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_[Demo and API docs](https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/iron-a11y-announcer)_


`iron-a11y-announcer` is a singleton element that is intended to add a11y
to features that require on-demand announcement from screen readers. In
order to make use of the announcer, it is best to request its availability
in the announcing element.



  is: 'x-chatty',

  attached: function() {
    // This will create the singleton element if it has not
    // been created yet:

After the `iron-a11y-announcer` has been made available, elements can
make announces by firing bubbling `iron-announce` events.


this.fire('iron-announce', {
  text: 'This is an announcement!'
}, { bubbles: true });

Note: announcements are only audible if you have a screen reader enabled.