# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Simulates a Kokoro run executing one of the build-*.sh scripts.
# e.g. ./ci/kokoro/simulate build-aarch64.sh
# For ease of use, just call: ./ci/kokoro/simulate_all

crosvm_src=$(realpath $(dirname $0)/../../)
kokoro_root=$(mktemp -d)

cleanup() {
  rm -rf "${kokoro_root}"

main() {
  echo "Copying ${crosvm_src}/ to ${kokoro_src}"
  mkdir -p "${kokoro_src}"
  rsync -arq --exclude "target" --exclude ".git" "${crosvm_src}/" "${kokoro_src}"

  # Run user-provided kokoro build script.
  export KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR="${kokoro_root}/src"
  echo "Running $1 in ${kokoro_root}"
  bash $(dirname $0)/$1
  echo "$1 returned $?"

trap cleanup EXIT
main "$@"