[![Build status](https://travis-ci.org/PolymerElements/paper-listbox.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/PolymerElements/paper-listbox) _[Demo and API docs](https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/paper-listbox)_ ##<paper-listbox> Material design: [Menus](https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/menus.html) `` implements an accessible listbox control with Material Design styling. The focused item is highlighted, and the selected item has bolded text. ```html Item 1 Item 2 ``` An initial selection can be specified with the `selected` attribute. ```html Item 1 Item 2 ``` Make a multi-select listbox with the `multi` attribute. Items in a multi-select listbox can be deselected, and multiple item can be selected. ```html Item 1 Item 2 ``` ### Styling The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling: | Custom property | Description | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | `--paper-listbox-background-color` | Menu background color | `--primary-background-color` | | `--paper-listbox-color` | Menu foreground color | `--primary-text-color` | | `--paper-listbox` | Mixin applied to the listbox | `{}` | ### Accessibility `` has `role="listbox"` by default. A multi-select listbox will also have `aria-multiselectable` set. It implements key bindings to navigate through the listbox with the up and down arrow keys, esc to exit the listbox, and enter to activate a listbox item. Typing the first letter of a listbox item will also focus it.