/* * Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ @file:Suppress("NAMED_ARGUMENTS_NOT_ALLOWED", "UNREACHABLE_CODE") // KT-21913 package kotlinx.coroutines import kotlin.test.* class WithTimeoutTest : TestBase() { /** * Tests a case of no timeout and no suspension inside. */ @Test fun testBasicNoSuspend() = runTest { expect(1) val result = withTimeout(10_000) { expect(2) "OK" } assertEquals("OK", result) finish(3) } /** * Tests a case of no timeout and one suspension inside. */ @Test fun testBasicSuspend() = runTest { expect(1) val result = withTimeout(10_000) { expect(2) yield() expect(3) "OK" } assertEquals("OK", result) finish(4) } /** * Tests proper dispatching of `withTimeout` blocks */ @Test fun testDispatch() = runTest { expect(1) launch { expect(4) yield() // back to main expect(7) } expect(2) // test that it does not yield to the above job when started val result = withTimeout(1000) { expect(3) yield() // yield only now expect(5) "OK" } assertEquals("OK", result) expect(6) yield() // back to launch finish(8) } /** * Tests that a 100% CPU-consuming loop will react on timeout if it has yields. */ @Test fun testYieldBlockingWithTimeout() = runTest( expected = { it is CancellationException } ) { withTimeout(100) { while (true) { yield() } } } /** * Tests that [withTimeout] waits for children coroutines to complete. */ @Test fun testWithTimeoutChildWait() = runTest { expect(1) withTimeout(100) { expect(2) // launch child with timeout launch { expect(4) } expect(3) // now will wait for child before returning } finish(5) } @Test fun testBadClass() = runTest { val bad = BadClass() val result = withTimeout(100) { bad } assertSame(bad, result) } @Test fun testExceptionOnTimeout() = runTest { expect(1) try { withTimeout(100) { expect(2) delay(1000) expectUnreached() "OK" } } catch (e: CancellationException) { assertEquals("Timed out waiting for 100 ms", e.message) finish(3) } } @Test fun testSuppressExceptionWithResult() = runTest( expected = { it is CancellationException } ) { expect(1) withTimeout(100) { expect(2) try { delay(1000) } catch (e: CancellationException) { finish(3) } "OK" } expectUnreached() } @Test fun testSuppressExceptionWithAnotherException() = runTest{ expect(1) try { withTimeout(100) { expect(2) try { delay(1000) } catch (e: CancellationException) { expect(3) throw TestException() } expectUnreached() "OK" } expectUnreached() } catch (e: TestException) { finish(4) } } @Test fun testNegativeTimeout() = runTest { expect(1) try { withTimeout(-1) { expectUnreached() "OK" } } catch (e: TimeoutCancellationException) { assertEquals("Timed out immediately", e.message) finish(2) } } @Test fun testExceptionFromWithinTimeout() = runTest { expect(1) try { expect(2) withTimeout(1000) { expect(3) throw TestException() } expectUnreached() } catch (e: TestException) { finish(4) } } @Test fun testIncompleteWithTimeoutState() = runTest { lateinit var timeoutJob: Job val handle = withTimeout(Long.MAX_VALUE) { timeoutJob = coroutineContext[Job]!! timeoutJob.invokeOnCompletion { } } handle.dispose() timeoutJob.join() assertTrue(timeoutJob.isCompleted) assertFalse(timeoutJob.isActive) assertFalse(timeoutJob.isCancelled) } }