package org.unicode.cldr.test; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.unicode.cldr.draft.FileUtilities; import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR.CheckStatus; import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR.CheckStatus.Subtype; import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR.CompoundCheckCLDR; import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR.FormatDemo; import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR.Options; import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR.Phase; import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR.SimpleDemo; import org.unicode.cldr.tool.Option; import org.unicode.cldr.tool.Option.Params; import org.unicode.cldr.tool.ShowData; import org.unicode.cldr.tool.TablePrinter; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig.Environment; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile.Status; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRPaths; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRTool; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility; import org.unicode.cldr.util.Counter; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CoverageInfo; import org.unicode.cldr.util.Factory; import org.unicode.cldr.util.LanguageTagParser; import org.unicode.cldr.util.Level; import org.unicode.cldr.util.LocaleIDParser; import org.unicode.cldr.util.LogicalGrouping; import org.unicode.cldr.util.Organization; import org.unicode.cldr.util.Pair; import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathDescription; import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathHeader; import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathUtilities; import org.unicode.cldr.util.PatternCache; import org.unicode.cldr.util.SimpleFactory; import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes; import org.unicode.cldr.util.StringId; import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo; import org.unicode.cldr.util.UnicodeSetPrettyPrinter; import org.unicode.cldr.util.VoteResolver; import org.unicode.cldr.util.VoteResolver.CandidateInfo; import org.unicode.cldr.util.VoteResolver.UnknownVoterException; import org.unicode.cldr.util.XMLSource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Console test for CheckCLDR.
* Some common source directories: * *
 *  -s C:/cvsdata/unicode/cldr/incoming/vetted/main
 *  -s C:/cvsdata/unicode/cldr/incoming/proposed/main
 *  -s C:/cvsdata/unicode/cldr/incoming/proposed/main
 *  -s C:/cvsdata/unicode/cldr/testdata/main
* * @author markdavis * */ @CLDRTool(alias = "check", description = "Run CheckCLDR against CLDR data") public class ConsoleCheckCLDR { private static final CLDRConfig CLDR_CONFIG = CLDRConfig.getInstance(); private static final PathHeader.Factory PATH_HEADER_FACTORY = PathHeader.getFactory(); public static boolean showStackTrace = false; public static boolean errorsOnly = false; static boolean SHOW_LOCALE = true; static boolean SHOW_EXAMPLES = false; // static PrettyPath prettyPathMaker = new PrettyPath(); private static final int HELP1 = 0, HELP2 = 1, COVERAGE = 2, EXAMPLES = 3, FILE_FILTER = 4, TEST_FILTER = 5, DATE_FORMATS = 6, ORGANIZATION = 7, SHOWALL = 8, PATH_FILTER = 9, ERRORS_ONLY = 10, CHECK_ON_SUBMIT = 11, NO_ALIASES = 12, SOURCE_DIRECTORY = 13, USER = 14, PHASE = 15, GENERATE_HTML = 16, VOTE_RESOLVE = 17, ID_VIEW = 18, SUBTYPE_FILTER = 19, SOURCE_ALL = 20, BAILEY = 21 // VOTE_RESOLVE2 = 21 ; static final String SOURCE_DIRS = CLDRPaths.MAIN_DIRECTORY + "," + CLDRPaths.ANNOTATIONS_DIRECTORY + "," + CLDRPaths.SEED_DIRECTORY; enum MyOptions { coverage(new Params().setHelp("Set the coverage: eg -c comprehensive") .setMatch("comprehensive|modern|moderate|basic")), // UOption.REQUIRES_ARG examples(new Params().setHelp("Turn on examples (actually a summary of the demo)") .setFlag('x')), //, 'x', UOption.NO_ARG), file_filter(new Params().setHelp("Pick the locales (files) to check: arg is a regular expression, eg -f fr, or -f fr.*, or -f (fr|en-.*)") .setDefault(".*").setMatch(".*")), //, 'f', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG).setDefault(".*"), test_filter(new Params() .setHelp("Filter the Checks: arg is a regular expression, eg -t.*number.*. To check all BUT a given test, use the style -t ((?!.*CheckZones).*)") .setDefault(".*").setMatch(".*")), //, 't', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG).setDefault(".*"), date_formats(new Params().setHelp("Turn on special date format checks")), //, 'd', UOption.NO_ARG), organization(new Params().setHelp("Organization: ibm, google, ....; Uses Locales.txt for to filter locales and set coverage levels") .setDefault(".*").setMatch(".*")), //, 'o', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG), showall(new Params().setHelp("Show all paths, including aliased").setFlag('a')), //, 'a', UOption.NO_ARG), path_filter(new Params().setHelp("Pick the paths to check, eg -p.*languages.*") .setDefault(".*").setMatch(".*")), //, 'p', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG).setDefault(".*"), errors_only(new Params().setHelp("Show errors only (with -ef, only final processing errors)")), //, 'e', UOption.NO_ARG), check_on_submit(new Params().setHelp("") .setFlag('k')), //, 'k', UOption.NO_ARG), noaliases(new Params().setHelp("No aliases")), //, 'n', UOption.NO_ARG), source_directory(new Params().setHelp("Fully qualified source directories. (Conflicts with -S.)") .setDefault(SOURCE_DIRS).setMatch(".*")), //, 's', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG).setDefault(SOURCE_DIRS), user(new Params().setHelp("User, eg -uu148") .setMatch(".*")), //, 'u', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG), phase(new Params().setHelp("?") .setMatch(Phase.class).setFlag('z')), //, 'z', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG), generate_html(new Params().setHelp("Generate HTML-style chart in directory.") .setDefault(CLDRPaths.CHART_DIRECTORY + "/errors/").setMatch(".*")), //, 'g', UOption.OPTIONAL_ARG).setDefault(CLDRPaths.CHART_DIRECTORY + "/errors/"), vote_resolution(new Params().setHelp("")), //, 'v', UOption.NO_ARG), id_view(new Params().setHelp("")), //, 'i', UOption.NO_ARG), subtype_filter(new Params().setHelp("error/warning subtype filter, eg unexpectedOrderOfEraYear") .setDefault(".*").setMatch(".*").setFlag('y')), //, 'y', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG), source_all(new Params().setHelp( "Partially qualified directories. Standard subdirectories added if not specified (/main, /annotations, /subdivisions). (Conflicts with -s.)") .setMatch(".*").setFlag('S').setDefault("common,seed,exemplars")), //, 'S', ), bailey(new Params().setHelp("check bailey values (" + CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER + ")")), //, 'b', UOption.NO_ARG) exemplarError(new Params().setFlag('E').setHelp("include to force strict Exemplar check")); // BOILERPLATE TO COPY final Option option; private MyOptions(Params params) { option = new Option(this, params); } private static Option.Options myOptions = new Option.Options(); static { for (MyOptions option : MyOptions.values()) { myOptions.add(option, option.option); } } private static Set parse(String[] args, boolean showArguments) { return myOptions.parse(MyOptions.values()[0], args, true); } } private static final UOption[] options = { UOption.HELP_H(), UOption.HELP_QUESTION_MARK(), UOption.create("coverage", 'c', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG), UOption.create("examples", 'x', UOption.NO_ARG), UOption.create("file_filter", 'f', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG).setDefault(".*"), UOption.create("test_filter", 't', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG).setDefault(".*"), UOption.create("date_formats", 'd', UOption.NO_ARG), UOption.create("organization", 'o', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG), UOption.create("showall", 'a', UOption.NO_ARG), UOption.create("path_filter", 'p', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG).setDefault(".*"), UOption.create("errors_only", 'e', UOption.NO_ARG), UOption.create("check-on-submit", 'k', UOption.NO_ARG), UOption.create("noaliases", 'n', UOption.NO_ARG), UOption.create("source_directory", 's', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG).setDefault(SOURCE_DIRS), UOption.create("user", 'u', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG), UOption.create("phase", 'z', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG), UOption.create("generate_html", 'g', UOption.OPTIONAL_ARG).setDefault(CLDRPaths.CHART_DIRECTORY + "/errors/"), UOption.create("vote resolution", 'v', UOption.NO_ARG), UOption.create("id view", 'i', UOption.NO_ARG), UOption.create("subtype_filter", 'y', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG), UOption.create("source_all", 'S', UOption.OPTIONAL_ARG).setDefault("common,seed,exemplars"), UOption.create("bailey", 'b', UOption.NO_ARG), UOption.create("exemplarError", 'E', UOption.NO_ARG) // UOption.create("vote resolution2", 'w', UOption.OPTIONAL_ARG).setDefault(Utility.BASE_DIRECTORY + // "incoming/vetted/main/votes/"), }; private static final Comparator baseFirstCollator = new Comparator() { LanguageTagParser languageTagParser1 = new LanguageTagParser(); LanguageTagParser languageTagParser2 = new LanguageTagParser(); @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { String ls1 = languageTagParser1.set(o1).getLanguageScript(); String ls2 = languageTagParser2.set(o2).getLanguageScript(); int result = ls1.compareTo(ls2); if (result != 0) return result; return o1.compareTo(o2); } }; private static final boolean PATH_IN_COUNT = false; /* * TODO: unused? Should be used? */ private static String[] HelpMessage = { "-h \t This message", "-s \t Source directory, default = " + SOURCE_DIRS, "-S common,seed\t Use common AND seed directories. ( Set CLDR_DIR, don't use this with -s. )\n", "-fxxx \t Pick the locales (files) to check: xxx is a regular expression, eg -f fr, or -f fr.*, or -f (fr|en-.*)", "-pxxx \t Pick the paths to check, eg -p(.*languages.*)", "-cxxx \t Set the coverage: eg -c comprehensive or -c modern or -c moderate or -c basic", "-txxx \t Filter the Checks: xxx is a regular expression, eg -t.*number.*. To check all BUT a given test, use the style -t ((?!.*CheckZones).*)", "-oxxx \t Organization: ibm, google, ....; filters locales and uses Locales.txt for coverage tests", "-x \t Turn on examples (actually a summary of the demo).", "-d \t Turn on special date format checks", "-a \t Show all paths", "-e \t Show errors only (with -ef, only final processing errors)", "-n \t No aliases", "-u \t User, eg -uu148", "-y \t error/warning subtype filter, eg unexpectedOrderOfEraYear", "-b \t check bailey values (" + CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER + ")", }; static Counter subtotalCount = new Counter<>(true); // new ErrorCount(); static Counter totalCount = new Counter<>(true); /** * This will be the test framework way of using these tests. It is preliminary for now. * The Survey Tool will call setDisplayInformation, and getCheckAll. * For each cldrfile, it will set the cldrFile. * Then on each path in the file it will call check. * Right now it doesn't work with resolved files, so just use unresolved ones. * * @param args * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { MyOptions.parse(args, true); ElapsedTimer totalTimer = new ElapsedTimer(); //CldrUtility.showOptions(args); UOption.parseArgs(args, options); // if (options[HELP1].doesOccur || options[HELP2].doesOccur) { // for (int i = 0; i < HelpMessage.length; ++i) { // System.out.println(HelpMessage[i]); // } // return; // } String factoryFilter = options[FILE_FILTER].value; if (factoryFilter.equals("key")) { factoryFilter = "(en|ru|nl|fr|de|it|pl|es|tr|th|ja|zh|ko|ar|bg|sr|uk|ca|hr|cs|da|fil|fi|hu|id|lv|lt|nb|pt|ro|sk|sl|sv|vi|el|he|fa|hi|am|af|et|is|ms|sw|zu|bn|mr|ta|eu|gl|ur|gu|kn|ml|te|zh_Hant|pt_PT|en_GB)"; } String checkFilter = options[TEST_FILTER].value; String subtypeFilterString = options[SUBTYPE_FILTER].value; EnumSet subtypeFilter = null; if (subtypeFilterString != null) { subtypeFilter = EnumSet.noneOf(Subtype.class); Matcher m = PatternCache.get(subtypeFilterString).matcher(""); for (Subtype value : Subtype.values()) { if (m.reset(value.toString()).find() || m.reset( { subtypeFilter.add(value); } } if (subtypeFilter.size() == 0) { System.err.println("No subtype match for " + subtypeFilterString); return; } } errorsOnly = options[ERRORS_ONLY].doesOccur; // if ("f".equals(options[ERRORS_ONLY].value)) { // CheckCLDR.finalErrorType = CheckStatus.warningType; // } SHOW_EXAMPLES = options[EXAMPLES].doesOccur; boolean showAll = options[SHOWALL].doesOccur; boolean checkFlexibleDates = options[DATE_FORMATS].doesOccur; String pathFilterString = options[PATH_FILTER].value; Matcher pathFilter = null; if (!pathFilterString.equals(".*")) { pathFilter = PatternCache.get(pathFilterString).matcher(""); } boolean checkOnSubmit = options[CHECK_ON_SUBMIT].doesOccur; boolean noaliases = options[NO_ALIASES].doesOccur; Level coverageLevel = null; String coverageLevelInput = options[COVERAGE].value; if (coverageLevelInput != null) { coverageLevel = Level.get(coverageLevelInput); if (coverageLevel == Level.UNDETERMINED) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("-c" + coverageLevelInput + "\t is invalid: must be one of: " + "basic,moderate,..."); } } Organization organization = options[ORGANIZATION].value == null ? null : Organization.fromString(options[ORGANIZATION].value); if (organization != null) { Set organizations = StandardCodes.make().getLocaleCoverageOrganizations(); if (!organizations.contains(organization)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("-o" + organization + "\t is invalid: must be one of: " + organizations); } } final CLDRConfig cldrConf = CLDR_CONFIG; // set the envronment to UNITTEST as suggested cldrConf.setEnvironment(Environment.UNITTEST); // get the Phase from CLDRConfig object final Phase phase; // Phase phase = Phase.BUILD; if (options[PHASE].doesOccur) { String phaseVal = options[PHASE].value; try { // no null check for argument; if it is is null, Phase.forString would return the one from CLDRConfig phase = Phase.forString(phaseVal); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Incorrect Phase value"); if (phaseVal != null && !phaseVal.isEmpty()) { sb.append(" '"); sb.append(phaseVal); sb.append("'"); } sb.append(": should be one of "); for (Phase curPhase : Phase.values()) { // implicitly does a toString; sb.append(curPhase); sb.append(", "); } int lastIdx = sb.lastIndexOf(","); // remove the last comma, if it occurs if (lastIdx > -1) { String tmpBuf = sb.substring(0, lastIdx); sb.setLength(0); sb.append(tmpBuf); } sb.append("."); // TODO: Reporting should be similar to an error (wrong parameter...), and not actually an Exception throw new IllegalArgumentException(sb.toString(), e); } } else { phase = cldrConf.getPhase(); } boolean baileyTest = options[BAILEY].doesOccur; File sourceDirectories[] = null; if (MyOptions.source_all.option.doesOccur()) { if (MyOptions.source_directory.option.doesOccur()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't use -s and -S together."); } sourceDirectories = cldrConf.addStandardSubdirectories(cldrConf.getCLDRDataDirectories(MyOptions.source_all.option.getValue())); } else { String[] sdirs = options[SOURCE_DIRECTORY].value.split(",\\s*"); sourceDirectories = new File[sdirs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sdirs.length; ++i) { sourceDirectories[i] = new File(CldrUtility.checkValidDirectory(sdirs[i], "Fix with -s. Use -h for help.")); } } if (options[GENERATE_HTML].doesOccur) { coverageLevel = Level.MODERN; // reset ErrorFile.generated_html_directory = options[GENERATE_HTML].value; ErrorFile.generated_html_count = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(ErrorFile.generated_html_directory, "count.txt"); // try { // ErrorFile.voteFactory = CLDRFile.Factory.make(sourceDirectory + "../../proposed/main/", ".*"); // } catch (RuntimeException e) { // ErrorFile.voteFactory = null; // } // PrintWriter cssFile = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(generated_html_directory, "index.css"); // Utility; } idView = options[ID_VIEW].doesOccur; if (options[VOTE_RESOLVE].doesOccur) { resolveVotesDirectory = CldrUtility.checkValidFile(CLDRPaths.BASE_DIRECTORY + "incoming/vetted/votes/", true, null); VoteResolver.setVoterToInfo(CldrUtility.checkValidFile(CLDRPaths.BASE_DIRECTORY + "incoming/vetted/usersa/usersa.xml", false, null)); voteResolver = new VoteResolver<>(); } // check stuff // Comparator cc = StandardCodes.make().getTZIDComparator(); // System.out.println("Antarctica/Rothera", "America/Cordoba")); // System.out.println("Antarctica/Rothera", "America/Indianapolis")); String user = options[USER].value; System.out.println("Source directories:\n"); for (File f : sourceDirectories) { System.out.println(" " + f.getPath() + "\t(" + PathUtilities.getNormalizedPathString(f) + ")"); } // System.out.println("factoryFilter: " + factoryFilter); // System.out.println("test filter: " + checkFilter); // System.out.println("organization: " + organization); // System.out.println("show examples: " + SHOW_EXAMPLES); // System.out.println("phase: " + phase); // System.out.println("path filter: " + pathFilterString); // System.out.println("coverage level: " + coverageLevel); // System.out.println("checking dates: " + checkFlexibleDates); // System.out.println("only check-on-submit: " + checkOnSubmit); // System.out.println("show all: " + showAll); // System.out.println("errors only?: " + errorsOnly); // System.out.println("generate error counts: " + ErrorFile.generated_html_directory); // // System.out.println("vote directory: " + (ErrorFile.voteFactory == null ? null : // // ErrorFile.voteFactory.getSourceDirectory())); // System.out.println("resolve votes: " + resolveVotesDirectory); // System.out.println("id view: " + idView); // System.out.println("subtype filter: " + subtypeFilter); // set up the test Factory cldrFactory = SimpleFactory.make(sourceDirectories, factoryFilter) .setSupplementalDirectory(new File(CLDRPaths.SUPPLEMENTAL_DIRECTORY)); CompoundCheckCLDR checkCldr = CheckCLDR.getCheckAll(cldrFactory, checkFilter); if (checkCldr.getFilteredTestList().size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The filter doesn't match any tests."); } System.out.println("filtered tests: " + checkCldr.getFilteredTests()); Factory backCldrFactory = Factory.make(CLDRPaths.MAIN_DIRECTORY, factoryFilter) .setSupplementalDirectory(new File(CLDRPaths.SUPPLEMENTAL_DIRECTORY)); english = backCldrFactory.make("en", true); CheckCLDR.setDisplayInformation(english); checkCldr.setEnglishFile(english); setExampleGenerator(new ExampleGenerator(english, english, CLDRPaths.SUPPLEMENTAL_DIRECTORY)); PathShower pathShower = new PathShower(); // call on the files Set locales = new TreeSet<>(baseFirstCollator); locales.addAll(cldrFactory.getAvailable()); List result = new ArrayList<>(); Set paths = new TreeSet<>(); // CLDRFile.ldmlComparator); Map m = new TreeMap(); // double testNumber = 0; Map options = new HashMap<>(); FlexibleDateFromCLDR fset = new FlexibleDateFromCLDR(); Set englishPaths = null; Set fatalErrors = new TreeSet<>(); showHeaderLine(); supplementalDataInfo = SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance(CLDRPaths.SUPPLEMENTAL_DIRECTORY); LocaleIDParser localeIDParser = new LocaleIDParser(); String lastBaseLanguage = ""; PathHeader.Factory pathHeaderFactory = PathHeader.getFactory(english); final List specialPurposeLocales = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("en_US_POSIX", "en_ZZ", "und", "und_ZZ")); for (String localeID : locales) { if (CLDRFile.isSupplementalName(localeID)) continue; if (supplementalDataInfo.getDefaultContentLocales().contains(localeID)) { System.out.println("# Skipping default content locale: " + localeID); continue; } // We don't really need to check the POSIX locale, as it is a special purpose locale if (specialPurposeLocales.contains(localeID)) { System.out.println("# Skipping special purpose locale: " + localeID); continue; } boolean isLanguageLocale = localeID.equals(localeIDParser.set(localeID).getLanguageScript()); options.clear(); if (MyOptions.exemplarError.option.doesOccur()) { options.put(Options.Option.exemplarErrors.toString(), "true"); } // if the organization is set, skip any locale that doesn't have a value in Locales.txt Level level = coverageLevel; if (level == null) { level = Level.BASIC; } if (organization != null) { Map locale_status = StandardCodes.make().getLocaleToLevel(organization); if (locale_status == null) continue; level = locale_status.get(localeID); if (level == null) continue; if (level.compareTo(Level.BASIC) <= 0) continue; } else if (!isLanguageLocale) { // otherwise, skip all language locales options.put(Options.Option.CheckCoverage_skip.getKey(), "true"); } // if (coverageLevel != null) options.put("CoverageLevel.requiredLevel", coverageLevel.toString()); if (organization != null) options.put(Options.Option.CoverageLevel_localeType.getKey(), organization.toString()); options.put(Options.Option.phase.getKey(), phase.toString()); //options.put(Options.Option.SHOW_TIMES.getKey(), "true"); if (SHOW_LOCALE) System.out.println(); // options.put("CheckCoverage.requiredLevel","comprehensive"); CLDRFile file; CLDRFile englishFile = english; CLDRFile parent = null; ElapsedTimer timer = new ElapsedTimer(); try { file = cldrFactory.make(localeID, true); if (ErrorFile.voteFactory != null) { ErrorFile.voteFile = ErrorFile.voteFactory.make(localeID, true); } final String parentID = LocaleIDParser.getParent(localeID); if (parentID != null) { parent = cldrFactory.make(parentID, true); } //englishFile = cldrFactory.make("en", true); } catch (RuntimeException e) { fatalErrors.add(localeID); System.out.println("FATAL ERROR: " + localeID); e.printStackTrace(System.out); continue; } // generate HTML if asked for if (ErrorFile.generated_html_directory != null) { String baseLanguage = localeIDParser.set(localeID).getLanguageScript(); if (!baseLanguage.equals(lastBaseLanguage)) { lastBaseLanguage = baseLanguage; ErrorFile.openErrorFile(localeID, baseLanguage); } } if (user != null) { file = new CLDRFile.TestUser(file, user, isLanguageLocale); if (parent != null) { parent = new CLDRFile.TestUser(parent, user, isLanguageLocale); } } checkCldr.setCldrFileToCheck(file, options, result); subtotalCount.clear(); for (Iterator it3 = result.iterator(); it3.hasNext();) { CheckStatus status =; String statusString = status.toString(); // CheckStatus.Type statusType = status.getType(); if (errorsOnly) { if (!statusType.equals(CheckStatus.errorType)) continue; } if (subtypeFilter != null) { if (!subtypeFilter.contains(status.getSubtype())) { continue; } } if (checkOnSubmit) { if (!status.isCheckOnSubmit() || !statusType.equals(CheckStatus.errorType)) continue; } showValue(file, null, localeID, null, null, null, null, statusString, status.getSubtype()); } paths.clear(); CoverageInfo covInfo = cldrConf.getCoverageInfo(); for (String path : file.fullIterable()) { if (pathFilter != null && !pathFilter.reset(path).find()) { continue; } if (coverageLevel != null) { Level currentLevel = covInfo.getCoverageLevel(path, localeID); if (currentLevel.compareTo(coverageLevel) > 0) { continue; } } paths.add(pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path)); } // addPrettyPaths(file, pathFilter, prettyPathMaker, noaliases, false, paths); // addPrettyPaths(file, file.getExtraPaths(), pathFilter, prettyPathMaker, noaliases, false, paths); // also add the English paths // initialize the first time in. if (englishPaths == null) { englishPaths = new HashSet<>(); final CLDRFile displayFile = CheckCLDR.getDisplayInformation(); addPrettyPaths(displayFile, pathFilter, pathHeaderFactory, noaliases, true, englishPaths); addPrettyPaths(displayFile, displayFile.getExtraPaths(), pathFilter, pathHeaderFactory, noaliases, true, englishPaths); englishPaths = Collections.unmodifiableSet(englishPaths); // for robustness } // paths.addAll(englishPaths); UnicodeSet missingExemplars = new UnicodeSet(); UnicodeSet missingCurrencyExemplars = new UnicodeSet(); if (checkFlexibleDates) { fset.set(file); } pathShower.set(localeID); // only create if we are going to use ExampleGenerator exampleGenerator = SHOW_EXAMPLES ? new ExampleGenerator(file, englishFile, CLDRPaths.DEFAULT_SUPPLEMENTAL_DIRECTORY) : null; // Status pathStatus = new Status(); int pathCount = 0; Status otherPath = new Status(); for (PathHeader pathHeader : paths) { pathCount++; String path = pathHeader.getOriginalPath(); String prettyPath = pathHeader.toString().replace('\t', '|').replace(' ', '_'); // String prettyPath =; // String path = prettyPathMaker.getOriginal(prettyPath); // if (path == null) { // prettyPathMaker.getOriginal(prettyPath); // } if (!showAll && !file.isWinningPath(path)) { continue; } if (!isLanguageLocale && !baileyTest) { final String sourceLocaleID = file.getSourceLocaleID(path, otherPath); if (!localeID.equals(sourceLocaleID)) { continue; } // also skip aliases if (!path.equals(otherPath.pathWhereFound)) { continue; } } if (path.contains("@alt")) { if (path.contains("proposed")) continue; } String value = file.getStringValue(path); if (baileyTest) { value = CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER; } String fullPath = file.getFullXPath(path); String example = ""; if (SHOW_EXAMPLES) { example = ExampleGenerator.simplify(exampleGenerator.getExampleHtml(path, value)); showExamples(checkCldr, prettyPath, localeID, path, value, fullPath, example); } if (checkFlexibleDates) { fset.checkFlexibles(path, value, fullPath); } if (path.contains("duration-century")) { int debug = 0; } int limit = 1; for (int jj = 0; jj < limit; ++jj) { if (jj == 0) { checkCldr.check(path, fullPath, value, new Options(options), result); } else { checkCldr.getExamples(path, fullPath, value, new Options(options), result); } boolean showedOne = false; for (Iterator it3 = result.iterator(); it3.hasNext();) { CheckStatus status =; String statusString = status.toString(); // CheckStatus.Type statusType = status.getType(); Object[] parameters = status.getParameters(); if (parameters != null) { if (parameters.length >= 1 && status.getCause().getClass() == CheckForExemplars.class) { try { UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet(parameters[0].toString()); if (status.getMessage().contains("currency")) { missingCurrencyExemplars.addAll(set); } else { missingExemplars.addAll(set); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { } // skip if not parseable as set } } if (errorsOnly && !statusType.equals(CheckStatus.errorType)) { continue; } if (subtypeFilter != null) { if (!subtypeFilter.contains(status.getSubtype())) { continue; } } if (checkOnSubmit) { if (!status.isCheckOnSubmit() || !statusType.equals(CheckStatus.errorType)) continue; } // System.out.print("Locale:\t" + getLocaleAndName(localeID) + "\t"); if (statusType.equals(CheckStatus.demoType)) { SimpleDemo d = status.getDemo(); if (d != null && d instanceof FormatDemo) { FormatDemo fd = (FormatDemo) d; m.clear(); // m.put("pattern", fd.getPattern()); // m.put("input", fd.getRandomInput()); if (d.processPost(m)) System.out.println("\tDemo:\t" + fd.getPlainText(m)); } continue; } if (parameters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; ++i) { if (showStackTrace && parameters[i] instanceof Throwable) { ((Throwable) parameters[i]).printStackTrace(); } } } showValue(file, prettyPath, localeID, example, path, value, fullPath, statusString, status.getSubtype()); showedOne = true; // survey tool will use: if (status.hasHTMLMessage()) // System.out.println(status.getHTMLMessage()); } if (!showedOne && phase != Phase.FINAL_TESTING) { if (!showedOne && showAll) { showValue(file, prettyPath, localeID, example, path, value, fullPath, "ok", Subtype.none); showedOne = true; } } } } if (resolveVotesDirectory != null) { LocaleVotingData.resolveErrors(localeID); } showSummary(localeID, level, "Items (including inherited):\t" + pathCount); if (missingExemplars.size() != 0) { missingExemplars.removeAll(new UnicodeSet("[[:Uppercase:]-[İ]]")); // remove uppercase #4670 if (missingExemplars.size() != 0) { Collator col = Collator.getInstance(new ULocale(localeID)); showSummary(localeID, level, "Total missing from general exemplars:\t" + missingExemplars.size() + "\t" + new UnicodeSetPrettyPrinter() .setOrdering(col != null ? col : Collator.getInstance(ULocale.ROOT)) .setSpaceComparator(col != null ? col : Collator.getInstance(ULocale.ROOT) .setStrength2(Collator.PRIMARY)) .setCompressRanges(false) .format(missingExemplars)); } } if (missingCurrencyExemplars.size() != 0) { Collator col = Collator.getInstance(new ULocale(localeID)); showSummary(localeID, level, "Total missing from currency exemplars:\t" + new UnicodeSetPrettyPrinter() .setOrdering(col != null ? col : Collator.getInstance(ULocale.ROOT)) .setSpaceComparator(col != null ? col : Collator.getInstance(ULocale.ROOT) .setStrength2(Collator.PRIMARY)) .setCompressRanges(true) .format(missingCurrencyExemplars)); } for (ErrorType type : subtotalCount.keySet()) { showSummary(localeID, level, "Subtotal " + type + ":\t" + subtotalCount.getCount(type)); } if (checkFlexibleDates) { fset.showFlexibles(); } if (SHOW_EXAMPLES) { // ldml/dates/timeZoneNames/zone[@type="America/Argentina/San_Juan"]/exemplarCity for (String zone : StandardCodes.make().getGoodAvailableCodes("tzid")) { String path = "//ldml/dates/timeZoneNames/zone[@type=\"" + zone + "\"]/exemplarCity"; PathHeader pathHeader = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path); String prettyPath = pathHeader.toString().replace('\t', '|').replace(' ', '_'); if (pathFilter != null && !pathFilter.reset(path).matches()) { continue; } String fullPath = file.getStringValue(path); if (fullPath != null) { continue; } /* * TODO: fix this code. Calling getExampleHtml with value = null will always return null, * so what's this supposed to accomplish? */ String example = ExampleGenerator.simplify(exampleGenerator.getExampleHtml(path, null /* value */)); showExamples(checkCldr, prettyPath, localeID, path, null, fullPath, example); } } System.out.println("# Elapsed time: " + timer); System.out.flush(); } if (ErrorFile.errorFileWriter != null) { ErrorFile.closeErrorFile(); } if (ErrorFile.generated_html_directory != null) { ErrorFile.writeErrorCountsText(); ErrorFile.writeErrorFileIndex(); } System.out.println(); for (ErrorType type : totalCount.keySet()) { System.out.println("# Total " + type + ":\t" + totalCount.getCount(type)); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("# Total elapsed time: " + totalTimer); if (fatalErrors.size() != 0) { System.out.println("# FATAL ERRORS:"); } long errorCount = totalCount.getCount(ErrorType.error) + fatalErrors.size(); if (errorCount != 0) { // System.exit((int) errorCount); // cast is safe; we'll never have that many errors System.out.println(); System.out.println("<< FAILURE - Error count is " + errorCount + " . >>"); System.exit(-1); } else { System.out.println(); System.out.println("<< SUCCESS - No errors found. >>"); } if (LogicalGrouping.GET_TYPE_COUNTS) { for (String s : LogicalGrouping.typeCount.keySet()) { System.out.println(s + "=" + LogicalGrouping.typeCount.get(s)); } } checkCldr.handleFinish(); } static class LocaleVotingData { private int disputedCount = 0; Counter missingOrganizationCounter = new Counter<>(true); Counter goodOrganizationCounter = new Counter<>(true); Counter conflictedOrganizations = new Counter<>(true); Counter winningStatusCounter = new Counter<>(true); static Map localeToErrors = new HashMap<>(); private static Map idToPath; public static void resolveErrors(String locale) { localeToErrors.put(locale, new LocaleVotingData(locale)); } public LocaleVotingData(String locale) { Map orgToMaxVote = VoteResolver.getOrganizationToMaxVote(locale); Map> info = VoteResolver .getBaseToAlternateToInfo(resolveVotesDirectory + locale + ".xml"); Map valueToItem = new HashMap<>(); for (int basePath : info.keySet()) { final Map itemInfo = info.get(basePath); // find the last release status and value voteResolver.clear(); valueToItem.clear(); for (int item : itemInfo.keySet()) { String itemValue = getValue(item); valueToItem.put(itemValue, item); CandidateInfo candidateInfo = itemInfo.get(item); if (candidateInfo.oldStatus != null) { voteResolver.setTrunk(itemValue, candidateInfo.oldStatus); } voteResolver.add(itemValue); for (int voter : candidateInfo.voters) { try { voteResolver.add(itemValue, voter); } catch (UnknownVoterException e) { // skip } } } EnumSet basePathConflictedOrganizations = voteResolver.getConflictedOrganizations(); conflictedOrganizations.addAll(basePathConflictedOrganizations, 1); VoteResolver.Status winningStatus = voteResolver.getWinningStatus(); String winningValue = voteResolver.getWinningValue(); winningStatusCounter.add(winningStatus, 1); if (winningStatus == VoteResolver.Status.approved) { continue; } CandidateInfo candidateInfo = itemInfo.get(valueToItem.get(winningValue)); Map orgToMaxVoteHere = VoteResolver .getOrganizationToMaxVote(candidateInfo.voters); // if the winning item is less than contributed, record the organizations that haven't given their // maximum vote to the winning item. if (winningStatus.compareTo(VoteResolver.Status.contributed) < 0) { // showPaths(basePath, itemInfo); for (Organization org : orgToMaxVote.keySet()) { VoteResolver.Level maxVote = orgToMaxVote.get(org); VoteResolver.Level maxVoteHere = orgToMaxVoteHere.get(org); if (maxVoteHere == null || maxVoteHere.compareTo(maxVote) < 0) { missingOrganizationCounter.add(org, 1); } } if (voteResolver.isDisputed()) { disputedCount++; String path = getIdToPath(basePath); ErrorFile.addDataToErrorFile(locale, path, ErrorType.disputed, Subtype.none); } } else { for (Organization org : orgToMaxVote.keySet()) { VoteResolver.Level maxVote = orgToMaxVote.get(org); VoteResolver.Level maxVoteHere = orgToMaxVoteHere.get(org); if (maxVoteHere == null || maxVoteHere.compareTo(maxVote) < 0) { } else { goodOrganizationCounter.add(org, 1); } } } } System.out.println(getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\tEnabled Organizations:\t" + orgToMaxVote); if (disputedCount != 0) { System.out.println(getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\tDisputed Items:\t" + disputedCount); } if (missingOrganizationCounter.size() > 0) { System.out.println(getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\tMIA organizations:\t" + missingOrganizationCounter); System.out .println(getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\tConflicted organizations:\t" + conflictedOrganizations); System.out.println(getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\tCool organizations!:\t" + goodOrganizationCounter); } System.out.println(getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\tOptimal Status:\t" + winningStatusCounter); } private static String getIdToPath(int basePath) { if (idToPath == null) { idToPath = VoteResolver.getIdToPath(resolveVotesDirectory + "xpathTable.xml"); } return idToPath.get(basePath); } public static LocaleVotingData get(String locale) { return localeToErrors.get(locale); } int getDisputedCount() { return disputedCount; } String getConflictedHTML() { String result = conflictedOrganizations.toString(); if (result.length() == 0) { return ""; } result = result.substring(1, result.length() - 1); result = result.replace(", ", "
"); return result; } } private static String getValue(int item) { return String.valueOf(item); } static Matcher draftStatusMatcher = PatternCache.get("\\[@draft=\"(provisional|unconfirmed)\"]").matcher(""); enum ErrorType { ok, error, disputed, warning, core, posix, minimal, basic, moderate, modern, comprehensive, optional, contributed, provisional, unconfirmed, unknown; static EnumSet unapproved = EnumSet.range(ErrorType.contributed, ErrorType.unconfirmed); static EnumSet coverage = EnumSet.range(ErrorType.posix, ErrorType.optional); static EnumSet showInSummary = EnumSet.of( ErrorType.error, ErrorType.warning, ErrorType.posix, ErrorType.minimal, ErrorType.basic); static ErrorType fromStatusString(String statusString) { ErrorType shortStatus = statusString.equals("ok") ? ErrorType.ok : statusString.startsWith("Error") ? ErrorType.error : statusString.equals("disputed") ? ErrorType.disputed : statusString.startsWith("Warning") ? ErrorType.warning : statusString.equals("contributed") ? ErrorType.contributed : statusString.equals("provisional") ? ErrorType.provisional : statusString.equals("unconfirmed") ? ErrorType.unconfirmed : ErrorType.unknown; if (shortStatus == ErrorType.unknown) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown error type: " + statusString); } else if (shortStatus == ErrorType.warning) { if (coverageMatcher.reset(statusString).find()) { shortStatus = ErrorType.valueOf(; } } return shortStatus; } } /* * static class ErrorCount implements Comparable { * private Counter counter = new Counter(); * * public int compareTo(ErrorCount o) { * // we don't really need a good comparison - aren't going to be sorting * return total() < ? -1 : total() > ? 1 : 0; * } * public long total() { * return counter.getTotal(); * } * public void clear() { * counter.clear(); * } * public Set keySet() { * return counter.getKeysetSortedByKey(); * } * public long getCount(ErrorType input) { * return counter.getCount(input); * } * public void increment(ErrorType errorType) { * counter.add(errorType, 1); * } * } */ static class ErrorFile { private static final boolean SHOW_VOTING_INFO = false; public static CLDRFile voteFile; public static Factory voteFactory; private static void openErrorFile(String localeID, String baseLanguage) throws IOException { if (ErrorFile.errorFileWriter != null) { ErrorFile.closeErrorFile(); } ErrorFile.errorFileWriter = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(ErrorFile.generated_html_directory, baseLanguage + ".html"); ErrorFile.errorFileTable = new TablePrinter(); errorFileCounter.clear(); ErrorFile.errorFileTable.setCaption("Problem Details") .addColumn("Problem").setCellAttributes("align=\"left\" class=\"{0}\"").setSortPriority(0) .setSpanRows(true) .setBreakSpans(true).setRepeatHeader(true).setHeaderCell(true) .addColumn("Subtype").setCellAttributes("align=\"left\" class=\"{1}\"").setSortPriority(1) .setSpanRows(true) .setBreakSpans(true).setRepeatHeader(true).setHeaderCell(true) .addColumn("Locale").setCellAttributes("class=\"{1}\"") .setCellPattern("{0}").setSortPriority(2) .setSpanRows(true).setBreakSpans(true)//.setRepeatDivider(true) .addColumn("Name").setCellAttributes("class=\"{1}\"").setSpanRows(true) .setBreakSpans(true) .addColumn("Section").setCellAttributes("class=\"{1}\"").setSortPriority(3) .setCellPattern("{0}") .setSpanRows(true) .addColumn("Count").setCellAttributes("class=\"{1}\" align=\"right\""); showIndexHead("", localeID, ErrorFile.errorFileWriter); } static TablePrinter errorFileTable = new TablePrinter(); static Counter> errorFileCounter = new Counter<>( true); private static void addDataToErrorFile(String localeID, String path, ErrorType shortStatus, Subtype subType) { String section = path == null ? null : XPathToMenu.xpathToMenu(path); if (section == null) { section = "general"; } errorFileCounter.add( new Row.R4<>(localeID, section, shortStatus, subType), 1); ErrorFile.sectionToProblemsToLocaleToCount.add( new Row.R4<>(section, shortStatus, subType, localeID), 1); } private static void closeErrorFile() { Set locales = new TreeSet<>(); for (Row.R4 item : errorFileCounter.keySet()) { String localeID = item.get0(); locales.add(localeID); String section = item.get1(); ErrorType shortStatus = item.get2(); Subtype subtype = item.get3(); // final String prettyPath = path == null ? "general" : prettyPathMaker.getPrettyPath(path, true); // final String outputForm = path == null ? "general" : prettyPathMaker.getOutputForm(prettyPath); errorFileTable.addRow() .addCell(shortStatus) .addCell(subtype) .addCell(localeID) .addCell(ConsoleCheckCLDR.getLocaleName(localeID)) // .addCell(prettyPath) // menuPath == null ? "" : "" + menuPath + "" .addCell(section) // menuPath == null ? "" : "" + menuPath + "" .addCell(errorFileCounter.getCount(item)) // .addCell(ConsoleCheckCLDR.safeForHtml(path == null ? null : // ConsoleCheckCLDR.getEnglishPathValue(path))) // .addCell(ConsoleCheckCLDR.safeForHtml(value)) .finishRow(); } if (SHOW_VOTING_INFO) { TablePrinter data = new TablePrinter().setCaption("Voting Information") .addColumn("Locale").setHeaderCell(true) .addColumn("Name").setHeaderCell(true) .addColumn("Organization") .addColumn("Missing") .addColumn("Conflicted") // .addColumn("Good") ; for (String localeID : locales) { // now the voting info LocaleVotingData localeVotingData = LocaleVotingData.localeToErrors.get(localeID); if (localeVotingData != null) { // find all the orgs with data EnumSet orgs = EnumSet.noneOf(Organization.class); orgs.addAll(localeVotingData.missingOrganizationCounter.keySet()); orgs.addAll(localeVotingData.conflictedOrganizations.keySet()); orgs.addAll(localeVotingData.goodOrganizationCounter.keySet()); for (Organization org : orgs) { data.addRow() .addCell(ConsoleCheckCLDR.getLinkedLocale(localeID)) .addCell(ConsoleCheckCLDR.getLocaleName(localeID)) .addCell(org) .addCell(localeVotingData.missingOrganizationCounter.getCount(org)) .addCell(localeVotingData.conflictedOrganizations.getCount(org)) // .addCell(localeVotingData.goodOrganizationCounter.getCount(org)) .finishRow(); } } } ErrorFile.errorFileWriter.println(data.toTable()); ErrorFile.errorFileWriter.println("

"); } // generated_html.println(""); // Locale Group Error Warning Missing Votes: Contributed Missing Votes: Provisional Missing Votes: // Unconfirmed Missing Coverage: Posix Missing Coverage: Minimal Missing Coverage: Basic Missing Coverage: // Moderate Missing Coverage: Modern ErrorFile.errorFileWriter.println(ErrorFile.errorFileTable.toTable()); ErrorFile.errorFileWriter.println(ShowData.dateFooter()); ErrorFile.errorFileWriter.println(CldrUtility.ANALYTICS); ErrorFile.errorFileWriter.println(""); ErrorFile.errorFileWriter.close(); ErrorFile.errorFileTable = null; } // ================ Index File =================== static void showErrorFileIndex(PrintWriter generated_html_index) { // get organizations Relation orgToLocales = getOrgToLocales(); TablePrinter indexTablePrinter = new TablePrinter().setCaption("Problem Summary") .setTableAttributes("border='1' style='border-collapse: collapse' bordercolor='blue'") .addColumn("BASE").setHidden(true)//.setRepeatDivider(true) .addColumn("Locale").setCellPattern("{0}") // link to base, anchor // with full .addColumn("Name"); if (SHOW_VOTING_INFO) { indexTablePrinter.addColumn("Summary") .addColumn("Missing"); } for (Organization org : orgToLocales.keySet()) { indexTablePrinter.addColumn(org.toString().substring(0, 2)); } indexTablePrinter .addColumn("Disputed").setHeaderAttributes("class='disputed'").setCellAttributes("class='disputed'") .addColumn("Conflicted").setHeaderAttributes("class='conflicted'") .setCellAttributes("class='conflicted'"); for (ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorType type : ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorType.showInSummary) { String columnTitle = UCharacter.toTitleCase(type.toString(), null); final boolean coverage = ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorType.coverage.contains(type); if (coverage) { columnTitle = "MC: " + columnTitle; } else if (ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorType.unapproved.contains(type)) { columnTitle = "MV: " + columnTitle; } indexTablePrinter.addColumn(columnTitle).setHeaderAttributes("class='" + type + "'") .setCellAttributes("class='" + type + "'"); } // now fill in the data LanguageTagParser ltp = new LanguageTagParser(); for (String key : ErrorFile.errorFileIndexData.keySet()) { Pair> pair = ErrorFile.errorFileIndexData.get(key); String htmlOpenedFileLanguage = pair.getFirst(); Counter counts = pair.getSecond(); LocaleVotingData votingData = LocaleVotingData.get(htmlOpenedFileLanguage); if (counts.getTotal() == 0) { continue; } final String baseLanguage = ltp.set(htmlOpenedFileLanguage).getLanguage(); indexTablePrinter.addRow() .addCell(baseLanguage) .addCell(htmlOpenedFileLanguage) .addCell(ConsoleCheckCLDR.getLocaleName(htmlOpenedFileLanguage)); if (SHOW_VOTING_INFO) { indexTablePrinter.addCell(votingData == null ? "" : votingData.winningStatusCounter.toString()) .addCell(votingData == null ? "" : votingData.missingOrganizationCounter.toString()); } for (Organization org : orgToLocales.keySet()) { indexTablePrinter.addCell(orgToLocales.getAll(org).contains(htmlOpenedFileLanguage) ? org.toString() .substring(0, 2) : ""); } indexTablePrinter .addCell(votingData == null ? "" : formatSkippingZero(votingData.getDisputedCount())) .addCell(votingData == null ? "" : votingData.getConflictedHTML()); for (ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorType type : ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorType.showInSummary) { indexTablePrinter.addCell(formatSkippingZero(counts.getCount(type))); } indexTablePrinter.finishRow(); } generated_html_index.println(indexTablePrinter.toTable()); generated_html_index.println(ShowData.dateFooter()); generated_html_index.println(CldrUtility.ANALYTICS); generated_html_index.println(""); } static Relation orgToLocales; private static Relation getOrgToLocales() { if (orgToLocales == null) { orgToLocales = Relation.of(new TreeMap>(), TreeSet.class); StandardCodes sc = StandardCodes.make(); for (Organization org : sc.getLocaleCoverageOrganizations()) { for (String locale : sc.getLocaleCoverageLocales(org)) { Level x = sc.getLocaleCoverageLevel(org, locale); if (x.compareTo(Level.BASIC) > 0) { orgToLocales.put(org, locale); } } } } return orgToLocales; } static void showSections() throws IOException { Relation orgToLocales = getOrgToLocales(); TablePrinter indexTablePrinter = new TablePrinter().setCaption("Problem Summary") .setTableAttributes("border='1' style='border-collapse: collapse' bordercolor='blue'") .addColumn("Section").setSpanRows(true).setBreakSpans(true)//.setRepeatDivider(true) .addColumn("Problems").setCellAttributes("style=\"text-align:left\" class=\"{2}\"").setSpanRows(true) .addColumn("Subtype").setCellAttributes("style=\"text-align:left\" class=\"{2}\"").setSpanRows(true) .addColumn("Locale").setCellAttributes("class=\"{2}\"") .addColumn("Code").setCellAttributes("class=\"{2}\"") .setCellPattern("{0}") // TODO: use CLDRConfig.urls() .addColumn("Count").setCellAttributes("class=\"{2}\""); for (Organization org : orgToLocales.keySet()) { indexTablePrinter.addColumn(org.toString().substring(0, 2)); } for (Row.R4 sectionAndProblemsAndLocale : ErrorFile.sectionToProblemsToLocaleToCount .getKeysetSortedByKey()) { final ErrorType problem = sectionAndProblemsAndLocale.get1(); final Subtype subtype = sectionAndProblemsAndLocale.get2(); if (!ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorType.showInSummary.contains(problem)) { continue; } final String locale = sectionAndProblemsAndLocale.get3(); if (problem != ErrorType.error && problem != ErrorType.disputed && !orgToLocales.containsValue(locale)) { continue; } long count = ErrorFile.sectionToProblemsToLocaleToCount.getCount(sectionAndProblemsAndLocale); final String section = sectionAndProblemsAndLocale.get0(); indexTablePrinter.addRow() .addCell(section) .addCell(problem) .addCell(subtype) .addCell(ConsoleCheckCLDR.getLocaleName(locale)) .addCell(locale) .addCell(count); for (Organization org : orgToLocales.keySet()) { indexTablePrinter.addCell(orgToLocales.getAll(org).contains(locale) ? org.toString().substring(0, 2) : ""); } indexTablePrinter.finishRow(); } PrintWriter generated_html_index = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(ErrorFile.generated_html_directory, "sections.html"); ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorFile.showIndexHead("Error Report Index by Section", "", generated_html_index); generated_html_index.println(indexTablePrinter.toTable()); generated_html_index.println(ShowData.dateFooter()); generated_html_index.println(CldrUtility.ANALYTICS); generated_html_index.println(""); generated_html_index.close(); } static String formatSkippingZero(long count) { if (count == 0) { return ""; } return String.valueOf(count); } static void showIndexHead(String title, String localeID, PrintWriter generated_html_index) { final boolean notLocaleSpecific = localeID.length() == 0; if ((!notLocaleSpecific)) { title = "Errors in " + ConsoleCheckCLDR.getNameAndLocale(localeID, false); } generated_html_index .println("" + "" + CldrUtility.LINE_SEPARATOR + "" + title + "" + CldrUtility.LINE_SEPARATOR + "" + CldrUtility.LINE_SEPARATOR + "" + CldrUtility.LINE_SEPARATOR + "" + CldrUtility.LINE_SEPARATOR + "

" + title + "

" + CldrUtility.LINE_SEPARATOR + "

" + "Index" + " | " + "Index by Section" + " | " + "Help: How to Vet" + "

" + "

The following errors have been detected in the locale" + (notLocaleSpecific ? "s. " + org.unicode.cldr.test.HelpMessages.getChartMessages("error_index_header") : " " + ConsoleCheckCLDR.getNameAndLocale(localeID, false) + ". " + ErrorFile.ERROR_CHART_HEADER)); } private static void writeErrorFileIndex() throws IOException { PrintWriter generated_html_index = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(ErrorFile.generated_html_directory, "index.html"); ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorFile.showIndexHead("Error Report Index", "", generated_html_index); ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorFile.showErrorFileIndex(generated_html_index); generated_html_index.close(); showSections(); } private static void writeErrorCountsText() { // if ( != 0) { // do the plain text file ErrorFile.generated_html_count.print(ConsoleCheckCLDR.lastHtmlLocaleID + ";\tcounts"); for (ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorType type : ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorType.showInSummary) { ErrorFile.generated_html_count.print(";\t" + type + "=" + ErrorFile.htmlErrorsPerLocale.getCount(type)); } ErrorFile.generated_html_count.println(); ErrorFile.generated_html_count.flush(); // now store the data for the index ErrorFile.errorFileIndexData.put(ConsoleCheckCLDR.lastHtmlLocaleID, new Pair<>(ConsoleCheckCLDR.lastHtmlLocaleID, ErrorFile.htmlErrorsPerLocale)); ErrorFile.htmlErrorsPerLocale = new Counter<>(); // } } /* * static Counter missingOrganizationCounter = new Counter(true); * static Counter goodOrganizationCounter = new Counter(true); * static Counter conflictedOrganizations = new Counter(true); * static Counter winningStatusCounter = new Counter(true); */ static Counter htmlErrorsPerLocale = new Counter<>(); // ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorCount(); static PrintWriter generated_html_count = null; private static TreeMap>> errorFileIndexData = new TreeMap<>(); // private static ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorCount htmlErrorsPerBaseLanguage = new ConsoleCheckCLDR.ErrorCount(); static PrintWriter errorFileWriter = null; private static final String ERROR_CHART_HEADER = org.unicode.cldr.test.HelpMessages .getChartMessages("error_locale_header"); // "Please review and correct them. " + // "Note that errors in sublocales are often fixed by fixing the main locale.

" + // Utility.LINE_SEPARATOR + // "

This list is only generated daily, and so may not reflect fixes you have made until tomorrow. " + // "(There were production problems in integrating it fully into the Survey tool. " + // "However, it should let you see the problems and make sure that they get taken care of.)

" + // "

Coverage depends on your organizations goals: the highest tier languages should include up through all Modern values.

" // + Utility.LINE_SEPARATOR; static String generated_html_directory = null; public static Counter> sectionToProblemsToLocaleToCount = new Counter<>(); } private static void showSummary(String localeID, Level level, String value) { String line = "# " + getLocaleAndName(localeID) + "\tSummary\t" + level + "\t" + value; System.out.println(line); } private static void showExamples(CheckCLDR checkCldr, String prettyPath, String localeID, String path, String value, String fullPath, String example) { if (example != null) { showValue(checkCldr.getCldrFileToCheck(), prettyPath, localeID, example, path, value, fullPath, "ok", Subtype.none); } } private static void addPrettyPaths(CLDRFile file, Matcher pathFilter, PathHeader.Factory pathHeaderFactory, boolean noaliases, boolean filterDraft, Collection target) { // Status pathStatus = new Status(); for (Iterator pit = file.iterator(pathFilter); pit.hasNext();) { String path =; if (file.isPathExcludedForSurvey(path)) { continue; } addPrettyPath(file, pathHeaderFactory, noaliases, filterDraft, target, path); } } private static void addPrettyPaths(CLDRFile file, Collection paths, Matcher pathFilter, PathHeader.Factory pathHeaderFactory, boolean noaliases, boolean filterDraft, Collection target) { // Status pathStatus = new Status(); for (String path : paths) { if (pathFilter != null && !pathFilter.reset(path).matches()) continue; addPrettyPath(file, pathHeaderFactory, noaliases, filterDraft, target, path); } } private static void addPrettyPath(CLDRFile file, PathHeader.Factory pathHeaderFactory, boolean noaliases, boolean filterDraft, Collection target, String path) { if (noaliases && XMLSource.Alias.isAliasPath(path)) { // this is just for console testing, the survey tool // shouldn't do it. return; // file.getSourceLocaleID(path, pathStatus); // if (!path.equals(pathStatus.pathWhereFound)) { // continue; // } } if (filterDraft) { String newPath = CLDRFile.getNondraftNonaltXPath(path); if (!newPath.equals(path)) { String value = file.getStringValue(newPath); if (value != null) { return; } } } String prettyPath = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path).toString(); // prettyPathMaker.getPrettyPath(path, true); // // get sortable version target.add(prettyPath); } public static synchronized void setDisplayInformation(CLDRFile inputDisplayInformation, ExampleGenerator inputExampleGenerator) { CheckCLDR.setDisplayInformation(inputDisplayInformation); englishExampleGenerator = inputExampleGenerator; } public static synchronized void setExampleGenerator(ExampleGenerator inputExampleGenerator) { englishExampleGenerator = inputExampleGenerator; } public static synchronized ExampleGenerator getExampleGenerator() { return englishExampleGenerator; } private static ExampleGenerator englishExampleGenerator; static Matcher coverageMatcher = PatternCache.get("meet ([a-z]*) coverage").matcher(""); // HACK TODO fix private static void showHeaderLine() { if (SHOW_LOCALE) { if (idView) { System.out .println("Locale\tID\tDesc.\t〈Eng.Value〉\t【Eng.Ex.】\t〈Loc.Value〉\t【Loc.Ex】\t⁅error/warning type⁆\t❮Error/Warning Msg❯"); } else { System.out .println( "Locale\tStatus\t▸PPath◂\t〈Eng.Value〉\t【Eng.Ex.】\t〈Loc.Value〉\t«fill-in»\t【Loc.Ex】\t⁅error/warning type⁆\t❮Error/Warning Msg❯\tFull Path\tAliasedSource/Path?"); } } } private static PathDescription pathDescription = null; private static String getIdString(String path, String value) { if (pathDescription == null) { pathDescription = new PathDescription(supplementalDataInfo, english, null, null, PathDescription.ErrorHandling.CONTINUE); } final String description = pathDescription.getDescription(path, value, null, null); return "\t" + StringId.getId(path) + "" + "\t" + description + ""; } private static void showValue(CLDRFile cldrFile, String prettyPath, String localeID, String example, String path, String value, String fullPath, String statusString, Subtype subType) { ErrorType shortStatus = ErrorType.fromStatusString(statusString); subtotalCount.add(shortStatus, 1); totalCount.add(shortStatus, 1); if (subType == null) { subType = Subtype.none; } if (ErrorFile.errorFileWriter == null) { example = example == null ? "" : example; String englishExample = null; final String englishPathValue = path == null ? null : getEnglishPathValue(path); if (SHOW_EXAMPLES && path != null) { englishExample = ExampleGenerator.simplify(getExampleGenerator().getExampleHtml(path, englishPathValue)); } englishExample = englishExample == null ? "" : englishExample; String cleanPrettyPath = path == null ? null : prettyPath; // prettyPathMaker.getOutputForm(prettyPath); Status status = new Status(); String sourceLocaleID = path == null ? null : cldrFile.getSourceLocaleID(path, status); String fillinValue = path == null ? null : cldrFile.getFillInValue(path); fillinValue = fillinValue == null ? "" : fillinValue.equals(value) ? "=" : fillinValue; String pathLink = CLDR_CONFIG.urls().forXpath(localeID, path); final String otherSource = path == null ? null : (sourceLocaleID.equals(localeID) ? "" : "\t" + sourceLocaleID); final String otherPath = path == null ? null : (status.pathWhereFound.equals(path) ? "" : "\t" + status.pathWhereFound); String idViewString = idView ? (path == null ? "\tNO_ID" : getIdString(path, value)) : ""; System.out.println( getLocaleAndName(localeID) + (idViewString.isEmpty() ? // + "\t" + subtotalCount.getCount(shortStatus) "\t" + shortStatus + "\t▸" + cleanPrettyPath + "◂" + "\t〈" + englishPathValue + "〉" + "\t【" + englishExample + "】" + "\t〈" + value + "〉" + "\t«" + fillinValue + "»" + "\t【" + example + "】" + "\t⁅" + subType + "⁆" + "\t❮" + statusString + "❯" + "\t" + pathLink + otherSource + otherPath : idViewString + "\t〈" + englishPathValue + "〉" + "\t【" + englishExample + "】" + "\t" + value + "〉" + "\t【" + example + "】" + "\t⁅" + subType + "⁆" + "\t❮" + statusString + "❯")); } else if (ErrorFile.errorFileWriter != null) { if (shortStatus == ErrorType.contributed) { return; } if (shortStatus == ErrorType.posix) { shortStatus = ErrorType.minimal; } if (!localeID.equals(lastHtmlLocaleID)) { ErrorFile.writeErrorCountsText(); // startGeneratedTable(generated_html, generated_html_table); lastHtmlLocaleID = localeID; } addError(shortStatus); ErrorFile.addDataToErrorFile(localeID, path, shortStatus, subType); } if (PATH_IN_COUNT && ErrorFile.generated_html_count != null) { ErrorFile.generated_html_count.println(lastHtmlLocaleID + ";\tpath:\t" + path); } } private static void addError(ErrorType shortStatus) { if (ErrorType.showInSummary.contains(shortStatus)) { ErrorFile.htmlErrorsPerLocale.increment(shortStatus); } } static String lastHtmlLocaleID = ""; private static VoteResolver voteResolver; private static String resolveVotesDirectory; private static boolean idView; private static SupplementalDataInfo supplementalDataInfo; private static CLDRFile english; public static class PathShower { String localeID; boolean newLocale = true; String lastPath; String[] lastSplitPath; boolean showEnglish; String splitChar = "/"; static final String lead = "****************************************"; public void set(String localeID) { this.localeID = localeID; newLocale = true; LocaleIDParser localeIDParser = new LocaleIDParser(); showEnglish = !localeIDParser.set(localeID).getLanguageScript().equals("en"); // localeID.equals(CheckCLDR.displayInformation.getLocaleID()); lastPath = null; lastSplitPath = null; } public String getSplitChar() { return splitChar; } public PathShower setSplitChar(String splitChar) { this.splitChar = splitChar; return this; } } private static void showValue(String path, String value, boolean showEnglish, String localeID) { System.out.println("\tValue:\t" + value + (showEnglish ? "\t" + getEnglishPathValue(path) : "") + "\tLocale:\t" + localeID); } private static String getEnglishPathValue(String path) { String englishValue = CheckCLDR.getDisplayInformation().getWinningValue(path); if (englishValue == null) { String path2 = CLDRFile.getNondraftNonaltXPath(path); englishValue = CheckCLDR.getDisplayInformation().getWinningValue(path2); } return englishValue; } /** * Utility for getting information. * * @param locale * @return */ public static String getLocaleAndName(String locale) { String localizedName = CheckCLDR.getDisplayInformation().getName(locale); if (localizedName == null || localizedName.equals(locale)) return locale; return locale + " [" + localizedName + "]"; } /** * Utility for getting information. * * @param locale * @param linkToXml * TODO * @return */ public static String getNameAndLocale(String locale, boolean linkToXml) { String localizedName = CheckCLDR.getDisplayInformation().getName(locale); if (localizedName == null || localizedName.equals(locale)) return locale; if (linkToXml) { locale = "" + locale + ""; } return localizedName + " [" + locale + "]"; } public static String getLocaleName(String locale) { String localizedName = CheckCLDR.getDisplayInformation().getName(locale); if (localizedName == null || localizedName.equals(locale)) return locale; return localizedName; } public static String getLinkedLocale(String locale) { return "" + locale + ""; } }