8_t*)avb_malloc(AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE); if (tmp_hash == NULL) { avb_error("Allocation failure in avb_aftl_chain_inner.\n"); return false; } for (i = 0; i < proof_entry_count; i++) { if ((leaf_index >> i & 1) == 0) { retval = avb_aftl_rfc6962_hash_children(tmp, seed_size, proof + (i * AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE), AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE, tmp_hash); } else { retval = avb_aftl_rfc6962_hash_children(proof + (i * AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE), AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE, tmp, seed_size, tmp_hash); } if (!retval) { avb_error("Failed to hash Merkle tree children.\n"); break; } tmp = tmp_hash; } if (retval) avb_memcpy(hash, tmp, AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE); avb_free(tmp_hash); return retval; } /* Counts leading zeros. Used in Merkle tree hash validation .*/ unsigned int avb_aftl_count_leading_zeros(uint64_t val) { int r = 0; if (val == 0) return 64; if (!(val & 0xffffffff00000000u)) { val <<= 32; r += 32; } if (!(val & 0xffff000000000000u)) { val <<= 16; r += 16; } if (!(val & 0xff00000000000000u)) { val <<= 8; r += 8; } if (!(val & 0xf000000000000000u)) { val <<= 4; r += 4; } if (!(val & 0xc000000000000000u)) { val <<= 2; r += 2; } if (!(val & 0x8000000000000000u)) { val <<= 1; r += 1; } return r; } /* Calculates the expected Merkle tree hash. */ bool avb_aftl_root_from_icp(uint64_t leaf_index, uint64_t tree_size, uint8_t proof[][AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE], uint32_t proof_entry_count, uint8_t* leaf_hash, uint64_t leaf_hash_size, uint8_t* root_hash) { uint64_t inner_proof_size; uint64_t border_proof_size; size_t i; uint8_t hash[AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE]; uint8_t* inner_proof; uint8_t* border_proof; bool retval; avb_assert(proof_entry_count != 0); avb_assert(leaf_hash_size != 0); avb_assert(proof != NULL && leaf_hash != NULL && root_hash != NULL); /* This cannot overflow. */ inner_proof_size = 64 - avb_aftl_count_leading_zeros(leaf_index ^ (tree_size - 1)); /* Check for integer underflow.*/ if ((proof_entry_count - inner_proof_size) > proof_entry_count) { avb_error("Invalid proof entry count value.\n"); return false; } border_proof_size = proof_entry_count - inner_proof_size; /* Split the proof into two parts based on the calculated pivot point. */ inner_proof = (uint8_t*)avb_malloc(inner_proof_size * AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE); if (inner_proof == NULL) { avb_error("Allocation failure in avb_aftl_root_from_icp.\n"); return false; } border_proof = (uint8_t*)avb_malloc(border_proof_size * AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE); if (border_proof == NULL) { avb_free(inner_proof); avb_error("Allocation failure in avb_aftl_root_from_icp.\n"); return false; } for (i = 0; i < inner_proof_size; i++) { avb_memcpy( inner_proof + (AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE * i), proof[i], AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE); } for (i = 0; i < border_proof_size; i++) { avb_memcpy(border_proof + (AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE * i), proof[inner_proof_size + i], AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE); } /* Calculate the root hash and store it in root_hash. */ retval = avb_aftl_chain_inner(leaf_hash, leaf_hash_size, inner_proof, inner_proof_size, leaf_index, hash); if (retval) retval = avb_aftl_chain_border_right( hash, AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE, border_proof, border_proof_size, root_hash); if (inner_proof != NULL) avb_free(inner_proof); if (border_proof != NULL) avb_free(border_proof); return retval; } /* Defines helper functions read_u8, read_u16, read_u32 and read_u64. These * functions can be used to read from a |data| stream a |value| of a specific * size. The value endianness is converted from big-endian to host. We ensure * that the read do not overflow beyond |data_end|. If successful, |data| is * brought forward by the size of the value read. */ #define _read_u(fct) \ { \ size_t value_size = sizeof(*value); \ if ((*data + value_size) < *data) return false; \ if ((*data + value_size) > data_end) return false; \ avb_memcpy(value, *data, value_size); \ *value = fct(*value); \ *data += value_size; \ return true; \ } static bool read_u8(uint8_t* value, uint8_t** data, uint8_t* data_end) { _read_u(); } AVB_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static bool read_u16(uint16_t* value, uint8_t** data, uint8_t* data_end) { _read_u(avb_be16toh); } AVB_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static bool read_u32(uint32_t* value, uint8_t** data, uint8_t* data_end) { _read_u(avb_be32toh); } AVB_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static bool read_u64(uint64_t* value, uint8_t** data, uint8_t* data_end) { _read_u(avb_be64toh); } AVB_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT /* Allocates |value_size| bytes into |value| and copy |value_size| bytes from * |data|. Ensure that we don't overflow beyond |data_end|. It is the caller * responsibility to avb_free |value|. Advances the |data| pointer pass the * value that has been read. Returns false if an overflow would have occurred or * if the allocation failed. */ static bool read_mem(uint8_t** value, size_t value_size, uint8_t** data, uint8_t* data_end) { if (*data + value_size < *data || *data + value_size > data_end) { return false; } *value = (uint8_t*)avb_calloc(value_size); if (!value) { return false; } avb_memcpy(*value, *data, value_size); *data += value_size; return true; } /* Allocates and populates a TrillianLogRootDescriptor element in an AftlIcpEntry from a binary blob. The blob is expected to be pointing to the beginning of a serialized TrillianLogRootDescriptor element of an AftlIcpEntry. The aftl_blob argument is updated to point to the area after the TrillianLogRootDescriptor. aftl_blob_remaining gives the amount of the aftl_blob that is left to parse. */ static bool parse_trillian_log_root_descriptor(AftlIcpEntry* icp_entry, uint8_t** aftl_blob, size_t aftl_blob_remaining) { avb_assert(icp_entry); avb_assert(aftl_blob); uint8_t* blob_end = *aftl_blob + aftl_blob_remaining; if (*aftl_blob > blob_end) { return false; } /* Copy in the version field from the blob. */ if (!read_u16( &(icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.version), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse version.\n"); return false; } /* Copy in the tree size field from the blob. */ if (!read_u64( &(icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.tree_size), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse tree size.\n"); return false; } /* Copy in the root hash size field from the blob. */ if (!read_u8(&(icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.root_hash_size), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse root hash size.\n"); return false; } if (icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.root_hash_size != AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE) { avb_error("Invalid root hash size.\n"); return false; } /* Copy in the root hash from the blob. */ if (!read_mem(&(icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.root_hash), icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.root_hash_size, aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse root hash.\n"); return false; } /* Copy in the timestamp field from the blob. */ if (!read_u64( &(icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.timestamp), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse timestamp.\n"); return false; } /* Copy in the revision field from the blob. */ if (!read_u64( &(icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.revision), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse revision.\n"); return false; } /* Copy in the metadata size field from the blob. */ if (!read_u16(&(icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.metadata_size), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse metadata size.\n"); return false; } if (icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.metadata_size > AVB_AFTL_MAX_METADATA_SIZE) { avb_error("Invalid metadata size.\n"); return false; } /* If it exists, copy in the metadata field from the blob. */ if (icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.metadata_size > 0) { if (!read_mem(&(icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.metadata), icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.metadata_size, aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse metadata.\n"); return false; } } else { icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.metadata = NULL; } return true; } /* Parses a Signature from |aftl_blob| into leaf->signature. * Returns false if an error occurred during the parsing */ static bool parse_signature(SignedVBMetaPrimaryAnnotationLeaf* leaf, uint8_t** aftl_blob, uint8_t* blob_end) { Signature* signature = (Signature*)avb_calloc(sizeof(Signature)); if (!signature) { avb_error("Failed to allocate signature.\n"); return false; } leaf->signature = signature; if (!read_u8(&(signature->hash_algorithm), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse the hash algorithm.\n"); return false; } if (signature->hash_algorithm >= _AVB_AFTL_HASH_ALGORITHM_NUM) { avb_error("Unexpect hash algorithm in leaf signature.\n"); return false; } if (!read_u8(&(signature->signature_algorithm), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse the signature algorithm.\n"); return false; } if (signature->signature_algorithm >= _AVB_AFTL_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_NUM) { avb_error("Unexpect signature algorithm in leaf signature.\n"); return false; } if (!read_u16(&(signature->signature_size), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse the signature size.\n"); return false; } if (!read_mem(&(signature->signature), signature->signature_size, aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse signature.\n"); return false; } return true; } /* Parses an VBMetaPrimaryAnnotation from |aftl_blob| into leaf->annotation. * Returns false if an error occurred during the parsing */ static bool parse_annotation(SignedVBMetaPrimaryAnnotationLeaf* leaf, uint8_t** aftl_blob, uint8_t* blob_end) { VBMetaPrimaryAnnotation* annotation = (VBMetaPrimaryAnnotation*)avb_calloc(sizeof(VBMetaPrimaryAnnotation)); if (!annotation) { avb_error("Failed to allocate annotation.\n"); return false; } leaf->annotation = annotation; if (!read_u8(&(annotation->vbmeta_hash_size), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse VBMeta hash size.\n"); return false; } if (annotation->vbmeta_hash_size != AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE) { avb_error("Unexpected VBMeta hash size.\n"); return false; } if (!read_mem(&(annotation->vbmeta_hash), annotation->vbmeta_hash_size, aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse VBMeta hash.\n"); return false; } if (!read_u8(&(annotation->version_incremental_size), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse version incremental size.\n"); return false; } if (!read_mem(&(annotation->version_incremental), annotation->version_incremental_size, aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse version incremental.\n"); return false; } if (!read_u8( &(annotation->manufacturer_key_hash_size), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse manufacturer key hash size.\n"); return false; } if (!read_mem(&(annotation->manufacturer_key_hash), annotation->manufacturer_key_hash_size, aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse manufacturer key hash.\n"); return false; } if (!read_u16(&(annotation->description_size), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse description size.\n"); return false; } if (!read_mem(&(annotation->description), annotation->description_size, aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse description.\n"); return false; } return true; } /* Allocates and populates a SignedVBMetaPrimaryAnnotationLeaf element in an AftlIcpEntry from a binary blob. The blob is expected to be pointing to the beginning of a serialized SignedVBMetaPrimaryAnnotationLeaf element of an AftlIcpEntry. The aftl_blob argument is updated to point to the area after the leaf. */ static bool parse_annotation_leaf(AftlIcpEntry* icp_entry, uint8_t** aftl_blob) { SignedVBMetaPrimaryAnnotationLeaf* leaf; uint8_t* blob_end = *aftl_blob + icp_entry->annotation_leaf_size; if (*aftl_blob > blob_end) { return false; } leaf = (SignedVBMetaPrimaryAnnotationLeaf*)avb_calloc( sizeof(SignedVBMetaPrimaryAnnotationLeaf)); if (!leaf) { avb_error("Failed to allocate for annotation leaf.\n"); return false; } /* The leaf will be free'd within the free_aftl_icp_entry() */ icp_entry->annotation_leaf = leaf; if (!read_u8(&(leaf->version), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse version.\n"); return false; } if (leaf->version != 1) { avb_error("Unexpected leaf version.\n"); return false; } if (!read_u64(&(leaf->timestamp), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse timestamp.\n"); return false; } if (!read_u8(&(leaf->leaf_type), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse version.\n"); return false; } if (leaf->leaf_type != AVB_AFTL_SIGNED_VBMETA_PRIMARY_ANNOTATION_LEAF) { avb_error("Unexpected leaf type.\n"); return false; } if (!parse_signature(leaf, aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse signature.\n"); return false; } if (!parse_annotation(leaf, aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse annotation.\n"); return false; } return true; } /* Allocates and populates an AftlIcpEntry from a binary blob. The blob is expected to be pointing to the beginning of a serialized AftlIcpEntry structure. */ AftlIcpEntry* parse_icp_entry(uint8_t** aftl_blob, size_t* remaining_size) { AftlIcpEntry* icp_entry; uint8_t* blob_start = *aftl_blob; uint8_t* blob_end = *aftl_blob + *remaining_size; if (*aftl_blob > blob_end) { return NULL; } if (*remaining_size < AVB_AFTL_MIN_AFTL_ICP_ENTRY_SIZE) { avb_error("Invalid AftlImage\n"); return NULL; } icp_entry = (AftlIcpEntry*)avb_calloc(sizeof(AftlIcpEntry)); if (!icp_entry) { avb_error("Failure allocating AftlIcpEntry\n"); return NULL; } /* Copy in the log server URL size field. */ if (!read_u32(&(icp_entry->log_url_size), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse log url size.\n"); avb_free(icp_entry); return NULL; } if (icp_entry->log_url_size > AVB_AFTL_MAX_URL_SIZE) { avb_error("Invalid log URL size.\n"); avb_free(icp_entry); return NULL; } /* Copy in the leaf index field. */ if (!read_u64(&(icp_entry->leaf_index), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse leaf_index.\n"); avb_free(icp_entry); return NULL; } /* Copy in the TrillianLogRootDescriptor size field. */ if (!read_u32(&(icp_entry->log_root_descriptor_size), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse log root descriptor size.\n"); avb_free(icp_entry); return NULL; } if (icp_entry->log_root_descriptor_size < AVB_AFTL_MIN_TLRD_SIZE || icp_entry->log_root_descriptor_size > AVB_AFTL_MAX_TLRD_SIZE) { avb_error("Invalid TrillianLogRootDescriptor size.\n"); avb_free(icp_entry); return NULL; } /* Copy in the annotation leaf size field. */ if (!read_u32(&(icp_entry->annotation_leaf_size), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse annotation leaf size.\n"); avb_free(icp_entry); return NULL; } if (icp_entry->annotation_leaf_size == 0 || icp_entry->annotation_leaf_size > AVB_AFTL_MAX_ANNOTATION_SIZE) { avb_error("Invalid annotation leaf size.\n"); avb_free(icp_entry); return NULL; } /* Copy the log root signature size field. */ if (!read_u16(&(icp_entry->log_root_sig_size), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse log root signature size.\n"); avb_free(icp_entry); return NULL; } if (icp_entry->log_root_sig_size != AVB_AFTL_SIGNATURE_SIZE) { avb_error("Invalid log root signature size.\n"); avb_free(icp_entry); return NULL; } /* Copy the inclusion proof hash count field. */ if (!read_u8(&(icp_entry->proof_hash_count), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse proof hash count.\n"); avb_free(icp_entry); return NULL; } /* Copy the inclusion proof size field. */ if (!read_u32(&(icp_entry->inc_proof_size), aftl_blob, blob_end)) { avb_error("Unable to parse inclusion proof size.\n"); avb_free(icp_entry); return NULL; } if ((icp_entry->inc_proof_size != icp_entry->proof_hash_count * AVB_AFTL_HASH_SIZE) || (icp_entry->inc_proof_size > AVB_AFTL_MAX_PROOF_SIZE)) { avb_error("Invalid inclusion proof size.\n"); avb_free(icp_entry); return NULL; } /* Copy in the log server URL from the blob. */ if (*aftl_blob + icp_entry->log_url_size < *aftl_blob || *aftl_blob + icp_entry->log_url_size > blob_end) { avb_error("Invalid AftlImage.\n"); avb_free(icp_entry); return NULL; } icp_entry->log_url = (uint8_t*)avb_calloc(icp_entry->log_url_size); if (!icp_entry->log_url) { avb_error("Failure to allocate URL.\n"); free_aftl_icp_entry(icp_entry); return NULL; } avb_memcpy(icp_entry->log_url, *aftl_blob, icp_entry->log_url_size); *aftl_blob += icp_entry->log_url_size; /* Populate the TrillianLogRootDescriptor elements. */ if (*aftl_blob + icp_entry->log_root_descriptor_size < *aftl_blob || *aftl_blob + icp_entry->log_root_descriptor_size > blob_end) { avb_error("Invalid AftlImage.\n"); free_aftl_icp_entry(icp_entry); return NULL; } icp_entry->log_root_descriptor_raw = (uint8_t*)avb_calloc(icp_entry->log_root_descriptor_size); if (!icp_entry->log_root_descriptor_raw) { avb_error("Failure to allocate log root descriptor.\n"); free_aftl_icp_entry(icp_entry); return NULL; } avb_memcpy(icp_entry->log_root_descriptor_raw, *aftl_blob, icp_entry->log_root_descriptor_size); if (!parse_trillian_log_root_descriptor( icp_entry, aftl_blob, icp_entry->log_root_descriptor_size)) { free_aftl_icp_entry(icp_entry); return NULL; } /* Populate the annotation leaf. */ if (*aftl_blob + icp_entry->annotation_leaf_size < *aftl_blob || *aftl_blob + icp_entry->annotation_leaf_size > blob_end) { avb_error("Invalid AftlImage.\n"); free_aftl_icp_entry(icp_entry); return NULL; } icp_entry->annotation_leaf_raw = (uint8_t*)avb_calloc(icp_entry->annotation_leaf_size); if (!icp_entry->annotation_leaf_raw) { avb_error("Failure to allocate annotation leaf.\n"); free_aftl_icp_entry(icp_entry); return NULL; } avb_memcpy(icp_entry->annotation_leaf_raw, *aftl_blob, icp_entry->annotation_leaf_size); if (!parse_annotation_leaf(icp_entry, aftl_blob)) { free_aftl_icp_entry(icp_entry); return NULL; } /* Allocate and copy the log root signature from the blob. */ if (*aftl_blob + icp_entry->log_root_sig_size < *aftl_blob || *aftl_blob + icp_entry->log_root_sig_size > blob_end) { avb_error("Invalid AftlImage.\n"); free_aftl_icp_entry(icp_entry); return NULL; } icp_entry->log_root_signature = (uint8_t*)avb_calloc(icp_entry->log_root_sig_size); if (!icp_entry->log_root_signature) { avb_error("Failure to allocate log root signature.\n"); free_aftl_icp_entry(icp_entry); return NULL; } avb_memcpy( icp_entry->log_root_signature, *aftl_blob, icp_entry->log_root_sig_size); *aftl_blob += icp_entry->log_root_sig_size; /* Finally, copy the proof hash data from the blob to the AftlImage. */ if (*aftl_blob + icp_entry->inc_proof_size < *aftl_blob || *aftl_blob + icp_entry->inc_proof_size > blob_end) { avb_error("Invalid AftlImage.\n"); free_aftl_icp_entry(icp_entry); return NULL; } icp_entry->proofs = avb_calloc(icp_entry->inc_proof_size); if (!icp_entry->proofs) { free_aftl_icp_entry(icp_entry); return NULL; } avb_memcpy(icp_entry->proofs, *aftl_blob, icp_entry->inc_proof_size); *aftl_blob += icp_entry->inc_proof_size; *remaining_size -= *aftl_blob - blob_start; return icp_entry; } /* Allocate and parse an AftlImage object out of binary data. */ AftlImage* parse_aftl_image(uint8_t* aftl_blob, size_t aftl_blob_size) { AftlImage* image; AftlImageHeader* image_header; AftlIcpEntry* entry; size_t image_size; size_t i; size_t remaining_size; /* Ensure the blob is at least large enough for an AftlImageHeader */ if (aftl_blob_size < sizeof(AftlImageHeader)) { avb_error("Invalid image header.\n"); return NULL; } image_header = (AftlImageHeader*)aftl_blob; /* Check for the magic value for an AftlImageHeader. */ if (image_header->magic != AVB_AFTL_MAGIC) { avb_error("Invalid magic number\n"); return NULL; } /* Extract the size out of the header. */ image_size = avb_be32toh(image_header->image_size); if (image_size < sizeof(AftlImageHeader) || image_size > AVB_AFTL_MAX_AFTL_IMAGE_SIZE) { avb_error("Invalid image size.\n"); return NULL; } image = (AftlImage*)avb_calloc(sizeof(AftlImage)); if (!image) { avb_error("Failed allocation for AftlImage.\n"); return NULL; } /* Copy the header bytes directly from the aftl_blob. */ avb_memcpy(&(image->header), aftl_blob, sizeof(AftlImageHeader)); /* Fix endianness. */ image->header.required_icp_version_major = avb_be32toh(image->header.required_icp_version_major); image->header.required_icp_version_minor = avb_be32toh(image->header.required_icp_version_minor); image->header.image_size = avb_be32toh(image->header.image_size); image->header.icp_count = avb_be16toh(image->header.icp_count); /* Allocate memory for the entry array */ image->entries = (AftlIcpEntry**)avb_calloc(sizeof(AftlIcpEntry*) * image->header.icp_count); if (!image->entries) { avb_error("Failed allocation for AftlIcpEntry array.\n"); avb_free(image); return NULL; } /* Jump past the header and parse out each AftlIcpEntry. */ aftl_blob += sizeof(AftlImageHeader); remaining_size = aftl_blob_size - sizeof(AftlImageHeader); for (i = 0; i < image->header.icp_count && remaining_size > 0; i++) { entry = parse_icp_entry(&aftl_blob, &remaining_size); if (!entry) { free_aftl_image(image); return NULL; } image->entries[i] = entry; } return image; } /* Free an AftlIcpEntry and each allocated sub-element. */ void free_aftl_icp_entry(AftlIcpEntry* icp_entry) { /* Ensure the AftlIcpEntry exists before attempting to free it. */ if (icp_entry) { /* Free the log_url and log_root_signature elements if they exist. */ if (icp_entry->log_url) avb_free(icp_entry->log_url); if (icp_entry->log_root_signature) avb_free(icp_entry->log_root_signature); /* Free the annotation elements if they exist. */ if (icp_entry->annotation_leaf) { if (icp_entry->annotation_leaf->signature) { if (icp_entry->annotation_leaf->signature->signature) { avb_free(icp_entry->annotation_leaf->signature->signature); } avb_free(icp_entry->annotation_leaf->signature); } if (icp_entry->annotation_leaf->annotation) { if (icp_entry->annotation_leaf->annotation->vbmeta_hash) avb_free(icp_entry->annotation_leaf->annotation->vbmeta_hash); if (icp_entry->annotation_leaf->annotation->version_incremental) avb_free(icp_entry->annotation_leaf->annotation->version_incremental); if (icp_entry->annotation_leaf->annotation->manufacturer_key_hash) avb_free( icp_entry->annotation_leaf->annotation->manufacturer_key_hash); if (icp_entry->annotation_leaf->annotation->description) avb_free(icp_entry->annotation_leaf->annotation->description); avb_free(icp_entry->annotation_leaf->annotation); } avb_free(icp_entry->annotation_leaf); } if (icp_entry->annotation_leaf_raw) avb_free(icp_entry->annotation_leaf_raw); /* Free the TrillianLogRoot elements if they exist. */ if (icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.metadata) avb_free(icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.metadata); if (icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.root_hash) avb_free(icp_entry->log_root_descriptor.root_hash); if (icp_entry->log_root_descriptor_raw) avb_free(icp_entry->log_root_descriptor_raw); if (icp_entry->proofs) avb_free(icp_entry->proofs); /* Finally, free the AftlIcpEntry. */ avb_free(icp_entry); } } /* Free the AftlImage and each allocated sub-element. */ void free_aftl_image(AftlImage* image) { size_t i; /* Ensure the descriptor exists before attempting to free it. */ if (!image) { return; } /* Free the entry array. */ if (image->entries) { /* Walk through each entry, freeing each one. */ for (i = 0; i < image->header.icp_count; i++) { if (image->entries[i]) { free_aftl_icp_entry(image->entries[i]); } } avb_free(image->entries); } avb_free(image); }