/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Guava Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.common.graph; import static com.google.common.graph.AbstractNetworkTest.ERROR_MODIFIABLE_COLLECTION; import static com.google.common.graph.TestUtil.ERROR_NODE_NOT_IN_GRAPH; import static com.google.common.graph.TestUtil.EdgeType.DIRECTED; import static com.google.common.graph.TestUtil.EdgeType.UNDIRECTED; import static com.google.common.graph.TestUtil.assertNodeNotInGraphErrorMessage; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import com.google.common.graph.TestUtil.EdgeType; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; /** * Test for {@link Network} methods which have default implementations. Currently those * implementations are in {@link AbstractNetwork}; in future they might be in {@link Network} * itself, once we are willing to use Java 8 default methods. */ @AndroidIncompatible // TODO(cpovirk): Figure out Android JUnit 4 support. Does it work with Gingerbread? @RunWith? @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public final class DefaultNetworkImplementationsTest { private MutableNetwork network; private NetworkForTest networkForTest; private static final Integer N1 = 1; private static final Integer N2 = 2; private static final Integer NODE_NOT_IN_GRAPH = 1000; private static final String E11 = "1-1"; private static final String E11_A = "1-1a"; private static final String E12 = "1-2"; private static final String E12_A = "1-2a"; private static final String E21 = "2-1"; private static final String E23 = "2-3"; @Parameters public static Collection parameters() { return Arrays.asList( new Object[][] { {UNDIRECTED}, {DIRECTED}, }); } private final EdgeType edgeType; public DefaultNetworkImplementationsTest(EdgeType edgeType) { this.edgeType = edgeType; } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { NetworkBuilder builder = (edgeType == EdgeType.DIRECTED) ? NetworkBuilder.directed() : NetworkBuilder.undirected(); network = builder.allowsSelfLoops(true).allowsParallelEdges(true).build(); networkForTest = NetworkForTest.from(network); } @Test public void edgesConnecting_disconnectedNodes() { network.addNode(N1); network.addNode(N2); assertThat(networkForTest.edgesConnecting(N1, N2)).isEmpty(); } @Test public void edgesConnecting_nodesNotInGraph() { network.addNode(N1); network.addNode(N2); try { networkForTest.edgesConnecting(N1, NODE_NOT_IN_GRAPH); fail(ERROR_NODE_NOT_IN_GRAPH); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertNodeNotInGraphErrorMessage(e); } try { networkForTest.edgesConnecting(NODE_NOT_IN_GRAPH, N2); fail(ERROR_NODE_NOT_IN_GRAPH); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertNodeNotInGraphErrorMessage(e); } try { networkForTest.edgesConnecting(NODE_NOT_IN_GRAPH, NODE_NOT_IN_GRAPH); fail(ERROR_NODE_NOT_IN_GRAPH); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertNodeNotInGraphErrorMessage(e); } } @Test public void edgesConnecting_checkReturnedSetMutability() { network.addNode(N1); network.addNode(N2); Set edgesConnecting = network.edgesConnecting(N1, N2); try { edgesConnecting.add(E23); fail(ERROR_MODIFIABLE_COLLECTION); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { network.addEdge(N1, N2, E12); assertThat(networkForTest.edgesConnecting(N1, N2)).containsExactlyElementsIn(edgesConnecting); } } @Test public void edgesConnecting_oneEdge() { network.addEdge(N1, N2, E12); assertThat(networkForTest.edgesConnecting(N1, N2)).containsExactly(E12); if (edgeType == EdgeType.DIRECTED) { assertThat(networkForTest.edgesConnecting(N2, N1)).isEmpty(); } else { assertThat(networkForTest.edgesConnecting(N2, N1)).containsExactly(E12); } } @Test public void edgesConnecting_selfLoop() { network.addEdge(N1, N1, E11); assertThat(networkForTest.edgesConnecting(N1, N1)).containsExactly(E11); network.addEdge(N1, N2, E12); assertThat(networkForTest.edgesConnecting(N1, N2)).containsExactly(E12); assertThat(networkForTest.edgesConnecting(N1, N1)).containsExactly(E11); } @Test public void edgesConnecting_parallelEdges() { network.addEdge(N1, N2, E12); network.addEdge(N1, N2, E12_A); network.addEdge(N2, N1, E21); if (edgeType == EdgeType.DIRECTED) { assertThat(networkForTest.edgesConnecting(N1, N2)).containsExactly(E12, E12_A); assertThat(networkForTest.edgesConnecting(N2, N1)).containsExactly(E21); } else { assertThat(networkForTest.edgesConnecting(N1, N2)).containsExactly(E12, E12_A, E21); assertThat(networkForTest.edgesConnecting(N2, N1)).containsExactly(E12, E12_A, E21); } } @Test public void edgesConnecting_parallelSelfLoopEdges() { network.addEdge(N1, N1, E11); network.addEdge(N1, N1, E11_A); assertThat(network.edgesConnecting(N1, N1)).containsExactly(E11, E11_A); } private static class NetworkForTest extends AbstractNetwork { private final Network network; NetworkForTest(Network network) { this.network = network; } static NetworkForTest from(Network network) { return new NetworkForTest<>(network); } @Override public Set nodes() { return network.nodes(); } @Override public Set edges() { return network.edges(); } @Override public boolean isDirected() { return network.isDirected(); } @Override public boolean allowsParallelEdges() { return network.allowsParallelEdges(); } @Override public boolean allowsSelfLoops() { return network.allowsSelfLoops(); } @Override public ElementOrder nodeOrder() { return network.nodeOrder(); } @Override public ElementOrder edgeOrder() { return network.edgeOrder(); } @Override public Set adjacentNodes(N node) { return network.adjacentNodes(node); } @Override public Set predecessors(N node) { return network.predecessors(node); } @Override public Set successors(N node) { return network.successors(node); } @Override public Set incidentEdges(N node) { return network.incidentEdges(node); } @Override public Set inEdges(N node) { return network.inEdges(node); } @Override public Set outEdges(N node) { return network.outEdges(node); } @Override public EndpointPair incidentNodes(E edge) { return network.incidentNodes(edge); } @Override public Set adjacentEdges(E edge) { return network.adjacentEdges(edge); } // _don't_ override edge*Connecting*; we want the behavior from AbstractNetwork } }