package org.unicode.cldr.unittest; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.unicode.cldr.test.DisplayAndInputProcessor; import org.unicode.cldr.tool.CldrVersion; import org.unicode.cldr.tool.LikelySubtags; import org.unicode.cldr.util.Builder; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile.DraftStatus; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile.Status; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile.WinningChoice; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRPaths; import org.unicode.cldr.util.ChainedMap; import org.unicode.cldr.util.ChainedMap.M4; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CharacterFallbacks; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility; import org.unicode.cldr.util.Counter; import org.unicode.cldr.util.DiscreteComparator; import org.unicode.cldr.util.DiscreteComparator.Ordering; import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdData; import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdData.Attribute; import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdData.Element; import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdData.ElementType; import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdType; import org.unicode.cldr.util.ElementAttributeInfo; import org.unicode.cldr.util.Factory; import org.unicode.cldr.util.InputStreamFactory; import org.unicode.cldr.util.LanguageTagParser; import org.unicode.cldr.util.Level; import org.unicode.cldr.util.LocaleIDParser; import org.unicode.cldr.util.Pair; import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathHeader; import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathUtilities; import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo; import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.PluralInfo; import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.PluralType; import org.unicode.cldr.util.XMLFileReader; import org.unicode.cldr.util.XPathParts; import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class TestBasic extends TestFmwkPlus { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; static CLDRConfig testInfo = CLDRConfig.getInstance(); private static final SupplementalDataInfo SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_INFO = testInfo .getSupplementalDataInfo(); private static final ImmutableSet> knownElementExceptions = ImmutableSet.of( Pair.of("ldml", "usesMetazone"), Pair.of("ldmlICU", "usesMetazone")); private static final ImmutableSet> knownAttributeExceptions = ImmutableSet.of( Pair.of("ldml", "version"), Pair.of("supplementalData", "version"), Pair.of("ldmlICU", "version"), Pair.of("layout", "standard"), Pair.of("currency", "id"), // for v1.1.1 Pair.of("monthNames", "type"), // for v1.1.1 Pair.of("alias", "type") // for v1.1.1 ); private static final ImmutableSet> knownChildExceptions = ImmutableSet.of( Pair.of("abbreviationFallback", "special"), Pair.of("inList", "special"), Pair.of("preferenceOrdering", "special")); /** * Simple test that loads each file in the cldr directory, thus verifying * that the DTD works, and also checks that the PrettyPaths work. * * @author markdavis */ public static void main(String[] args) { new TestBasic().run(args); } private static final ImmutableSet skipAttributes = ImmutableSet.of( "alt", "draft", "references"); private final ImmutableSet eightPointLocales = ImmutableSet.of( "ar", "ca", "cs", "da", "de", "el", "es", "fi", "fr", "he", "hi", "hr", "hu", "id", "it", "ja", "ko", "lt", "lv", "nb", "nl", "pl", "pt", "pt_PT", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sl", "sr", "sv", "th", "tr", "uk", "vi", "zh", "zh_Hant"); // private final boolean showForceZoom = Utility.getProperty("forcezoom", // false); private final boolean resolved = CldrUtility.getProperty("resolved", false); private final Exception[] internalException = new Exception[1]; public void TestDtds() throws IOException { Relation, String> foundAttributes = Relation .of(new TreeMap, Set>(), TreeSet.class); final CLDRConfig config = CLDRConfig.getInstance(); final File basedir = config.getCldrBaseDirectory(); List data = new ArrayList<>(); for (String subdir : config.getCLDRDataDirectories()) { checkDtds(new File(basedir, subdir), 0, foundAttributes, data); } if (foundAttributes.size() > 0) { showFoundElements(foundAttributes); } if (isVerbose()) { long totalBytes = 0; long totalNanos = 0; for (TimingInfo i : data) { long length = i.file.length(); totalBytes += length; totalNanos += i.nanos; logln(i.nanos + "\t" + length + "\t" + i.file); } logln(totalNanos + "\t" + totalBytes); } } private void checkDtds(File directoryFile, int level, Relation, String> foundAttributes, List data) throws IOException { boolean deepCheck = getInclusion() >= 10; File[] listFiles = directoryFile.listFiles(); String normalizedPath = PathUtilities.getNormalizedPathString(directoryFile); String indent = Utility.repeat("\t", level); if (listFiles == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(indent + "Empty directory: " + normalizedPath); } logln("Checking files for DTD errors in: " + indent + normalizedPath); for (File fileName : listFiles) { String name = fileName.getName(); if (CLDRConfig.isJunkFile(name)) { continue; } else if (fileName.isDirectory()) { checkDtds(fileName, level + 1, foundAttributes, data); } else if (name.endsWith(".xml")) { data.add(check(fileName)); if (deepCheck // takes too long to do all the time ) { CLDRFile cldrfile = CLDRFile.loadFromFile(fileName, "temp", DraftStatus.unconfirmed); for (String xpath : cldrfile) { String fullPath = cldrfile.getFullXPath(xpath); if (fullPath == null) { fullPath = cldrfile.getFullXPath(xpath); assertNotNull("", fullPath); continue; } XPathParts parts = XPathParts .getFrozenInstance(fullPath); DtdType type = parts.getDtdData().dtdType; for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { String element = parts.getElement(i); R2 typeElement = Row.of(type, element); if (parts.getAttributeCount(i) == 0) { foundAttributes.put(typeElement, "NONE"); } else { for (String attribute : parts .getAttributeKeys(i)) { foundAttributes.put(typeElement, attribute); } } } } } } } } public void showFoundElements( Relation, String> foundAttributes) { Relation, String> theoryAttributes = Relation .of(new TreeMap, Set>(), TreeSet.class); for (DtdType type : DtdType.values()) { DtdData dtdData = DtdData.getInstance(type); for (Element element : dtdData.getElementFromName().values()) { String name = element.getName(); Set attributes = element.getAttributes().keySet(); R2 typeElement = Row.of(type, name); if (attributes.isEmpty()) { theoryAttributes.put(typeElement, "NONE"); } else { for (Attribute attribute : attributes) { theoryAttributes.put(typeElement,; } } } } Relation> attributesToTypeElementUsed = Relation .of(new TreeMap>>(), LinkedHashSet.class); for (Entry, Set> s : theoryAttributes .keyValuesSet()) { R2 typeElement = s.getKey(); Set theoryAttributeSet = s.getValue(); DtdType type = typeElement.get0(); String element = typeElement.get1(); if (element.equals("ANY") || element.equals("#PCDATA")) { continue; } boolean deprecatedElement = SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_INFO.isDeprecated( type, element, "*", "*"); String header = type + "\t" + element + "\t" + (deprecatedElement ? "X" : "") + "\t"; Set usedAttributes = foundAttributes.get(typeElement); Set unusedAttributes = new LinkedHashSet( theoryAttributeSet); if (usedAttributes == null) { logln(header + "\t\t" + siftDeprecated(type, element, unusedAttributes, attributesToTypeElementUsed, false)); continue; } unusedAttributes.removeAll(usedAttributes); logln(header + siftDeprecated(type, element, usedAttributes, attributesToTypeElementUsed, true) + "\t" + siftDeprecated(type, element, unusedAttributes, attributesToTypeElementUsed, false)); } logln("Undeprecated Attributes\t"); for (Entry> s : attributesToTypeElementUsed .keyValueSet()) { R3 typeElementUsed = s.getValue(); logln(s.getKey() + "\t" + typeElementUsed.get0() + "\t" + typeElementUsed.get1() + "\t" + typeElementUsed.get2()); } } private String siftDeprecated( DtdType type, String element, Set attributeSet, Relation> attributesToTypeElementUsed, boolean used) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder bdep = new StringBuilder(); for (String attribute : attributeSet) { String attributeName = "«" + attribute + (!"NONE".equals(attribute) && CLDRFile.isDistinguishing(type, element, attribute) ? "*" : "") + "»"; if (!"NONE".equals(attribute) && SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_INFO.isDeprecated(type, element, attribute, "*")) { if (bdep.length() != 0) { bdep.append(" "); } bdep.append(attributeName); } else { if (b.length() != 0) { b.append(" "); } b.append(attributeName); if (!"NONE".equals(attribute)) { attributesToTypeElementUsed.put(attribute, Row.of(used, type, element)); } } } return b.toString() + "\t" + bdep.toString(); } class MyErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler { @Override public void error(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException { errln("error: " + XMLFileReader.showSAX(exception)); throw exception; } @Override public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException { errln("fatalError: " + XMLFileReader.showSAX(exception)); throw exception; } @Override public void warning(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException { errln("warning: " + XMLFileReader.showSAX(exception)); throw exception; } } private class TimingInfo { File file; long nanos; } public TimingInfo check(File systemID) { long start = System.nanoTime(); try (InputStream fis = InputStreamFactory.createInputStream(systemID)) { // FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(systemID); XMLReader xmlReader = XMLFileReader.createXMLReader(true); xmlReader.setErrorHandler(new MyErrorHandler()); InputSource is = new InputSource(fis); is.setSystemId(systemID.toString()); xmlReader.parse(is); // fis.close(); } catch (SAXException | IOException e) { errln("\t" + "Can't read " + systemID + "\t" + e.getClass() + "\t" + e.getMessage()); } // catch (SAXParseException e) { // errln("\t" + "Can't read " + systemID + "\t" + e.getClass() + "\t" + // e.getMessage()); // } catch (IOException e) { // errln("\t" + "Can't read " + systemID + "\t" + e.getClass() + "\t" + // e.getMessage()); // } TimingInfo timingInfo = new TimingInfo(); timingInfo.nanos = System.nanoTime() - start; timingInfo.file = systemID; return timingInfo; } public void TestCurrencyFallback() { Factory cldrFactory = testInfo.getCldrFactory(); Set currencies = testInfo.getStandardCodes().getAvailableCodes( "currency"); final UnicodeSet CHARACTERS_THAT_SHOULD_HAVE_FALLBACKS = new UnicodeSet( "[[:sc:]-[\\u0000-\\u00FF]]").freeze(); CharacterFallbacks fallbacks = CharacterFallbacks.make(); for (String locale : cldrFactory.getAvailable()) { CLDRFile file = testInfo.getCLDRFile(locale, false); if (file.isNonInheriting()) continue; final UnicodeSet OK_CURRENCY_FALLBACK = new UnicodeSet( "[\\u0000-\\u00FF]").addAll(safeExemplars(file, "")) .addAll(safeExemplars(file, "auxiliary")) .freeze(); UnicodeSet badSoFar = new UnicodeSet(); for (Iterator it = file.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String path =; if (path.endsWith("/alias")) { continue; } String value = file.getStringValue(path); // check for special characters if (CHARACTERS_THAT_SHOULD_HAVE_FALLBACKS.containsSome(value)) { XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path); if (!parts.getElement(-1).equals("symbol")) { continue; } // We don't care about fallbacks for narrow currency symbols if ("narrow".equals(parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "alt"))) { continue; } String currencyType = parts.getAttributeValue(-2, "type"); UnicodeSet fishy = new UnicodeSet().addAll(value) .retainAll(CHARACTERS_THAT_SHOULD_HAVE_FALLBACKS) .removeAll(badSoFar); for (UnicodeSetIterator it2 = new UnicodeSetIterator(fishy); it2 .next();) { final int fishyCodepoint = it2.codepoint; List fallbackList = fallbacks .getSubstitutes(fishyCodepoint); String nfkc = Normalizer.normalize(fishyCodepoint, Normalizer.NFKC); if (!nfkc.equals(UTF16.valueOf(fishyCodepoint))) { if (fallbackList == null) { fallbackList = new ArrayList(); } else { fallbackList = new ArrayList( fallbackList); // writable } fallbackList.add(nfkc); } // later test for all Latin-1 if (fallbackList == null) { errln("Locale:\t" + locale + ";\tCharacter with no fallback:\t" + it2.getString() + "\t" + UCharacter.getName(fishyCodepoint)); badSoFar.add(fishyCodepoint); } else { String fallback = null; for (String fb : fallbackList) { if (OK_CURRENCY_FALLBACK.containsAll(fb)) { if (!fb.equals(currencyType) && currencies.contains(fb)) { errln("Locale:\t" + locale + ";\tCurrency:\t" + currencyType + ";\tFallback converts to different code!:\t" + fb + "\t" + it2.getString() + "\t" + UCharacter .getName(fishyCodepoint)); } if (fallback == null) { fallback = fb; } } } if (fallback == null) { errln("Locale:\t" + locale + ";\tCharacter with no good fallback (exemplars+Latin1):\t" + it2.getString() + "\t" + UCharacter.getName(fishyCodepoint)); badSoFar.add(fishyCodepoint); } else { logln("Locale:\t" + locale + ";\tCharacter with good fallback:\t" + it2.getString() + " " + UCharacter.getName(fishyCodepoint) + " => " + fallback); // badSoFar.add(fishyCodepoint); } } } } } } } public void TestAbstractPaths() { Factory cldrFactory = testInfo.getCldrFactory(); CLDRFile english = testInfo.getEnglish(); Map> abstactPaths = new TreeMap>(); RegexTransform abstractPathTransform = new RegexTransform( RegexTransform.Processing.ONE_PASS).add("//ldml/", "") .add("\\[@alt=\"[^\"]*\"\\]", "").add("=\"[^\"]*\"", "=\"*\"") .add("([^]])\\[", "$1\t[").add("([^]])/", "$1\t/") .add("/", "\t"); for (String locale : getInclusion() <= 5 ? eightPointLocales : cldrFactory.getAvailable()) { CLDRFile file = testInfo.getCLDRFile(locale, resolved); if (file.isNonInheriting()) continue; logln(locale + "\t-\t" + english.getName(locale)); for (Iterator it = file.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String path =; if (path.endsWith("/alias")) { continue; } // collect abstracted paths String abstractPath = abstractPathTransform.transform(path); Level level = SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_INFO.getCoverageLevel(path, locale); if (level == Level.OPTIONAL) { level = Level.COMPREHENSIVE; } Counter row = abstactPaths.get(abstractPath); if (row == null) { abstactPaths.put(abstractPath, row = new Counter()); } row.add(level, 1); } } logln(CldrUtility.LINE_SEPARATOR + "Abstract Paths"); for (Entry> pathInfo : abstactPaths.entrySet()) { String path = pathInfo.getKey(); Counter counter = pathInfo.getValue(); logln(counter.getTotal() + "\t" + getCoverage(counter) + "\t" + path); } } private CharSequence getCoverage(Counter counter) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (Level level : counter.getKeysetSortedByKey()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { result.append(' '); } result.append("L").append(level.ordinal()).append("=") .append(counter.get(level)); } return result; } // public void TestCLDRFileCache() { // long start = System.nanoTime(); // Factory cldrFactory = testInfo.getCldrFactory(); // String unusualLocale = "hi"; // CLDRFile file = cldrFactory.make(unusualLocale, true); // long afterOne = System.nanoTime(); // logln("First: " + (afterOne-start)); // CLDRFile file2 = cldrFactory.make(unusualLocale, true); // long afterTwo = System.nanoTime(); // logln("Second: " + (afterTwo-afterOne)); // } // public void TestPaths() { Relation distinguishing = Relation.of( new TreeMap>(), TreeSet.class); Relation nonDistinguishing = Relation.of( new TreeMap>(), TreeSet.class); Factory cldrFactory = testInfo.getCldrFactory(); CLDRFile english = testInfo.getEnglish(); Relation pathToLocale = Relation.of( new TreeMap>(CLDRFile .getComparator(DtdType.ldml)), TreeSet.class, null); Set localesToTest = getInclusion() <= 5 ? eightPointLocales : cldrFactory.getAvailable(); for (String locale : localesToTest) { CLDRFile file = testInfo.getCLDRFile(locale, resolved); DtdType dtdType = null; if (file.isNonInheriting()) continue; DisplayAndInputProcessor displayAndInputProcessor = new DisplayAndInputProcessor( file, false); logln(locale + "\t-\t" + english.getName(locale)); for (Iterator it = file.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String path =; if (dtdType == null) { dtdType = DtdType.fromPath(path); } if (path.endsWith("/alias")) { continue; } String value = file.getStringValue(path); if (value == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(locale + "\tError: in null value at " + path); } String displayValue = displayAndInputProcessor .processForDisplay(path, value); if (!displayValue.equals(value)) { logln("\t" + locale + "\tdisplayAndInputProcessor changes display value <" + value + ">\t=>\t<" + displayValue + ">\t\t" + path); } String inputValue = displayAndInputProcessor.processInput(path, value, internalException); if (internalException[0] != null) { errln("\t" + locale + "\tdisplayAndInputProcessor internal error <" + value + ">\t=>\t<" + inputValue + ">\t\t" + path); internalException[0].printStackTrace(System.out); } if (isVerbose() && !inputValue.equals(value)) { displayAndInputProcessor.processInput(path, value, internalException); // for // debugging logln("\t" + locale + "\tdisplayAndInputProcessor changes input value <" + value + ">\t=>\t<" + inputValue + ">\t\t" + path); } pathToLocale.put(path, locale); // also check for non-distinguishing attributes if (path.contains("/identity")) continue; String fullPath = file.getFullXPath(path); XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(fullPath); for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { if (parts.getAttributeCount(i) == 0) { continue; } String element = parts.getElement(i); for (String attribute : parts.getAttributeKeys(i)) { if (skipAttributes.contains(attribute)) continue; if (CLDRFile.isDistinguishing(dtdType, element, attribute)) { distinguishing.put(element, attribute); } else { nonDistinguishing.put(element, attribute); } } } } } if (isVerbose()) { System.out.format("Distinguishing Elements: %s" + CldrUtility.LINE_SEPARATOR, distinguishing); System.out.format("Nondistinguishing Elements: %s" + CldrUtility.LINE_SEPARATOR, nonDistinguishing); System.out.format("Skipped %s" + CldrUtility.LINE_SEPARATOR, skipAttributes); } } /** * The verbose output shows the results of 1..3 \u00a4 signs. */ public void checkCurrency() { Map>> results = new TreeMap>>( Collator.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH)); for (ULocale locale : ULocale.getAvailableLocales()) { if (locale.getCountry().length() != 0) { continue; } for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) { NumberFormat format = getCurrencyInstance(locale, i); for (Currency c : new Currency[] { Currency.getInstance("USD"), Currency.getInstance("EUR"), Currency.getInstance("INR") }) { format.setCurrency(c); final String formatted = format.format(12345.67); Set> set = results.get(formatted); if (set == null) { results.put(formatted, set = new TreeSet>()); } set.add(Row.of(locale.toString(), Integer.valueOf(i))); } } } for (String formatted : results.keySet()) { logln(formatted + "\t" + results.get(formatted)); } } private static NumberFormat getCurrencyInstance(ULocale locale, int type) { NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale); if (type > 1) { DecimalFormat format2 = (DecimalFormat) format; String pattern = format2.toPattern(); String replacement = "\u00a4\u00a4"; for (int i = 2; i < type; ++i) { replacement += "\u00a4"; } pattern = pattern.replace("\u00a4", replacement); format2.applyPattern(pattern); } return format; } private UnicodeSet safeExemplars(CLDRFile file, String string) { final UnicodeSet result = file.getExemplarSet(string, WinningChoice.NORMAL); return result != null ? result : new UnicodeSet(); } public void TestAPath() { // 1 String path = "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"gregorian\"]/months/monthContext[@type=\"format\"]/monthWidth[@type=\"abbreviated\"]/month[@type=\"1\"]"; CLDRFile root = testInfo.getRoot(); logln("path: " + path); String fullpath = root.getFullXPath(path); logln("fullpath: " + fullpath); String value = root.getStringValue(path); logln("value: " + value); Status status = new Status(); String source = root.getSourceLocaleID(path, status); logln("locale: " + source); logln("status: " + status); } public void TestDefaultContents() { Set defaultContents = Inheritance.defaultContents; Multimap parentToChildren = Inheritance.parentToChildren; // Put a list of locales that should be default content here. final String expectDC[] = { "os_GE" // see CLDR-14118 }; for(final String locale : expectDC) { assertTrue("expect "+locale+" to be a default content locale", defaultContents.contains(locale)); } if (DEBUG) { Inheritance.showChain("", "", "root"); } for (String locale : defaultContents) { CLDRFile cldrFile; try { cldrFile = testInfo.getCLDRFile(locale, false); } catch (RuntimeException e) { logln("Can't open default content file:\t" + locale); continue; } // we check that the default content locale is always empty for (Iterator it = cldrFile.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String path =; if (path.contains("/identity")) { continue; } errln("Default content file not empty:\t" + locale); showDifferences(locale); break; } } // check that if a locale has any children, that exactly one of them is // the default content. Ignore locales with variants for (Entry> localeAndKids : parentToChildren.asMap().entrySet()) { String locale = localeAndKids.getKey(); if (locale.equals("root")) { continue; } Collection rawChildren = localeAndKids.getValue(); // remove variant children Set children = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (String child : rawChildren) { if (new LocaleIDParser().set(child).getVariants().length == 0) { children.add(child); } } if (children.isEmpty()) { continue; } Set defaultContentChildren = new LinkedHashSet(children); defaultContentChildren.retainAll(defaultContents); if (defaultContentChildren.size() == 1) { continue; // If we're already down to the region level then it's OK not to have // default contents. } else if (! new LocaleIDParser().set(locale).getRegion().isEmpty()) { continue; } else if (defaultContentChildren.isEmpty()) { Object possible = highestShared(locale, children); errln("Locale has children but is missing default contents locale: " + locale + ", children: " + children + "; possible fixes for children:\n" + possible); } else { errln("Locale has too many defaultContent locales!!: " + locale + ", defaultContents: " + defaultContentChildren); } } // check that each default content locale is likely-subtag equivalent to // its parent. for (String locale : defaultContents) { String maxLocale = LikelySubtags.maximize(locale, likelyData); String localeParent = LocaleIDParser.getParent(locale); String maxLocaleParent = LikelySubtags.maximize(localeParent, likelyData); if (locale.equals("ar_001")) { logln("Known exception to likelyMax(locale=" + locale + ")" + " == " + "likelyMax(defaultContent=" + localeParent + ")"); continue; } assertEquals("likelyMax(locale=" + locale + ")" + " == " + "likelyMax(defaultContent=" + localeParent + ")", maxLocaleParent, maxLocale); } } private String highestShared(String parent, Set children) { M4 data = ChainedMap.of(new TreeMap(), new TreeMap(), new TreeMap(), Boolean.class); CLDRFile parentFile = testInfo.getCLDRFile(parent, true); PathHeader.Factory phf = PathHeader.getFactory(testInfo.getEnglish()); for (String child : children) { CLDRFile cldrFile = testInfo.getCLDRFile(child, false); for (String path : cldrFile) { if (path.contains("/identity")) { continue; } if (path.contains("provisional") || path.contains("unconfirmed")) { continue; } String value = cldrFile.getStringValue(path); // double-check String parentValue = parentFile.getStringValue(path); if (value.equals(parentValue)) { continue; } PathHeader ph = phf.fromPath(path); data.put(ph, value, child, Boolean.TRUE); data.put(ph, parentValue == null ? "∅∅∅" : parentValue, child, Boolean.TRUE); } } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (Entry>> entry : data) { for (Entry> item : entry.getValue().entrySet()) { result.append("\n") .append(entry.getKey()) .append("\t") .append(item.getKey() + "\t" + item.getValue().keySet()); } } return result.toString(); } public static class Inheritance { public static final Set defaultContents = SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_INFO .getDefaultContentLocales(); public static final Multimap parentToChildren; static { Multimap _parentToChildren = TreeMultimap.create(); for (String child : testInfo.getCldrFactory().getAvailable()) { if (child.equals("root")) { continue; } String localeParent = LocaleIDParser.getParent(child); _parentToChildren.put(localeParent, child); } parentToChildren = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(_parentToChildren); } public static void showChain(String prefix, String gparent, String current) { Collection children = parentToChildren.get(current); if (children == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } prefix += current + (defaultContents.contains(current) ? "*" : "") + (isLikelyEquivalent(gparent, current) ? "~" : "") + "\t"; // find leaves Set parents = new LinkedHashSet<>(children); parents.retainAll(parentToChildren.keySet()); Set leaves = new LinkedHashSet<>(children); leaves.removeAll(parentToChildren.keySet()); if (!leaves.isEmpty()) { List presentation = new ArrayList<>(); boolean gotDc = false; for (String s : leaves) { String shown = s; if (isLikelyEquivalent(current, s)) { shown += "~"; } if (defaultContents.contains(s)) { gotDc = true; shown += "*"; } if (!shown.equals(s)) { presentation.add(0, shown); } else { presentation.add(shown); } } if (!gotDc) { int debug = 0; } if (leaves.size() == 1) { System.out.println(prefix + Joiner.on(" ").join(presentation)); } else { System.out.println(prefix + "{" + Joiner.on(" ").join(presentation) + "}"); } } for (String parent : parents) { showChain(prefix, current, parent); } } static boolean isLikelyEquivalent(String locale1, String locale2) { if (locale1.equals(locale2)) { return true; } try { String maxLocale1 = LikelySubtags.maximize(locale1, likelyData); String maxLocale2 = LikelySubtags.maximize(locale2, likelyData); return maxLocale1 != null && Objects.equal(maxLocale1, maxLocale2); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } } static final Map likelyData = SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_INFO .getLikelySubtags(); public void TestLikelySubtagsComplete() { LanguageTagParser ltp = new LanguageTagParser(); for (String locale : testInfo.getCldrFactory().getAvailable()) { if (locale.equals("root")) { continue; } String maxLocale = LikelySubtags.maximize(locale, likelyData); if (maxLocale == null) { errln("Locale missing likely subtag: " + locale); continue; } ltp.set(maxLocale); if (ltp.getLanguage().isEmpty() || ltp.getScript().isEmpty() || ltp.getRegion().isEmpty()) { errln("Locale has defective likely subtag: " + locale + " => " + maxLocale); } } } private void showDifferences(String locale) { CLDRFile cldrFile = testInfo.getCLDRFile(locale, false); final String localeParent = LocaleIDParser.getParent(locale); CLDRFile parentFile = testInfo.getCLDRFile(localeParent, true); int funnyCount = 0; for (Iterator it = cldrFile.iterator("", cldrFile.getComparator()); it.hasNext();) { String path =; if (path.contains("/identity")) { continue; } final String fullXPath = cldrFile.getFullXPath(path); if (fullXPath.contains("[@draft=\"unconfirmed\"]") || fullXPath.contains("[@draft=\"provisional\"]")) { funnyCount++; continue; } logln("\tpath:\t" + path); logln("\t\t" + locale + " value:\t<" + cldrFile.getStringValue(path) + ">"); final String parentFullPath = parentFile.getFullXPath(path); logln("\t\t" + localeParent + " value:\t<" + parentFile.getStringValue(path) + ">"); logln("\t\t" + locale + " fullpath:\t" + fullXPath); logln("\t\t" + localeParent + " fullpath:\t" + parentFullPath); } logln("\tCount of non-approved:\t" + funnyCount); } enum MissingType { plurals, main_exemplars, no_main, collation, index_exemplars, punct_exemplars } public void TestCoreData() { Set availableLanguages = testInfo.getCldrFactory() .getAvailableLanguages(); PluralInfo rootRules = SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_INFO.getPlurals( PluralType.cardinal, "root"); Multimap errors = TreeMultimap.create(); errors.put(MissingType.collation, "?"); Multimap warnings = TreeMultimap.create(); warnings.put(MissingType.collation, "?"); warnings.put(MissingType.index_exemplars, "?"); warnings.put(MissingType.punct_exemplars, "?"); Set collations = new HashSet(); // collect collation info Factory collationFactory = Factory.make(CLDRPaths.COLLATION_DIRECTORY, ".*", DraftStatus.contributed); for (String localeID : collationFactory.getAvailable()) { if (isTopLevel(localeID)) { collations.add(localeID); } } logln(collations.toString()); Set allLanguages = Builder.with(new TreeSet()) .addAll(collations).addAll(availableLanguages).freeze(); for (String localeID : allLanguages) { if (localeID.equals("root")) { continue; // skip script locales } if (!isTopLevel(localeID)) { continue; } errors.clear(); warnings.clear(); String name = "Locale:" + localeID + " (" + testInfo.getEnglish().getName(localeID) + ")"; if (!collations.contains(localeID)) { warnings.put(MissingType.collation, "missing"); logln(name + " is missing " + MissingType.collation.toString()); } try { CLDRFile cldrFile = testInfo.getCldrFactory().make(localeID, false, DraftStatus.contributed); String wholeFileAlias = cldrFile.getStringValue("//ldml/alias"); if (wholeFileAlias != null) { logln("Whole-file alias:" + name); continue; } PluralInfo pluralInfo = SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_INFO.getPlurals( PluralType.cardinal, localeID); if (pluralInfo == rootRules) { logln(name + " is missing " + MissingType.plurals.toString()); warnings.put(MissingType.plurals, "missing"); } UnicodeSet main = cldrFile.getExemplarSet("", WinningChoice.WINNING); if (main == null || main.isEmpty()) { errln(" " + name + " is missing " + MissingType.main_exemplars.toString()); errors.put(MissingType.main_exemplars, "missing"); } UnicodeSet index = cldrFile.getExemplarSet("index", WinningChoice.WINNING); if (index == null || index.isEmpty()) { logln(name + " is missing " + MissingType.index_exemplars.toString()); warnings.put(MissingType.index_exemplars, "missing"); } UnicodeSet punctuation = cldrFile.getExemplarSet("punctuation", WinningChoice.WINNING); if (punctuation == null || punctuation.isEmpty()) { logln(name + " is missing " + MissingType.punct_exemplars.toString()); warnings.put(MissingType.punct_exemplars, "missing"); } } catch (Exception e) { StringWriter x = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(x); e.printStackTrace(pw); pw.flush(); errln(" " + name + " is missing main locale data." + x); errors.put(MissingType.no_main, x.toString()); } // report errors if (errors.isEmpty() && warnings.isEmpty()) { logln(name + ": No problems..."); } } } private boolean isTopLevel(String localeID) { return "root".equals(LocaleIDParser.getParent(localeID)); } /** * Tests that every dtd item is connected from root */ public void TestDtdCompleteness() { for (DtdType type : DtdType.values()) { DtdData dtdData = DtdData.getInstance(type); Set descendents = new LinkedHashSet(); dtdData.getDescendents(dtdData.ROOT, descendents); Set elements = dtdData.getElements(); if (!elements.equals(descendents)) { for (Element e : elements) { if (!descendents.contains(e) && !e.equals(dtdData.PCDATA) && !e.equals(dtdData.ANY)) { errln(type + ": Element " + e + " not contained in descendents of ROOT."); } } for (Element e : descendents) { if (!elements.contains(e)) { errln(type + ": Element " + e + ", descendent of ROOT, not in elements."); } } } LinkedHashSet all = new LinkedHashSet(descendents); all.addAll(elements); Set attributes = dtdData.getAttributes(); for (Attribute a : attributes) { if (!elements.contains(a.element)) { errln(type + ": Attribute " + a + " isn't for any element."); } } } } public void TestBasicDTDCompatibility() { if (logKnownIssue("cldrbug:11583", "Comment out test until last release data is available for unit tests")) { return; } final String oldCommon = CldrVersion.v22_1.getBaseDirectory() + "/common"; // set up exceptions Set changedToEmpty = new HashSet( Arrays.asList(new String[] { "version", "languageCoverage", "scriptCoverage", "territoryCoverage", "currencyCoverage", "timezoneCoverage", "skipDefaultLocale" })); Set PCDATA = new HashSet(); PCDATA.add("PCDATA"); Set EMPTY = new HashSet(); EMPTY.add("EMPTY"); Set VERSION = new HashSet(); VERSION.add("version"); // test all DTDs for (DtdType dtd : DtdType.values()) { try { ElementAttributeInfo oldDtd = ElementAttributeInfo.getInstance( oldCommon, dtd); ElementAttributeInfo newDtd = ElementAttributeInfo .getInstance(dtd); if (oldDtd == newDtd) { continue; } Relation oldElement2Children = oldDtd .getElement2Children(); Relation newElement2Children = newDtd .getElement2Children(); Relation oldElement2Attributes = oldDtd .getElement2Attributes(); Relation newElement2Attributes = newDtd .getElement2Attributes(); for (String element : oldElement2Children.keySet()) { Set oldChildren = oldElement2Children .getAll(element); Set newChildren = newElement2Children .getAll(element); if (newChildren == null) { if (!knownElementExceptions.contains(Pair.of(dtd.toString(), element))) { errln("Old " + dtd + " contains element not in new: <" + element + ">"); } continue; } Set funny = containsInOrder(newChildren, oldChildren); if (funny != null) { if (changedToEmpty.contains(element) && oldChildren.equals(PCDATA) && newChildren.equals(EMPTY)) { // ok, skip } else { errln("Old " + dtd + " element <" + element + "> has children Missing/Misordered:\t" + funny + "\n\t\tOld:\t" + oldChildren + "\n\t\tNew:\t" + newChildren); } } Set oldAttributes = oldElement2Attributes .getAll(element); if (oldAttributes == null) { oldAttributes = Collections.emptySet(); } Set newAttributes = newElement2Attributes .getAll(element); if (newAttributes == null) { newAttributes = Collections.emptySet(); } if (!newAttributes.containsAll(oldAttributes)) { LinkedHashSet missing = new LinkedHashSet( oldAttributes); missing.removeAll(newAttributes); if (element.equals(dtd.toString()) && missing.equals(VERSION)) { // ok, skip } else { errln("Old " + dtd + " element <" + element + "> has attributes Missing:\t" + missing + "\n\t\tOld:\t" + oldAttributes + "\n\t\tNew:\t" + newAttributes); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); errln("Failure with " + dtd); } } } private Set containsInOrder(Set superset, Set subset) { if (!superset.containsAll(subset)) { LinkedHashSet missing = new LinkedHashSet(subset); missing.removeAll(superset); return missing; } // ok, we know that they are subsets, try order Set result = null; DiscreteComparator comp = new DiscreteComparator.Builder( Ordering.ARBITRARY).add(superset).get(); T last = null; for (T item : subset) { if (last != null) { int order =, item); if (order != -1) { if (result == null) { result = new HashSet(); result.add(last); result.add(item); } } } last = item; } return result; } public void TestDtdCompatibility() { for (DtdType type : DtdType.values()) { DtdData dtdData = DtdData.getInstance(type); Map currentElementFromName = dtdData .getElementFromName(); // current has no orphan Set orphans = new LinkedHashSet(dtdData .getElementFromName().values()); orphans.remove(dtdData.ROOT); orphans.remove(dtdData.PCDATA); orphans.remove(dtdData.ANY); Set elementsWithoutAlt = new TreeSet(); Set elementsWithoutDraft = new TreeSet(); Set elementsWithoutAlias = new TreeSet(); Set elementsWithoutSpecial = new TreeSet(); for (Element element : dtdData.getElementFromName().values()) { Set children = element.getChildren().keySet(); orphans.removeAll(children); if (type == DtdType.ldml && !SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_INFO.isDeprecated(type,, "*", "*")) { if (element.getType() == ElementType.PCDATA) { if (element.getAttributeNamed("alt") == null) { elementsWithoutAlt.add(; } if (element.getAttributeNamed("draft") == null) { elementsWithoutDraft.add(; } } else { if (children.size() != 0 && !"alias".equals( { if (element.getChildNamed("alias") == null) { elementsWithoutAlias.add(; } if (element.getChildNamed("special") == null) { elementsWithoutSpecial.add(; } } } } } assertEquals(type + " DTD Must not have orphan elements", Collections.EMPTY_SET, orphans); assertEquals(type + " DTD elements with PCDATA must have 'alt' attributes", Collections.EMPTY_SET, elementsWithoutAlt); assertEquals(type + " DTD elements with PCDATA must have 'draft' attributes", Collections.EMPTY_SET, elementsWithoutDraft); assertEquals(type + " DTD elements with children must have 'alias' elements", Collections.EMPTY_SET, elementsWithoutAlias); assertEquals( type + " DTD elements with children must have 'special' elements", Collections.EMPTY_SET, elementsWithoutSpecial); if (logKnownIssue("cldrbug:11583", "Comment out test until last release data is available for unit tests")) { return; } for (CldrVersion version : CldrVersion.CLDR_VERSIONS_DESCENDING) { if (version == CldrVersion.unknown || version == CldrVersion.trunk) { continue; } DtdData dtdDataOld; try { dtdDataOld = DtdData.getInstance(type, version.toString()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { boolean tooOld = false; switch (type) { case ldmlBCP47: case ldmlICU: tooOld = version.isOlderThan(CldrVersion.v1_7_2); break; case keyboard: case platform: tooOld = version.isOlderThan(CldrVersion.v22_1); break; default: break; } if (tooOld) { continue; } else { errln(version + ": " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + e.getMessage()); continue; } } // verify that if E is in dtdDataOld, then it is in dtdData, and // has at least the same children and attributes for (Entry entry : dtdDataOld .getElementFromName().entrySet()) { Element oldElement = entry.getValue(); Element newElement = currentElementFromName.get(entry .getKey()); if (knownElementExceptions.contains(Pair.of(type.toString(), oldElement.getName()))) { continue; } if (assertNotNull(type + " DTD for trunk must be superset of v" + version + ", and must contain «" + oldElement.getName() + "»", newElement)) { // TODO Check order also for (Element oldChild : oldElement.getChildren() .keySet()) { if (oldChild == null) { continue; } Element newChild = newElement .getChildNamed(oldChild.getName()); if (knownChildExceptions.contains(Pair.of(newElement.getName(), oldChild.getName()))) { continue; } assertNotNull( type + " DTD - Trunk children of «" + newElement.getName() + "» must be superset of v" + version + ", and must contain «" + oldChild.getName() + "»", newChild); } for (Attribute oldAttribute : oldElement .getAttributes().keySet()) { Attribute newAttribute = newElement .getAttributeNamed(oldAttribute.getName()); if (knownAttributeExceptions.contains(Pair.of(newElement.getName(), oldAttribute.getName()))) { continue; } assertNotNull( type + " DTD - Trunk attributes of «" + newElement.getName() + "» must be superset of v" + version + ", and must contain «" + oldAttribute.getName() + "»", newAttribute); } } } } } } /** * Compare each path to each other path for every single file in CLDR */ public void TestDtdComparison() { // try some simple paths for regression sortPaths( DtdData.getInstance(DtdType.ldml).getDtdComparator(null), "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"generic\"]/dateTimeFormats/dateTimeFormatLength[@type=\"full\"]/dateTimeFormat[@type=\"standard\"]/pattern[@type=\"standard\"]", "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"generic\"]/dateTimeFormats"); sortPaths( DtdData.getInstance(DtdType.supplementalData).getDtdComparator( null), "//supplementalData/territoryContainment/group[@type=\"419\"][@contains=\"013 029 005\"][@grouping=\"true\"]", "//supplementalData/territoryContainment/group[@type=\"003\"][@contains=\"021 013 029\"][@grouping=\"true\"]"); } public void TestDtdComparisonsAll() { if (getInclusion() <= 5) { // Only run this test in exhaustive mode. return; } for (File file : CLDRConfig.getInstance().getAllCLDRFilesEndingWith(".xml")) { checkDtdComparatorFor(file, null); } } public void checkDtdComparatorForResource(String fileToRead, DtdType overrideDtdType) { MyHandler myHandler = new MyHandler(overrideDtdType); XMLFileReader xfr = new XMLFileReader().setHandler(myHandler); try { myHandler.fileName = fileToRead;, TestBasic.class, -1, true); logln(myHandler.fileName); } catch (Exception e) { Throwable t = e; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); String indent = ""; while (t != null) { b.append(indent).append(t.getMessage()); indent = indent.isEmpty() ? "\n\t\t" : indent + "\t"; t = t.getCause(); } errln(b.toString()); return; } DtdData dtdData = DtdData.getInstance(myHandler.dtdType); sortPaths(dtdData.getDtdComparator(null),; } public void checkDtdComparatorFor(File fileToRead, DtdType overrideDtdType) { MyHandler myHandler = new MyHandler(overrideDtdType); XMLFileReader xfr = new XMLFileReader().setHandler(myHandler); try { myHandler.fileName = PathUtilities.getNormalizedPathString(fileToRead);, -1, true); logln(myHandler.fileName); } catch (Exception e) { Throwable t = e; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); String indent = ""; while (t != null) { b.append(indent).append(t.getMessage()); indent = indent.isEmpty() ? "\n\t\t" : indent + "\t"; t = t.getCause(); } errln(b.toString()); return; } DtdData dtdData = DtdData.getInstance(myHandler.dtdType); sortPaths(dtdData.getDtdComparator(null),; } static class MyHandler extends XMLFileReader.SimpleHandler { private String fileName; private DtdType dtdType; private final Set data = new LinkedHashSet<>(); public MyHandler(DtdType overrideDtdType) { dtdType = overrideDtdType; } @Override public void handlePathValue(String path, @SuppressWarnings("unused") String value) { if (dtdType == null) { try { dtdType = DtdType.fromPath(path); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Can't read " + fileName, e); } } data.add(path); } } public void sortPaths(Comparator dc, Collection paths) { String[] array = paths.toArray(new String[paths.size()]); sortPaths(dc, array); } public void sortPaths(Comparator dc, String... array) { Arrays.sort(array, 0, array.length, dc); } // public void TestNewDtdData() moved to TestDtdData }