/* * Copyright 2016-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ package kotlinx.coroutines.test import kotlinx.coroutines.* import org.junit.Test import kotlin.coroutines.* import kotlin.test.* class TestBuildersTest { @Test fun scopeRunBlocking_passesDispatcher() { val scope = TestCoroutineScope() scope.runBlockingTest { assertSame(scope.coroutineContext[ContinuationInterceptor], coroutineContext[ContinuationInterceptor]) } } @Test fun dispatcherRunBlocking_passesDispatcher() { val dispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher() dispatcher.runBlockingTest { assertSame(dispatcher, coroutineContext[ContinuationInterceptor]) } } @Test fun scopeRunBlocking_advancesPreviousDelay() { val scope = TestCoroutineScope() val deferred = scope.async { delay(SLOW) 3 } scope.runBlockingTest { assertRunsFast { assertEquals(3, deferred.await()) } } } @Test fun dispatcherRunBlocking_advancesPreviousDelay() { val dispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher() val scope = CoroutineScope(dispatcher) val deferred = scope.async { delay(SLOW) 3 } dispatcher.runBlockingTest { assertRunsFast { assertEquals(3, deferred.await()) } } } @Test fun scopeRunBlocking_disablesImmedateOnExit() { val scope = TestCoroutineScope() scope.runBlockingTest { assertRunsFast { delay(SLOW) } } val deferred = scope.async { delay(SLOW) 3 } scope.runCurrent() assertTrue(deferred.isActive) scope.advanceUntilIdle() assertEquals(3, deferred.getCompleted()) } @Test fun whenInAsync_runBlocking_nestsProperly() { // this is not a supported use case, but it is possible so ensure it works val dispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher() val scope = TestCoroutineScope(dispatcher) val deferred = scope.async { delay(1_000) var retval = 2 runBlockingTest { delay(1_000) retval++ } retval } scope.advanceTimeBy(1_000) scope.launch { assertRunsFast { assertEquals(3, deferred.getCompleted()) } } scope.runCurrent() // execute the launch without changing to immediate dispatch (testing internals) scope.cleanupTestCoroutines() } @Test fun whenInrunBlocking_runBlockingTest_nestsProperly() { // this is not a supported use case, but it is possible so ensure it works val scope = TestCoroutineScope() var calls = 0 scope.runBlockingTest { delay(1_000) calls++ runBlockingTest { val job = launch { delay(1_000) calls++ } assertTrue(job.isActive) advanceUntilIdle() assertFalse(job.isActive) calls++ } ++calls } assertEquals(4, calls) } }