package org.unicode.cldr.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes.LstrType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Provides Unicode Language Identifier canonicalization for use in testing. * The implementation is designed to be simple, and is not at all optimized for production use. * It is used to verify the correctness of the specification algorithm, * sanity-check the supplementalMetadata.xml alias data, * and generate test files for use by implementations. */ public class LsrvCanonicalizer { public static final Set LSRV = ImmutableSet.of(LstrType.language, LstrType.script, LstrType.region, LstrType.variant); public static final Joiner UNDERBAR_JOINER = Joiner.on('_'); /** * A representation of a Unicode Language Identifier in a format that makes it simple to process. * The LSRV fields are represented as multimaps, though the LSR fields restricted to have only have 0 or 1 element. */ public static class XLanguageTag { final Multimap data; private XLanguageTag(Multimap result) { data = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(result); } public Set keys() { return data.keySet(); } public Collection get(LstrType lstrType) { return data.get(lstrType); } public String toLocaleString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); final Collection region = data.get(LstrType.language); if (!region.isEmpty()) { buffer.append(UNDERBAR_JOINER.join(region)); } else { buffer.append("und"); } addItem(buffer, LstrType.script, "", "_", UNDERBAR_JOINER); addItem(buffer, LstrType.region, "", "_", UNDERBAR_JOINER); addItem(buffer, LstrType.variant, "", "_", UNDERBAR_JOINER); return buffer.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); addItem(buffer, LstrType.language, "", "L:", UNDERBAR_JOINER); addItem(buffer, LstrType.script, ";", "S:", UNDERBAR_JOINER); addItem(buffer, LstrType.region, ";", "R:", UNDERBAR_JOINER); addItem(buffer, LstrType.variant, ";", "V:", UNDERBAR_JOINER); return buffer.toString(); } public void addItem(StringBuilder buffer, LstrType lstrType, String separator, String prefix, final Joiner dashJoiner) { final Collection region = data.get(lstrType); if (!region.isEmpty()) { if (buffer.length() > 0) { buffer.append(separator); } buffer.append(prefix).append(dashJoiner.join(region)); } } public static XLanguageTag fromTag(LstrType lstrType, String tag) { Multimap result = TreeMultimap.create(); LanguageTagParser source = new LanguageTagParser(); final boolean isLanguage = lstrType == LstrType.language; String prefix = isLanguage ? "" : "und_"; try { source.set(prefix + tag); } catch (Exception e) { return null; // skip ill-formed for now // if (lstrType == LstrType.region && tag.length() == 3) { // //result.put(LstrType.language, "und"); // result.put(LstrType.region, tag); // } else { // result.put(LstrType.language, tag); // } // //System.out.println("ILLEGAL SOURCE\t" + lstrType + ":\t" + tag + " ⇒ " + result); // for debugging // return new XLanguageTag(result); } if (!source.getLanguage().isEmpty() && !source.getLanguage().contains("und")) { result.put(LstrType.language, source.getLanguage()); } if (!source.getScript().isEmpty()) { result.put(LstrType.script, source.getScript()); } if (!source.getRegion().isEmpty()) { result.put(LstrType.region, source.getRegion()); } if (!source.getVariants().isEmpty()) { result.putAll(LstrType.variant, source.getVariants()); } return new XLanguageTag(result); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return data.equals(((XLanguageTag)obj).data); } @Override public int hashCode() { return data.hashCode(); } public XLanguageTag set(LstrType lstrType, String string) { Multimap result = TreeMultimap.create(data); if (lstrType != LstrType.variant) { result.removeAll(lstrType); } result.put(lstrType, string); return new XLanguageTag(result); } /** * containsAll is used in matching a ReplacementRule.
* It is here instead of on ReplacementRule so we can use in the denormalization utility used in testing. */ public boolean containsAll(XLanguageTag type) { for (LstrType lstrType : LSRV) { final Collection sources = get(lstrType); final Collection types = type.get(lstrType); if (!sources.containsAll(types)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Once a rule matches, this actually does the replacement.
* It is here instead of on ReplacementRule so we can use it in the denormalization utility used in testing. */ public XLanguageTag replacePartsFrom(XLanguageTag typeParts, XLanguageTag replacementParts) { Multimap result = TreeMultimap.create(); for (LstrType lstrType : LSRV) { Collection sources = get(lstrType); Collection types = typeParts.get(lstrType); Collection replacements = replacementParts.get(lstrType); result.putAll(lstrType, sources); if (!types.isEmpty() && !replacements.isEmpty()) { removeAll(result, lstrType, types); result.putAll(lstrType, replacements); } else if (!types.isEmpty() && replacements.isEmpty()) { removeAll(result, lstrType, types); } else if (types.isEmpty() && !replacements.isEmpty()) { if (sources.isEmpty()) { result.putAll(lstrType, replacements); } } else { // otherwise both empty, skip } } return new XLanguageTag(result); } } /** * A representation of the alias data for Unicode Language Identifiers in the supplementalMetadata.txt file. */ public static class ReplacementRule implements Comparable { private final XLanguageTag typeParts; final XLanguageTag replacementParts; final List secondaryReplacementSet; // TODO, using this information in special cases to impute the best language according to LDML final String reason; final boolean regular; private ReplacementRule(LstrType lstrType, String type, XLanguageTag typeParts, XLanguageTag replacementParts, List secondaryReplacementSet, String reason) { this.typeParts = typeParts; this.replacementParts = replacementParts; this.secondaryReplacementSet = secondaryReplacementSet; this.reason = reason; this.regular = typeParts.keys().equals(replacementParts.keys()) && typeParts.get(LstrType.variant).size() == replacementParts.get(LstrType.variant).size(); } static ReplacementRule from(LstrType lstrType, String type, List replacement, String reason) { XLanguageTag typeParts = XLanguageTag.fromTag(lstrType, type); if (typeParts == null) { return null; // skip ill-formed for now } XLanguageTag replacementParts = XLanguageTag.fromTag(lstrType, replacement.get(0)); if (replacementParts == null) { return null; // skip ill-formed for now } List secondaryReplacementSet = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 1; i < replacement.size(); ++i) { secondaryReplacementSet.add(XLanguageTag.fromTag(lstrType, replacement.get(i))); } return new ReplacementRule(lstrType, type, typeParts, replacementParts, secondaryReplacementSet, reason); } @Override public int compareTo(ReplacementRule o) { return ComparisonChain.start() .compare(-getType().keys().size(), -o.getType().keys().size()) // sort most keys first .compare(getType().toString(), o.getType().toString()) .result(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return compareTo((ReplacementRule) obj) == 0; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(getType()); } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass()) .add("type", getType()) .add("replacement", replacementParts) .toString(); } public XLanguageTag getType() { return typeParts; } public XLanguageTag getReplacement() { return replacementParts; } } /** * Utility to remove multiple items from Multimap */ public static Multimap removeAll(Multimap result, K key, Iterable value) { for (V type : value) { result.remove(key, type); } return result; } private Set rules = new TreeSet<>(); private Multimap inType = TreeMultimap.create(); private Map irrelevant = new TreeMap<>(); private void add(ReplacementRule replacementRule) { getRules().add(replacementRule); } /** * Canonicalize a Unicode Language Identifier (LSRV - language, script, region, variants) * @param lstrType This is a special flag used to indicate which supplementalMetadata alias type the languageTag is from. * That determines whether to extend the type and replacement to be full LSRVs if they are partial, by adding "und_", for example. * @param languageTag May be partial, if the lstrType is not LstrType.language. */ public String canonicalize(LstrType lstrType, String languageTag) { XLanguageTag newTag = canonicalizeToX(XLanguageTag.fromTag(lstrType, languageTag), null); return newTag.toString(); } /** * Canonicalize a Unicode Language Identifier (LSRV - language, script, region, variants) in the XLanguageTag format. * Also returns the rules used in the canonicalization.
* NOT OPTIMIZED: just uses a linear search for simplicity; production code would use more efficient mechanisms */ public XLanguageTag canonicalizeToX(XLanguageTag fromTag, List rulesUsed) { if (rulesUsed != null) { rulesUsed.clear(); } XLanguageTag newTag = fromTag; startAtTheTop: while (true) { for (ReplacementRule rule : getRules()) { if (newTag.containsAll(rule.getType())) { XLanguageTag temp = newTag.replacePartsFrom(rule.getType(), rule.getReplacement()); if (!temp.equals(newTag)) { newTag = temp; if (rulesUsed != null) { rulesUsed.add(rule); } continue startAtTheTop; } } } return newTag; } } /** * Decanonicalize a Unicode Language Identifier (LSRV - language, script, region, variants) in the XLanguageTag format. * Also returns the rules used in the canonicalization. Used in test case generation * NOT OPTIMIZED: just for testing */ public Set decanonicalizeToX(XLanguageTag fromTag) { Set result = new HashSet<>(); result.add(fromTag); Set intermediate = new HashSet<>(); while (true) { for (ReplacementRule rule : getRules()) { if (!rule.getType().get(LstrType.variant).isEmpty()) { continue; } for (XLanguageTag newTag : result) { if (newTag.containsAll(rule.getReplacement())) { // reverse normal order XLanguageTag changed = newTag.replacePartsFrom(rule.getReplacement(), rule.getType()); // reverse normal order if (!intermediate.contains(changed) && !result.contains(changed)) { intermediate.add(changed); } } } } if (intermediate.isEmpty()) { result.remove(fromTag); return result; } result.addAll(intermediate); intermediate.clear(); } } /** * Utility for getting a filtered list of rules, mostly useful in debugging. */ public List filter(LstrType lstrType, String value) { List result = new ArrayList<>(); for (ReplacementRule rule : getRules()) { final Collection items = rule.getType().get(lstrType); if (value == null && !items.isEmpty() || value != null && items.contains(value)) { result.add(rule); } } return result; } public static final LsrvCanonicalizer getInstance() { return SINGLETON; } private static final LsrvCanonicalizer SINGLETON = load(); private static LsrvCanonicalizer load() { SupplementalDataInfo SDI = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getSupplementalDataInfo(); Map, String>>> aliases = SDI.getLocaleAliasInfo(); // type -> tag -> , like "language" -> "sh" -> <{"sr_Latn"}, reason> LsrvCanonicalizer rrs = new LsrvCanonicalizer(); for (Entry, String>>> typeTagReplacement : aliases.entrySet()) { String type = typeTagReplacement.getKey(); if (type.contains("-")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad format for alias: should have _ instead of -."); } LstrType lstrType = LstrType.fromString(type); if (!LSRV.contains(lstrType)) { continue; } for (Entry, String>> tagReplacementReason : typeTagReplacement.getValue().entrySet()) { String tag = tagReplacementReason.getKey(); if (tag.contains("-")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad format for alias: should have _ instead of -."); } List replacement = tagReplacementReason.getValue().get0(); if (replacement == null) { System.out.println("No replacement: " + tagReplacementReason); continue; } String reason = tagReplacementReason.getValue().get1(); final ReplacementRule replacementRule = ReplacementRule.from(lstrType, tag, replacement, reason); if (replacementRule == null) { // System.out.println("No rule: " + tagReplacementReason); continue; } rrs.add(replacementRule); } } rrs.rules = ImmutableSet.copyOf(rrs.rules); for (ReplacementRule rule : rrs.rules) { XLanguageTag type = rule.getType(); XLanguageTag replacement = rule.getReplacement(); for (LstrType lstrType : LsrvCanonicalizer.LSRV) { rrs.inType.putAll(lstrType, type.get(lstrType)); rrs.inType.putAll(lstrType, replacement.get(lstrType)); } } rrs.inType = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(rrs.inType); for (LstrType lstrType : LsrvCanonicalizer.LSRV) { Set all = new LinkedHashSet<>(Validity.getInstance().getStatusToCodes(lstrType).get(Validity.Status.regular)); all.removeAll(rrs.inType.get(lstrType)); if (lstrType == LstrType.variant && all.contains("fonipa")) { rrs.irrelevant.put(lstrType, "fonipa"); } else { rrs.irrelevant.put(lstrType, all.iterator().next()); } } rrs.irrelevant = ImmutableMap.copyOf(rrs.irrelevant); return rrs; } /** * Returns the set of all the Replacement rules in the canonicalizer. */ public Set getRules() { return rules; } /** * Types of test data */ public enum TestDataTypes {explicit, fromAliases, decanonicalized, withIrrelevants} /** * Returns test data for the rules, used to generate test data files. * @param testDataTypes if null, returns all the data; otherwise the specified set. * @return */ public Map> getTestData(Set testDataTypes) { Map> result = new TreeMap<>(); if (testDataTypes == null) { testDataTypes = EnumSet.allOf(TestDataTypes.class); } Set allToTest = new TreeSet<>(); if (testDataTypes.contains(TestDataTypes.explicit)) { Map testData2 = new TreeMap<>(); String[][] tests = { {"hye_arevmda", "hyw"}, {"art_lojban", "jbo"}, {"en_arevela", "en"}, {"hy_arevela", "hy"}, {"en_arevmda_arevela", "en"}, {"hy_arevmda", "hyw"}, {"hy_arevmda_arevela", "hyw"}, {"en_lojban", "en"}, {"en_US_polytoni", "en_US_polyton"}, {"en_US_heploc", "en_US_alalc97"}, {"en_US_aaland", "en_US"}, {"en_aaland", "en_AX"}, {"no_nynorsk_bokmal", "nb"}, {"no_bokmal_nynorsk", "nb"}, {"zh_guoyu_hakka_xiang", "hak"}, {"zh_hakka_xiang", "hak"}, }; for (String row[] : tests) { String toTest = row[0]; String expected = row[1]; testData2.put(toTest, expected); } allToTest.addAll(testData2.keySet()); result.put(TestDataTypes.explicit, ImmutableMap.copyOf(testData2)); } if (testDataTypes.contains(TestDataTypes.fromAliases)) { Map testData2 = new TreeMap<>(); for (ReplacementRule rule : getRules()) { String toTest = rule.getType().toLocaleString(); String expected = rule.getReplacement().toLocaleString(); if (!allToTest.contains(toTest)) { testData2.put(toTest,expected); } } allToTest.addAll(testData2.keySet()); result.put(TestDataTypes.fromAliases, ImmutableMap.copyOf(testData2)); } if (testDataTypes.contains(TestDataTypes.decanonicalized)) { Map testData2 = new TreeMap<>(); for (String testItem: allToTest) { for (XLanguageTag decon : decanonicalizeToX(XLanguageTag.fromTag(LstrType.language, testItem))) { XLanguageTag newTag = canonicalizeToX(decon, null); final String toTest = decon.toLocaleString(); if (!allToTest.contains(toTest)) { testData2.put(toTest, newTag.toLocaleString()); } } } allToTest.addAll(testData2.keySet()); result.put(TestDataTypes.decanonicalized, ImmutableMap.copyOf(testData2)); } if (testDataTypes.contains(TestDataTypes.withIrrelevants)) { Map testData2 = new TreeMap<>(); for (String testItem: allToTest) { XLanguageTag fluffedUp = fluff(XLanguageTag.fromTag(LstrType.language, testItem), irrelevant); XLanguageTag newTag = canonicalizeToX(fluffedUp, null); final String toTest = fluffedUp.toLocaleString(); if (!allToTest.contains(toTest)) { testData2.put(toTest, newTag.toLocaleString()); } } allToTest.addAll(testData2.keySet()); result.put(TestDataTypes.withIrrelevants, ImmutableMap.copyOf(testData2)); } result = ImmutableMap.copyOf(result); return result; } private static XLanguageTag fluff(XLanguageTag type, Map toAddIfMissing) { XLanguageTag newTag = type; for (LstrType lstrType : LsrvCanonicalizer.LSRV) { if (type.get(lstrType).isEmpty() || lstrType == LstrType.variant) { newTag = newTag.set(lstrType, toAddIfMissing.get(lstrType)); } } return newTag; } /** * Returns all the fields used in the type attribute of the alias rule. */ public Collection getInType(LstrType language) { return inType.get(language); } /** * Returns some sample fields that do not appear in the type attribute of the alias rule, used for testing. */ public String getIrrelevantField(LstrType language) { return irrelevant.get(language); } }