#ifndef _ES31CARRAYOFARRAYSTESTS_HPP #define _ES31CARRAYOFARRAYSTESTS_HPP /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OpenGL Conformance Test Suite * ----------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Khronos Group Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ /*! * \file * \brief */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include "glcTestCase.hpp" #include "glwDefs.hpp" #include "glwEnums.hpp" #include "tcuDefs.hpp" #include "tes31TestCase.hpp" namespace glcts { typedef enum { VAR_TYPE_BOOL, VAR_TYPE_INT, VAR_TYPE_UINT, VAR_TYPE_FLOAT, VAR_TYPE_VEC2, VAR_TYPE_VEC3, VAR_TYPE_VEC4, VAR_TYPE_BVEC2, VAR_TYPE_BVEC3, VAR_TYPE_BVEC4, VAR_TYPE_IVEC2, VAR_TYPE_IVEC3, VAR_TYPE_IVEC4, VAR_TYPE_UVEC2, VAR_TYPE_UVEC3, VAR_TYPE_UVEC4, VAR_TYPE_MAT2, VAR_TYPE_MAT3, VAR_TYPE_MAT4, VAR_TYPE_MAT2X2, VAR_TYPE_MAT2X3, VAR_TYPE_MAT2X4, VAR_TYPE_MAT3X2, VAR_TYPE_MAT3X3, VAR_TYPE_MAT3X4, VAR_TYPE_MAT4X2, VAR_TYPE_MAT4X3, VAR_TYPE_MAT4X4, /** List of all supported interface resource types. */ VAR_TYPE_IMAGEBUFFER, VAR_TYPE_IIMAGEBUFFER, VAR_TYPE_UIMAGEBUFFER, VAR_TYPE_SAMPLERBUFFER, VAR_TYPE_ISAMPLERBUFFER, VAR_TYPE_USAMPLERBUFFER, /** List of all supported opaque types. */ //Floating Point Sampler Types (opaque) VAR_TYPE_SAMPLER2D, VAR_TYPE_SAMPLER3D, VAR_TYPE_SAMPLERCUBE, VAR_TYPE_SAMPLERCUBESHADOW, VAR_TYPE_SAMPLER2DSHADOW, VAR_TYPE_SAMPLER2DARRAY, VAR_TYPE_SAMPLER2DARRAYSHADOW, //Signed Integer Sampler Types (opaque) VAR_TYPE_ISAMPLER2D, VAR_TYPE_ISAMPLER3D, VAR_TYPE_ISAMPLERCUBE, VAR_TYPE_ISAMPLER2DARRAY, //Unsigned Integer Sampler Types (opaque) VAR_TYPE_USAMPLER2D, VAR_TYPE_USAMPLER3D, VAR_TYPE_USAMPLERCUBE, VAR_TYPE_USAMPLER2DARRAY, /* Double types */ VAR_TYPE_DOUBLE, VAR_TYPE_DMAT2, VAR_TYPE_DMAT3, VAR_TYPE_DMAT4, VAR_TYPE_DMAT2X2, VAR_TYPE_DMAT2X3, VAR_TYPE_DMAT2X4, VAR_TYPE_DMAT3X2, VAR_TYPE_DMAT3X3, VAR_TYPE_DMAT3X4, VAR_TYPE_DMAT4X2, VAR_TYPE_DMAT4X3, VAR_TYPE_DMAT4X4, } test_var_type; struct var_descriptor { std::string type; std::string precision; std::string initializer_with_ones; std::string initializer_with_zeroes; std::string iterator_initialization; std::string iterator_type; std::string specific_element; std::string variable_type_initializer1; std::string variable_type_initializer2; std::string coord_param_for_texture_function; std::string type_of_result_of_texture_function; }; // This iterator and map are used to simplify the lookup of type names, initialisation // values, etc., associated with each of the types used within the array tests typedef std::map _supported_variable_types_map; typedef _supported_variable_types_map::const_iterator _supported_variable_types_map_const_iterator; /* Groups all tests that verify "arrays of arrays" functionality */ class ArrayOfArraysTestGroup : public glcts::TestCaseGroup { public: /* Public methods */ ArrayOfArraysTestGroup(Context& context); virtual void init(void); }; /* Groups all tests that verify "arrays of arrays" functionality */ class ArrayOfArraysTestGroupGL : public glcts::TestCaseGroup { public: /* Public methods */ ArrayOfArraysTestGroupGL(Context& context); virtual void init(void); }; namespace ArraysOfArrays { namespace Interface { /** Represents ES 3.1 core capabilities **/ struct ES { enum { ALLOW_UNSIZED_DECLARATION = 0 }; enum { ALLOW_A_OF_A_ON_INTERFACE_BLOCKS = 0 }; enum { ALLOW_IN_OUT_INTERFACE_BLOCKS = 0 }; enum { USE_ALL_SHADER_STAGES = 0 }; enum { USE_ATOMIC = 0 }; enum { USE_DOUBLE = 0 }; enum { USE_SUBROUTINE = 0 }; enum { USE_STORAGE_BLOCK = 0 }; static const size_t MAX_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS; static const test_var_type* var_types; static const size_t n_var_types; static const char* shader_version_gpu5; static const char* shader_version; static const char* test_group_name; }; /** Represents GL 4.3 core capabilities **/ struct GL { enum { ALLOW_UNSIZED_DECLARATION = 1 }; enum { ALLOW_A_OF_A_ON_INTERFACE_BLOCKS = 1 }; enum { ALLOW_IN_OUT_INTERFACE_BLOCKS = 1 }; enum { USE_ALL_SHADER_STAGES = 1 }; enum { USE_ATOMIC = 1 }; enum { USE_DOUBLE = 1 }; enum { USE_SUBROUTINE = 1 }; enum { USE_STORAGE_BLOCK = 1 }; static const size_t MAX_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS; static const test_var_type* var_types; static const size_t n_var_types; static const char* shader_version_gpu5; static const char* shader_version; }; } /* Interface */ /** Base test class for all arrays_of_arrays tests **/ template class TestCaseBase : public tcu::TestCase { public: TestCaseBase(Context& context, const char* name, const char* description); virtual ~TestCaseBase(void) { } virtual void deinit(void); virtual void delete_objects(void); virtual tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate(); protected: /* Protected declarations */ enum TestShaderType { FRAGMENT_SHADER_TYPE, VERTEX_SHADER_TYPE, COMPUTE_SHADER_TYPE, GEOMETRY_SHADER_TYPE, TESSELATION_CONTROL_SHADER_TYPE, TESSELATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_TYPE, /* */ SHADER_TYPE_LAST }; /* Protected methods */ virtual std::string extend_string(std::string base_string, std::string sub_script, size_t number_of_elements); virtual glw::GLint compile_shader_and_get_compilation_result( const std::string& tested_snippet, typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, bool require_gpu_shader5 = false); virtual tcu::TestNode::IterateResult execute_negative_test( typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& shader_source); virtual tcu::TestNode::IterateResult execute_positive_test(const std::string& vertex_shader_source, const std::string& fragment_shader_source, bool delete_generated_objects, bool require_gpu_shader5); virtual tcu::TestNode::IterateResult execute_positive_test(const std::string& vertex_shader_source, const std::string& tess_ctrl_shader_source, const std::string& tess_eval_shader_source, const std::string& geometry_shader_source, const std::string& fragment_shader_source, const std::string& compute_shader_source, bool delete_generated_objects, bool require_gpu_shader5); virtual void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type) = 0; /* Protected fields */ Context& context_id; glw::GLint program_object_id; private: /* Private fields */ glw::GLint compute_shader_object_id; glw::GLint fragment_shader_object_id; glw::GLint geometry_shader_object_id; glw::GLint tess_ctrl_shader_object_id; glw::GLint tess_eval_shader_object_id; glw::GLint vertex_shader_object_id; }; template class SizedDeclarationsPrimitive : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ SizedDeclarationsPrimitive(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "SizedDeclarationsPrimitive", " Verify that declarations of variables containing between 2 and 8\n" " sized dimensions of each primitive type are permitted.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SizedDeclarationsPrimitive() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class SizedDeclarationsStructTypes1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ SizedDeclarationsStructTypes1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "SizedDeclarationsStructTypes1", " Declare a structure type containing both ints and floats, and verify\n" " that variables having between 2 and 8 sized dimensions of this type\n" " can be declared.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SizedDeclarationsStructTypes1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class SizedDeclarationsStructTypes2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ SizedDeclarationsStructTypes2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "SizedDeclarationsStructTypes2", " Verify that a single declaration containing multiple\n" " variables with different numbers of array dimensions is accepted,\n" " e.g. float [2][2] x2, x3[2], x4[2][2], etc) with each variable\n" " having between two and eight dimensions when there are\n" " declarations within the structure body.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SizedDeclarationsStructTypes2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class SizedDeclarationsStructTypes3 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ SizedDeclarationsStructTypes3(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "SizedDeclarationsStructTypes3", " Declare a structure type containing both ints and floats, and verify\n" " that variables having between 2 and 8 sized dimensions of this type\n" " can be declared, with a structure containing an array.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SizedDeclarationsStructTypes3() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class SizedDeclarationsStructTypes4 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ SizedDeclarationsStructTypes4(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "SizedDeclarationsStructTypes4", " Declare a structure type containing an array, and verify\n" " that variables having between 2 and 8 sized dimensions of this type\n" " can be declared when the structure definition is included in the \n" " variable definition.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SizedDeclarationsStructTypes4() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle1", " Verify that an 8-dimensional array of floats can be declared with\n" " any placement of the brackets (e.g. float[2]\n" " x[2][2][2][2][2][2][2], float [2][2] x [2][2][2][2][2][2], etc) (9\n" " cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle2", " Verify that a single declaration containing multiple\n" " variables with different numbers of array dimensions is accepted,\n" " e.g. float [2][2] x2, x3[2], x4[2][2], etc) with each variable\n" " having between two and eight dimensions. Repeat these tests for\n" " declarations within a structure body.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle3 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle3(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle3", " Verify that a single declaration, within a structure body,\n" " is accepted when it contains multiple variables with different\n" " numbers of array dimensions, \n" " e.g. float [2][2] x2, x3[2], x4[2][2], etc), with each variable\n" " having between two and eight dimensions.\n" " The variables should be declared within a structure body.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle3() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle4 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle4(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle4", " Verify that an 8-dimensional array of floats can be declared with\n" " any placement of the brackets (e.g. float[2]\n" " x[2][2][2][2][2][2][2], float [2][2] x [2][2][2][2][2][2], etc) (9\n" " cases) within a structure body.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle4() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle5 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle5(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle5", " Verify that a single declaration containing multiple\n" " variables with different numbers of array dimensions is accepted,\n" " within a structure body\n" " e.g. float [2][2] x2, x3[2], x4[2][2], etc) with each variable\n" " having between two and eight dimensions.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SizedDeclarationsTypenameStyle5() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class SizedDeclarationsFunctionParams : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ SizedDeclarationsFunctionParams(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "SizedDeclarationsFunctionParams", " Declare a function having eight parameters, each a float array\n" " with a different number of dimensions between 1 and 8, and verify\n" " that the compiler accepts this. Declare a variable with matching\n" " shape for each parameter, and verify that the function can be\n" " called with these variables as arguments. Interchange each pair\n" " of arguments and verify that the shader is correctly rejected due\n" " to mismatched arguments (28 total cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SizedDeclarationsFunctionParams() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class sized_declarations_invalid_sizes1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ sized_declarations_invalid_sizes1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "sized_declarations_invalid_sizes1", " Correctly reject variable declarations, having 4 dimensions, for\n" " which any combination of dimensions are declared with zero-size\n" " (16 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~sized_declarations_invalid_sizes1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class sized_declarations_invalid_sizes2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ sized_declarations_invalid_sizes2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "sized_declarations_invalid_sizes2", " Correctly reject variable declarations, having 4 dimensions, for\n" " which any combination of dimensions are declared with size -1\n" " (16 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~sized_declarations_invalid_sizes2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class sized_declarations_invalid_sizes3 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ sized_declarations_invalid_sizes3(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "sized_declarations_invalid_sizes3", " Correctly reject variable declarations, having 4 dimensions, for\n" " which any combination of dimensions are declared with a\n" " non-constant (16 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~sized_declarations_invalid_sizes3() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class sized_declarations_invalid_sizes4 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ sized_declarations_invalid_sizes4(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "sized_declarations_invalid_sizes4", " Correctly reject modifications of a variable declaration of\n" " 4 dimensions (e.g. float x[2][2][2][2]), in which\n" " each adjacent pair '][' is replaced by the sequence operator\n" " (e.g. float x[2,2][2][2]) (6 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~sized_declarations_invalid_sizes4() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructors1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructors1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructors1", " Verifies that constructors for arrays of between 2 and 8 dimensions\n" " are accepted as isolated expressions for each non-opaque primitive\n" " type (7 cases per primitive type).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructors1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); std::string recursively_initialise(std::string var_type, size_t dimension_index, std::string init_string); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructors2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructors2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructors2", " Correctly reject any attempt to pass arguments to a\n" " 2 dimensional float array constructor which has matching scalar\n" " count, but different array shape or dimensionality to the array's\n" " indexed type e.g. float[2][2](float[4](1,2,3,4)),\n" " float[2][2](float[1][4](float[4](1,2,3,4))) (2 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructors2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedConstructors : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedConstructors(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedConstructors", " Verifies that any of the array dimensions, or any combination of\n" " dimensions, may be omitted for a 4-dimensional float array\n" " constructor (the sizes on its nested constructors may be\n" " consistently omitted or present, and need not be manipulated\n" " between cases) (e.g. float[][][2][](float[][][](float[][] etc))\n" " (16 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedConstructors() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConst : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConst(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConst", " Verifies that multi-dimensional arrays can be declared as const\n" " using nested constructors to initialize inner dimensions\n" " e.g. const float[2][2] x = float[2][2](float[2](1,2),float[2](3,4)).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConst() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors1", " Correctly reject any attempt to call array constructors for\n" " 2-dimensional arrays of any opaque type.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors2", " Correctly reject 3-dimensional int array constructor calls\n" " for which any dimension or combination of dimensions is\n" " given as zero (see sec(i) - 8 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors3 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors3(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors3", " Correctly reject 3-dimensional int array constructor calls\n" " for which any dimension or combination of dimensions is\n" " given as -1 (see sec(i) - 8 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors3() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors4 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors4(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors4", " Correctly reject 3-dimensional int array constructor calls\n" " for which any dimension or combination of dimensions is\n" " given by a non-constant variable (8 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclInvalidConstructors4() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructorSizing1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructorSizing1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructorSizing1", " Verifies that arrays of 4 dimensions can be declared with any\n" " combination of dimension sizes omitted, provided a valid\n" " constructor is used as an initializer (15 cases per non-opaque\n" " primitive type).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructorSizing1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructorSizing2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructorSizing2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructorSizing2", " Verifies that a sequence of arrays from 2 to 8 dimensions can\n" " be declared in a single statement\n" " (e.g. float[] x=float[](4,5), y[]=float[][](float[](4)), z[][]...).\n" " The size of the dimensions should vary between the cases\n" " of this test (e.g. in the previous case, we have\n" " float x[2] and float y[1][1]).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclConstructorSizing2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclStructConstructors : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclStructConstructors(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclStructConstructors", " Declare a user type (struct) and verify that arrays of between 2\n" " and 8 dimensions can be declared without explicit sizes, and\n" " initialized from constructors (7 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclStructConstructors() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); std::string recursively_initialise(std::string var_type, size_t dimension_index, std::string init_string); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays1", " Correctly reject unsized declarations of variables between 2 and 8\n" " dimensions for which an initializer is not present.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays2", " Correctly reject unsized declarations where some elements are\n" " lacking initializers (e.g. float[] x=float[](1), y).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays3 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays3(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays3", " Correctly reject a declaration which initializes a\n" " multi-dimensional array from a matrix type,\n" " e.g. (float[][] x = mat4(0)).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays3() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays4 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays4(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays4", " Declare a user type containing an unsized array\n" " (e.g. struct foo { float[][] x; }) and verify that the shader is\n" " correctly rejected.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ConstructorsAndUnsizedDeclUnsizedArrays4() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsAssignment1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsAssignment1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsAssignment1", " Declare two variables of matching array size, having between 2 and\n" " 8 dimensions, and verify that the value of one can be assigned to\n" " the other without error (7 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsAssignment1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); std::string recursively_initialise(std::string var_type, size_t dimension_index, std::string init_string); }; template class ExpressionsAssignment2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsAssignment2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsAssignment2", " Correctly reject assignment of variables of differing numbers of array\n" " dimensions (between 1 and 4) to one another (6 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsAssignment2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsAssignment3 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsAssignment3(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsAssignment3", " Correctly reject assignment of variables of 4 dimensions and differing\n" " array size to one another, where all combinations of each dimension\n" " matching or not matching are tested (15 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsAssignment3() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsTypeRestrictions1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsTypeRestrictions1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsTypeRestrictions1", " Declare two 2-dimensional arrays of a sampler type and verify that\n" " one cannot be assigned to the other.\n" " Repeat the test for each opaque type.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsTypeRestrictions1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsTypeRestrictions2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsTypeRestrictions2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsTypeRestrictions2", " For each opaque type, verify that structures containing \n" " two 2-dimensional arrays of that sampler type\n" " cannot be assigned to each other.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsTypeRestrictions2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsIndexingScalar1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsIndexingScalar1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsIndexingScalar1", " Assign to each scalar element of a 4 dimensional array\n" " float x[1][2][3][4] (24 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsIndexingScalar1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsIndexingScalar2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsIndexingScalar2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsIndexingScalar2", " Correctly reject indexing the array with any combination\n" " of indices given as -1 (15 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsIndexingScalar2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsIndexingScalar3 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsIndexingScalar3(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsIndexingScalar3", " Correctly reject indexing the array with any combination\n" " of indices given as 4 (15 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsIndexingScalar3() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsIndexingScalar4 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsIndexingScalar4(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsIndexingScalar4", " Correctly reject any attempt to index a 4-dimensional array with\n" " any combination of missing array index expressions\n" " (e.g. x[][0][0][]) - (15 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsIndexingScalar4() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsIndexingArray1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsIndexingArray1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsIndexingArray1", " Assign to each dimension of an 8 dimensional, single-element array\n" " with an appropriate constructor (e.g. float\n" " x[1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1];\n" " x[0] = float[1][1][1][1][1][1][1](1);\n" " x[0][0] = etc) - (8 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsIndexingArray1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsIndexingArray2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsIndexingArray2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsIndexingArray2", " Declare two 8 dimensional, single-element arrays, and assign to\n" " each dimension of one from the matching sub_scripting of the other\n" " (e.g. x[0] = y[0]; x[0][0] = y[0][0]; etc.) (8 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsIndexingArray2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); std::string recursively_initialise(std::string var_type, size_t dimension_index, std::string init_string); }; template class ExpressionsIndexingArray3 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsIndexingArray3(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsIndexingArray3", " Correctly reject use of ivecn to index an n-dimensional array -\n" " e.g. float x[2][2][2][2]; x[ivec4(0)] = 1; (3 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsIndexingArray3() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsDynamicIndexing1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsDynamicIndexing1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsDynamicIndexing1", " Verifies that any mixture of constant, uniform and dynamic expressions\n" " can be used as the array index expression, in any combination, for\n" " each dimension of a 2 dimensional array (16 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsDynamicIndexing1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsDynamicIndexing2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsDynamicIndexing2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsDynamicIndexing2", " Correctly reject any attempt to index 4-dimensional arrays of opaque\n" " types with any combination of non-constant expressions\n" " (e.g. x[0][y][0][y] etc for non-const y) - (15 cases per type).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsDynamicIndexing2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsEquality1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsEquality1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsEquality1", " Verifies that two 4-dimensional arrays of matching primitive\n" " type can be correctly compared for equality and inequality, when\n" " they differ independently in each component or combination of\n" " components (e.g. x = float[][](float[](1,1), float[](1,1)); y =\n" " float[][](float[](2,1), float[](1,1)); return x == y;) - (16\n" " cases per primitive type).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsEquality1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsEquality2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsEquality2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsEquality2", " Verifies that two 4-dimensional arrays of matching user (struct)\n" " types can be correctly compared for equality and inequality, when\n" " they differ independently in each component or combination of\n" " components - (16 cases per primitive type).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsEquality2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsLength1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsLength1(Context& context, const glw::GLchar* name, const glw::GLchar* description) : TestCaseBase(context, name, description) { /* Left empty on purpose */ } ExpressionsLength1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsLength1", " For a 4-dimensional array declared as int x[4][3][2][1], verify that\n" " x.length returns the integer 4, x[0].length the integer 3, and so\n" " forth (4 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsLength1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void execute_dispatch_test(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& tested_declaration, const std::string& tested_snippet); void execute_draw_test(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& tested_declaration, const std::string& tested_snippet); std::string prepare_compute_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& tested_declaration, const std::string& tested_snippet); std::string prepare_fragment_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& tested_declaration, const std::string& tested_snippet); std::string prepare_geometry_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& tested_declaration, const std::string& tested_snippet); std::string prepare_tess_ctrl_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& tested_declaration, const std::string& tested_snippet); std::string prepare_tess_eval_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& tested_declaration, const std::string& tested_snippet); std::string prepare_vertex_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& tested_declaration, const std::string& tested_snippet); void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsLength2 : public ExpressionsLength1 { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsLength2(Context& context) : ExpressionsLength1(context, "ExpressionsLength2", " For a 4-dimensional array declared as int x[1][2][3][4], verify that\n" " x.length returns the integer 1, x[0].length the integer 2, and so\n" " forth (4 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsLength2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsLength3 : public ExpressionsLength1 { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsLength3(Context& context) : ExpressionsLength1(context, "ExpressionsLength3", " Correctly reject any use of the length method on elements of a\n" " 4-dimensional array x[1][1][1][1] for which the index\n" " expression is omitted, e.g. x[].length, x[][].length etc (3 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsLength3() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsInvalid1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsInvalid1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsInvalid1", " Correctly reject an assignment of a 2 dimensional\n" " array x[2][2] to a variable y of type mat2.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsInvalid1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class ExpressionsInvalid2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ ExpressionsInvalid2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "ExpressionsInvalid2", " For 8-dimensional arrays x,y, correctly reject any attempt\n" " to apply the relational operators other than equality and\n" " inequality (4 cases per non-opaque primitive type).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~ExpressionsInvalid2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionFunctionCalls1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionFunctionCalls1(Context& context, const glw::GLchar* name, const glw::GLchar* description) : TestCaseBase(context, name, description) { /* Left empty on purpose */ } InteractionFunctionCalls1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "InteractionFunctionCalls1", " Declare a function returning an 8-dimensional 64-element array as\n" " an out parameter, which places a unique integer in each\n" " element.\n" " Verifies that the values are returned as expected when this function\n" " is called.\n" " Repeat for the following primitive types: int, float,\n" " ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, vec2, vec3, vec4, mat2, mat3, mat4.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionFunctionCalls1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void execute_dispatch_test(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification); void execute_draw_test(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification); std::string prepare_compute_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification); std::string prepare_fragment_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification); std::string prepare_geometry_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification); std::string prepare_tess_ctrl_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification); std::string prepare_tess_eval_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification); std::string prepare_vertex_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification); void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionFunctionCalls2 : public InteractionFunctionCalls1 { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionFunctionCalls2(Context& context) : InteractionFunctionCalls1(context, "InteractionFunctionCalls2", " Declare a function taking an inout parameter,\n" " which multiplies each element by a different prime.\n" " Verifies that the results after returning are again as expected.\n" " Repeat for the following primitive types: int, float,\n" " ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, vec2, vec3, vec4, mat2, mat3, mat4.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionFunctionCalls2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionArgumentAliasing1 : public InteractionFunctionCalls1 { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionArgumentAliasing1(Context& context) : InteractionFunctionCalls1(context, "InteractionArgumentAliasing1", " Declare a function taking two 8-dimensional, 64-element parameters\n" " (e.g. void g(int x[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2], int\n" " y[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2]) and verify that after calling g(z,z),\n" " and overwriting x with a constant value, the original values of z\n" " are accessible through y.\n" " Repeat for float and mat4 types.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionArgumentAliasing1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionArgumentAliasing2 : public InteractionFunctionCalls1 { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionArgumentAliasing2(Context& context) : InteractionFunctionCalls1(context, "InteractionArgumentAliasing2", " Declare a function taking two 8-dimensional, 64-element parameters\n" " (e.g. void g(int x[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2], int\n" " y[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2]) and verify that after calling g(z,z),\n" " and overwriting y with a constant value, the original values of z\n" " are accessible through x.\n" " Repeat for float and mat4 types.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionArgumentAliasing2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionArgumentAliasing3 : public InteractionFunctionCalls1 { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionArgumentAliasing3(Context& context) : InteractionFunctionCalls1(context, "InteractionArgumentAliasing3", " Declare a function taking two 8-dimensional, 64-element parameters\n" " (e.g. void g(int x[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2], int\n" " y[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2]) and verify that after calling g(z,z),\n" " and overwriting y with a constant value, the original values of z\n" " are accessible through x, where x is an out parameter.\n" " Repeat for float and mat4 types.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionArgumentAliasing3() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionArgumentAliasing4 : public InteractionFunctionCalls1 { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionArgumentAliasing4(Context& context) : InteractionFunctionCalls1(context, "InteractionArgumentAliasing4", " Declare a function taking two 8-dimensional, 64-element parameters\n" " (e.g. void g(int x[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2], int\n" " y[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2]) and verify that after calling g(z,z),\n" " and overwriting x with a constant value, the original values of z\n" " are accessible through y, where y is an out parameter.\n" " Repeat for float and mat4 types.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionArgumentAliasing4() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionArgumentAliasing5 : public InteractionFunctionCalls1 { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionArgumentAliasing5(Context& context) : InteractionFunctionCalls1(context, "InteractionArgumentAliasing5", " Declare a function taking two 8-dimensional, 64-element parameters\n" " (e.g. void g(int x[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2], int\n" " y[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2]) and verify that after calling g(z,z),\n" " and overwriting y with a constant value, the original values of z\n" " are accessible through x, where x is an inout parameter.\n" " Repeat for float and mat4 types.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionArgumentAliasing5() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionArgumentAliasing6 : public InteractionFunctionCalls1 { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionArgumentAliasing6(Context& context) : InteractionFunctionCalls1(context, "InteractionArgumentAliasing6", " Declare a function taking two 8-dimensional, 64-element parameters\n" " (e.g. void g(int x[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2], int\n" " y[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2]) and verify that after calling g(z,z),\n" " and overwriting x with a constant value, the original values of z\n" " are accessible through y, where y is an inout parameter.\n" " Repeat for float and mat4 types.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionArgumentAliasing6() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } public: //AL protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionUniforms1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionUniforms1(Context& context, const glw::GLchar* name, const glw::GLchar* description) : TestCaseBase(context, name, description) { /* Left empty on purpose */ } InteractionUniforms1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "InteractionUniforms1", " Declare a 4-dimensional uniform array and verify that it can be\n" " initialized with user data correctly using the API.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionUniforms1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ std::string prepare_compute_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& uniform_definition, const std::string& uniform_use); std::string prepare_fragment_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& uniform_definition, const std::string& uniform_use); std::string prepare_geometry_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& uniform_definition, const std::string& uniform_use); std::string prepare_tess_ctrl_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& uniform_definition, const std::string& uniform_use); std::string prepare_tess_eval_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& uniform_definition, const std::string& uniform_use); std::string prepare_vertex_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& uniform_definition, const std::string& uniform_use); void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionUniforms2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionUniforms2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "InteractionUniforms2", " Correctly reject 4-dimensional uniform arrays with any unsized\n" " dimension, with or without an initializer (30 cases).\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionUniforms2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionUniformBuffers1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionUniformBuffers1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "InteractionUniformBuffers1", " Declare a uniform block containing a 6-dimensional array and verify\n" " that the resulting shader compiles.\n" " Repeat for ints and uints.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionUniformBuffers1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionUniformBuffers2 : public InteractionUniforms1 { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionUniformBuffers2(Context& context) : InteractionUniforms1(context, "InteractionUniformBuffers2", " Declare a 4-dimensional uniform float array x[2][2][2][2] within a\n" " uniform block, and verify that it can be initialized correctly with user\n" " data via the API.\n" " Repeat for ints and uints.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionUniformBuffers2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void execute_dispatch_test(); void execute_draw_test(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionUniformBuffers3 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionUniformBuffers3(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "InteractionUniformBuffers3", " Correctly reject 4-dimensional uniform arrays with a uniform block\n" " with any dimension unsized, with or without an initializer (30 cases).\n" " Repeat for ints and uints.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionUniformBuffers3() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionStorageBuffers1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionStorageBuffers1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "InteractionStorageBuffers1", " Declare a storage block containing a 6-dimensional array and verify\n" " that the resulting shader compiles.\n" " Repeat for ints and uints.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionStorageBuffers1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionStorageBuffers2 : public InteractionUniforms1 { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionStorageBuffers2(Context& context) : InteractionUniforms1(context, "InteractionStorageBuffers2", " Declare a 4-dimensional float array x[2][2][2][2] within a\n" " storage block, and verify that it can be initialized correctly with user\n" " data via the API.\n" " Repeat for ints and uints.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionStorageBuffers2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void execute_dispatch_test(); void execute_draw_test(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionStorageBuffers3 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionStorageBuffers3(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "InteractionStorageBuffers3", " Correctly reject 4-dimensional uniform arrays with a uniform block\n" " with any dimension unsized, with or without an initializer (30 cases).\n" " Repeat for ints and uints.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionStorageBuffers3() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionInterfaceArrays1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionInterfaceArrays1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "InteractionInterfaceArrays1", " Verifies that 2-dimensional arrays of shader\n" " storage buffer objects are correctly rejected.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionInterfaceArrays1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionInterfaceArrays2 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionInterfaceArrays2(Context& context, const glw::GLchar* name, const glw::GLchar* description) : TestCaseBase(context, name, description) { /* Left empty on purpose */ } InteractionInterfaceArrays2(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "InteractionInterfaceArrays2", " Verifies that 2-dimensional arrays of input and output variables\n" " are correctly rejected.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionInterfaceArrays2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ const typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType get_output_shader_type( const typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType& input_shader_type); const std::string prepare_fragment_shader(const typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType& input_shader_type, const std::string& input_source, const std::string& output_source); const std::string prepare_geometry_shader(const typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType& input_shader_type, const std::string& input_source, const std::string& output_source); const std::string prepare_tess_ctrl_shader_source( const typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType& input_shader_type, const std::string& input_source, const std::string& output_source); const std::string prepare_tess_eval_shader_source( const typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType& input_shader_type, const std::string& input_source, const std::string& output_source); const std::string prepare_vertex_shader(const typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType& input_shader_type, const std::string& input_source, const std::string& output_source); void prepare_sources(const typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType& input_shader_type, const typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType& output_shader_type, const std::string* input_shader_source, const std::string* output_shader_source, std::string& input_source, std::string& output_source); void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType input_shader_type); }; template class InteractionInterfaceArrays3 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionInterfaceArrays3(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "InteractionInterfaceArrays3", " Verifies that 2-dimensional arrays of uniform interface blocks\n" " are correctly rejected.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionInterfaceArrays3() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class InteractionInterfaceArrays4 : public InteractionInterfaceArrays2 { public: /* Public methods */ InteractionInterfaceArrays4(Context& context) : InteractionInterfaceArrays2(context, "InteractionInterfaceArrays4", " Verifies that 2-dimensional arrays of input and output interface blocks\n" " are correctly rejected.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~InteractionInterfaceArrays4() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType input_shader_type); }; /** Implements test AtomicDeclaration, desription follows: * * Prepare a shader that declares "bar", a multidimensional array of atomic * counters. Shader should increment all entries of "bar". It is expected that * building of program will: * - pass when number of entries in "bar" is equal to a value of the * corresponding MAX_*_ATOMIC_COUNTERS constant, * - fail when number of entries in "bar" exceeds limit. * Test all supported shader stages separately. **/ template class AtomicDeclarationTest : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ AtomicDeclarationTest(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "AtomicDeclaration", " Verifies that atomic counters can be grouped in multidimensional arrays\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~AtomicDeclarationTest() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; /** Implements test AtomicUsage, desription follows: * * Prepare a program like in "valid" case of AtomicDeclaration test, but use * layout qualifier with last binding and specific offset. Bind a buffer so all * entries in "bar" have unique values assigned. Select offset and size of * "bar" as follows: * - offset is 0, "bar" fills entire allowed space; * - offset is not 0, "bar" does not exceed any limit. * Test pass if buffer contents are correctly modified by execution of the * program. * Test all supported shader stages separately. **/ template class AtomicUsageTest : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ AtomicUsageTest(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "AtomicUsage", " Verifies that atomic counters grouped in multidimensional arrays can be used\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~AtomicUsageTest() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); private: void execute(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, glw::GLuint binding, glw::GLuint offset, glw::GLuint n_entries); }; /** Implements "out" case of SubRoutineCalls test, description follows: * * Modify "function-calls" test in the following aspects: * - provide two subroutines instead of each function; * - "new" "out" subroutine should use different pattern of values; * - "new" "inout" subroutine should use division instead of multiplication; * - it is expected that "original" set will pass, while "new" set will fail. **/ template class SubroutineFunctionCalls1 : public TestCaseBase { public: /* Public methods */ SubroutineFunctionCalls1(Context& context, const glw::GLchar* name, const glw::GLchar* description) : TestCaseBase(context, name, description) { /* Left empty on purpose */ } SubroutineFunctionCalls1(Context& context) : TestCaseBase(context, "SubroutineFunctionCalls1", " Declare two subroutines returning an 8-dimensional 64-element array as\n" " an out parameter, filled with unique values.\n" " Verifies that the values are returned as expected when this function\n" " is called.\n" " Repeat for the following primitive types: int, float,\n" " ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, vec2, vec3, vec4, mat2, mat3, mat4.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SubroutineFunctionCalls1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void execute_dispatch_test(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification, bool use_original, bool expect_invalid_result); void execute_draw_test(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification, bool use_original, bool expect_invalid_result); std::string prepare_compute_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification); std::string prepare_fragment_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification); std::string prepare_geometry_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification); std::string prepare_tess_ctrl_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification); std::string prepare_tess_eval_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification); std::string prepare_vertex_shader(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type, const std::string& function_definition, const std::string& function_use, const std::string& verification); void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; /** Implements "inout" case of SubRoutineCalls test, description follows: * * Modify "function-calls" test in the following aspects: * - provide two subroutines instead of each function; * - "new" "out" subroutine should use different pattern of values; * - "new" "inout" subroutine should use division instead of multiplication; * - it is expected that "original" set will pass, while "new" set will fail. **/ template class SubroutineFunctionCalls2 : public SubroutineFunctionCalls1 { public: /* Public methods */ SubroutineFunctionCalls2(Context& context) : SubroutineFunctionCalls1(context, "SubroutineFunctionCalls2", " Declare two subroutines taking an inout parameter,\n" " which modifies each element in a unique way.\n" " Verifies that the results after returning are as expected.\n" " Repeat for the following primitive types: int, float,\n" " ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, vec2, vec3, vec4, mat2, mat3, mat4.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SubroutineFunctionCalls2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class SubroutineArgumentAliasing1 : public SubroutineFunctionCalls1 { public: /* Public methods */ SubroutineArgumentAliasing1(Context& context) : SubroutineFunctionCalls1( context, "SubroutineArgumentAliasing1", " Declare a function taking two 8-dimensional, 64-element parameters\n" " (e.g. void g(int x[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2], int\n" " y[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2]) and verify that after calling g(z,z),\n" " and overwriting one parameter with a constant value, the original values of z\n" " are accessible through the second parameter.\n" " Repeat for float and mat4 types.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SubroutineArgumentAliasing1() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class SubroutineArgumentAliasing2 : public SubroutineFunctionCalls1 { public: /* Public methods */ SubroutineArgumentAliasing2(Context& context) : SubroutineFunctionCalls1( context, "SubroutineArgumentAliasing2", " Declare two subroutines taking two 8-dimensional, 64-element parameters\n" " (e.g. void g(int x[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2], int\n" " y[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2]) and verify that after calling g(z,z),\n" " and overwriting one parameter with a constant value, the original values of z\n" " are accessible through the second inout parameter.\n" " Repeat for float and mat4 types.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SubroutineArgumentAliasing2() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class SubroutineArgumentAliasing3 : public SubroutineFunctionCalls1 { public: /* Public methods */ SubroutineArgumentAliasing3(Context& context) : SubroutineFunctionCalls1( context, "SubroutineArgumentAliasing3", " Declare two subroutines taking two 8-dimensional, 64-element parameters\n" " (e.g. void g(int x[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2], int\n" " y[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2]) and verify that after calling g(z,z),\n" " and overwriting x, out, parameter with a constant value, the original values of z\n" " are accessible through the y parameter.\n" " Repeat for float and mat4 types.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SubroutineArgumentAliasing3() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; template class SubroutineArgumentAliasing4 : public SubroutineFunctionCalls1 { public: /* Public methods */ SubroutineArgumentAliasing4(Context& context) : SubroutineFunctionCalls1( context, "SubroutineArgumentAliasing4", " Declare two subroutines taking two 8-dimensional, 64-element parameters\n" " (e.g. void g(int x[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2], int\n" " y[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2]) and verify that after calling g(z,z),\n" " and overwriting y, out, parameter with a constant value, the original values of z\n" " are accessible through the x parameter.\n" " Repeat for float and mat4 types.\n") { /* Left empty on purpose */ } virtual ~SubroutineArgumentAliasing4() { /* Left empty on purpose */ } protected: /* Protected methods */ void test_shader_compilation(typename TestCaseBase::TestShaderType tested_shader_type); }; } /* ArraysOfArrays */ } /* glcts */ #endif // _ES31CARRAYOFARRAYSTESTS_HPP