#!/bin/sh # # Release automation script for running within the Docker container. # This script is invoked from the Linux script. # # Because this is run in the Docker container, we can use absolute # paths to everything and generally count on everything being where we # expect it to be. set -e if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <version>" exit 1 fi cd /conscrypt BRANCH=$(echo "$1" | sed -E 's/([0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.])[0-9]+/\1x/') git checkout "$BRANCH" # Update the gradle.properties file for the location of files in the # container. # The host copy may have the signingKeystore and # signingPassword properties commented out because signing isn't # routinely done for development builds, so ensure they're # uncommented. sed -i 's/#signingKeystore/signingKeystore/' /root/.gradle/gradle.properties sed -i 's/#signingPassword/signingPassword/' /root/.gradle/gradle.properties sed -i 's\signing.secretKeyRingFile=.*\signing.secretKeyRingFile=/root/.gnupg/secring.gpg\' /root/.gradle/gradle.properties sed -i 's\signingKeystore=.*\signingKeystore=/root/certkeystore\' /root/.gradle/gradle.properties ./gradlew conscrypt-openjdk:build ./gradlew -Dorg.gradle.parallel=false publish cd /usr/src/boringssl echo "***************************************************************" echo "** BoringSSL revision: $(git rev-parse HEAD)" echo "***************************************************************"