 * Copyright 2016-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.

package kotlinx.coroutines.slf4j

import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import org.slf4j.MDC
import kotlin.coroutines.AbstractCoroutineContextElement
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext

 * The value of [MDC] context map.
 * See [MDC.getCopyOfContextMap].
public typealias MDCContextMap = Map<String, String>?

 * [MDC] context element for [CoroutineContext].
 * Example:
 * ```
 * MDC.put("kotlin", "rocks") // Put a value into the MDC context
 * launch(MDCContext()) {
 *     logger.info { "..." }   // The MDC context contains the mapping here
 * }
 * ```
 * Note that you cannot update MDC context from inside of the coroutine simply
 * using [MDC.put]. These updates are going to be lost on the next suspension and
 * reinstalled to the MDC context that was captured or explicitly specified in
 * [contextMap] when this object was created on the next resumption.
 * Use `withContext(MDCContext()) { ... }` to capture updated map of MDC keys and values
 * for the specified block of code.
 * @param contextMap the value of [MDC] context map.
 * Default value is the copy of the current thread's context map that is acquired via
 * [MDC.getCopyOfContextMap].
public class MDCContext(
     * The value of [MDC] context map.
    public val contextMap: MDCContextMap = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap()
) : ThreadContextElement<MDCContextMap>, AbstractCoroutineContextElement(Key) {
     * Key of [MDCContext] in [CoroutineContext].
    public companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<MDCContext>

    /** @suppress */
    override fun updateThreadContext(context: CoroutineContext): MDCContextMap {
        val oldState = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap()
        return oldState

    /** @suppress */
    override fun restoreThreadContext(context: CoroutineContext, oldState: MDCContextMap) {

    private fun setCurrent(contextMap: MDCContextMap) {
        if (contextMap == null) {
        } else {