/* * Written by Doug Lea and Martin Buchholz with assistance from * members of JCP JSR-166 Expert Group and released to the public * domain, as explained at * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* * Source: * http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/jsr166/src/test/tck-jsr166e/AtomicDoubleTest.java?revision=1.8 * (Modified to adapt to guava coding conventions) */ package com.google.common.util.concurrent; /** Unit test for {@link AtomicDouble}. */ public class AtomicDoubleTest extends JSR166TestCase { private static final double[] VALUES = { Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, -Double.MAX_VALUE, (double) Long.MIN_VALUE, (double) Integer.MIN_VALUE, -Math.PI, -1.0, -Double.MIN_VALUE, -0.0, +0.0, Double.MIN_VALUE, 1.0, Math.PI, (double) Integer.MAX_VALUE, (double) Long.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NaN, Float.MAX_VALUE, }; /** The notion of equality used by AtomicDouble */ static boolean bitEquals(double x, double y) { return Double.doubleToRawLongBits(x) == Double.doubleToRawLongBits(y); } static void assertBitEquals(double x, double y) { assertEquals(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(x), Double.doubleToRawLongBits(y)); } /** constructor initializes to given value */ public void testConstructor() { for (double x : VALUES) { AtomicDouble a = new AtomicDouble(x); assertBitEquals(x, a.get()); } } /** default constructed initializes to zero */ public void testConstructor2() { AtomicDouble a = new AtomicDouble(); assertBitEquals(0.0, a.get()); } /** get returns the last value set */ public void testGetSet() { AtomicDouble at = new AtomicDouble(1.0); assertBitEquals(1.0, at.get()); for (double x : VALUES) { at.set(x); assertBitEquals(x, at.get()); } } /** get returns the last value lazySet in same thread */ public void testGetLazySet() { AtomicDouble at = new AtomicDouble(1.0); assertBitEquals(1.0, at.get()); for (double x : VALUES) { at.lazySet(x); assertBitEquals(x, at.get()); } } /** compareAndSet succeeds in changing value if equal to expected else fails */ public void testCompareAndSet() { double prev = Math.E; double unused = Math.E + Math.PI; AtomicDouble at = new AtomicDouble(prev); for (double x : VALUES) { assertBitEquals(prev, at.get()); assertFalse(at.compareAndSet(unused, x)); assertBitEquals(prev, at.get()); assertTrue(at.compareAndSet(prev, x)); assertBitEquals(x, at.get()); prev = x; } } /** compareAndSet in one thread enables another waiting for value to succeed */ public void testCompareAndSetInMultipleThreads() throws Exception { final AtomicDouble at = new AtomicDouble(1.0); Thread t = newStartedThread( new CheckedRunnable() { public void realRun() { while (!at.compareAndSet(2.0, 3.0)) { Thread.yield(); } } }); assertTrue(at.compareAndSet(1.0, 2.0)); awaitTermination(t); assertBitEquals(3.0, at.get()); } /** repeated weakCompareAndSet succeeds in changing value when equal to expected */ public void testWeakCompareAndSet() { double prev = Math.E; double unused = Math.E + Math.PI; AtomicDouble at = new AtomicDouble(prev); for (double x : VALUES) { assertBitEquals(prev, at.get()); assertFalse(at.weakCompareAndSet(unused, x)); assertBitEquals(prev, at.get()); while (!at.weakCompareAndSet(prev, x)) {; } assertBitEquals(x, at.get()); prev = x; } } /** getAndSet returns previous value and sets to given value */ public void testGetAndSet() { double prev = Math.E; AtomicDouble at = new AtomicDouble(prev); for (double x : VALUES) { assertBitEquals(prev, at.getAndSet(x)); prev = x; } } /** getAndAdd returns previous value and adds given value */ public void testGetAndAdd() { for (double x : VALUES) { for (double y : VALUES) { AtomicDouble a = new AtomicDouble(x); double z = a.getAndAdd(y); assertBitEquals(x, z); assertBitEquals(x + y, a.get()); } } } /** addAndGet adds given value to current, and returns current value */ public void testAddAndGet() { for (double x : VALUES) { for (double y : VALUES) { AtomicDouble a = new AtomicDouble(x); double z = a.addAndGet(y); assertBitEquals(x + y, z); assertBitEquals(x + y, a.get()); } } } /** a deserialized serialized atomic holds same value */ public void testSerialization() throws Exception { AtomicDouble a = new AtomicDouble(); AtomicDouble b = serialClone(a); assertNotSame(a, b); a.set(-22.0); AtomicDouble c = serialClone(a); assertNotSame(b, c); assertBitEquals(-22.0, a.get()); assertBitEquals(0.0, b.get()); assertBitEquals(-22.0, c.get()); for (double x : VALUES) { AtomicDouble d = new AtomicDouble(x); assertBitEquals(serialClone(d).get(), d.get()); } } /** toString returns current value */ public void testToString() { AtomicDouble at = new AtomicDouble(); assertEquals("0.0", at.toString()); for (double x : VALUES) { at.set(x); assertEquals(Double.toString(x), at.toString()); } } /** intValue returns current value. */ public void testIntValue() { AtomicDouble at = new AtomicDouble(); assertEquals(0, at.intValue()); for (double x : VALUES) { at.set(x); assertEquals((int) x, at.intValue()); } } /** longValue returns current value. */ public void testLongValue() { AtomicDouble at = new AtomicDouble(); assertEquals(0L, at.longValue()); for (double x : VALUES) { at.set(x); assertEquals((long) x, at.longValue()); } } /** floatValue returns current value. */ public void testFloatValue() { AtomicDouble at = new AtomicDouble(); assertEquals(0.0f, at.floatValue()); for (double x : VALUES) { at.set(x); assertEquals((float) x, at.floatValue()); } } /** doubleValue returns current value. */ public void testDoubleValue() { AtomicDouble at = new AtomicDouble(); assertEquals(0.0d, at.doubleValue()); for (double x : VALUES) { at.set(x); assertBitEquals(x, at.doubleValue()); } } /** compareAndSet treats +0.0 and -0.0 as distinct values */ public void testDistinctZeros() { AtomicDouble at = new AtomicDouble(+0.0); assertFalse(at.compareAndSet(-0.0, 7.0)); assertFalse(at.weakCompareAndSet(-0.0, 7.0)); assertBitEquals(+0.0, at.get()); assertTrue(at.compareAndSet(+0.0, -0.0)); assertBitEquals(-0.0, at.get()); assertFalse(at.compareAndSet(+0.0, 7.0)); assertFalse(at.weakCompareAndSet(+0.0, 7.0)); assertBitEquals(-0.0, at.get()); } }