package com.fasterxml.jackson.failing; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; // [databind#2465] public class JacksonInject2465Test extends BaseMapTest { // [databind#2465] public static final class TestCase2465 { // 17-Apr-2020, tatu: Forcing this to be ignored will work around the // problem, but this really should not be necessary. // @JsonIgnore private final Internal2465 str; private final int id; @JsonCreator public TestCase2465(@JacksonInject(useInput = OptBoolean.FALSE) Internal2465 str, @JsonProperty("id") int id) { this.str = str; = id; } public int fetchId() { return id; } public Internal2465 fetchInternal() { return str; } } public static final class Internal2465 { final String val; public Internal2465(String val) { this.val = val; } } // [databind#2465] public void testInjectWithCreator() throws Exception { ObjectMapper mapper = jsonMapperBuilder() .defaultSetterInfo(JsonSetter.Value.construct(Nulls.AS_EMPTY, Nulls.AS_EMPTY)) .build(); mapper.setVisibility(mapper.getVisibilityChecker().withVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY)); final Internal2465 injected = new Internal2465("test"); TestCase2465 o = mapper.readerFor(TestCase2465.class) .with(new InjectableValues.Std().addValue(Internal2465.class, injected)) .readValue("{\"id\":3}"); assertEquals(3, o.fetchId()); assertNotNull(o.fetchInternal()); } }