package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser; import java.util.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; /** * Unit tests related to handling of overloaded methods. * and specifically addressing problems [JACKSON-189] * and [JACKSON-739] */ public class TestOverloaded extends BaseMapTest { static class BaseListBean { List list; BaseListBean() { } public void setList(List l) { list = l; } } static class ArrayListBean extends BaseListBean { ArrayListBean() { } public void setList(ArrayList l) { super.setList(l); } } // 27-Feb-2010, tatus: Won't fix immediately, need to comment out /* static class OverloadBean { String a; public OverloadBean() { } public void setA(int value) { a = String.valueOf(value); } public void setA(String value) { a = value; } } */ static class NumberBean { protected Object value; public void setValue(Number n) { value = n; } } static class WasNumberBean extends NumberBean { public void setValue(String str) { value = str; } } // [JACKSON-739] static class Overloaded739 { protected Object _value; @JsonProperty public void setValue(String str) { _value = str; } // no annotation, should not be chosen: public void setValue(Object o) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } /** * And then a Bean that is conflicting and should not work */ static class ConflictBean { public void setA(ArrayList a) { } public void setA(LinkedList a) { } } /* /************************************************************ /* Unit tests, valid /************************************************************ */ private final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); /** * Unit test related to [JACKSON-189] */ // 27-Feb-2010, tatus: Won't fix immediately, need to comment out /* public void testSimpleOverload() throws Exception { OverloadBean bean; try { bean = new ObjectMapper().readValue("{ \"a\" : 13 }", OverloadBean.class); } catch (JsonMappingException e) { fail("Did not expect an exception, got: "+e.getMessage()); return; } assertEquals("13", bean.a); } */ /** * It should be ok to overload with specialized * version; more specific method should be used. */ public void testSpecialization() throws Exception { ArrayListBean bean = MAPPER.readValue ("{\"list\":[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]}", ArrayListBean.class); assertNotNull(bean.list); assertEquals(3, bean.list.size()); assertEquals(ArrayList.class, bean.list.getClass()); assertEquals("a", bean.list.get(0)); assertEquals("b", bean.list.get(1)); assertEquals("c", bean.list.get(2)); } /** * As per [JACKSON-255], should also allow more general overriding, * as long as there are no in-class conflicts. */ public void testOverride() throws Exception { WasNumberBean bean = MAPPER.readValue ("{\"value\" : \"abc\"}", WasNumberBean.class); assertNotNull(bean); assertEquals("abc", bean.value); } // for [JACKSON-739] public void testConflictResolution() throws Exception { Overloaded739 bean = MAPPER.readValue ("{\"value\":\"abc\"}", Overloaded739.class); assertNotNull(bean); assertEquals("abc", bean._value); } /* /************************************************************ /* Unit tests, failures /************************************************************ */ /** * For genuine setter conflict, an exception is to be thrown. */ public void testSetterConflict() throws Exception { try { MAPPER.readValue("{ }", ConflictBean.class); } catch (Exception e) { verifyException(e, "Conflicting setter definitions"); } } }